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What the point of drakkar's weapons/tequalts/aurene gif etc.

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Like i said why they even exist if it's to put nightmare on people that like to collect things.If it's was something like the super omega rare infusion like chakk that can be bought, why not, at least you can buy it, but theses things... you can't buy it, even if you do the bosses for multiple years you will never get the full set, if it's was a higher drop chance, why not, it's will be a full set for people that dedicate time for faming them everyday for 5months to 1 year why not, but even people that do that get at most 2-3 skins from what we see in the tequalt drop rate videos.I don't even care if it's asceneded or not, people just want to collect the skins, but there is just no way to get them.You can't even get them in wardrobe unlock.

What is your opinion on it ?

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It's designed as a bonus, very rare, surprise drop for players from the corresponding boss. It's not designed to be for collectors since there is no collection or achievement to drive that. Because you can choose any skin from the box, it's expected most players might get 1 or 2 in their lifetime.

There will be players who want all the skins and there has for many years been a strong argument for a token based system for those rewards alongisde or instead of the rare drop, but Anet I'm afraid staunchly disagrees. They seem quite keen on the ultra rare rng loot system for a lot of things

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They have been designed as rewards for being blessed with luck after doing the related content.It's too keep people doing that content ove rand over again, in the hopes of getting those skins.

They are practically the same as the stupidly rare mount drop from the Lich King in WoW's Icecrown Citadel.

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@Fueki.4753 said:They have been designed as rewards for being blessed with luck after doing the related content.It's too keep people doing that content ove rand over again, in the hopes of getting those skins.

They are practically the same as the stupidly rare mount drop from the Lich King in WoW's Icecrown Citadel.

except you can't really drop the set like randulf said, or from what we see from drop rate sampling ....

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I think it's fine. It's a nice bonus reward for people that enjoy doing that particular type of content. If you don't like that type of content, then don't do it. You don't need to get every reward available in the game to be able to enjoy it.

On a side note, it seems like the gift of aurene is also a guaranteed drop where "One gift is guaranteed to drop once per account within the first 1000 Mistborn Coffers opened", based on the information provided on it in the GW2 Wiki page: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gift_of_Aurene_(container)

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@Fueki.4753 said:They have been designed as rewards for being blessed with luck after doing the related content.It's too keep people doing that content ove rand over again, in the hopes of getting those skins.

They are practically the same as the stupidly rare mount drop from the Lich King in WoW's Icecrown Citadel.

People are doing them because they are profitable for the average player. PoF Metas have rare valuable minis as drop, but no one ever does them, because the rewards are bad for everyone, except the rare lucky one who gets something valuable.

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@"Atomos.7593" said:I think it's fine. It's a nice bonus reward for people that enjoy doing that particular type of content. If you don't like that type of content, then don't do it. You don't need to get every reward available in the game to be able to enjoy it.

On a side note, it seems like the gift of aurene is also a guaranteed drop where "One gift is guaranteed to drop once per account within the first 1000 Mistborn Coffers opened", based on the information provided on it in the GW2 Wiki page: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gift_of_Aurene_(container)

And if they did that with teq a lot of us would be satisfied. It remains a strong possibility to do teq everday for the life of the game and never get that drop. I stupidly started trying again. Took a year off after trying since they were added. Guess thier system works on me... still playing the content.

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@Super Hayes.6890 said:

@"Atomos.7593" said:I think it's fine. It's a nice bonus reward for people that enjoy doing that particular type of content. If you don't like that type of content, then don't do it. You don't need to get every reward available in the game to be able to enjoy it.

On a side note, it seems like the gift of aurene is also a guaranteed drop where "One gift is guaranteed to drop once per account within the first 1000 Mistborn Coffers opened", based on the information provided on it in the GW2 Wiki page:

And if they did that with teq a lot of us would be satisfied. It remains a strong possibility to do teq everday for the life of the game and never get that drop. I stupidly started trying again. Took a year off after trying since they were added. Guess thier system works on me... still playing the content.

Well i guess it's will be better, but only for the first one, it's cool for people that just want one skin but for others ...

@Kodama.6453 said:Is the drop rate really that rare, tho?

Drakkar is not out for that long and I have 3 of his chests, seems like the drop rate isn't that low.Definitly higher than tequalt for sure, but still seem like 1-5% (way more than tequalt), but still quite low if you want the whole set, hum, if it's 1% it's dead for the whole set.

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@"Atomos.7593" said:I think it's fine. It's a nice bonus reward for people that enjoy doing that particular type of content. If you don't like that type of content, then don't do it. You don't need to get every reward available in the game to be able to enjoy it.

On a side note, it seems like the gift of aurene is also a guaranteed drop where "One gift is guaranteed to drop once per account within the first 1000 Mistborn Coffers opened", based on the information provided on it in the GW2 Wiki page: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gift_of_Aurene_(container)

If you don't care about the skins either way then yes it could be a nice bonus to get one. The problem with this system is if you like the skin and want to try to get it your options are either to give up and find something else to get instead or commit yourself to doing the same meta event over and over and over with absolutely no guarentee you'll ever get the thing you're hoping for. Which is not a great choice.

IMO rewards which are only nice for people who don't actually care if they get them or not are not good rewards. That means it's not motivating players, and may be actively discouraging others.

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@Danikat.8537 said:

@"Atomos.7593" said:I think it's fine. It's a nice bonus reward for people that enjoy doing that particular type of content. If you don't like that type of content, then don't do it. You don't need to get every reward available in the game to be able to enjoy it.

On a side note, it seems like the gift of aurene is also a guaranteed drop where "One gift is guaranteed to drop once per account within the first 1000 Mistborn Coffers opened", based on the information provided on it in the GW2 Wiki page:

If you don't care about the skins either way then yes it could be a nice bonus to get one. The problem with this system is if you like the skin and want to try to get it your options are either to give up and find something else to get instead or commit yourself to doing the same meta event over and over and over with absolutely no guarentee you'll ever get the thing you're hoping for. Which is not a great choice.

IMO rewards which are only nice for people who don't actually care if they get them or not are not good rewards. That means it's not motivating players, and may be actively discouraging others.

I think it's true, with a drop rate so low, except the one that really farm it for months, (some people still haven't dropped taqualt weapons after 1year), it's will be liki a mini chakk egg situation, it's will just be one people out of a big pool that will drop it, except it's can't be sell and there is a big chance this player will not care about.

Without speaking about people that do collections....

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@Danikat.8537 said:IMO rewards which are only nice for people who don't actually care if they get them or not are not good rewards. That means it's not motivating players, and may be actively discouraging others.

At least this is true for me. Building legendaries etc is a nice long term goal at one point you can get them. With super low drop rates of bosses it is highly unlikely to ever get what you desire. I rather spent my time working on something i can obtain instead on trying to get a rng reward.Rewards should either be rare but tradeable or accountbound, but guaranteed after x amount of time/things done.

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@Super Hayes.6890 said:

@"Atomos.7593" said:I think it's fine. It's a nice bonus reward for people that enjoy doing that particular type of content. If you don't like that type of content, then don't do it. You don't need to get every reward available in the game to be able to enjoy it.

On a side note, it seems like the gift of aurene is also a guaranteed drop where "One gift is guaranteed to drop once per account within the first 1000 Mistborn Coffers opened", based on the information provided on it in the GW2 Wiki page:

And if they did that with teq a lot of us would be satisfied. It remains a strong possibility to do teq everday for the life of the game and never get that drop. I stupidly started trying again. Took a year off after trying since they were added. Guess thier system works on me... still playing the content.

I agree that it would be a better system to also have it as a guaranteed drop after a certain amount of tries, which is why I mentioned that it is the way it seems to work for the gift of aurene. I don't think you should be playing content to get rewards that are based on RNG (just my opinion, of course). That will only lead to possible frustration if you don't get the reward and you get bored of the content, like what seems to have happened to you. I would rather play content that I actually enjoy doing by itself, and see any RNG rewards from it as only a bonus.

@Danikat.8537 said:

@"Atomos.7593" said:I think it's fine. It's a nice bonus reward for people that enjoy doing that particular type of content. If you don't like that type of content, then don't do it. You don't need to get every reward available in the game to be able to enjoy it.

On a side note, it seems like the gift of aurene is also a guaranteed drop where "One gift is guaranteed to drop once per account within the first 1000 Mistborn Coffers opened", based on the information provided on it in the GW2 Wiki page:

If you don't care about the skins either way then yes it could be a nice bonus to get one. The problem with this system is if you like the skin and want to try to get it your options are either to give up and find something else to get instead or commit yourself to doing the same meta event over and over and over with absolutely no guarentee you'll ever get the thing you're hoping for. Which is not a great choice.

IMO rewards which are only nice for people who don't actually care if they get them or not are not good rewards. That means it's not motivating players, and may be actively discouraging others.

I don't care about skins at all, which is probably why it doesn't bother me. But comparing it to RNG drops for gear I find the system pretty similar. It gives you a chance to get something cool as a reward (like a good rare piece of armor or weapon) that in the long run will mean little for your enjoyment of the game. Hence why I see it simply as a bonus, not a necessity to have it.

I agree though that a system not based exclusively on RNG drops would be better. I doubt that they will change how it works though since it has been this way for a while now and many people would have got their rare RNG drops already as the system is (again, just my opinion). Easier just to ignore it and hope for better mechanisms in the future like the gift of aurene.

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There's skins in the wardrobe that you can't get in game, so it's not like those skins are the reason you can't 100% the wardrobePersonally I don't mind it. I actually kind of like it when there's hard to get stuff even with RNG. I've never gotten a teq weapon, but I still do the boss, so hey, it's working :D

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@Fueki.4753 said:They have been designed as rewards for being blessed with luck after doing the related content.It's too keep people doing that content ove rand over again, in the hopes of getting those skins.

They are practically the same as the stupidly rare mount drop from the Lich King in WoW's Icecrown Citadel.

invincible is higher chance then confetti infusion, i want the infusion and i just had another disappointed run. haven't killed it for months because of the low chance. there are other ways to spend time better then wasting it. it is ridiculous to let ppl keep content active with the hope they will ever getting the super rare drop they want, with the mindset it will never happen. just unfair, you are being used in this way. they know you wont loot it but you just are there to let content not dying. it is the same as asking 1000 ppl to write a review and only 1 person gets a reward. just nasty, the webshop gets 1000 nice reviews and only have to reward 1 person. 999 others invest time in it and do their best with the thinking of they will get a price. they wasted their time. same for infusions on bosses. joining days or months a boss fight without a reward, and then ppl there who have it equiped and show off. it is a pain for some ppl. the show off. the prices are so very high, you have to play years for just 1 item. or anets way, convert gems to gold. i only kill bosses now and then, like tequatl, got 2 boxes so far. i am there for the hoard, if i do not get it in a few tries i stop it. tequatl isn't much time wasting.and many runs need a meta before the boss spawns. my loot is not bad but something above 1k gold will be nice to ever (ever, within a few months) looted.

Edit: i am the luckies person in gw2 right now, i thought lets try a bizarre mount adoption license. i am not rich, and i got the right mount the first time. chance 1 in 15 so i can be happy for some time <3 thnx.

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...and I still don't have a teq's hoard but my 8 year old daughter does. Was helping her with her inventory today and there it was. No idea how long she's had it. She tends to port to whatever map I'm on so I guess she tagged a few enemies and got it. Nice system we have here when someone who doesn't even know the reward exists can get it when someone who has been intentionally trying for years cannot... She was excited when we opened it and she saw the skins though, so there's that. She picked the greatsword and immediately wanted to kill stuff with it. Proud moment for sure ?

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Anyway, i think using a token system like dungeon will be better.What is better to have more players doing the content :-Having a system with super rare drop where only a few relly do it everyday for years without dropping the full weapons and other not brothering because of the super low drop rate.-Having a token systemt that ask you to farm it everyday for a few months to get every weapons ? where every people interessted in skins will do it everyday because they know it's not relate by pure rng and will get it (and newcommer to will come).

And if you don't want more currency and don't want an item that take up slots, you can just use achievement that give a box with the skins to chose every x kill of the world boss.

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