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A fix for the AFK farmers for good.


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@Witch of Doom.5739 said:Sometimes I wonder how some people get anything done in the game since they're so intent on watching what others do or don't do or when they do it or how they do it. Me, I just play and don't waste time thinking about people I'm not playing with or ones that aren't bothering me.

It's easy. Just pay attention when you walk by and you instantly notice the obvious. Being obvious, it really is easy. Unless you simply choose to ignore it, of course. But this and everything else on these threads has been so thoroughly been through so many times before, as i'm sure you know.

In fact, this is the last time i reiterate this. Why bother? No one is going to listen anyway.

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Yeah great idea................ 2h of fractals and at the final blow to end the fractal, i am downed and last one alive.My pet is rushing back to pick me up....well it disappears and we have to restart the Twilight fractal.

Your guys obsession to blindly punish everyone who has pets for absolute no reason, is really starting to annoy me.I don't deny that there are a handful of people who use their pets not as intended but for the love of all existing gods,leave us descent people alone !!!!!!!!!!!!!

If someone needs to be punished it's the person who opens a thread every 4 hours complaining about AFK farming

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only afk farmers i really want to get rid of are the ones always see hanging out at that one specific heart quest area. i hate all the other tasks for that heart, but i cant just kill bunch of enemies in order to skip all the unpleasant tasks thanks to these farmers hogging all the enemies.

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Last I checked, AFK farming itself isn't against the rules, and you can be reported for being AFK whether farming or not if you disrupt someone else's gameplay, so AFK farming is already done at the player's own risk. If someone else is ruining your day by AFK farming, report them. I haven't had very many problems with people being AFK so I don't think there's any magic solution to your problems that wouldn't also cause a lot of problems for people who aren't AFK and are properly playing the game.

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@Teratus.2859 said:

@Smoosh.2718 said:All summons have a 60-120 minute timer before they are removed from the world and need to be resummoned, Turrets, pets, minions.Auto-cast to be removed from all skills apart from skill 1. (skill 1 has to be repressed manually to attack a new target and will not keep going off when left alone).

This is exactly the kind of change to minions that I don't want to see in the game and the reason why I have a problem with AFK farmers in the first place.This is exactly what I fear will happen to counter AFK farming one day and the result will be killing a profession mechanic that I love to play.

I will not accept being punished for other peoples bad behaviour,

Sure you will. Just watch.

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@Smoosh.2718 said:The mobs here appear to respawn every 40s. these mobs drop 1 silver 4 magic and chance for T6 materials. Aproximately 7 mobs spawn on this spot providing the player with 7s + 28 magic and potentially 91s in T6.

Over the course of 60m this player who has not touched his keyboard has now earnt the following:1.05g Silver from raw gold drops420 magicX amount of karmaX amount of spirit shardsUp to 13.6g from T6 drops

So if said player stays an entire night without playing and farms this same spot all night long for 10 hours.. you can see a problem. By allowing this you are allowing other companies/players to exploit this opotunity and create farming accounts.

Except that's not a problem until you can explain the impact this activity has on the game. No one is doing that. Exploiting opportunities to farm mats is NOT a problem. People do this ALL the time in the game, just by playing it. Anet enabled a good portion of a whole zone just to allow players to exploit an opportunity to specifically farm leather in Doric Lake. I mean, the biggest problem I have here is that you want to impose rules in the game that prevents people from playing how they want ... when there is already a mechanism to deal with this through tickets.

See, what you guys aren't realizing is that whether someone is at the keyboard or not is completely transparent to you as a player. The only impact that this activity has in the game is on the cost of items in the TP ... and it's simply not prevalent enough to be significant. Also note that Anet doesn't really care what the price of things on the TP are ... so even if AFK farming is more than noticeable impact on the TP ... it wouldn't be a compelling reason to fix it.

The only reason I can see to fix it is if it interfered with a Event or a Heart location ... and there was one instance that came to mind where Anet DID fix the spawn rate of Flame Legion mobs in a map because of this. So yes ... IF and WHEN it's a problem, Anet deals with it.

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@knite.1542 said:What is the negative impact of AFK farming?

Botting itself?Creating a not healthy image for the game?Dropping mats prices on TP?RMT?Encouraging others to afk instead of actively playing the game which is "designed to be played actively" ©?

And yes,

@Mewcifer.5198 said:The longer you stay on one map, the less rewards you getThis doesnt seem to work, otherwise bots wouldnt stay on a spot for hours and days in a row

@knite.1542 said:Please share why you can't enjoy the game because (you think) someone is afk farming.

When you see same engis in same spot whenever you pass by, doesnt matter what time of day, you would think they are not afk?Really? Eh..Show me at least one player who would really really play this game by standing still on one place for hours, not being afk

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@Sinful Mustache.3589 said:

@"knite.1542" said:What is the negative impact of AFK farming?

Botting itself?Creating a not healthy image for the game?Dropping mats prices on TP?RMT?Encouraging others to afk instead of actively playing the game which is "designed to be played actively" ©?

Those things are not sensible or have any affect on you playing the game. Botting is in almost every MMO and just like those ones, Anet has a process to deal with them. The impact on the game image is the SAME as the other MMO's that have bots, which is most of them. Dropping mat prices on the TP isn't a problem, just like increasing prices on the TP isn't a problem (including the fact that you have no idea how significant the AFK farming impact IS on this). Not sure what RMT is. If botting encourages other to AFK (which is a ridiculous premise to begin with because of the limited number of places in the game where AFK farming is even remotely effective) ... it has no impact on you anyways.

When you see same engis in same spot whenever you pass by, doesnt matter what time of day, you would think they are not afk?

No, the thinking is that it doesn't matter if they are there because whether they are AFK or not has no impact on us as a player. The whole premise of this AFK farming crusade that those players shouldn't be there AFK , but it doesn't matter if they are AFK or not, the impact on the game is the same ... it's a completely player-fabricated reason.

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@Sinful Mustache.3589 said:

@"knite.1542" said:What is the negative impact of AFK farming?

Botting itself?Creating a not healthy image for the game?Dropping mats prices on TP?RMT?Encouraging others to afk instead of actively playing the game which is "designed to be played actively" ©?

None of these examples in any way affects your ability to play the game.

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@Jilora.9524 said:. If you feel you need to keep defending and not understanding that passive gold to afk players can and will effect the market well I can't help you any more then those 3 examples I gave.I think we understand it affects the market. The question is how significant is that impact compared to non-afk players. Given the small fraction of places that yield effective AFK farming and the limits that you can actually put AFK farmers in those spots ... That impact is actually going to be pretty small compared to non-AFK players.

No one is arguing that bots affect our ability to play the game. They don't.

Well, that's actually what is relevant here; the only reason no one wants to debate it is because they know it sinks their argument hard. If it's not a significant impact on people's ability to play and enjoy the game, it's not actually a problem except for those people that impose their ideas of fairness on the game EVEN when those people don't encounter the farmers. It's transparent to people that play the game who understand that MMO isn't designed for fairness.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Jilora.9524 said:. If you feel you need to keep defending and not understanding that passive gold to afk players can and will effect the market well I can't help you any more then those 3 examples I gave.I think we understand if it affects the market. The question is how significant is that impact compared to non-afk players. Given the small fraction of places that yield effective AFK farming ... it's not going to be significant at all.

No one is arguing that bots affect our ability to play the game. They don't.

Well, that's actually what is relevant here. If it's not a significant impact on people's ability to play and enjoy the game, it's not actually a problem. It's transparent to people that play the game.

Well neither us us would know unless we left a necro in Istan for 8 hours then saw how much we got. Then multiply that by the 10 bots there and that's if they are only there 8 hours a day. The total could be significant or little affect but I or you can only speculate. All I know is any added gold from afk players can affect things in a games economy.

Now whether we can play or not isn't relevant. It's can I be directly impacted in a negative way from afk farmers farming say dust. We all can. If we have 500 dust worth 10s and bots decide to farm an area that drops dust and then sell all that dust on the market everyday the price of dust goes down so we now have less value then if there were no bots. Even if it only goes down 2 silver. 2 silver x 500 is 10g. So we are impacted in a negative way.

Now if nothing is ever down and more and more players decide Hey why should I not get this free gold too. Let me afk farm you add more and more Mats and crash the market more. Since GW2 endgame ends up being the acquisition of gold for shiny pretty expensive items then it could impact players enjoyment

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Why is AFK farming bad? Simple. It annoys some players. That's not a hypothetical, it's quite real. The evidence is plastered all over these forums. And with every new thread, more people become aware, and some of these newly aware players will join the ranks of the annoyed. I'm not one of them, but the annoyance is real, and every aspect of a game that annoys players is bad for the game.

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@Jilora.9524 said:

@Jilora.9524 said:. If you feel you need to keep defending and not understanding that passive gold to afk players can and will effect the market well I can't help you any more then those 3 examples I gave.I think we understand if it affects the market. The question is how significant is that impact compared to non-afk players. Given the small fraction of places that yield effective AFK farming ... it's not going to be significant at all.

No one is arguing that bots affect our ability to play the game. They don't.

Well, that's actually what is relevant here. If it's not a significant impact on people's ability to play and enjoy the game, it's not actually a problem. It's transparent to people that play the game.

Well neither us us would know unless we left a necro in Istan for 8 hours then saw how much we got. Then multiply that by the 10 bots there and that's if they are only there 8 hours a day. The total could be significant or little affect but I or you can only speculate. All I know is any added gold from afk players can affect things in a games economy.

Now whether we can play or not isn't relevant. It's can I be directly impacted in a negative way from afk farmers farming say dust. We all can. If we have 500 dust worth 10s and bots decide to farm an area that drops dust and then sell all that dust on the market everyday the price of dust goes down so we now have less value then if there were no bots. Even if it only goes down 2 silver. 2 silver x 500 is 10g. So we are impacted in a negative way.

Well, there are several problems with that assessment::

  1. You don't know how much of the dust that's available on the market is due to AFK farming
  2. the market changes price REGARDLESS of what portion of the mats are the result of AFK farming ... even if it's ZERO.
  3. the price going down or up isn't a negative impact for all players. That's just a natural consequence of how the market works.

basically, you are attributing EXPECTED changes in market pricing on mats to why AFk farming is bad ... that's just nonsensical.

Again, AFK farmers impact on the market is TRANSPARENT to players; they do NOT know how significantly they impact the market. Even ANet doesn't know that because no one is labeling their characters as AFK farmers for Anet to track. It couldn't be quantified even if Anet wanted to.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Jilora.9524 said:. If you feel you need to keep defending and not understanding that passive gold to afk players can and will effect the market well I can't help you any more then those 3 examples I gave.I think we understand if it affects the market. The question is how significant is that impact compared to non-afk players. Given the small fraction of places that yield effective AFK farming ... it's not going to be significant at all.

No one is arguing that bots affect our ability to play the game. They don't.

Well, that's actually what is relevant here. If it's not a significant impact on people's ability to play and enjoy the game, it's not actually a problem. It's transparent to people that play the game.

Well neither us us would know unless we left a necro in Istan for 8 hours then saw how much we got. Then multiply that by the 10 bots there and that's if they are only there 8 hours a day. The total could be significant or little affect but I or you can only speculate. All I know is any added gold from afk players can affect things in a games economy.

Now whether we can play or not isn't relevant. It's can I be directly impacted in a negative way from afk farmers farming say dust. We all can. If we have 500 dust worth 10s and bots decide to farm an area that drops dust and then sell all that dust on the market everyday the price of dust goes down so we now have less value then if there were no bots. Even if it only goes down 2 silver. 2 silver x 500 is 10g. So we are impacted in a negative way.

Well, there are several problems with that assessment::
  1. You don't know how much of the dust that's available on the market is due to AFK farming
  2. the market changes price REGARDLESS of Afk farming
  3. the price going down or up isn't a negative impact for all players.

I'm sorry. All you did was say I can't prove something then make the 1st point you also don't have the data to prove. The other 2 are pretty obvious but not relevant. I'm using logic. We are affected in multiple way. Some who watches mats they own drop because of added mats from bots and some who buy mats cheaper because of bots I suppose would be positive affected. You can have both happen so individual results from bot influence will vary and as usually Obtena you rather try in win fabricated arguments instead of thinking logically since you already agreed that free gold to akf players affects the market. Now you want to argue I don't have data then you who also don't have data try and win w/o data lol.

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@Manasa Devi.7958 said:Why is AFK farming bad? Simple. It annoys some players. That's not a hypothetical, it's quite real. The evidence is plastered all over these forums. And with every new thread, more people become aware, and some of these newly aware players will join the ranks of the annoyed. I'm not one of them, but the annoyance is real, and every aspect of a game that annoys players is bad for the game.

Sure ... and I'm annoyed by stupid colour schemes on players armor ... but annoying people isn't a reason to change something. No, not every aspect of a game that annoys players is bad for the game.

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@Jilora.9524 said:

@Jilora.9524 said:. If you feel you need to keep defending and not understanding that passive gold to afk players can and will effect the market well I can't help you any more then those 3 examples I gave.I think we understand if it affects the market. The question is how significant is that impact compared to non-afk players. Given the small fraction of places that yield effective AFK farming ... it's not going to be significant at all.

No one is arguing that bots affect our ability to play the game. They don't.

Well, that's actually what is relevant here. If it's not a significant impact on people's ability to play and enjoy the game, it's not actually a problem. It's transparent to people that play the game.

Well neither us us would know unless we left a necro in Istan for 8 hours then saw how much we got. Then multiply that by the 10 bots there and that's if they are only there 8 hours a day. The total could be significant or little affect but I or you can only speculate. All I know is any added gold from afk players can affect things in a games economy.

Now whether we can play or not isn't relevant. It's can I be directly impacted in a negative way from afk farmers farming say dust. We all can. If we have 500 dust worth 10s and bots decide to farm an area that drops dust and then sell all that dust on the market everyday the price of dust goes down so we now have less value then if there were no bots. Even if it only goes down 2 silver. 2 silver x 500 is 10g. So we are impacted in a negative way.

Well, there are several problems with that assessment::
  1. You don't know how much of the dust that's available on the market is due to AFK farming
  2. the market changes price REGARDLESS of Afk farming
  3. the price going down or up isn't a negative impact for all players.

I'm sorry.

Don't be sorry ... I'm not the one trying to convince Anet to fix AFK farming with 'market prices change and that's bad' logic to justify it. Feel sorry for those people.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Jilora.9524 said:. If you feel you need to keep defending and not understanding that passive gold to afk players can and will effect the market well I can't help you any more then those 3 examples I gave.I think we understand if it affects the market. The question is how significant is that impact compared to non-afk players. Given the small fraction of places that yield effective AFK farming ... it's not going to be significant at all.

No one is arguing that bots affect our ability to play the game. They don't.

Well, that's actually what is relevant here. If it's not a significant impact on people's ability to play and enjoy the game, it's not actually a problem. It's transparent to people that play the game.

Well neither us us would know unless we left a necro in Istan for 8 hours then saw how much we got. Then multiply that by the 10 bots there and that's if they are only there 8 hours a day. The total could be significant or little affect but I or you can only speculate. All I know is any added gold from afk players can affect things in a games economy.

Now whether we can play or not isn't relevant. It's can I be directly impacted in a negative way from afk farmers farming say dust. We all can. If we have 500 dust worth 10s and bots decide to farm an area that drops dust and then sell all that dust on the market everyday the price of dust goes down so we now have less value then if there were no bots. Even if it only goes down 2 silver. 2 silver x 500 is 10g. So we are impacted in a negative way.

Well, there are several problems with that assessment::
  1. You don't know how much of the dust that's available on the market is due to AFK farming
  2. the market changes price REGARDLESS of Afk farming
  3. the price going down or up isn't a negative impact for all players.

I'm sorry.

Don't be sorry ... I'm not the one trying to convince Anet to fix AFK farming with 'market prices change and that's bad' logic to justify it. Feel sorry for those people.

Yeah bad logic.Here you go.20 bots farming dust all week and adding it to tp. Price drops.Anet bans those 20 bots and no bots replace themOver the next week is there less dust added to the market. If less dust is added to the market but demand remains the same what happens?Right. The price starts to go upPretty obvious logic but ok.I think bots and added gold affects the market and you must not even tho you agreed it does. I can't make this up

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@Jilora.9524 said:

@Jilora.9524 said:. If you feel you need to keep defending and not understanding that passive gold to afk players can and will effect the market well I can't help you any more then those 3 examples I gave.I think we understand if it affects the market. The question is how significant is that impact compared to non-afk players. Given the small fraction of places that yield effective AFK farming ... it's not going to be significant at all.

No one is arguing that bots affect our ability to play the game. They don't.

Well, that's actually what is relevant here. If it's not a significant impact on people's ability to play and enjoy the game, it's not actually a problem. It's transparent to people that play the game.

Well neither us us would know unless we left a necro in Istan for 8 hours then saw how much we got. Then multiply that by the 10 bots there and that's if they are only there 8 hours a day. The total could be significant or little affect but I or you can only speculate. All I know is any added gold from afk players can affect things in a games economy.

Now whether we can play or not isn't relevant. It's can I be directly impacted in a negative way from afk farmers farming say dust. We all can. If we have 500 dust worth 10s and bots decide to farm an area that drops dust and then sell all that dust on the market everyday the price of dust goes down so we now have less value then if there were no bots. Even if it only goes down 2 silver. 2 silver x 500 is 10g. So we are impacted in a negative way.

Well, there are several problems with that assessment::
  1. You don't know how much of the dust that's available on the market is due to AFK farming
  2. the market changes price REGARDLESS of Afk farming
  3. the price going down or up isn't a negative impact for all players.

I'm sorry.

Don't be sorry ... I'm not the one trying to convince Anet to fix AFK farming with 'market prices change and that's bad' logic to justify it. Feel sorry for those people.

Yeah bad logic.Here you go.20 bots farming dust all week and adding it to tp. Price drops.Anet bans those 20 bots and no bots replace themOver the next week is there less dust added to the market. If less dust is added to the market but demand remains the same what happens?Right. The price starts to go upPretty obvious logic but ok.I think bots and added gold affects the market and you must not even tho you agreed it does. I can't make this up

Prices dropping/raising on the TP isn't a problem though. That's expected, EVEN if there isn't any AFK farmers. It's transparent to anyone selling or purchasing mats on the TP.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Jilora.9524 said:. If you feel you need to keep defending and not understanding that passive gold to afk players can and will effect the market well I can't help you any more then those 3 examples I gave.I think we understand if it affects the market. The question is how significant is that impact compared to non-afk players. Given the small fraction of places that yield effective AFK farming ... it's not going to be significant at all.

No one is arguing that bots affect our ability to play the game. They don't.

Well, that's actually what is relevant here. If it's not a significant impact on people's ability to play and enjoy the game, it's not actually a problem. It's transparent to people that play the game.

Well neither us us would know unless we left a necro in Istan for 8 hours then saw how much we got. Then multiply that by the 10 bots there and that's if they are only there 8 hours a day. The total could be significant or little affect but I or you can only speculate. All I know is any added gold from afk players can affect things in a games economy.

Now whether we can play or not isn't relevant. It's can I be directly impacted in a negative way from afk farmers farming say dust. We all can. If we have 500 dust worth 10s and bots decide to farm an area that drops dust and then sell all that dust on the market everyday the price of dust goes down so we now have less value then if there were no bots. Even if it only goes down 2 silver. 2 silver x 500 is 10g. So we are impacted in a negative way.

Well, there are several problems with that assessment::
  1. You don't know how much of the dust that's available on the market is due to AFK farming
  2. the market changes price REGARDLESS of Afk farming
  3. the price going down or up isn't a negative impact for all players.

I'm sorry.

Don't be sorry ... I'm not the one trying to convince Anet to fix AFK farming with 'market prices change and that's bad' logic to justify it. Feel sorry for those people.

Yeah bad logic.Here you go.20 bots farming dust all week and adding it to tp. Price drops.Anet bans those 20 bots and no bots replace themOver the next week is there less dust added to the market. If less dust is added to the market but demand remains the same what happens?Right. The price starts to go upPretty obvious logic but ok.I think bots and added gold affects the market and you must not even tho you agreed it does. I can't make this up

Prices dropping/raising on the TP isn't a problem though. That's expected, EVEN if there isn't any AFK farmers.

Yeah ok, The problem isn't the fluctuation of prices. It is a problem if players not actively playing the game can gain mats 24h a day to affect the prices. I don't think it's a huge GW2 problem because there are less then in games like Aion had or a couple others I played. The amount of bots and threads made about them could deter new players from joining so anet or any company should remove them regardless if you and I disagree on the overall impact which we don't but you like to argue anyway

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