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Getting 120 Candy Corn Cobs

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@ChampionMasquerade.5283 said:

@Infusion.7149 said:You can get them instantly by buying them off the trading post or the 120,000 candy corn to make the cobs.

True, but I’m one of the players that does not have that kind of money

120 cobs would run you around 450g at the rates I've been purchasing them at. With 3 weeks of festival, that translates to about 21g per day to reach your goal. If you join a squad that just does vet/mob doors + Steve and you use a good tagging build (I favor greatsword mirage with super speed and teleports for this!), I've found you can comfortably earn 21g in about an hour of lab farm.

An hour per day is not unreasonable and you could unlock the item(s) you want while participating in Halloween content. This is not a statement on whether or not it is reasonable to spend 450g on a mini, for instance. But if you really want it and you want to earn it by doing Halloween content, the lab farm provides the means to everyone to buy whatever they want. If you want more, there's always next year, too!

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In answer to the question: Yes and No.It was meant to be a long-term goal, and/or reward players who have been playing and collecting Candy Corn for a long time, that is, across multiple Halloween events (and diligent use of the Candy Corn Node available for the Home Instance). However, with clever/relentless farming and use of the Trading Post, it is entirely possible to shorten that "long term goal" to within a single Festival. Both circumstances are by design.

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@"DeanBB.4268" said:I wonder how many candy corn you'd get by opening those bags instead? Do we have an average Corn/Bag?


  • ~137 stacks of Trick-or-Treat Bags (ToTs) for 120 cobs → assume 70 hours to reach the goal via the OP's preferred method
  • 516 gold to buy 120 cobs (today's prices) (certainly less than 70 hours of time)
  • Sell ~61 stacks of ToTs, use funds to buy Cobs (around 31 hours of farming)

Caveat: market prices are volatile.

! Corn will keep going down, Cobs likely to increase a bit before dropping as the festival end-date nears. If you play the long game, you can save big by buying Cobs outside the Festival (perhaps as low as 2.3g each or 276 gold)

Caveat 2: assumes "efficient farming" & no other sources of gold or ToTs or corn

! Not everyone enjoys efficient farming. Some find it difficult to adjust playstyle to farm efficiently. And of course, the player is going to get ToTs, corn, or gold from a variety of other sources. Does not account for time spent dealing with all the other drops (selling or consuming or storing).

With sufficient Magic Find and "good maps", 500 ToTs per hour is within reach of any determined player (reportedly, the range might run between under 100 ToTs/hr and 750/hour).

! ~31 hours to farm enough bags to sell for the gold to buy 120 Cobs, at the rate of two stacks per hour! ~69 hours to farm ToTs that, when open, yield 120k pieces that can be trader to the vendor for 120 Cobs ← preferred method by OP

3.36 pieces/ToT according to https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Trick-or-Treat_Bag/research

! Cobs don't drop directly from ToTs (although the other "amalgamated" materials do: gibbering, high-quality, & tyria's best)! Pieces drop at a rate of about 3.3-3.7 pieces per ToT; I used 3.5 in my calculations.! That turns out to be roughly one Cob per 285 ToTs (15% over a stack)! 137 stacks to generate enough pieces to yield 120 Cobs

Alternatively, one can sell the ToTs and buy Corn. Using current market rates (which won't last):

! Custom sell ToTS for 4s each (3.4s after fees)! Custom buy cobs for 4.3g each, or 516 gold! * Requires selling 61 stacks of ToTs

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@ChampionMasquerade.5283 said:Just to make sure I'm understanding, ToT means the trick or treat bags right?Correct.

I apologize for leaving that out of the original post.(Usually, I try to avoid assuming that anyone knows the game's jargon or abbreviations, no matter how long they have played the game. I've updated to fix that.)

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

@ChampionMasquerade.5283 said:Just to make sure I'm understanding, ToT means the trick or treat bags right?Correct.

I apologize for leaving that out of the original post.(Usually, I try to avoid assuming that anyone knows the game's jargon or abbreviations, no matter how long they have played the game.)

No worries, thank you for telling me

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It is a lot to do for a miniature, I think you'd have to be half-mad to even bother trying.

But I know it's possible, because I've done it (and yes, I did it in 1 year). The short version is that you almost certainly cannot farm that much candy corn yourself, so you have to buy it. The best way to do that is to farm the Labyrinth for Trick-or-Treat (ToT) bags and then sell them on the Trading Post and use the gold to buy candy corn. (I've not done the maths this year, but in previous years it's never been better to open the bags than to sell them and buy candy corn directly.)

However unless you absolutely love farming the Lab and want to do it so much that you're literally dreaming about it I strongly recommend you go through your material storage and find anything you don't need and sell it to give yourself a head start. Check for other quick sources of gold too like using laurels to buy bags of materials and selling those on the TP. (Remember it doesn't have to be all or nothing, you could set a minimum for each type of material and only sell what you have above that. For example I always keep 50 of each cooking material just in case I need it later.) If you're reluctant to do this maybe see what you could sell and how much it would get you, but hold off on actually selling until you're sick of farming and need a shortcut.

I also recommend comparing the price of candy corn cobs and individual pieces when you go to buy it as sometimes one is cheaper than the other. The difference for 1 cob might be quite small, but it adds up quickly. It might also be worth using a site like GW2Spidy to check how prices for ToT bags and candy corn change over time to try to predict the best time in the festival to sell/buy. From past experience the price for bags tends to start dropping around now, when the 'early adopters' have gotten whatever they wanted or given up and more people are settling into a routine of farming them, then starts to rise again towards the end of the festival when participation has dropped off somewhat and people are starting to worry they won't get the drop they want. Also I think bags tend to be worth more and candy corn sells for less on weekends when more people are playing.

Finally whatever you do don't leave it until the last day to sell bags, buy candy corn or buy the miniature. Firstly because it's far better to use buy/sell orders than instant but they take time to go through, but mostly because you really don't want to put all that time and effort in and end up with nothing because of an unexpected problem - your computer or internet goes down, Anet's servers have a problem, you got the time zones wrong and thought the event would end later, something comes up in real life that takes precendence over a game etc. etc. It probably won't happen, but it can't hurt to give yourself a day or two to spare rather than taking that risk.

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