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Summit1g streaming gw2

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summit was really upset in today's stream

he said he was really unhappy with the way fights work

he's unhappy with condis and thinks they shouldnt be in the game or there are too manyor there isnt enough condi cleanse and heal for warrior and other classeshe hates Blind and thinks it shouldnt be in the gamehe doesnt like evade and dodginghe doesnt like downstate and thinks it should be simplehe doesnt think Vengeance in downstate does anything and doesnt use ithe thinks aoe fields that give condis are bad and shouldnt be in pvphe thinks when you try to stomp someone, they shouldnt be able to cc youlots more ^^'

here's his stream


starts gw2 ~ 9hrs 40m

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@"Jura.2170" said:summit was really upset in today's stream

he said he was really unhappy with the way fights work

he's unhappy with condis and thinks they shouldnt be in the game or there are too manyor there isnt enough condi cleanse and heal for warrior and other classeshe hates Blind and thinks it shouldnt be in the gamehe doesnt like evade and dodginghe doesnt like downstate and thinks it should be simplehe doesnt think Vengeance in downstate does anything and doesnt use ithe thinks aoe fields that give condis are bad and shouldnt be in pvphe thinks when you try to stomp someone, they shouldnt be able to cc youlots more ^^'

here's his stream


starts gw2 ~ 9hrs 40m

It's clear he just isn't a fan of the combat but also kind of unwilling to learn it. I watched him try WvW and right off the bat he takes on 5+ enemy players and runs for the enemies keep expecting to live.

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@"Jura.2170" said:summit was really upset in today's stream

he said he was really unhappy with the way fights work

he's unhappy with condis and thinks they shouldnt be in the game or there are too manyor there isnt enough condi cleanse and heal for warrior and other classeshe hates Blind and thinks it shouldnt be in the gamehe doesnt like evade and dodginghe doesnt like downstate and thinks it should be simplehe doesnt think Vengeance in downstate does anything and doesnt use ithe thinks aoe fields that give condis are bad and shouldnt be in pvphe thinks when you try to stomp someone, they shouldnt be able to cc youlots more ^^'

here's his stream


starts gw2 ~ 9hrs 40m

So basically, he wants the classic tab targeting MMO game where you only click a skill and call it a day? I dunno anything about this summit1g guy but man... based on the feedback here I am guessing he's not a fan of complex games nor a fan of reading and understanding game mechanics.

Well, at least he tried GW2. This is why level skip from 1 to 80 was a bad thing imho. You learn the game as you play and level up that when you hit level 80, you have an idea on the game and the game mechanics. But that's only my opinion and is outside of the bounds of this thread.

Edit : On the very least, I agree that the condition damage and its application right now in the game is too much that it looks more like a burst skill rather than a Damage Over Time which it should had been. But meh, its a topic that was discussed a LOT of times already and anet just flat out did nothing to it and instead just went full ham to the point that we have this meta in both PvP and PvE.

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@"Jura.2170" said:summit was really upset in today's stream

he said he was really unhappy with the way fights work

he's unhappy with condis and thinks they shouldnt be in the game or there are too manyor there isnt enough condi cleanse and heal for warrior and other classeshe hates Blind and thinks it shouldnt be in the gamehe doesnt like evade and dodginghe doesnt like downstate and thinks it should be simplehe doesnt think Vengeance in downstate does anything and doesnt use ithe thinks aoe fields that give condis are bad and shouldnt be in pvphe thinks when you try to stomp someone, they shouldnt be able to cc youlots more ^^'

here's his stream


starts gw2 ~ 9hrs 40m

In short, he's a FPS pro, used to very straightforward gameplay, which MMO combat is just not.

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Feels like his stay was always limited and timed. He went from having a great time progressing through fractals and doing pvp with his friends, even playing with his gf in pvp. To spending a whole night dueling, solo queuing, not talking, when group queuing with his friends they weren't talking at all just doing their own things, etc.. Plus he openly talked about how he doesn't have much time left in this game, and how he needs to move away from MMO to get back to the "twitch race" (one can assume he's taking about viewership & subscribers). A strange 180.

I don't think it's a problem with the game as much as he realized he needs to get back into FPS to get his viewership back up. He would've done so much better in pvp if he simply learned to focus target with his friends, and finished downs. They get so many downs but he just moves off to chase some random target, then they get rallied or rezzed.

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@Raizel Silverius.6430 said:

@"Jura.2170" said:summit was really upset in today's stream

he said he was really unhappy with the way fights work

he's unhappy with condis and thinks they shouldnt be in the game or there are too manyor there isnt enough condi cleanse and heal for warrior and other classeshe hates Blind and thinks it shouldnt be in the gamehe doesnt like evade and dodginghe doesnt like downstate and thinks it should be simplehe doesnt think Vengeance in downstate does anything and doesnt use ithe thinks aoe fields that give condis are bad and shouldnt be in pvphe thinks when you try to stomp someone, they shouldnt be able to cc youlots more ^^'

here's his stream

starts gw2 ~ 9hrs 40m

So basically, he wants the classic tab targeting MMO game where you only click a skill and call it a day? I dunno anything about this summit1g guy but man... based on the feedback here I am guessing he's not a fan of complex games nor a fan of reading and understanding game mechanics.

Well, at least he tried GW2. This is why level skip from 1 to 80 was a bad thing imho. You learn the game as you play and level up that when you hit level 80, you have an idea on the game and the game mechanics. But that's only my opinion and is outside of the bounds of this thread.

Edit : On the very least, I agree that the condition damage and its application right now in the game is too much that it looks more like a burst skill rather than a Damage Over Time which it should had been. But meh, its a topic that was discussed a LOT of times already and anet just flat out did nothing to it and instead just went full ham to the point that we have this meta in both PvP and PvE.

Actually, he was pretty emphatic about not liking tab targeting. I think this is just a mismatch as far as play style goes.

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I was bored so I watched a bit of this the other night.

He tends to pick builds that are glassy and are lightish on cleanse (Power Rev) and escape mechanics. Then he runs solo into groups of 3+ expecting to live or takes on condi players who specialize in countering his build. It’s ironic, because he said at one point he didn’t want to play thief but he ended up playing a relatively squishy and vulnerable profession build which he plays as though he thinks it is a bunker that can take 3 other people solo.

He doesn’t focus targets well and doesn’t pick out targets that he easily killed before and instead fights the people who are hard for him to kill solo. The result is that he gets tied up in team fights instead of using his higher damage and gap closers to pick off enemies. He never used his Elemental Blast AoE on downs (he used it with his other skills keyboard mashing running away when he was about to die) or in general combat on points or off. Nor did he use his downed skills (or even learn what those skills do).

Otherwise, it seems he has a lot of issues with camera control and targeting. He often moves the camera too fast or at bad angles or too close into his character. The result: he can’t possibly see what he needs to be doing in terms of who to target, what to dodge, or where to move.

He also only practiced against the sPvP golems and not the profession NPCs that at least strike back with some basic skills and have actual down states so he can figure out some of the skills he might face in unranked.

He also didn’t seem to care much about learning about the sPvP map mechanics in either Conquest or Stronghold. It was annoying seeing him get frustrated when he lost when he did very little to nothing to understand how his team was even getting points in the first place. At one point, he didn’t know where his team was, when any pvp’er knows you can see instantly with the minimap.

I feel like he didn’t bother watching even a basic PvP tutorial video. That’s not always necessary, but it’s really silly to publicly judge a game without taking basic steps to try to understand the rules and mechanics.

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It's fine he didn't like it not everything is for everyone. Besides he plays games for a living so obviously he will play stuff that will make him the most profit whether he likes it or not. Alec Guinness hated SW but always appreciated how much money it made him. Harrison Ford same way since he hates SW ( atleast that's the idea I get ) but he can't deny it made him who he is today financially.

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His impatience is keeping him from enjoying the game, particularly in pvp, but I think some of his criticisms are very valid. Dealing with condis, aoe, and abundant cc is very difficult as a new player. Conquest is also very unfriendly to new players and it can be frustrating when you dont understand the gamemode. And in wvw if you dont understand the basics of positioning and "safe distance" you are going to get ganked constantly. Despite all this his opinions dont change anything. We are just seeing the rare viewpoint of a vocal new player.

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His impatience, and thus lack of serious attempts to learn advanced mechanics, is due to his being a streamer. There is no doubt in my mind that he could be good at this game, but his viewer numbers will not tolerate him playing an MMO for long, and he has just spent about a month playing ESO. Summit has stated before that he likes the combat in the game and the length of fights in pvp, but he knows he does not have the luxury of time to "get good" by learning every condition counter, every animation of a skill an opponent is using, or any other memorization one needs to succeed at a high level. He knows he is on a time crunch before he has to switch back to a game that brings his viewership back to a normal level or risk his way of making a living. That's the life of a variety streamer and the life of someone who made a name for themselves with a particular genre of game.

He also knows that his competitive nature makes him expect a lot of himself; he wants to be the best at whatever he picks up. That's natural of any competitive person, be it video games or pro athletes, and so it's not surprising when he gets frustrated by going up against classes like Reaper that are a strong counter to his. He made his name in FPS games where everyone is on an equal footing and the most skilled person wins, not whoever is playing the right profession. It's not a dig at the game either, it is the way of things in the MMO genre. Our PvP is designed around a Rock, Paper, Scissors philosophy that every class has a counter to it while also being a counter to something else.

Summit is not my favorite streamer, or even one I watch regularly, but I do think there is some serious elitism going on in threads here and on reddit discussing his streams of GW2. He has said multiple times that the game is good and that there's a lot to like about it, but between having a ticking clock in the back of his mind telling him he can't spend much time on it, and the fact that the content he would enjoy the most (roaming in WvW) is next to impossible to do on stream for him due to friends and foes alike following his every move on stream. Putting on a delay ruins the interaction with chat and is just not worth it for him to do when the whole reason he is streaming the game in the first place is to just have some downtime playing some different games from his norm.

I for one am glad that he decided to check the game out; as someone who recently returned to the game at the end of June I learned quite a bit from his chat when they were explaining things to him, and I'm glad that at least a few people who have never played the game said they wanted to check it out because it looked fun on his stream. Like him or hate him, he's been a boon to the game by bringing it more attention. Not everyone watches Twitch, but there are certainly a good number of gamers who do and it's good that the game is being brought to the attention of more of them.

On a personal note I wish Summit's stream would allow him to main a game like Guild Wars 2 and get good at it; I enjoy watching skilled people play PvP (because I suck at it) and the more there are to watch the better.

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Wrong. His personality didn’t carry him in this game.

@Raknar.4735 said:

@SexyMofo.8923 said:I guess all the GW2 streamers must have horribly, boring personalities then.

@SexyMofo.8923 said:He will soon figure out that he’s losing viewers because of how boring it is to stream the game.

Many of the more successful streamers have their viewerships because they are interesting themselves and don‘t need a game to carry them.

Seems like it. Can't say any of the current GW2 streamers managed to hold my attention for a long time, and apparently it's the same for many others.Meanwhile you have streamers like Sodapoppin, XQC, Lirik, Summit, Quin69 etc. that can play whatever they want and they will still manage to get plenty of viewers, because they're just entertaining without a game needing to carry them.
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@SexyMofo.8923 said:Wrong. His personality didn’t carry him in this game.

@SexyMofo.8923 said:I guess all the GW2 streamers must have horribly, boring personalities then.

@SexyMofo.8923 said:He will soon figure out that he’s losing viewers because of how boring it is to stream the game.

Many of the more successful streamers have their viewerships because they are interesting themselves and don‘t need a game to carry them.

Seems like it. Can't say any of the current GW2 streamers managed to hold my attention for a long time, and apparently it's the same for many others.Meanwhile you have streamers like Sodapoppin, XQC, Lirik, Summit, Quin69 etc. that can play whatever they want and they will still manage to get plenty of viewers, because they're just entertaining without a game needing to carry them.

Wrong. It did. In fact it also boosted the streams of other GW2 streamers, because his community that is there because of his personality were interested to see more of GW2.

Unless you think 10k+ average core viewers is a small amount. His personality carried the viewership of the whole GW2 Twitch section.

Well, since he wasn‘t planning to stay for a long time, GW2 on Twitch will go back to being only W H OMEGALUL streamers that are carried by the game.

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@"senki.1046" said:MightyTeapot got quite a bit of a viewer boost, cause of summit1g. And I'm glad he did, cause teapot deserves more viewers. Underrated streamer on twitch imo. He should get the 10k viewers

100% agreed. i think if tpot played a more watchable game (fps or moba or something) he would get a lot more viewers. he's just a very cool and super nice lad, while also putting a lot of work and effort into his stream (despite his "low" viewership"). i hope he can make it work full time, he deserves it truly!

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