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More Items to collect


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Pretty self explanatory. Is it just me or are like 30-50% of all fashion/skins exclusive to the gemstore. I was scrolling through the wardrobe storage, seeing what I could grind out. Only to realize I basically have almost all the in game looks to get. everything else comes from the gemstore. I get that Anet has to make money, but they only seem to 1 new ingame item to farm or collect, and a new set of armor like that bear armor every other lw update. Half the time I'm wondering what to do in the game, cause there seems to be nothing to farm for. I feel they need to add more items in the game, that are basically duplicates of another item, just slightly different, like what they do with the pvp and wvw armor, since they clearly won't add mount skins to farm, they could at least add in more weapon and armor skins to keep us busy, besides dailies.

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I'm sure someone actually did a comparison once of gem store skins vs. other sources and worked out the proportions, but I don't know how to find it now. I started one about a year ago but it was taking ages and I was never sure how to handle things like black lion weapon skins. You can only get the tickets for them from black lion chests, except on rare occasions when they come from other sources, and black lion keys only come from the gem store, except you can get some in-game, so strictly speaking the skins are mostly gem store ones...but they're also tradable so does that count as getting them in-game? And that's just one example, there's lots of other grey areas. So I never finished it.

For what it's worth though I'm in the same situation as @"Randulf.7614" I started this game on release, have played it for over 6,000 hours and I still have a huge number of skins left to collect from in-game. I've nearly finished getting all the ones available with badges of honour (slowed down by the fact that I started only buying them on days when Big Spender is a daily) and whenever I have enough karma I'm chipping away at the tier 3 cultural weapons. I've still got a lot of dungeon skins to get from somewhere or other and I haven't even looked at most of the weapon and armour sets from newer living world maps, many of which have multiple versions. I made the mistshard coat and a heroic dragonsblood torch for a themed outfit, but haven't completed either set. I know there's new ones from Icebrood Saga too but I'm not even sure what they involve. Plus various named exotics and other bits from older content which I never unlocked.

What's more important to me though is whenever I'm looking for skins for a character theme or outfit I start out considering both in-game and gem store ones equally and very, very rarely end up choosing the gem store ones because there's almost always an alternative I like at least as much, so I end up choosing that because I'd rather get it by playing the game than paying real money.

Edit: It might help to know that each release has a page on the Wiki which lists all the new items and other rewards which are included, since it sounds like you might be missing some of them (since you mentioned only noticing 1 item per episode and a new armour set every other episode). For example here's the list for Jormag Rising: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Jormag_Rising#New_Rewards

In brief that includes: Gilded Cipher Blade, Blood Dominion Greatsword, Frost Dominion Mace, Ash Dominion Pistol, Iron Dominion Rifle, Flame Dominion Torch, a full set of Charged Stormcaller weapons (upgrades from the previous episodes set), 3 Empowered Boneskinner weapons and a new shoulder skin for all 3 armour weights (Dominion Tribune Manica). So only one armour skin this time, but lots of different weapon skins.

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@Noah Salazar.5430 said:Well soon gona be new expansion so be patient with comments like that

who know, what thay gona add, gen 3 weapons? prob some cantha costumes/weapon as wellyet asc wepon looks to new elit specs as achi

@ErikTheTyrant.4527Right now focus on what you usualy don't do as after new experience you will not have time :D

You mean the expansion that is still roughly a year away? I'm pretty sure its safe to discuss this.

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There's actually quite a lot of skins available to earn in game.

The real issue is that they're either awful and look like something a hobo wore before giving it to you because it looked too bad for them.

Or they are locked behind ridiculous RNG (Teqatl weapons for example) or other such gates (Like getting a bajillion AP for the Zenith/Pinnacle weapons and Radiant/Hellfire armour. Or the large amount of materials required for Legendary items)

Of course, you'll stuggle to find sympathy for additional things to (Reasonably) farm for, because of the usual excuse of "You can farm for gold and convert that into gems to get gemstore items from playing the game"

Which is technically true. Albeit not quite as satisfying as say, working on a collection or doing specific events and getting drops especially when efficiency dictates doing something like farming Dragonfall 24/7 for maximum GPH...

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@ErikTheTyrant.4527 said:Pretty self explanatory. Is it just me or are like 30-50% of all fashion/skins exclusive to the gemstore. I was scrolling through the wardrobe storage, seeing what I could grind out. Only to realize I basically have almost all the in game looks to get. everything else comes from the gemstore. I get that Anet has to make money, but they only seem to 1 new ingame item to farm or collect, and a new set of armor like that bear armor every other lw update. Half the time I'm wondering what to do in the game, cause there seems to be nothing to farm for. I feel they need to add more items in the game, that are basically duplicates of another item, just slightly different, like what they do with the pvp and wvw armor, since they clearly won't add mount skins to farm, they could at least add in more weapon and armor skins to keep us busy, besides dailies.

Good thing I couldn't care less about skins, or this would bother me. I'm part of that tiny minority of players that want new and better items to be regularly added to the game (not just different colored bows and ribbons to tie onto the same old junk I've had for 4 years). Oh well..

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Go play black desert them come back to guild wars, youll find that anet are very generous with the amount of skins, not only that you can convert gold to gems if you want for the gem store ones. cloths in black desert cost more than my IRL cloths lmao and you get like 5 skins the entire game unless you pay. and then you have to pay monthly to dye your armour and you have to pay monthly to retain the dyes or it goes back to default. and the armour you purchase is only for that character.

guild wars 2 without a doubt is by far the best game for fashion wars. theyre also incredibly generous with transmutation charges.

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As nice as the in-game wardrobe is, it doesn't actually show every skin available. Some are missing because they're locked behind achievements, others because a dev forgot to put them in, and some unique karma skins may or may not be included (I can't remember if they are or not). To see the full wardrobe for your account, you're better off using gw2efficiency's wardrobe table as that includes everything that's in the API. You can also search for gold-only skins and you may be surprised at how much you're missing that isn't from the gemshop.

But this is a very subjective question and opinion. I don't like particle effects or auras to be the main focus of something, so I generally prefer the thousands of in-game skins over the gemshop ones. If you don't like "plain" skins it makes sense that it feels unfair that the gemshop has exclusives that are "shinier" than a lot of in-game skins, but for players like me, the skins from new content are generally more desirable and usable than shins that came out in the gemshop the past 3-4 months between episodes.

Worst case scenario you can use the RNG wardrobe unlocks to nab the gemstore skins. Or grind gold to buy gemstore skins since they aren't reserved only for those with IRL money. Or take a break from playing between content patches.

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