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Mount skins are too expensive


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On 9/16/2021 at 10:08 PM, Makuragee.3058 said:

Yeah you dont care about skin, but for some people its important in a game. Cheap skin should have been in the loot table, yu want to know why? Because when you are fully gear up, the only real progression is fashion, but when youre armor style is perfect, you dont care about any new skin, and when people dont care about the reward, they generaly leave. Mount skin was a opportunity for anet to add, a new "kind of" progression, but alas.

If it's important to them, then they have a long term goal they can set for themselves and farm for gold > gems > mount skins. In whatever content they want. It's even more true if they already have everything else they've wanted.

Edited by Sobx.1758
mont -> mount
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19 hours ago, Eraden.8740 said:

I don't mind the mount skins being priced high. There are quite a few of them that are absolutely amazing to look at. You get good fashion value for the money you pay.

Ohh yeah "Value" lol

18 hours ago, mindcircus.1506 said:

Quoting me a second time over a year after after I ignored your post to get some attention is some next level weird.

I only just returned and saw your quote.. those things seem to hang around a long time.. It said you quoted me?

6 hours ago, Pacificterror.7805 said:

???????????? I live in Australia and 8K gems costs me $100 - $25 per 2K gems.....that's cheaper than what it costs in the US if you factor in the exchange rate.

How? They stopped selling Gem cards here, i was told at EB Games they no longer stock them last year..

Edited by Dante.1508
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On 8/27/2020 at 5:38 PM, Kas.3509 said:

Maybe in your country. Remember there are countries that earn less than 600$ a month on medium and its almost 1/3 of EU :x.For me its stupidly expensive. Its not that I dont want to pay that much, its just not affordable to pay that much too often.Especially that full game/expansion usually costs the same amount that stupid mount skin. So its also unreasonable.

Exactly. People who live in the US will never understand what it means by "expensive" because they never lived a life wherein your local living cost and salary is different from theirs. In addition to that, the exchange rate also plays a major role.

ArenaNet, for 9 years, refused to price their Gems based on the so-called "Big Mac index" even though it has proven that it increased sales for many companies who used it. For example, Netflix adjusted their prices on a per country or region basis (something similar to the BMI) and subscription rose up, while other streaming services from the US were largely ignored because their subscriptions are "expensive".

If ANet will only use the BMI, or whatever "index" they want to use, I have no doubt that they will experience an increase in sales just like how other services did. You see, it is human nature to acquire those things that we find attractive to the point a few people sacrifice their health and family to get something they are dying for.

Americans always say to those who claim "expensive": "ArenaNet needs to earn, the game is practically free-to-play". Sure, no one is dumb not to understand that but that is not a valid excuse. It is a given that more players will spend real-world money if the price of the gem is based on BMI (or something similar), is not that good for the lame excuse "ANet needs to earn"?

I myself have been looking through the store and every single time I want to spend real-money, I have second thoughts, third thoughts, fourth thoughts, and tenth thoughts on why I should NOT spend real-money. Am I cheap? No. I am more than willing to spend real-money but again, "expensive" as far as local living cost, wage, and exchange rate are concerned.

It's affordable for those who live in North America and other countries at par or better than the US. It is not for the rest of the world, see … not even in Australia according to one comment I've read above.

People are willing to spend real-money. Sure, you can get those Gem-only items by farming gold … but that's you. There are people who wants to spend real-money and save the gold they farmed for other uses. ArenaNet created the gem-system so players will have a choice. Unfortunately, that choice is only "affordable" to a very few.

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13 hours ago, Shael.4703 said:

Exactly. People who live in the US will never understand what it means by "expensive" because they never lived a life wherein your local living cost and salary is different from theirs. In addition to that, the exchange rate also plays a major role.

ArenaNet, for 9 years, refused to price their Gems based on the so-called "Big Mac index" even though it has proven that it increased sales for many companies who used it. For example, Netflix adjusted their prices on a per country or region basis (something similar to the BMI) and subscription rose up, while other streaming services from the US were largely ignored because their subscriptions are "expensive".

If ANet will only use the BMI, or whatever "index" they want to use, I have no doubt that they will experience an increase in sales just like how other services did. You see, it is human nature to acquire those things that we find attractive to the point a few people sacrifice their health and family to get something they are dying for.

Americans always say to those who claim "expensive": "ArenaNet needs to earn, the game is practically free-to-play". Sure, no one is dumb not to understand that but that is not a valid excuse. It is a given that more players will spend real-world money if the price of the gem is based on BMI (or something similar), is not that good for the lame excuse "ANet needs to earn"?

I myself have been looking through the store and every single time I want to spend real-money, I have second thoughts, third thoughts, fourth thoughts, and tenth thoughts on why I should NOT spend real-money. Am I cheap? No. I am more than willing to spend real-money but again, "expensive" as far as local living cost, wage, and exchange rate are concerned.

It's affordable for those who live in North America and other countries at par or better than the US. It is not for the rest of the world, see … not even in Australia according to one comment I've read above.

People are willing to spend real-money. Sure, you can get those Gem-only items by farming gold … but that's you. There are people who wants to spend real-money and save the gold they farmed for other uses. ArenaNet created the gem-system so players will have a choice. Unfortunately, that choice is only "affordable" to a very few.

So, then ArenaNet should charge us Americans that make less than $600/month less?  You know, not everyone in America is 'rich'.  Some of us are on very modest fixed incomes. 


Just like no one should assume everyone outside the US is poor, it should not be assumed everyone in the US is rich. 

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47 minutes ago, Dean Calaway.9718 said:

I see the cost of mounts in gold, ~350 gold, that's precursor money so I don't consider that too much.

Yeah, it would only be too much of you don't like to grind/farm gold and have to spend money on it that you can't afford.


The thing is that if you have money you can choose to buy gems and if you don't you can choose to get enough gold from playing. However, if you don't like grinding gold and don't have a lot of money then you would have to resort to doing something in game that you don't enjoy. In Dutch we have a saying that translates to people "falling between the dock and the ship" and I think that Anet can't take every single situation into account. 


So what I'm saying is that I do understand the complaint, but I also sense a lot of entitlement in it. If you really want a mount skin and you can't afford it...which I can appreciate, there is a way to acquire it anyway and if that's not to your liking than either you'll have to accept not getting it or suck it up and do what's needed. That's life and most people can't afford everything they want.

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On 9/17/2021 at 9:21 PM, mindcircus.1506 said:


Your post history shows this "recent return" to be untrue..



If you go back a page you will see i dropped by the forums in August but before that it was July. I check the forums once a month or so to see the Cantha news.

No idea why the new forums had a notification to what you said last year.

Edited by Dante.1508
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2 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

So, then ArenaNet should charge us Americans that make less than $600/month less?  You know, not everyone in America is 'rich'.  Some of us are on very modest fixed incomes. 

How dare you not assume that literally every American is wealthy and makes a healthy living without having to be on welfare or bust their kitten working two or three jobs!!! 

Lol, I feel like so many outlanders really have a warped view on what it means to live as an American. Yes, we have a rich nation, but that wealth goes right to the top 1%...

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9 minutes ago, Marikus.1875 said:

How dare you not assume that literally every American is wealthy and makes a healthy living without having to be on welfare or bust their kitten working two or three jobs!!! 

Lol, I feel like so many outlanders really have a warped view on what it means to live as an American. Yes, we have a rich nation, but that wealth goes right to the top 1%...

Um...did you quote the wrong poster? 

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On 9/17/2021 at 10:01 AM, Pacificterror.7805 said:

???????????? I live in Australia and 8K gems costs me $100 - $25 per 2K gems.....that's cheaper than what it costs in the US if you factor in the exchange rate.

He's probably not buying gem cards, he's buying the gems online. I buy my gem cards at EB Games.

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18 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

So, then ArenaNet should charge us Americans that make less than $600/month less?  You know, not everyone in America is 'rich'.  Some of us are on very modest fixed incomes. 


Just like no one should assume everyone outside the US is poor, it should not be assumed everyone in the US is rich. 

LOLs. You missed the point by a huge margin. We are not talking about if you are poor or rich, if you are poor, regardless of where you live, you should not even be playing online games, you need to get a job or start a business.

Think of it this way, your US poor are rich in our country. Just because you are poor in the US does not mean you are also poor in other countries. Your salary rate, living standards, and "exchange rate", is far different from ours. If you can't afford to live in the US because you are "poor" there, then live in countries where your "US poor" are "rich". That's how different it is for you and us, hence, adjusting the price of the gems per region/country will enable more players in these regions/countries to purchase gems, instead of thinking a thousand reasons why they should not spend real-money for ArenaNet.

If your logic is valid, then McDonald's wouldn't adjust their pricing per country. But as they, and many other companies and services has proven, there is a huge gap in purchasing power between you US people than most of the world. It is to ArenaNet's benefit to use BMI or whichever index they want to use.

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19 hours ago, Dean Calaway.9718 said:

We could stop the endless threads about this topic and people trying to convince others they just want mounts to be a challenge/special/earn/achievement/reward and totally not just trying to get a cheaper deal.

I strongly suspect that this whole "give us more rewards for challenge" discussion is really not about the rewards, but about bragging rights. The kind of people that don't agree with the current system seem to be the ones who want their rewards to be prestige items they can flaunt. The rest of us who like their rewards because they look nice to them are perfectly fine with the system we have.

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59 minutes ago, Shael.4703 said:

If your logic is valid, then McDonald's wouldn't adjust their pricing per country. But as they, and many other companies and services has proven, there is a huge gap in purchasing power between you US people than most of the world. It is to ArenaNet's benefit to use BMI or whichever index they want to use.

There is one fundamental difference between McDonalds and ArenaNet. Burgers are sold and delivered locally, so you have to be in a specific country to buy one (and eat it close by if you don't want it to spoil), no way around it. Online games are sold and delivered online, and there ultimately is no way for the seller to control where you are when you buy it, much less where you are when you use it.


Sale and use of digital goods can of course be region-locked, so you can only use it in specific countries/regions of the world, but that includes a whole extra can of worms like drm to check if you are in the right place to access the service with your account, as well as the question what happens to people that have bought their products in one region, but then move to a region with different pricing. If you just check the region during the sale, there's technical options like vpn that mask your region of origin and pretend you are from someplace else. How should the vendor decide what region you are really in and what price to charge?

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On 9/16/2021 at 7:13 PM, Sobx.1758 said:

If it's important to them, then they have a long term goal they can set for themselves and farm for gold > gems > mount skins. In whatever content they want. It's even more true if they already have everything else they've wanted.

Personally, I'd rather have rewards that encourage a variety of playstyles and game modes than rewards that are just 'do the most efficient gold farm possible to acquire.'

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23 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

He's probably not buying gem cards, he's buying the gems online. I buy my gem cards at EB Games.

I was yes but then they vanished here.. All three EB Games near me sold out. Then it was online or bust. In the end i went with bust. Until now it seems they have returned.

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5 hours ago, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

Personally, I'd rather have rewards that encourage a variety of playstyles and game modes than rewards that are just 'do the most efficient gold farm possible to acquire.'

Understandable and i actually mostly agree with this approach. Part of my reasoning about mount skins is in another thread:



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