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The new spellforged package

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Well it's hard to complain when most outfits and armors look the best on Humans. So having one that looks good on Asura and Charr is appropriate and really not that big of deal.

I do like the back piece I just dislike how big it is on other characters as it just adds to the visual clutter and some characters are well past the visual diarrhea phase. :)

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Really bad outfit. I'm not sure how this game even makes revenue with outfits like this.

There's a reason if you look around, most people are wearing vipers leggings, human cultural t3 light and medium, human starter t3, elonian elementalist outfit, krytan jerkin, winged armor set, barbaric plate set, and the new tshirt - people want to dress their barbies to be cute and sexy.

You should not be ignoring your player base when it comes to your REVENUE source. The majority of people playing are weebs who want to make their human female sexy and cute and will spend gems to do so. Your player base is not SC2 players who want to RP as marines.

If you want to continue to actually gain revenue, then your art team needs to re-examine what they're doing and actually cater to the player base this game has, not some non-existent player base that doesn't exist and won't buy outfits like this.

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@"Shiyo.3578" said:There's a reason if you look around, most people are wearing vipers leggings, human cultural t3 light and medium, human starter t3, elonian elementalist outfit krytan jerkin, winged armor set, barbaric plate set, and the new tshirt - people want to dress their barbies to be cute and sexy.

you forgot the limited edition clothing outfits (HoT & GW2 Deluxe) and the seize the awkward clothing outfit, which are all basic tee's + shorts. i see a lot of people wearing those too.

regardless of character gender, male or female, human/norn there's a sizeable portion of the playerbase who want to dress up in "non-fantasy/medieval" clothing ( me included =) )

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This outfit is a sin to people who actually fashion seriously on this game. Honestly, crappy outfits like this makes me glad I stopped spending money on outfits. Absolutely atrocious. We want NORMAL, practical ornate armors, clothing, town clothes, whatever with decent, updated textures. Not this crap.

Geezus, I'm glad I just sketch out most of characters outfits and accessories because that outfit just makes physically cringe.

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@Lilyanna.9361 said:This outfit is a sin to people who actually fashion seriously on this game. Honestly, crappy outfits like this makes me glad I stopped spending money on outfits. Absolutely atrocious. We want NORMAL, practical ornate armors, clothing, town clothes, whatever with decent, updated textures. Not this kitten.

Geezus, I'm glad I just sketch out most of characters outfits and accessories because that outfit just makes physically cringe.

I take fashion very seriously in this game. Finally I can have a buff melee Asura. It is nice to have an outfit that looks best on Asura for a change.

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@Josiah.2967 said:

@Lilyanna.9361 said:This outfit is a sin to people who actually fashion seriously on this game. Honestly, crappy outfits like this makes me glad I stopped spending money on outfits. Absolutely atrocious. We want NORMAL, practical ornate armors, clothing, town clothes, whatever with decent, updated textures. Not this kitten.

Geezus, I'm glad I just sketch out most of characters outfits and accessories because that outfit just makes physically cringe.

I take fashion very seriously in this game. Finally I can have a buff melee Asura. It is nice to have an outfit that looks best on Asura for a change.

I mean, good for you? I have plenty of asura too that I made buff with armors. And that's on non-heavy classes.

My point is, if they want to make outfits at least have them look GOOD. Yes, fashion to every person is very subjective but this is a goofy meme at best. I've a whole ONE person seriously where that outfit across ten maps I was doing content on.

I understand they don't want to sell armor pieces like that, but damn, at least make your products look polished and well-done.

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@Lilyanna.9361 said:

@Lilyanna.9361 said:This outfit is a sin to people who actually fashion seriously on this game. Honestly, crappy outfits like this makes me glad I stopped spending money on outfits. Absolutely atrocious. We want NORMAL, practical ornate armors, clothing, town clothes, whatever with decent, updated textures. Not this kitten.

Geezus, I'm glad I just sketch out most of characters outfits and accessories because that outfit just makes physically cringe.

I take fashion very seriously in this game. Finally I can have a buff melee Asura. It is nice to have an outfit that looks best on Asura for a change.

I mean, good for you? I have plenty of asura too that I made buff with armors. And that's on non-heavy classes.

My point is, if they want to make outfits at least have them look GOOD. Yes, fashion to every person is very subjective but this is a goofy meme at best. I've a whole ONE person seriously where that outfit across ten maps I was doing content on.

I understand they don't want to sell armor pieces like that, but kitten, at least make your products look polished and well-done.

I had 3 people complement me on my use of the outfit in Dragon Bash yesterday. shrug

I get the clipping issue. I only play Asura. Usually we are shafted. Toes are not covered, Dragon wing hovers over our back and is not attached like the other races, it...they just connect in the middle of the air.... To me this is no different than normal, just the Asura was the focus for a change.

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@Josiah.2967 said:

@Lilyanna.9361 said:This outfit is a sin to people who actually fashion seriously on this game. Honestly, crappy outfits like this makes me glad I stopped spending money on outfits. Absolutely atrocious. We want NORMAL, practical ornate armors, clothing, town clothes, whatever with decent, updated textures. Not this kitten.

Geezus, I'm glad I just sketch out most of characters outfits and accessories because that outfit just makes physically cringe.

I take fashion very seriously in this game. Finally I can have a buff melee Asura. It is nice to have an outfit that looks best on Asura for a change.

I mean, good for you? I have plenty of asura too that I made buff with armors. And that's on non-heavy classes.

My point is, if they want to make outfits at least have them look GOOD. Yes, fashion to every person is very subjective but this is a goofy meme at best. I've a whole ONE person seriously where that outfit across ten maps I was doing content on.

I understand they don't want to sell armor pieces like that, but kitten, at least make your products look polished and well-done.

I had 3 people complement me on my use of the outfit in Dragon Bash yesterday.

I get the clipping issue. I only play Asura. Usually we are shafted. Toes are not covered, Dragon wing hovers over our back and is not attached like the other races, it...they just connect in the middle of the air.... To me this is no different than normal, just the Asura was the focus for a change.

Asura was the focus? Hah! If it would look good on them, that would be nothing but a fortunate accident (to me it looks despicable). If you think it looks "buff" because of those mutated shoulders then, well, what could i possibly say? Good for you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@"ilostmydaddy.4975" said:I'll just leave this here.I'll just leave this here. I think it speaks for itself.

Wait! Is that a can opener! :astonished:

I recently starting playing with my brother and daughter, both of which are new to MMOs. I dye up the backpack so it is extra bright so they can find my character to follow me as I lead them to the next adventure. Works great!

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@"hugo.4705" said:etXNEVy.jpg Outfit - Glider - Backpack

Frankly, what is happening with putting shiny things or fog or light effects? The look is also disappointing and basic for a thing called Spellforged.The Backpack is great, It looks really nice and is unique. The glider, well I give it a meh, but same as backpack it's a new look.

But the outfit, I'm sure I already saw like 5+ heavy armor skins looking the same: Mistshard, requiem, the envoys.... plus the outfit in itself, take Ironclad: Kinda the same, without the lights.It is just a so basic looking armor, for a 700 gems outfit....https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Requiem_armor_(heavy)_human_female_front.jpghttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Ironclad_Outfit_asura_female_front.jpg

Or more closer: A kind of copy paste of the warlord armor.j6CcRk1.jpg

I don't get the rata sum background of the gemstore banner like it's a high-tech thing.

lol, that looks rediculous. Sorry

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@dukenukem.9072 said:

@dukenukem.9072 said:Can you hide the shoulders? I just feel like they are too large.Sorry, that's not an option with outfits.

Hide your regular shoulders and the outfit will hide them too. It also works for helmets and gloves.

This is true for all of one outfit, Cook's. Maaaaybe one other that was also translated from the old town clothes. Most outfits hide helm only.

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