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Is it fair that LW S1 achievement points are unobtainable for newer players?

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Is it unfair I didn't buy bitcoins when they were 70 cents a piece? Absolutely.

Can I go back to buying them at 70 cents a piece currently? No.

Learn to deal with missing out on stuff and not caring. It will enrich your adult life immensely.

That said, it would be great to have some form of Living World Season 1 story reintroduced if only to fill the narrative. That's more along the lines of introducing a new digital currency then obssessing that you couldn't benefit off the old one though.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Tasida.4085 said:And it is totally fair imo. As many have said in the past,
you should have been there
. GL

That is the most nonsensical argument in the world. Maybe people
would have been there
, had they known that ANet intended to deliver unrepeatable "once in a lifetime" content in GW2.

I didn't get into GW2 for a long time for the same reason as the OP, as I was still too adjusted to the GW1 mechanics. Had someone told me, "Hey, listen, here is something to motivate you to give the game another chance: exclusive content that will never return!", I
have "been there". But no one did. So I wasn't.

Thanks for being ignorant like that. Or maybe it just makes you feel "special" that
were there. Either way, not the nicest response to address the issue.

You and others like you just need to get over it and move on. You missed out? Oh well the game goes on there's lots of achieves YOU CAN get now. Learn and grow imo. And it's the perfect, honest response, short and simple.

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@Tasida.4085 said:Seriously? Another S1 thread? It's not going to happen, but keep hoping :) And it is totally fair imo. As many have said in the past, you should have been there. GL

That is EXACTLY why Season One was such a disaster from which the game still has yet to recover. Barring future players from the entire first year's worth of content is just as dumb as it sounds, yet they did it anyway, and spent a phenomenal amount of precious development talent and resources to do it.

Probably hundreds of thousands of developer hours wasted, and not even deemed worthy of having a small team adapt it to the current version of the game even as instances? What a crock. I don't buy that for a second.

I've played this game since the beta weekends, was there for most of Season One, and am glad I was, but this is a grand example of how an idea that supposedly looked good on paper could be such a catastrophe in practice -- just as I and other players repeatedly and stridently warned.

I don't think it's wrong for newer players to want to experience that content -- or older players want to experience it again -- and would love to see the toxicity expressed toward them for it vanish the same way Season One did.

Seriously. It sucks.

And no, I'm never going to get over it and let ArenaNet off the hook for this. I think they're great and want the best for GW2, but they deserve to have their collective noses rubbed in this until they make things right, lest they ever entertain the thought of pulling a stunt like that again.

Guild Wars 2 Season One: Never Forget™

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Season 1 is not happening because of 2 reasons:

  1. it's old code written in old engine so just like SAB it needs total overhaul before returning
  2. most of season 1 consists of open world events which requires even more work to change it into solo instances

So in conclusion for season 1 to come back it needs to be created once again from scraps.

I would like to mention that saying that LW season 1 is definitely not coming is based on false premise as there is always a chance ArenaNet reconsiders coming back to this content which is proven by SAB as possibility. However as I recognize it may come back, I find this possibility very unlikely to be realised.

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@Sarrs.4831 said:There's something of a contradiction in that someone who is presumably competitive with their achievements has reached their daily AP cap, but wasn't around to get the LS1 achievements.

A person could choose to become achievement hunter after coming back to the game. It would be reasonable considering that GW2 is/was marketed as that you can always come back and still not stay behind. That being said, OP should have done better research about living world model in 2013 as season 1 worked differently to how game is being managed now.

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I understand why they can't bring S1 back.Although it doesn't help the OP, they want the achievement points, bringing back the instances alone shouldn't be so much hard work, especially the introductory instances where we first meet the members of Dragon's Watch.

The 3 "quests" that show us the story of Braham could return so new players know who this norn is.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Braham:_Help_from_the_Legions (Braham asks for help from Rytlock)https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Braham_-_Eirsson (Braham asks for help from Knut and Eir)https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Braham_-_Retake_Cragstead (Braham retakes Cragstead)

Then we are introduced to Roxhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rox:_Critical_Mission (Rox gets a mission from Rytlock)https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rox_-_The_Hatchery (Rox meets Frostbite)

Give a message: "The story continues in Molten Facility Fractal and then in Molten Boss Fractal" after you are done and voila, you now know who these two are.

Then we fight Canach in Southsun:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Canach%27s_Lair_(story) A very simple instance with one fight with him. But it does have exposition and gives insight into Canach

Introduction to Marjory and Kasmeer (The southsun Kasmeer doesn't count):https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ceremony_and_Acrimony (The ceremony where we are introduced to Mai Trin and sets the stage for Marjory)https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hard_Boiled (It's just a cutscene)https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Every_Piece_Matters (Helping Marjory with her investigation)https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/No_More_Secrets (Part 2 of the investigation)

Give a message that the story continues in the two Aetherblade fractals.

Taimihttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Origins_of_Madness:_A_Moment%27s_Peace (First introduction to Taimi)

All of those sequences introduce some important characters to the story, have very little combat and take place inside instances, so there should be little trouble in re-adding them to the game, so newer players know the backstory of the Dragon's Watch members

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Although it doesn't help the OP, they want the achievement points, bringing back the instances alone shouldn't be so much hard work, especially the introductory instances where we first meet the members of Dragon's Watch.

While I share your sentiment and hope for LW1 to come back eventually, take into consideration my previous post

@Kheldorn.5123 said:Season 1 is not happening because of 2 reasons:

  1. it's old code written in old engine so just like SAB it needs total overhaul before returning
  2. most of season 1 consists of open world events which requires even more work to change it into solo instances

So in conclusion for season 1 to come back it needs to be created once again from scraps.

It's similar if not the same case as SAB. They need to build this content again. It's not like they can just load it back into the game and boom it's done.

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@Kheldorn.5123 said:

Although it doesn't help the OP, they want the achievement points, bringing back the instances alone shouldn't be so much hard work, especially the introductory instances where we first meet the members of Dragon's Watch.

While I share your sentiment and hope for LW1 to come back eventually, take into consideration my previous post

@Kheldorn.5123 said:Season 1 is not happening because of 2 reasons:
  1. it's old code written in old engine so just like SAB it needs total overhaul before returning
  2. most of season 1 consists of open world events which requires even more work to change it into solo instances

So in conclusion for season 1 to come back it needs to be created once again from scraps.

It's similar if not the same case as SAB. They need to build this content again. It's not like they can just load it back into the game and boom it's done.

First, those I posted are only instances, nothing in the open world.Second, there are a couple of instances that have fights. If it's so hard they could ignore those and only add the story instances, they only have dialogue. Even if it's old code, I have serious doubts that simple dialogue cannot be done easily in the new system (if they can't use the old scripts). It's just 2 characters (at best) talking with each other after all and especially in Path of Fire we have a bazillion character interactions, the dialogue is ready, the voice over is ready, I can't imagine it being so hard to make those story instances at all.SAB needed a pass due to the changes to the physics engine, but SAB has gameplay, those instances have no gameplay (if they remove the fights and keep only the dialogue). Just an introduction for the members of Dragon's Watch as the first step in bringing S1 back. A tiny step for sure but better than nothing

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If they wanted to fix this, they'd simply extend the daily cap by the number of lost achievements and factor those achievements into it. Considering they're still adding temporary achievements, they have no intention of making it fair for everyone and it doesn't matter since not enough people are going to care about the leaderboards.

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I was there, but didn't bother with most of the achievements because I didn't really care about AP at the time. Sometimes it annoys me that I didn't, and it would be nice if there was some way to go back and get those achievements, but I can still enjoy the game without them. I do wish the new achievements gave a little more AP, though. A lot of the newer ones aren't even worth getting because it's only 1 or 2 AP.

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Is it fair? Probably not. Will anything be done about it? Maybe... but unlikely at this point. Even though I was there I would love to be able to replay S1... but I see a few reasons it wont happen.

  1. Some of the story steps that were instanced have become part of fractals. (that alone to me is the end of hoping LS1 will come back)
  2. All item rewards have been made avaiable through other means (laurels and those past story chests)
  3. Its clear that even though ANet might want to give this back to us, it is not really that simple. Probably because it was mostly openworld so they would have to make instances almost from scratch.

So yeah... probably not fair... but sometimes we miss out on things, sometimes things we want back wont ever be back... life is not always fair. Its ok to be upset some, really it is. But at some point you have to accept and move on.

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It's pseudo-fair.I was there at the time. But due to in internship and graduation period i had very little time to play. So i got like 75% of the story. And a few achievements, but not much.No one at the time told me it would never come back, maybe it was stupid of me to assume it would come back, maybe i should've put the game above real world obligation.All in all i think there's no issue of whether its fair as its the product of anets poor long term planning (no offense to anet)

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The Unfair thing is more about the amount of AP's, most of those old events would add up to a lot of AP's(some in the 100's), whilst most of the new events have a really low amount in comparison

I played from the start, but missed a few events of season one, my brother did those events and has about 200-300 more AP's than me

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It is very fair it is simple they were there to work on the achievements we were not. I started playing shortly after living story 1 and missed it all. But I am not upset because it was a live event that cannot be redone.. The achievement points were there during that time. It was available for everyone to work on during that time I just was not playing guild wars 2 during that moment. I wasn't apart of the guild wars community when it was going on so it ultimately comes down on it being my fault.

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