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Whishes for the next expansion

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... world ending event, lol.Something to make all players unite for one day, that would probably cause server crashes but, be remembered as the day players fought for tyria... And failed, lol. Because of server crashes but, that would be epic.

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-longer story episodes-more group content, specially fractals and strikes-more character customization-unlocking all armor weights looks finally.-new and exciting story-loys of fun side activities that don't feel like a grind-new systems-new elite specs

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@Luc de Lanzac.2160 said:

  1. new elite specs, but specs that have been intensively tested before releasing so there would only be small balance patches necessary if even

I too want a Unicorn and World Peace.

@Luc de Lanzac.2160 said:

  1. more template slots (both for equipment & build). even though its financially spoken more worth it to just create new characters, personally i like the idea to have every version you want to play for a specific class on 1 character especially interesting maybe for those who have something like a "main"

You forgot the rule 1: "How does this help us sell Gems."

  1. maps that automatically drag high population every day and not just for achievements. see like the HoT maps, where you get full maps every single day almost every meta rotation. id like the devs to see why those maps are being played so much. give people reason to grind maps and hope for their luck! compare it with maps that also have a chance of dropping infusions but which are maps that are not as popular

You'll get more barely changed nostalgia maps like POF and you'll like it, mister. Don't forget, BUY GEMS to get the Xpac relevant weapon skins.

  1. new guildhall; the ability to doubleclick items in the guildbank to get them either into the guildbank or out of it

Let Guildhalls die. No one uses them for anything but an extra daily harvest.

  1. new set of legendary weapons


Anet Sales: "Again, how does this help us sell Gems?"

  1. worked over underwater skills & combat

Oh, they will, but based on what we have seen so far, I am not confident in the results at all. Swim speed infusions? Really?

  1. 1-2 new mounts: wouldnt even mind if it takes actually grinding time as for the skyscale. even though there were many complains about it being so time consuming, in my opinion its the nature of an MMORPG to grind and "work" for specific stuff, as for mounts. make it actually hard to get them (tbh rather hard obtainable than just time consuming) but those mounts being useful enough for players to want them not just for the sake of completition

No, no, no and no. Gliders were the HoT thing, Mounts were the PoF thing, whatever comes next will need a new Gems Skin Sales Gimmick! Get with the lootbox marketing!

  1. underwater map!

Expected, again, see response to 7.

  1. WvW: even though i understand why we dont have season tournaments, id like the idea of actually getting rewarded for winning a match up. there are obviously many other points that me and other wvw players whish for, but that would go too far atm i think.

We've been lied to about Alliances for over 2 years now. WvW will not get anything that doesn't help them generate more Gem sales.

@Luc de Lanzac.2160 said:and thats all that i have in mind atm!

I'm so sorry you're going to overhype this for yourself.

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I just want 1 thing. For Thief and to be good again. And by good i mean not only DPS wise but also support-wise. Some boon support or even healing support would be nice. For far too many years Thief was hated so much that Anet acted accordingly.. It's time to treat us like Guardians and not like the #1 target of nerfhammer. We want build diversity! (almost everything i said can be also applied to Mesmer. almost.) Seeing squads out of 20/50 guardians and 1/50 Thieves says quite alot..

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@kharmin.7683 said:Wishing for 3 new races would, IMO, be a tall order.

true. they never added a new race since HoT and PoF, so yeah doubt they'd even add 1 for the upcoming expansion.

i'd welcome it if they ever do, but i wont expect it.

@Dave.6819 said:I just want 1 thing. For Thief and to be good again. And by good i mean not only DPS wise but also support-wise. Some boon support or even healing support would be nice. For far too many years Thief was hated so much that Anet acted accordingly.. It's time to treat us like Guardians and not like the #1 target of nerfhammer. We want build diversity! (almost everything i said can be also applied to Mesmer. almost.) Seeing squads out of 20/50 guardians and 1/50 Thieves says quite alot..

i think thief isn't hated by Anet but they just ignore it most of the time. almost as if they don't exist. see every balance patch notes: nothing remarkable for thieves majority of the time, for PvE atleast.

the only time they touch thief really is when people cry about them enough in WvW or PvP.

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Open World maps with engaging meta, focus on massive multiplayer content + side content with focus on replayability

New system (HoT had mastery system + gliding, PoF had mounts)

Something new for WvW

Character customization (New faces, hair, horns, body types etc.)

Rewarding story content with replayability

Repeatable challenging Solo content, maybe as Adventures with a new adventuere currency? (WoW has Torghast, Mage Tower, Brawler guild as examples)

Obviously new armour, weapon skins

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I would wish for something original, so anything but cantha.

@kharmin.7683 said:

@TheLadyOfTheRings.9148 said:I just want new elite specializations and breathtaking maps to explore.

I'd like the ability to actually explore them without aggro-ing mobs from pretty much everywhere all of the time.

Looks like we agree on something. It's no fun exploring when you get pestered by a stream of random beasties and mooks.

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@Yggranya.5201 said:I would wish for something original, so anything but cantha.

@TheLadyOfTheRings.9148 said:I just want new elite specializations and breathtaking maps to explore.

I'd like the ability to actually explore them without aggro-ing mobs from pretty much everywhere all of the time.

Looks like we agree on something. It's no fun exploring when you get pestered by a stream of random beasties and mooks.

We also agree on the anything by Cantha sentiment. Egad!

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@"kharmin.7683" said:Wishing for 3 new races would, IMO, be a tall order.

It is, but If that is going to be the next expansion "signature" as mounts were for PoF, then it doesnt seem like a lot. I'm not considering however the effort to make each new race been able to fit in old armor models and that (tought maybe re-cycling some skeletons can make the work a bit easier). There is also the problem with the core story being hold in a past time, but they figure out something new for one race, they alredy solved the problem for any race they want to implement at the same time.

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Meta maps that are long. maybe a week long.

instance contet. more strikes. maybe some kind of repalyable dungeon thing.

i want one more final round of elite specs.

i want kaineng city to feel kinda like gotham.

i want an acrobatic mastery. Letting up double jump creating more purposeful platforming content.

open world dungeons that tell a story.

i want them to go back across all the maps and add really amazing lore driven quest that give more meaning to what it means to be a mesmer, or a asura, or a noble. these quest wouldnt need voice acting. they would be reallly digging into the fine aspects of the lore and could provide really cool cosmetic options. Maybe if you do a certian quest line your mesmer skills could get the option to turn blue.

making these quest super optional but rewarding.

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@"lil muffin.1250" said:

  1. Meta maps that are long. maybe a week long.

i wont have a problem with this if the rewards are really good and it'll be something to cooperate with the whole zone towards something great.

but i would have a problem with this if there are achievements tied to it (like say if there was an achievement for "get gold on this week long pre- that ends up with this weekly meta 20x").... that would be so bad if you just missed a day or three of the week you might as well wait for next week's.

if they ever do tie an achievement it, it has to be a "get gold on the week long meta 1/1" at most.

one other problem is that GW2 maps/zones, as they are right now, often close and re-open and/or new instances are made and old ones deleted.... potentially resetting the whole progress for the week.

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@"Astyrah.4015" said:

i think thief isn't hated by Anet but they just ignore it most of the time. almost as if they don't exist. see every balance patch notes: nothing remarkable for thieves majority of the time, for PvE atleast.

the only time they touch thief really is when people cry about them enough in WvW or PvP.

True. They used to nerf us hard during HoT and post-HoT. Even during PoF some major nerfs (Swipe/steal change was nail in the coffin).. but now for awhile it's just nothing remarkable at all. Minor changes in traits that no one is even using every balance patch to make it seem that something is being done while in reality nothing is being done... so i guess yes - that's called an "ignore" state.

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-Housing, proper guild/home decoration system. Just enough of infinite amounts of Hubs or lounges... I just want collections and quests closer to core, like that very cool chair quest you added! Seriously, can't you upgrade Scribe to 500, and send us speaking and studying architectures of the five races? Would definitely a breath to have ton of Sylvari/Asura decos for guild hall. Surely 70% of current decos are Humans!!

-Branching story. Seriously, several options..... If doing a stealth mission, allow me to kill the dudes or doing it discreet. If a parley, allow me to increase the tone and shut the others negotiator. Let me have a personality! No overuse of Aurene, please let the commander operate by itself. Non-dragon sub plots plz! I'm no fan of cantha, but maybe a kurzick and luxon thing? The echovald forest may be beautiful.

-Resurrecting dungeon? Seriously, stop strikes. I just think it's a waste of ressources: Strikes, Visions, Fractals, Raids, Dungeons that whole thing.... it feels like you have no proper ideas about what to do to only end with forgotten unfinished contents.... (SAB/Polymock still not finished 7y after, instead, episodes that burn in 30 mins.. woohoo)

-Fashion wars, god, any race, more cultural armors, and weapons!! Return to roots.

-Cool themed specs, a kind of crazy alchemist/mad doctor would be cool for engie.

Pouet. That's it. I don't really care of the story now.

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