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Arenanet. Seems to give up WvW. No news


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@Blockhead Magee.3092 said:They've shuffled us off to this little corner of the forum. We can spout off (within reason) and they just let it go in to the circular file. Enjoy it as best you can for this (aside from the occasional bug fix) is all wvw is going to be.

What developers (in a lot of MMO's) often forget is:

  • People that only PvE will only PvE
  • People that PvP are often more active, as the majority of those players is also involved in Pve
  • For a game to survive you need everyone, if a Pve player loses his or her friend that used to PVP a lot --> they could also be less interested and leave.

By ignoring PvP/WvW they discourage a group of people that impact every game mode they offer, in the short/long run demotivating them and this leads to people leaving the game. In this case ... it affects every game mode, everyone lost 1 player to play with.

Also with the steam releasing coming up, they should be posting on every section of the forums about future plans for each feature.This will benefit them as people will talk about it, media attention, etc.

Communication with your client base is the best marketing tool out there, it is better to give people bad news than no news.

Nothing wrong with saying: Hi folks, look we are working on X, Y, and Z but it will not be for the coming months, we are at least 6 months away but we hear you.Based on that give a monthly update and you will get support as a company, the first reaction might be less pleasant but in the long run, people will accept it and be happy with it.

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@BeepBoopBop.5403 said:

@Thornwolf.9721 said:Let me ask a very simple question. What did you expect? At this stage Im surprised the game mode even EXISTS let alone it be supported properly~

It isn't supported properly, have you seen the lag?

I never said it was supported properly; I said we are lucky it exists at all given how A-net works now. WvW hasn't been supported since HoT really and has been hanging on to its existence by threads; People are tired of hoping and tired of A-net promising things they never intend on delivering. PvP is much the same. But gosh an open world map will be on the way in the coming weeks, that should defiantly hold peoples attention for more than a few days/weeks! Right? Right. (Sarcasm on the last bit.)

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@Thornwolf.9721 said:

@Thornwolf.9721 said:Let me ask a very simple question. What did you expect? At this stage Im surprised the game mode even EXISTS let alone it be supported properly~

It isn't supported properly, have you seen the lag?

I never said it was supported properly; I said we are lucky it exists at all given how A-net works now. WvW hasn't been supported since HoT really and has been hanging on to its existence by threads; People are tired of hoping and tired of A-net promising things they never intend on delivering. PvP is much the same. But gosh an open world map will be on the way in the coming weeks, that should defiantly hold peoples attention for more than a few days/weeks! Right? Right. (Sarcasm on the last bit.)

Agree dude, the investment this company puts into one time PVE missions is insane. They are living in 2005. The whole world went into open world PVP craze with battle royales (I know it's not the same as WVW) and Anet still sat on their hands and threw money into the furnace with LiViNg sToRy.

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@Thornwolf.9721 said:

@Thornwolf.9721 said:Let me ask a very simple question. What did you expect? At this stage Im surprised the game mode even EXISTS let alone it be supported properly~

It isn't supported properly, have you seen the lag?

I never said it was supported properly; I said we are lucky it exists at all given how A-net works now.

WvW works the same as dungeons. They already exist and require little input to sustain. No reason to undo content.

Should it become a problem though...

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@LetoII.3782 said:

@Thornwolf.9721 said:Let me ask a very simple question. What did you expect? At this stage Im surprised the game mode even EXISTS let alone it be supported properly~

It isn't supported properly, have you seen the lag?

I never said it was supported properly; I said we are lucky it exists at all given how A-net works now.

WvW works the same as dungeons. They already exist and require little input to sustain. No reason
undo content.

Should it become a problem though...

And like dungeons do you not think they could, in theory do something like fractals and claim "see we listened, now you dont need to play poopy WvW!" and then abandon that new feature... just like they did the previous.

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When Arenanet upgraded the forums, they quietly shoved a whole bunch of posts in the bin along with the old forum.

Here is then-CEO Mike O'Brien's response to the players' concern about communication SIX long and remarkably QUIET years ago;@"Mike O'Brien" (August 22, 2014) said:

I know some are concerned about whether ArenaNet is communicating with you and listening and responding to your feedback. As you saw with yesterday’s announcement, we do. All of us at ArenaNet play the game with you, chat with you and read your forum posts, and work on the things that we think will most delight and entertain you.

We’ve set a clear policy in the past year: we don’t talk speculatively about future development. We don’t want to string you along. Creating fun is an uncertain business: sometimes things work out and sometimes they don’t; sometimes we go back to the drawing board over and over before we get something right. If we make optimistic promises and then can’t deliver on them, everyone suffers. So when we attend a trade show or give an interview, we’re there to talk about what we’re getting ready to ship, not to speculate on what we might ship someday.

Don’t read that as meaning that we don’t want to talk with you about the longer-term roadmap. The intention of the CDI threads is to talk with you about the roadmap. We want to talk design philosophy with you and hear how you want to see the game evolve. When those discussions trigger development, we’ll work internally until we have something we’re proud of before we’ll announce it.

A lot of the questions I’ve seen posted this week are as simple as this: does ArenaNet have an agenda to never do something? That’s almost never the case, and if it is the case you deserve to know and we’ll make sure we get more clear. In general the simple truth is this: when we’re not currently working on something, it’s because we’re working on something else instead that we think is more important for the game and community.

Our developers post on these forums on a voluntary basis, and in addition to developers, we have a community team who can clarify and be the bridge between players and developers. They’re ready to engage you on these topics. And I know it’s hard for the community team to engage players across all the forums and sites where these questions are being discussed, so I’m going to support the team in consolidating and focusing as necessary, so that we can be clear to the community where you can go to get a response.

See you in-game, Mike O’Brien

What happened to the CDI threads? What happened to the ROADMAP? What happened to talking about design philosophy?

Also... who's the CEO now?!

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@Svarty.8019 said:When Arenanet upgraded the forums, they quietly shoved a whole bunch of posts in the bin along with the old forum.

Here is then-CEO Mike O'Brien's response to the players' concern about communication SIX long and remarkably QUIET years ago;@"Mike O'Brien" (August 22, 2014) said:

I know some are concerned about whether ArenaNet is communicating with you and listening and responding to your feedback. As you saw with yesterday’s announcement, we do. All of us at ArenaNet play the game with you, chat with you and read your forum posts, and work on the things that we think will most delight and entertain you.

We’ve set a clear policy in the past year: we don’t talk speculatively about future development. We don’t want to string you along. Creating fun is an uncertain business: sometimes things work out and sometimes they don’t; sometimes we go back to the drawing board over and over before we get something right. If we make optimistic promises and then can’t deliver on them, everyone suffers. So when we attend a trade show or give an interview, we’re there to talk about what we’re getting ready to ship, not to speculate on what we might ship someday.

Don’t read that as meaning that we don’t want to talk with you about the longer-term roadmap. The intention of the CDI threads is to talk with you about the roadmap. We want to talk design philosophy with you and hear how you want to see the game evolve. When those discussions trigger development, we’ll work internally until we have something we’re proud of before we’ll announce it.

A lot of the questions I’ve seen posted this week are as simple as this: does ArenaNet have an agenda to never do something? That’s almost never the case, and if it is the case you deserve to know and we’ll make sure we get more clear. In general the simple truth is this: when we’re not currently working on something, it’s because we’re working on something else instead that we think is more important for the game and community.

Our developers post on these forums on a voluntary basis, and in addition to developers, we have a community team who can clarify and be the bridge between players and developers. They’re ready to engage you on these topics. And I know it’s hard for the community team to engage players across all the forums and sites where these questions are being discussed, so I’m going to support the team in consolidating and focusing as necessary, so that we can be clear to the community where you can go to get a response.

See you in-game, Mike O’Brien

What happened to the CDI threads? What happened to the ROADMAP? What happened to talking about design philosophy?

Also... who's the CEO now?!

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/John_Taylor From what little we know, this guy is in charge. As for the CEO I don't believe they have one and now have been consolidated and tugged into NCsoft west so that might mean the CEO of that branch or whoever is in charge of NCsoft west and its affairs likely are in charge of A-net now. As far as Im aware at least when the lay-offs happened NCsoft came down like a loan collector, aiming to collect on dues and A-net didn't have the checks to cover those dues. And so its one of those "A deals, a deal".

As for the roadmap, CDI threads? Talking? Its on a table. Somewhere, and they know there is a market for it lmfao~

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@Thornwolf.9721 said:

@Thornwolf.9721 said:As for the roadmap, CDI threads? Talking? Its on a table. Somewhere, and they know there is a market for it lmfao~

Sure, I'm in the market for a table. .. But it had better be a QUALITY table.

Nah, its unbalanced and has half of one of its legs gone. But at least the top of it is super shiny!Delete the table then.
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@"Flee.5602" said:Arenanet. No prospects for the future

Sad to see that this thread was created on the 5th of September and that we still didn't see any Anet post just popping in to say "hi folks ... do not worry we are on it, we working on wvw! "

@Fire Attunement.9835 and @Rubi Bayer.8493 Can you give us an update pls?It should be obvious that your community is eager to know more, by not saying anything you are just fueling these negative thoughts.In case there is no news then at least we know where we stand :)

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@Halbarz.3854 said:

@"Flee.5602" said:Arenanet. No prospects for the future

Sad to see that this thread was created on the 5th of September and that we still didn't see any Anet post just popping in to say "hi folks ... do not worry we are on it, we working on wvw! "

@Fire Attunement.9835 and @Rubi Bayer.8493 Can you give us an update pls?It should be obvious that your community is eager to know more, by not saying anything you are just fueling these negative thoughts.In case there is no news then at least we know where we stand :)

If you want an Bayer to respond, draw a picture of your favourite WvW character or do some handicraft nonsense instead of playing their game. Ironic huh?

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@Lociaz.4027 said:They are keeping it for 3th Expansion.I mean the Alliances. So basically it will be synced with cantha and Luxon VS Kurzicks. And hoping for new map in border.So it will be a Desert border, a Alpine border and a Cantha borderish...

Thats what im thinking. but ye it taking ages...

IF Cantha is coming, chances are Jade Quarry and Fort Aspenwood will be on a comeback. WvW and PvP will empty out, just for a taste of the old days. Can't say, that I wouldn't be tempted if such a thing occured. PvP has reached the threshold of active death, and WvW has reached the point where players no longer care about winning or actively Capturing the Flag of locations, which makes playing WvW completely and totally moot. Especially when WvW has turned into nothing more than one big GvG free for all. I've got to the point where i'm seriously thinking about throwing in the towel.

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@Thornwolf.9721 said:

@Svarty.8019 said:When Arenanet upgraded the forums, they quietly shoved a whole bunch of posts in the bin along with the old forum.

Here is then-CEO Mike O'Brien's response to the players' concern about communication SIX long and remarkably
years ago;@"Mike O'Brien" (August 22, 2014) said:

I know some are concerned about whether ArenaNet is communicating with you and listening and responding to your feedback. As you saw with yesterday’s announcement, we do. All of us at ArenaNet play the game with you, chat with you and read your forum posts, and work on the things that we think will most delight and entertain you.

We’ve set a clear policy in the past year: we don’t talk speculatively about future development. We don’t want to string you along. Creating fun is an uncertain business: sometimes things work out and sometimes they don’t; sometimes we go back to the drawing board over and over before we get something right. If we make optimistic promises and then can’t deliver on them, everyone suffers. So when we attend a trade show or give an interview, we’re there to talk about what we’re getting ready to ship, not to speculate on what we might ship someday.

Don’t read that as meaning that we don’t want to talk with you about the longer-term roadmap. The intention of the CDI threads is to talk with you about the roadmap. We want to talk design philosophy with you and hear how you want to see the game evolve. When those discussions trigger development, we’ll work internally until we have something we’re proud of before we’ll announce it.

A lot of the questions I’ve seen posted this week are as simple as this: does ArenaNet have an agenda to never do something? That’s almost never the case, and if it is the case you deserve to know and we’ll make sure we get more clear. In general the simple truth is this: when we’re not currently working on something, it’s because we’re working on something else instead that we think is more important for the game and community.

Our developers post on these forums on a voluntary basis, and in addition to developers, we have a community team who can clarify and be the bridge between players and developers. They’re ready to engage you on these topics. And I know it’s hard for the community team to engage players across all the forums and sites where these questions are being discussed, so I’m going to support the team in consolidating and focusing as necessary, so that we can be clear to the community where you can go to get a response.

See you in-game, Mike O’Brien

What happened to the CDI threads? What happened to the ROADMAP? What happened to talking about design philosophy?

Also... who's the CEO now?!

From what little we know, this guy is in charge. As for the CEO I don't believe they have one and now have been consolidated and tugged into NCsoft west so that might mean the CEO of that branch or whoever is in charge of NCsoft west and its affairs likely are in charge of A-net now. As far as Im aware at least when the lay-offs happened NCsoft came down like a loan collector, aiming to collect on dues and A-net didn't have the checks to cover those dues. And so its one of those "A deals, a deal".

As for the roadmap, CDI threads? Talking? Its on a table. Somewhere, and they know there is a market for it lmfao~

If what you’re saying here is true, then we can consider this game done. Why? Look at NCSoft’s other, mainly older games and try to learn more about what they all have in common. You’ll start to see the picture.

I have been saying this for years… but people seem to refuse to believe it because they love this game too much - I know I did, but one thing everyone at some point in their lives needs to learn is when to let go.

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Its not that they don't care its that there is no one employed at Anet anymore to even talk to us. I mean the guy who said in the interview WE ARE NOT DONE well he shortly after that left the company too so I guess they actually are done. The next expansion is actually to where pve and wvw are just merged together they are going to call it End of Development.

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@Inoki.6048 said:

@Svarty.8019 said:When Arenanet upgraded the forums, they quietly shoved a whole bunch of posts in the bin along with the old forum.

Here is then-CEO Mike O'Brien's response to the players' concern about communication SIX long and remarkably
years ago;@"Mike O'Brien" (August 22, 2014) said:

I know some are concerned about whether ArenaNet is communicating with you and listening and responding to your feedback. As you saw with yesterday’s announcement, we do. All of us at ArenaNet play the game with you, chat with you and read your forum posts, and work on the things that we think will most delight and entertain you.

We’ve set a clear policy in the past year: we don’t talk speculatively about future development. We don’t want to string you along. Creating fun is an uncertain business: sometimes things work out and sometimes they don’t; sometimes we go back to the drawing board over and over before we get something right. If we make optimistic promises and then can’t deliver on them, everyone suffers. So when we attend a trade show or give an interview, we’re there to talk about what we’re getting ready to ship, not to speculate on what we might ship someday.

Don’t read that as meaning that we don’t want to talk with you about the longer-term roadmap. The intention of the CDI threads is to talk with you about the roadmap. We want to talk design philosophy with you and hear how you want to see the game evolve. When those discussions trigger development, we’ll work internally until we have something we’re proud of before we’ll announce it.

A lot of the questions I’ve seen posted this week are as simple as this: does ArenaNet have an agenda to never do something? That’s almost never the case, and if it is the case you deserve to know and we’ll make sure we get more clear. In general the simple truth is this: when we’re not currently working on something, it’s because we’re working on something else instead that we think is more important for the game and community.

Our developers post on these forums on a voluntary basis, and in addition to developers, we have a community team who can clarify and be the bridge between players and developers. They’re ready to engage you on these topics. And I know it’s hard for the community team to engage players across all the forums and sites where these questions are being discussed, so I’m going to support the team in consolidating and focusing as necessary, so that we can be clear to the community where you can go to get a response.

See you in-game, Mike O’Brien

What happened to the CDI threads? What happened to the ROADMAP? What happened to talking about design philosophy?

Also... who's the CEO now?!

From what little we know, this guy is in charge. As for the CEO I don't believe they have one and now have been consolidated and tugged into NCsoft west so that might mean the CEO of that branch or whoever is in charge of NCsoft west and its affairs likely are in charge of A-net now. As far as Im aware at least when the lay-offs happened NCsoft came down like a loan collector, aiming to collect on dues and A-net didn't have the checks to cover those dues. And so its one of those "A deals, a deal".

As for the roadmap, CDI threads? Talking? Its on a table. Somewhere, and they know there is a market for it lmfao~

If what you’re saying here is true, then we can consider this game done. Why? Look at NCSoft’s other, mainly older games and try to learn more about what they all have in common. You’ll start to see the picture.

I have been saying this for years… but people seem to refuse to believe it because they love this game too much - I know I did, but one thing everyone at some point in their lives needs to learn is when to let go.

Im only going off what information we have, and who is listed on the official GW2 wiki . Outside of that I don't believe they've said actively who is in charge.... so this is all I have at the moment. (After Mike Z left, the next team lead never came forward.)

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In the last 3 weeks in this thread and others people have said that Anet is giving up. It is extremely sad to see that clearly Anet doesn't even care to give an update to prove all of us wrong. For once I would not mind a "I told you so"

Do they evne monitor the WvW section of the forum still? :open_mouth:

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@"Halbarz.3854" said:In the last 3 weeks in this thread and others people have said that Anet is giving up. It is extremely sad to see that clearly Anet doesn't even care to give an update to prove all of us wrong. For once I would not mind a "I told you so"

Do they evne monitor the WvW section of the forum still? :open_mouth:

Anet: "When we have more news, we'll let you know."

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