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Effects, Clutter, Text, Audio and Headaches


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@"Tuco.2419" said:

From 2017:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/post/quote/18252/Comment_294590

@"Gaile Gray.6029" said:We are aware of this concern, and I believe you will see it addressed soon.

Also known as: "Your call is very important to us, please hold the line."
  1. Delete people who use the pony bow from the server.

O.O How dare you.....

On a more serious note. Yes, options to tone things down wouldn't hurt. I don't have enough problems with it that it's a big issue for my enjoyment but stills like in the OP always make me laugh a bit and think "Ah the beauty of GW2". The stills also always look worse than the actual game in movement, but yeah, you have a point. Also, as a side effect, maybe the game would not turn into a slideshow as soon as more than 20 objects need to be animated, if neither the objects nor the animations were as "flashy".

To help while "the concern is being adressed": many skills are telegraphed by more than one tell, it's not just the animations or visual tells you can watch out for. There are adio-tells as well, phrases a boss says before executing an attack or other sounds that indicate something's about to happen.

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@Moradorin.6217 said:

@XceptOne.9134 said:Ok managed to find others with the same issue, as a newbie who's doing mainly PvE stuff, I sometimes just stand there within a few meters to a mob with other players but not hitting it as I'm not close enough due to being bombarded with spells.

Sure, personally I like range in Open world content and wvw zergs for that matter, partly because all the visual spam can cause me to be unable to see the target, see other targets, tell which I have targeted and its worse the closer to the object (and effects). Before some bright helpfull person suggests I look for the red arrow over the target and the red circle under them I will just say Mhmm I wish I could see them it would be helpful. This even happens in certain fractals. Some times the best thing is to just hit target nearest/next and keep hitting your kitten if you see some numbers, well it must be ok.... Sure this game is designed with skilled active play in mind...

I'll get right up close and hope one hit lands!

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These are two of the biggest problems I have with the game (visual clutter and unhealthily bright flashing lights) and the fact that this has been around since before I started playing GW2 and Anet still hasn't addressed them after all these years is a big reason I have no interest in EoD. I just don't have faith that Anet will address major issues with the game. If this is how Anet treats the game, why should I bother to spend any more money in this game? Looking at the QoL sticky, there are a lot of very necessary QoL requests in there, just from the first few pages. Almost nothing is addressed.

Copy and paste from the QoL sticky:1) Reduce visual clutter so that players can actually see. Right now, too many metas and world bosses are mindless and incomprehensible mess. It's like we're fighting flashing lights that may randomly kill us. This results in combat being too shallow, mindless, and not at all engaging.

2) Let us move the target UI to the side. Again, we can't see the enemies.

3) Let us turn off the player names (displayed as blue text on field) while in a squad. Again, we can't see the enemies.

4) Reduce the unhealthy and painfully bright visual effects and flashing lights. The brightness/contrast on some maps is so extreme it is literally painful for me to look at the screen. Then there is the spam of bright flashing lights every time a Holosmith uses a skill, whenever a Soulbeast mounts (exiting Beastmode), whenever a jackal uses the engage skill, whenever gathering with the Volatile Magic gathering tools, etc.

Turning off postprocessing partially helps with this, but it turns off all lighting and makes the game so dark that in dark maps (like Ember Bay), I can't even see the surroundings. It's like trying to find my way around my apartment at night during a blackout. Also, it makes the game look too flat.

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@Hannelore.8153 said:One quick fix would be to simply hide effects from all players but your party. In fact, hide all players outside the party entirely.

Character Model Limit accomplishes this somewhat but it doesn't work on effects.

Isn't there an option to use the base model for other player characters?It looks hidous and unimersive, but it's an option i guess...

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@"maddoctor.2738" said:Guild Wars 2 requires an epilepsy warning.

Are you sure?



REWARD:A reward of 5 million gold will be given to the player who can identify the 4 enemies in the above 4 screenshots. The reward will be given as soon as I can confirm the identities, which will be never because even I don’t know what the heck I was fighting.

Edit: Migraine added!

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

@"Smoosh.2718" said:This too is also a problem I can not stand seeing in the game... these FPS sponges.


Once again... Give the players an option to disable other players infusions before you even think about adding another one to the game!

I’ll never be able to do that, but kitten that is glorious...!!

Its not glorious, it actually drops your FPS massivly just by looking at them. Since this is a CPU game and not a GPU game it's quite taxing, so we need an ability to disable other players visual poo.

Options Id accept:

Dissable other players infusion effectsDissable other players lengedary Aura effectsDissable other players particle effects

I know we do currently have an ability to limit the effects we see on screen at once caused by skills, but we do not have an ability to limit/neutralise the aura's and infusions on other players. With the way this game is going (since anet really doesnt want to change the engine of the game which will allow for better optimisation) This is becoming a must before it becomes worse to play due to low frame rates as time goes on. Too many glowy skins have been added into the game, with every player trying to glow more than the next.

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@BlueJin.4127 said:

@maddoctor.2738 said:Guild Wars 2 requires an epilepsy warning.


REWARD:A reward of 5 million gold will be given to the player who can identify the 4 enemies in the above 4 screenshots. The reward will be given as soon as I can confirm the identities, which will be never because even I don’t know what the heck I was fighting.


Emphasized the bit I added.

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This is still a major issue. Some of the DRMs are extremely punishing to melee, but you can't see anything and respond to mechanics properly because everything is just a giant blob of light.

I've been playing reaper lately and why exactly am I not allowed to disable the horrendous shadow tint that pops up on my screen when I go into shroud? Why?

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@Veprovina.4876 said:

@Hannelore.8153 said:One quick fix would be to simply hide effects from all players but your party. In fact, hide all players outside the party entirely.

Character Model Limit accomplishes this somewhat but it doesn't work on effects.

Isn't there an option to use the base model for other player characters?It looks hidous and unimersive, but it's an option i guess...

It doesn't hide their backpiece, weapons, infusions or other effects like skill animations and sounds. Only their actual character model and armor is affected, rendering it pretty much useless compared to just hiding them entirely.

Character Model Limit - Hide players entirely.Character Model Quality (Lowest) - Change players to standard models.

But the limit doesn't prioritise enemies so bosses end up getting culled in fights as well.

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@Hannelore.8153 said:

@Hannelore.8153 said:One quick fix would be to simply hide effects from all players but your party. In fact, hide all players outside the party entirely.

Character Model Limit accomplishes this somewhat but it doesn't work on effects.

Isn't there an option to use the base model for other player characters?It looks hidous and unimersive, but it's an option i guess...

It doesn't hide their backpiece, weapons, infusions or other effects like skill animations and sounds. Only their actual character model and armor is affected, rendering it pretty much useless compared to just hiding them entirely.

Character Model Limit - Hide players entirely.Character Model Quality (Lowest) - Change players to standard models.

But the limit doesn't prioritise enemies so bosses end up getting culled in fights as well.

Ah, if so then it's pretty much useless, i agree.The game needs performance upgrade in general, and new graphics options would be really helpful as well.

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I just really hate that this game prioritizes loading players over enemies and bosses.I can see Jack, Jill, Joe, and Jeremy with their legendary weapons and backpacks, but the boss is an invisible entity defined only by a red circle and a floating health bar.

I don't care about other players, the boss and his lackeys are what is important then and there

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@"Tuco.2419" said:4xTBBjI.jpgI think what I really want is:

  1. Ability to hide player names in my squad
  2. Ability to hide player titles and guilds
  3. Better options for reducing the screen effects.
  4. Ability to reduce audio effects
  5. Ability to hide other player's armor/weapon effects
  6. Delete people who use the pony bow from the server.

xIlntaq.gifTry to read this Weaver Air sword auto chain with the background above. Hf.

I think what I really want is, additionally:

  • A switch for hotbar animations
  • A 1-2-3 overlay, or color-coded border, for chain skills
  • Vertical, color-coded hitpoint bars; horizontal ones are kitten in stacks
  • A client-side switch for infusion
  • World domination by tomorrow 9 am.

I tinkered the look below for the sole purpose of making a point about infusion stacking (ok, also bc I'm a kitten)K8cg9Ab.jpg4H2QjP3.jpg

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