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mastery points should be available in the gemstore

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@Chyanne Waters.8719 said:

@"Veprovina.4876" said:I'll never understand people who will willingly pay to
play the game they've bought...Then just don't play it, otherwise you're just wasting money.

again the play is doing the exp. to use the mastery points some points are a pain to get for no reason

No, "the play" is doing everything in game that the game has to offer.That inludes mastery points.Paying for "skipping" them is paying to not play the game as it was intended.

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@Tazer.2157 said:I actually agree with this. The game lets us buy gear for gold which can be brought for gems. I see no reason why mastery points shouldn’t be available as well. It’s not like the mastery points are vital to a class build or anything. They are just generic updates that do not make any difference. If people want to pay, they should be allowed to as in this case unlocking mastery points with gems does not give the player who is paying any advantage.

Except some mastery points indeed do get you an advantage, specifically the Fractal and the Legendary crafting ones.

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@Veprovina.4876 said:I'll never understand people who will willingly pay to not play the game they've bought...Then just don't play it, otherwise you're just wasting money.

Yep, and this is the type of activity I would define as pay-to-win. Most masteries give a large advantage in open world. Gliding. Mount masteries. EMP. Pact supply network agents. Etc.

Which means we have a person coming into the forums to argue that the game should be modified into a pay-to-win one.

And bringing in the other thread where the OP (not this one) was complaining about ecto gambling. I would expect that a pay-for-mastery-points system would make more people part with money easier than the in-game gambling options.

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@Hesione.9412 said:

@"Veprovina.4876" said:I'll never understand people who will willingly pay to
play the game they've bought...Then just don't play it, otherwise you're just wasting money.

Yep, and this is the type of activity I would define as pay-to-win. Most masteries give a large advantage in open world. Gliding. Mount masteries. EMP. Pact supply network agents. Etc.

Which means we have a person coming into the forums to argue that the game should be modified into a pay-to-win one.

And bringing in the other thread where the OP (not this one) was complaining about ecto gambling. I would expect that a pay-for-mastery-points system would make more people part with money easier than the in-game gambling options.

I agree, I also see that as a pay to win. Mysteries aren't just cosmetic, they're gameplay elements that give you mechanics as you master them. None if the gem store items that I know of give you certain mechanics that others dont have or have to grind for. Gem store is just cosmetic and convenience stuff which is good.

And I read the ecto gambling thread and like, its gambling lol, if you have a problem with it, dont do it, anet is not your mother to tell you what you should and shouldn't do.

(The "you" is meant generally, not you specifically)

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mastery cannot be bought, mastery comes with time

Though I would really rework getting some mastery points in drizzlewood coast. Some are like grind. 10 times North, 50 times Cold War and others.Yes, I made them, but did not get any pleasure, now I do not visit this map

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If you want a game where you can pay your way to the top, I recommend Lord of the Rings online. They have kitten like that in their store - and it's one of the reasons why the game lost a lot of loyal players.Mastery points aren't "I'm rich, you know" points. If you find this all too difficult, it's the wrong game for you.

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@Veprovina.4876 said:

@Tazer.2157 said:I actually agree with this. The game lets us buy gear for gold which can be brought for gems. I see no reason why mastery points shouldn’t be available as well. It’s not like the mastery points are vital to a class build or anything. They are just generic updates that do not make any difference. If people want to pay, they should be allowed to as in this case unlocking mastery points with gems does not give the player who is paying any advantage.

Except some mastery points indeed do get you an advantage, specifically the Fractal and the Legendary crafting ones.

But we can buy exotic gear, runes and sigils for gold that can be brought from gems. These offer a more substantial in game advantage especially to new players just starting out. Buying sigils and runes can cost you nearly 10-20 gold, gold a new player just does not have. And if you are trying to gear out multiple class, there is a greater advantage.

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I took a look at a couple requirements for one mastery point each of course seen more but these stuck out. Two different weapon sets with 16 weapons each have to be acquired to get one mastery point each. I don't need 32 weapons I'm never gonna use anyway to get those points. Again I am not saying you can purchase them and use them without playing for the xp you need to use them you do. I am saying you should not have to complete some of the stupid requirement to get mastery points. If you want to that's fine if not you should have the option to buy them for gems if you want they could also be available in BL chests or in game as a drop here n there. Buying the points will not break the game or be pay to win just be an option to people.

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I must be getting old. I remember when people payed to get access, a floppy disk, a CD, a license key, etc. etc. and play a game. Once you bought it, that’s it. That was the game. But now, people want to pay to “finish” a game? Why? Is this what Angry Birds and Candy Crush (I never played those, so don’t really know) has done to the game market? Something is too hard, oh nothing a few dollars can’t fix? It’s even worse when it’s a multiplayer game. Imagine if you could just buy a Skyscale for 5000 gems. No, just no. GW2 is not Gold Wars 2.

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@firedragon.8953 said:I must be getting old. I remember when people payed to get access, a floppy disk, a CD, a license key, etc. etc. and play a game. Once you bought it, that’s it. That was the game. But now, people want to pay to “finish” a game? Why? Is this what Angry Birds and Candy Crush (I never played those, so don’t really know) has done to the game market? Something is too hard, oh nothing a few dollars can’t fix? It’s even worse when it’s a multiplayer game. Imagine if you could just buy a Skyscale for 5000 gems. No, just no. GW2 is not Gold Wars 2.

Lol but you have to pay 2000 gems to change the look of your mount.

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@firedragon.8953 said:I must be getting old. I remember when people payed to get access, a floppy disk, a CD, a license key, etc. etc. and play a game. Once you bought it, that’s it. That was the game. But now, people want to pay to “finish” a game? Why? Is this what Angry Birds and Candy Crush (I never played those, so don’t really know) has done to the game market? Something is too hard, oh nothing a few dollars can’t fix? It’s even worse when it’s a multiplayer game. Imagine if you could just buy a Skyscale for 5000 gems. No, just no. GW2 is not Gold Wars 2.

Problem with that is this game is constantly changing.

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But why would you need to buy them? There are plenty of more points available than what is needed so you can skip all the weapon collections and other ones that are too difficult. You get enough for mostly just playing the story and completing the map of each episode.

Also the masteries are usually designed only to be used in that Episode's map and you get the points for them by playing that map. If you don't play that map, you don't need the masteries for it either.

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Mastery points came out with Heart of Thorns: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/reimagining-progression-the-mastery-system/You can only get them if you have an expansion/ the relevant expansion.

Is there a fundamental problem with playing a game in order to get things that are useful in a game? The masteries are skills that you work towards, not something that you get all in one day.

I'm lost as to how players will continue playing a game if the medium-term and longer-term goals are removed from the game.

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A few fundamental flaws I see with this idea:

  • The Mastery Points are often related to specific challenges that one must complete in order to get them. Making them purchaseable through the Gem Store is completely trivializing that challenge and sense of accomplishment.
  • Even if Mastery Points were to be made purchaseable through the Gem Store, you'd still need to grind literal tons of EXP to be able to train the specific Masteries. That'd only be making things extra tedious.
  • See also: Hesione's point about the game's longevity above.

In conclusion, I disagree.

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I really cant see why not? We already have Max level boosters, waypoints, teleport stone and other stupid things in gemstone. I remember anet say PLAY THE WAY YOU WANT TO Play and if People want to play this way why not? People already skip Hard jps usin teleport Stones or masteries point to get there faster. Maby People get @ Hurt cuz they want u to go through same hell they did. I really cant see why not.

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@Chyanne Waters.8719 said:

@firedragon.8953 said:I must be getting old. I remember when people payed to get access, a floppy disk, a CD, a license key, etc. etc. and play a game. Once you bought it, that’s it. That was the game. But now, people want to pay to “finish” a game? Why? Is this what Angry Birds and Candy Crush (I never played those, so don’t really know) has done to the game market? Something is too hard, oh nothing a few dollars can’t fix? It’s even worse when it’s a multiplayer game. Imagine if you could just buy a Skyscale for 5000 gems. No, just no. GW2 is not Gold Wars 2.

Lol but you have to pay 2000 gems to change the look of your mount.

The look of a mount does not gate progression in the game. Mastery points can. Take PoF for example: you cannot (easily) get to the Springer without having the necessary mastery for the Raptor for canyon jumping. Getting to elevated areas without the Springer's extra high jump mastery is significantly more difficult than without it. There are areas you cannot access with the Skimmer without the requisite mastery that allows it to increase its height. Likewise, one cannot use sand portals without training one's Jackal to use them.

Mount skins are purely cosmetic. Sorry, but your comparison here is flawed.

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