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Mount rents on F2P base maps on steam release


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@jokke.6239 said:Wouldn't this be a good idea?I think a lot of people would be much easier sold on the game.I saw them in labyrinth cliffs. Haven't tried them obviously since I have mounts, so not quite suire what restrictions they have or don't have, but all that could obviously be tweaked.Would be a nice teaser, and a great way to sell expansions.

As long as they own PoF and are full powered top tier mounts then yes.. not that basic stuff we get now..

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My accounts all have pof, and I would have completely no benefit from such a change.

I advocate having rental mounts for new players. Don't forget that 10s per map IS a hefty amount to upkeep for a new player. All you get is a base raptor with dinky jump, but it prevents you from feeling left out or left behind.

Rather than devaluing pof, I say it is self advertisement. And a needed qol for ftp players.

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@Cuks.8241 said:I think a few free rentals in some of the hubs would be a good promotion and not break anything. I would even think about expanding the f2p part after the new expansion.

Cool. Ok, then. I want a few options for free rental legendaries. It's not fair that some people have legendaries with all of those cool effects and I don't. Rental legendaries, even basic ones with cool, basic effects should be available and they wouldn't break anything.

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the problem with renting is it acts like you're holding an item so if you switch to weapons you would need to go back to the mount merchant to get it again

it annoyed me so much in labyrinthine cliffs when gathering crystals because I wanted to switch between aspects and mount but if you pick up an aspect you lose the mount and you need to backtrack to get it again

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@Smoosh.2718 said:Personally i think mounts should be locked till you finish HoT's story. That way players get to experience the content than try to skip as much as they can just to get a raptor.I agree with experiencing content but that's a bit too far. I did map completion without mounts but now I wanted to gather 60(?) zephyrite baskets for an achievement, it was so annoying on foot that I went and did first PoF mission to get a raptor. I haven't finished HoT yet.I think mounts should be locked per zone until you do zone's map completion so you actually explore instead of riding on a raptor like a madman from PoI to PoI, after that you should be able to use mounts.

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@Yasai.3549 said:Mount rents would de-value PoF a little too much.

What we need however, are NPC/Roadmarkers which give like 24hr Swiftness or something.

Traversing Core Tyria without Swiftness is torture.

I like this idea better, Swiftness while on a map. Gives the player the main benefit of owning a raptor without letting them ride around on mounts from an expansion they haven’t bought yet.

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@Just a flesh wound.3589 said:

@Yasai.3549 said:Mount rents would de-value PoF a little too much.

What we need however, are NPC/Roadmarkers which give like 24hr Swiftness or something.

Traversing Core Tyria without Swiftness is torture.

I like this idea better, Swiftness while on a map. Gives the player the main benefit of owning a raptor without letting them ride around on mounts from an expansion they haven’t bought yet.

Then, on those maps, the mounts should get a boost as well.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@Yasai.3549 said:Mount rents would de-value PoF a little too much.

What we need however, are NPC/Roadmarkers which give like 24hr Swiftness or something.

Traversing Core Tyria without Swiftness is torture.

I like this idea better, Swiftness while on a map. Gives the player the main benefit of owning a raptor without letting them ride around on mounts from an expansion they haven’t bought yet.

Then, on those maps, the mounts should get a boost as well.

Raptor only, that map only, and it costs one gold.

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@Just a flesh wound.3589 said:

@Yasai.3549 said:Mount rents would de-value PoF a little too much.

What we need however, are NPC/Roadmarkers which give like 24hr Swiftness or something.

Traversing Core Tyria without Swiftness is torture.

I like this idea better, Swiftness while on a map. Gives the player the main benefit of owning a raptor without letting them ride around on mounts from an expansion they haven’t bought yet.

Then, on those maps, the mounts should get a boost as well.

Raptor only, that map only, and it costs one gold.

Why should it be limited or cost anything to players who have mounts? Mounts are a QoL improvement that was already paid for by purchasing the expansion. Giving non-mount account a free speed boost invalidates mounts in those zones. We paid for mounts; we should get the benefits that they provide.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@Yasai.3549 said:Mount rents would de-value PoF a little too much.

What we need however, are NPC/Roadmarkers which give like 24hr Swiftness or something.

Traversing Core Tyria without Swiftness is torture.

I like this idea better, Swiftness while on a map. Gives the player the main benefit of owning a raptor without letting them ride around on mounts from an expansion they haven’t bought yet.

Then, on those maps, the mounts should get a boost as well.

Raptor only, that map only, and it costs one gold.

Why should it be limited or cost anything to players who have mounts?

You do get all the benefits that they provide.

However this discussion is about non Mount owners getting a benefit, either rental mounts or the Swiftness NPCs added to core maps. Discussing boosts for Mounts is a topic that should have its own thread and is off topic for this thread.

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@Just a flesh wound.3589 said:

@Yasai.3549 said:Mount rents would de-value PoF a little too much.

What we need however, are NPC/Roadmarkers which give like 24hr Swiftness or something.

Traversing Core Tyria without Swiftness is torture.

I like this idea better, Swiftness while on a map. Gives the player the main benefit of owning a raptor without letting them ride around on mounts from an expansion they haven’t bought yet.

Then, on those maps, the mounts should get a boost as well.

Raptor only, that map only, and it costs one gold.

Why should it be limited or cost anything to players who have mounts?

You do get all the benefits that they provide.

However this discussion is about non Mount owners getting a benefit, either rental mounts or the Swiftness NPCs added to core maps. Discussing boosts for Mounts is a topic that should have its own thread and is off topic for this thread.

I disagree. Advocating against the proposal is not off topic, unless you are trying to shut down dissent.

Non-mount owners would be getting a benefit that mount owners have already paid for. I disagree with this proposal for then players without mounts would enjoy the benefit of extra speed that mounts already provide. One of the benefits (and could be argued the main one) is having speed with a mount that players without mounts do not have. Making the zones equal for mount or non-mount players takes away from the benefit of mounts -- which were paid for.

The reason I brought up boosting speed for mounts was to make them relevant in these zones should this proposal be implemented. By boosting mount speed, the mounts would again enjoy the QoL improvement over not having mounts in those zones.

There is no reason to have any speed boosts in core zones. Players have completed content in those zones for years without mounts, and many continue to do so. Mounts are an incentive for players to purchase the expansion. Having a speed boost or rental mount dis-incentivizes these purchases. IMO, it would be unwise for ANet to implement such an idea.

Ideally, mounts should never have been introduced in core maps in the first place.

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I don't think rentable mounts in Core Tyria maps are a good idea. You lose the feel of scale in maps that were designed solely for foot travel once you get mounts. I had no probs getting around on foot. I already owned HoT and PoF, but wanted to experience everything in order.

Seeing people gliding and riding about was a good incentive to keep me going.

Delayed gratification has it's benefits! :)

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@kharmin.7683 said:

But yet, prior to PoF, everyone did core Tyria without mounts for years.

It's still torturous to travel around Tyria without Swiftness on foot, and alot of Professions, especially during the levelling process, have little to no Swiftness uptime.Giving newbies Swiftness Roadmarkers will be a huge QoL change in the smallest of ways.

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@Yasai.3549 said:

But yet, prior to PoF, everyone did core Tyria without mounts for years.

It's still torturous to travel around Tyria without Swiftness on foot, and alot of Professions, especially during the levelling process, have little to no Swiftness uptime.Giving newbies Swiftness Roadmarkers will be a huge QoL change in the smallest of ways.

Then why not simply change the speed in all zones? Who needs swiftness or mounts then?

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@Yasai.3549 said:

But yet, prior to PoF, everyone did core Tyria without mounts for years.

It's still torturous to travel around Tyria without Swiftness on foot, and alot of Professions, especially during the levelling process, have little to no Swiftness uptime.Giving newbies Swiftness Roadmarkers will be a huge QoL change in the smallest of ways.

I don’t think it will be torturous for them. It may seem like that to us but that’s only because we’ve grown accustomed to having permanent access to it.

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@keenedge.9675 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:Expansion features should remain locked within the expansions. There are only rentals because of the festivals.

There are rentals at the race tracks ...

For beetle, yes that would be one exception as it’s specifically tied to the beetle race content. This is very much different from providing mount rentals for general use.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@Yasai.3549 said:Mount rents would de-value PoF a little too much.

What we need however, are NPC/Roadmarkers which give like 24hr Swiftness or something.

Traversing Core Tyria without Swiftness is torture.

But yet, prior to PoF, everyone did core Tyria without mounts for years.

Prior to POF nobody had to race to events to find them completed by players with mounts. This isn't about the core being bad without mounts, but about mounts existing and negatively affecting the experience of those without mounts. You call that incentive to buy POF, I call that incentive to uninstall the game. And DO note that those that buy the expansion will face the exact same issue until they reach level 80 and go to POF to get their mounts. It's not only free players affected by this, but those that paid for the game and get a lacking experience.

Is it worth it to send new players away to satisfy some weird sense of entitlement of POF owners? The argument of incentive is silly anyway, do players buy POF exclusively for the mounts? Not elite specs, not the new story and maps?

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I think having mount rentals in the starter zones is a good idea. Players can get the taste of what it feels like to be mounted. But they would have to keep going back and paying for another rental if they dismount. This shows them what they are missing but not giving it to them in such a way that it invalidates buying the expansion.

As long as the dialog the NPC clearly explains that once you are dismounted you can't mount back up again. And then in the red OOC text have it say that permanent mount access can be obtained through the PoF expansion.

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