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Community: we don't like stealth thief builds

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@noiwk.2760 said:

@noiwk.2760 said:you only prove you are a kitten who think you can show off titles.. ok .. you ahve titles so everything you say is the truth.. well sorry mate.. 99.9999999999% of the people here who dont play thief dont like to fight against thief .. thief is a problem for everyone here even for bigger players than you are so take your arrogant approach with your meaningless titles and go bully someone else ..

People forget how strong thief was 2 years ago...in comparison to now, it's a joke what's happened to thief. Darren is a top 100 player. He knows how to play thief I've dueled him many times, and I share his disdain for people that think thief is OP... It's ghost of it's former self...all the fun sucked dry from all weapons...all traits...

if he was more op .. doesnt mean its weak now.. you can not compare to what it was but to the builds you have currently !its like speaking about spell breaker.. how op it was . and look now? or scourge? but its not how to think about it.. the fact is thief is still meta.. daredevil is still very strong class and im sorry you disagree. but thief dont need to have super mobility and still be able to kill every class..

The thing is, Thief isn't killing every class. Thief is another class that faces counters and weaknesses from multiple other professions. The easiest way to kill thief is literally one of the dozens of skills that forces a thief into revealed, however people don't have enough brain cells to bring those anymore usually, they just complain when a thief goes into stealth. I can think of 100 different counters for thief, but if you don't ever play it then you'll never discover them. We die in 2 hits, but you sure don't see us asking for more vitality or toughness. We just want these nerfs to stop and to see some added damage because our current damage is rather pitiful.

then ill say it again.. the issue i have with thieves is stealth... and unless stealth is finally reworked.. thieves are problem..

and sorry not every class/build can have reveal .. if they give every class a decent reveal skills eyah i wont have problem with thieves dont get me wrong i dont want to see thieves as bad class.. i want rework for steralth :)

What class do you play?

a few.. and 1 of them got rightfully nerfed.. i think it got over nerfed but its fine.. time to play more classes.. i play reaper/core necro (power cause condi is cancer)i play speall breaker but currently warriors are kitten so i played heal warrior which got over nerfed.. . i play rev both herald and renegade which also got over nerfed today..so overall i took more nerfs from you .. but i think they were needed... im happy about might make right cause its right direciton but i think physicall skills need to get their damage back for warrior to be a fighter again .. and improve self might aplication for sustain

well of course you think thief is overpowered, you chose every profession that is countered by good thieves. Expand your horizons and if you think thief is just the God that controls PvP, then why don't you go try out thief for a week. Come back to me, and I'll accept the apology that you have.

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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:Stealth thief builds didn’t specifically get nerfed, but I think it’s more likely for sw/d build to take thief place- ie deadeye and s/d daredevil. These builds can sometimes win 1v1s and can snowball team fights where things like dhs and power revs might be.

Why would you play a poor duelist who performs even worse in teamfights? Thiefs purpose hasnt changed, its still a decap and +1 bot. And there is nothing that made D/P specifically worse at that than other builds (And Deadeye is not going to work as long as projectile destruction and reflect is as abundant as it is, and DJ is as unhittable as it is).

You wouldn’t play a poor duelist- you would be playing a build that hard counters dh and power revs that has much improved mobility from d/p builds that can not only 1v1 better than other s/d builds but do more damage- just how Sa dp would do at least as much damage as Da dp, but with much improved sustain

Youre playing thief. That means youre playing a poor duelist at best. How exactly do you intend to counter DH, who still has better damage, defense, CC and sustain? Youd still be a pure decap and +1 bot that avoids 1v1s like the plague, so there is no real advantage to D/P. Its not like you get more mobility because IA is still the best movement you have.

Dh can 1v1 at least in ranked, but it’s not a 1v1 build. Keep in mind s/d daredevil is and has been possibly the best counter to these dh builds for multiple seasons at least according to multiple plat-legend guards and thief players.

I mean of course DH is not a 1v1 build. But Thief is not a 1v1
. And when it comes to 1v1ing, DH still does a lot better. Thief is a counter in +1 scenarios, not 1v1 scenarios. And its good at that because it can rip crucial boons from DH, interrupt their high cast time valuable skills with ease, and mess them up with blinds. But, in a 1v1 scenario that doesnt save the thief. He still loses. There is a reason DH was fine in the 2v2 seasons (though not top tier) and thief was either the only, or one of the only two classes that were unplayable.

What are you even talking about. It has nothing to do with what’ll be meta or played in ranked

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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:Stealth thief builds didn’t specifically get nerfed, but I think it’s more likely for sw/d build to take thief place- ie deadeye and s/d daredevil. These builds can sometimes win 1v1s and can snowball team fights where things like dhs and power revs might be.

Why would you play a poor duelist who performs even worse in teamfights? Thiefs purpose hasnt changed, its still a decap and +1 bot. And there is nothing that made D/P specifically worse at that than other builds (And Deadeye is not going to work as long as projectile destruction and reflect is as abundant as it is, and DJ is as unhittable as it is).

You wouldn’t play a poor duelist- you would be playing a build that hard counters dh and power revs that has much improved mobility from d/p builds that can not only 1v1 better than other s/d builds but do more damage- just how Sa dp would do at least as much damage as Da dp, but with much improved sustain

Youre playing thief. That means youre playing a poor duelist at best. How exactly do you intend to counter DH, who still has better damage, defense, CC and sustain? Youd still be a pure decap and +1 bot that avoids 1v1s like the plague, so there is no real advantage to D/P. Its not like you get more mobility because IA is still the best movement you have.

Dh can 1v1 at least in ranked, but it’s not a 1v1 build. Keep in mind s/d daredevil is and has been possibly the best counter to these dh builds for multiple seasons at least according to multiple plat-legend guards and thief players.

I mean of course DH is not a 1v1 build. But Thief is not a 1v1
. And when it comes to 1v1ing, DH still does a lot better. Thief is a counter in +1 scenarios, not 1v1 scenarios. And its good at that because it can rip crucial boons from DH, interrupt their high cast time valuable skills with ease, and mess them up with blinds. But, in a 1v1 scenario that doesnt save the thief. He still loses. There is a reason DH was fine in the 2v2 seasons (though not top tier) and thief was either the only, or one of the only two classes that were unplayable.

Dan has a point. S/D DrD and core Thief with Acro will get the better of DH but that's limited to straight 1v1s - doesn't happen too often in Conquest let alone 2v2s. Problem is these builds are actually very good duellists when fighting one opponent but so weak to +1s it is hardly worth a try in ranked imo.

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@darren.1064 said:

@noiwk.2760 said:you only prove you are a kitten who think you can show off titles.. ok .. you ahve titles so everything you say is the truth.. well sorry mate.. 99.9999999999% of the people here who dont play thief dont like to fight against thief .. thief is a problem for everyone here even for bigger players than you are so take your arrogant approach with your meaningless titles and go bully someone else ..

People forget how strong thief was 2 years ago...in comparison to now, it's a joke what's happened to thief. Darren is a top 100 player. He knows how to play thief I've dueled him many times, and I share his disdain for people that think thief is OP... It's ghost of it's former self...all the fun sucked dry from all weapons...all traits...

if he was more op .. doesnt mean its weak now.. you can not compare to what it was but to the builds you have currently !its like speaking about spell breaker.. how op it was . and look now? or scourge? but its not how to think about it.. the fact is thief is still meta.. daredevil is still very strong class and im sorry you disagree. but thief dont need to have super mobility and still be able to kill every class..

The thing is, Thief isn't killing every class. Thief is another class that faces counters and weaknesses from multiple other professions. The easiest way to kill thief is literally one of the dozens of skills that forces a thief into revealed, however people don't have enough brain cells to bring those anymore usually, they just complain when a thief goes into stealth. I can think of 100 different counters for thief, but if you don't ever play it then you'll never discover them. We die in 2 hits, but you sure don't see us asking for more vitality or toughness. We just want these nerfs to stop and to see some added damage
because our current damage is rather pitiful.

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@Burnfall.9573 said:

@noiwk.2760 said:you only prove you are a kitten who think you can show off titles.. ok .. you ahve titles so everything you say is the truth.. well sorry mate.. 99.9999999999% of the people here who dont play thief dont like to fight against thief .. thief is a problem for everyone here even for bigger players than you are so take your arrogant approach with your meaningless titles and go bully someone else ..

People forget how strong thief was 2 years ago...in comparison to now, it's a joke what's happened to thief. Darren is a top 100 player. He knows how to play thief I've dueled him many times, and I share his disdain for people that think thief is OP... It's ghost of it's former self...all the fun sucked dry from all weapons...all traits...

if he was more op .. doesnt mean its weak now.. you can not compare to what it was but to the builds you have currently !its like speaking about spell breaker.. how op it was . and look now? or scourge? but its not how to think about it.. the fact is thief is still meta.. daredevil is still very strong class and im sorry you disagree. but thief dont need to have super mobility and still be able to kill every class..

The thing is, Thief isn't killing every class. Thief is another class that faces counters and weaknesses from multiple other professions. The easiest way to kill thief is literally one of the dozens of skills that forces a thief into revealed, however people don't have enough brain cells to bring those anymore usually, they just complain when a thief goes into stealth. I can think of 100 different counters for thief, but if you don't ever play it then you'll never discover them. We die in 2 hits, but you sure don't see us asking for more vitality or toughness. We just want these nerfs to stop and to see some added damage
because our current damage is rather pitiful.

I promise you that nobody will click on this video or even care. If you wanna say something then use your actual words.

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atleast thief is given the ability to runa dn decide when to fight .. if he dont wanna fight he stealth and poof.. daredevil is strong class.. and it continue be the meta even with the short bow nerf.. and it will continue being maybe the best class for ranked pvp..

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@Dantheman.3589 said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:Stealth thief builds didn’t specifically get nerfed, but I think it’s more likely for sw/d build to take thief place- ie deadeye and s/d daredevil. These builds can sometimes win 1v1s and can snowball team fights where things like dhs and power revs might be.

Why would you play a poor duelist who performs even worse in teamfights? Thiefs purpose hasnt changed, its still a decap and +1 bot. And there is nothing that made D/P specifically worse at that than other builds (And Deadeye is not going to work as long as projectile destruction and reflect is as abundant as it is, and DJ is as unhittable as it is).

You wouldn’t play a poor duelist- you would be playing a build that hard counters dh and power revs that has much improved mobility from d/p builds that can not only 1v1 better than other s/d builds but do more damage- just how Sa dp would do at least as much damage as Da dp, but with much improved sustain

Youre playing thief. That means youre playing a poor duelist at best. How exactly do you intend to counter DH, who still has better damage, defense, CC and sustain? Youd still be a pure decap and +1 bot that avoids 1v1s like the plague, so there is no real advantage to D/P. Its not like you get more mobility because IA is still the best movement you have.

Dh can 1v1 at least in ranked, but it’s not a 1v1 build. Keep in mind s/d daredevil is and has been possibly the best counter to these dh builds for multiple seasons at least according to multiple plat-legend guards and thief players.

I mean of course DH is not a 1v1 build. But Thief is not a 1v1
. And when it comes to 1v1ing, DH still does a lot better. Thief is a counter in +1 scenarios, not 1v1 scenarios. And its good at that because it can rip crucial boons from DH, interrupt their high cast time valuable skills with ease, and mess them up with blinds. But, in a 1v1 scenario that doesnt save the thief. He still loses. There is a reason DH was fine in the 2v2 seasons (though not top tier) and thief was either the only, or one of the only two classes that were unplayable.

What are you even talking about. It has nothing to do with what’ll be meta or played in ranked

I mean if Im understanding your argument, youre saying that you want to play thief as a duelist, since +1-wise nothings actually changed for them. But thief is a poor duelist who doesnt win fights. So Im not sure why you think the builds would change.

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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:Stealth thief builds didn’t specifically get nerfed, but I think it’s more likely for sw/d build to take thief place- ie deadeye and s/d daredevil. These builds can sometimes win 1v1s and can snowball team fights where things like dhs and power revs might be.

Why would you play a poor duelist who performs even worse in teamfights? Thiefs purpose hasnt changed, its still a decap and +1 bot. And there is nothing that made D/P specifically worse at that than other builds (And Deadeye is not going to work as long as projectile destruction and reflect is as abundant as it is, and DJ is as unhittable as it is).

You wouldn’t play a poor duelist- you would be playing a build that hard counters dh and power revs that has much improved mobility from d/p builds that can not only 1v1 better than other s/d builds but do more damage- just how Sa dp would do at least as much damage as Da dp, but with much improved sustain

Youre playing thief. That means youre playing a poor duelist at best. How exactly do you intend to counter DH, who still has better damage, defense, CC and sustain? Youd still be a pure decap and +1 bot that avoids 1v1s like the plague, so there is no real advantage to D/P. Its not like you get more mobility because IA is still the best movement you have.

Dh can 1v1 at least in ranked, but it’s not a 1v1 build. Keep in mind s/d daredevil is and has been possibly the best counter to these dh builds for multiple seasons at least according to multiple plat-legend guards and thief players.

I mean of course DH is not a 1v1 build. But Thief is not a 1v1
. And when it comes to 1v1ing, DH still does a lot better. Thief is a counter in +1 scenarios, not 1v1 scenarios. And its good at that because it can rip crucial boons from DH, interrupt their high cast time valuable skills with ease, and mess them up with blinds. But, in a 1v1 scenario that doesnt save the thief. He still loses. There is a reason DH was fine in the 2v2 seasons (though not top tier) and thief was either the only, or one of the only two classes that were unplayable.

What are you even talking about. It has nothing to do with what’ll be meta or played in ranked

I mean if Im understanding your argument, youre saying that you want to play thief as a duelist, since +1-wise nothings actually changed for them. But thief is a poor duelist who doesnt win fights. So Im not sure why you think the builds would change.

Wow. Responding to the post with delusions- s/d thief is a roamer mostly. If you want a duelist rn on thief you’d be pretty out of lucky with anything but staff/staff or p/p condi which probably work op to plat or at least the best player I’ve seen on these type of builds gets plat2 on a good day with a good duo.

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@Dantheman.3589 said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:Stealth thief builds didn’t specifically get nerfed, but I think it’s more likely for sw/d build to take thief place- ie deadeye and s/d daredevil. These builds can sometimes win 1v1s and can snowball team fights where things like dhs and power revs might be.

Why would you play a poor duelist who performs even worse in teamfights? Thiefs purpose hasnt changed, its still a decap and +1 bot. And there is nothing that made D/P specifically worse at that than other builds (And Deadeye is not going to work as long as projectile destruction and reflect is as abundant as it is, and DJ is as unhittable as it is).

You wouldn’t play a poor duelist- you would be playing a build that hard counters dh and power revs that has much improved mobility from d/p builds that can not only 1v1 better than other s/d builds but do more damage- just how Sa dp would do at least as much damage as Da dp, but with much improved sustain

Youre playing thief. That means youre playing a poor duelist at best. How exactly do you intend to counter DH, who still has better damage, defense, CC and sustain? Youd still be a pure decap and +1 bot that avoids 1v1s like the plague, so there is no real advantage to D/P. Its not like you get more mobility because IA is still the best movement you have.

Dh can 1v1 at least in ranked, but it’s not a 1v1 build. Keep in mind s/d daredevil is and has been possibly the best counter to these dh builds for multiple seasons at least according to multiple plat-legend guards and thief players.

I mean of course DH is not a 1v1 build. But Thief is not a 1v1
. And when it comes to 1v1ing, DH still does a lot better. Thief is a counter in +1 scenarios, not 1v1 scenarios. And its good at that because it can rip crucial boons from DH, interrupt their high cast time valuable skills with ease, and mess them up with blinds. But, in a 1v1 scenario that doesnt save the thief. He still loses. There is a reason DH was fine in the 2v2 seasons (though not top tier) and thief was either the only, or one of the only two classes that were unplayable.

What are you even talking about. It has nothing to do with what’ll be meta or played in ranked

I mean if Im understanding your argument, youre saying that you want to play thief as a duelist, since +1-wise nothings actually changed for them. But thief is a poor duelist who doesnt win fights. So Im not sure why you think the builds would change.

Wow. Responding to the post with delusions- s/d thief is a roamer mostly. If you want a duelist rn on thief you’d be pretty out of lucky with anything but staff/staff or p/p condi which probably work op to plat or at least the best player I’ve seen on these type of builds gets plat2 on a good day with a good duo.

Then, why do you think thief would change his build from one roamer to another, without any of them getting better relative to the other? You are confusing.

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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:Stealth thief builds didn’t specifically get nerfed, but I think it’s more likely for sw/d build to take thief place- ie deadeye and s/d daredevil. These builds can sometimes win 1v1s and can snowball team fights where things like dhs and power revs might be.

Why would you play a poor duelist who performs even worse in teamfights? Thiefs purpose hasnt changed, its still a decap and +1 bot. And there is nothing that made D/P specifically worse at that than other builds (And Deadeye is not going to work as long as projectile destruction and reflect is as abundant as it is, and DJ is as unhittable as it is).

You wouldn’t play a poor duelist- you would be playing a build that hard counters dh and power revs that has much improved mobility from d/p builds that can not only 1v1 better than other s/d builds but do more damage- just how Sa dp would do at least as much damage as Da dp, but with much improved sustain

Youre playing thief. That means youre playing a poor duelist at best. How exactly do you intend to counter DH, who still has better damage, defense, CC and sustain? Youd still be a pure decap and +1 bot that avoids 1v1s like the plague, so there is no real advantage to D/P. Its not like you get more mobility because IA is still the best movement you have.

Dh can 1v1 at least in ranked, but it’s not a 1v1 build. Keep in mind s/d daredevil is and has been possibly the best counter to these dh builds for multiple seasons at least according to multiple plat-legend guards and thief players.

I mean of course DH is not a 1v1 build. But Thief is not a 1v1
. And when it comes to 1v1ing, DH still does a lot better. Thief is a counter in +1 scenarios, not 1v1 scenarios. And its good at that because it can rip crucial boons from DH, interrupt their high cast time valuable skills with ease, and mess them up with blinds. But, in a 1v1 scenario that doesnt save the thief. He still loses. There is a reason DH was fine in the 2v2 seasons (though not top tier) and thief was either the only, or one of the only two classes that were unplayable.

What are you even talking about. It has nothing to do with what’ll be meta or played in ranked

I mean if Im understanding your argument, youre saying that you want to play thief as a duelist, since +1-wise nothings actually changed for them. But thief is a poor duelist who doesnt win fights. So Im not sure why you think the builds would change.

Wow. Responding to the post with delusions- s/d thief is a roamer mostly. If you want a duelist rn on thief you’d be pretty out of lucky with anything but staff/staff or p/p condi which probably work op to plat or at least the best player I’ve seen on these type of builds gets plat2 on a good day with a good duo.

Then, why do you think thief would change his build from one roamer to another, without any of them getting better relative to the other? You are confusing.

Not that I’m gonna argue about it- but the endurance/mobility loss is very significant, dp thief’s could try to make up for it by changing to build to say the daredevil heal, but then they will severely lack in the stealth they need. Stealth builds are pigeonholed by this change meanwhile sd isn’t and makes up for the loses, so we will see a surge of s/d thief’s. Also deadeyes will see a huge rating inflation or at least for the few who main it, though based off our meta it will be unplayable in ats, where as an s/d thief can be played in that meta and you as an s/d thief will be a very nice pick up against the dh and rev surge we are gonna see making it a not bad choose at all meaningwhile dp at best will just completely fall- so I recommend thief mains who wanna be viable play s/d DrD over deadeye over d/p

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@Anomaly.7612 said:

@felix.2386 said:yes, in a hand of a bad player like you, it won't be anything, try to press button next time because thief still the best roamer and is still meta like always.

Dude all you do is complain about Thief on the forums while using the Thief icon. What Thief hurt you? Jfc.

Steal: take all the opposing player's dignity and toss it right into the wind.

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@"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:Anet: "Okay, here's a nerf across the ENTIRE CLASS. Not once, not twice, BUT THRICE. You might want to specify what is it, exactly, that thief is allowed to do even moderately well?

Because currently, it won't be damage. It won't be dueling. It won't be +1'ing. And it most definitely won't be roaming.

Anet need to remove Stealth access from Professions including in their traits, food, runes, sigils etc.. and make it entirely Thief Procession mechanic. Stealth is a rogue specialization and is to be given solely and entirely to the Profession whose role it is specialized to and whose its identified to, whose its signature its design for, which is Thief Profession. In addition, with having a complete redesign given entirely to its holder

Next Balance Patch- Remove Stealth access from Mesmer Profession, Elementalist Profession, Ranger Profession and Revenant Profession-

-The Community already agree with having a redesign Stealth Mechanic and also agree with Stealth being a Rogue Specialization-

Thief Profession is The Rogue Specialization

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@Dantheman.3589 said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:Stealth thief builds didn’t specifically get nerfed, but I think it’s more likely for sw/d build to take thief place- ie deadeye and s/d daredevil. These builds can sometimes win 1v1s and can snowball team fights where things like dhs and power revs might be.

Why would you play a poor duelist who performs even worse in teamfights? Thiefs purpose hasnt changed, its still a decap and +1 bot. And there is nothing that made D/P specifically worse at that than other builds (And Deadeye is not going to work as long as projectile destruction and reflect is as abundant as it is, and DJ is as unhittable as it is).

You wouldn’t play a poor duelist- you would be playing a build that hard counters dh and power revs that has much improved mobility from d/p builds that can not only 1v1 better than other s/d builds but do more damage- just how Sa dp would do at least as much damage as Da dp, but with much improved sustain

Youre playing thief. That means youre playing a poor duelist at best. How exactly do you intend to counter DH, who still has better damage, defense, CC and sustain? Youd still be a pure decap and +1 bot that avoids 1v1s like the plague, so there is no real advantage to D/P. Its not like you get more mobility because IA is still the best movement you have.

Dh can 1v1 at least in ranked, but it’s not a 1v1 build. Keep in mind s/d daredevil is and has been possibly the best counter to these dh builds for multiple seasons at least according to multiple plat-legend guards and thief players.

I mean of course DH is not a 1v1 build. But Thief is not a 1v1
. And when it comes to 1v1ing, DH still does a lot better. Thief is a counter in +1 scenarios, not 1v1 scenarios. And its good at that because it can rip crucial boons from DH, interrupt their high cast time valuable skills with ease, and mess them up with blinds. But, in a 1v1 scenario that doesnt save the thief. He still loses. There is a reason DH was fine in the 2v2 seasons (though not top tier) and thief was either the only, or one of the only two classes that were unplayable.

What are you even talking about. It has nothing to do with what’ll be meta or played in ranked

I mean if Im understanding your argument, youre saying that you want to play thief as a duelist, since +1-wise nothings actually changed for them. But thief is a poor duelist who doesnt win fights. So Im not sure why you think the builds would change.

Wow. Responding to the post with delusions- s/d thief is a roamer mostly. If you want a duelist rn on thief you’d be pretty out of lucky with anything but staff/staff or p/p condi which probably work op to plat or at least the best player I’ve seen on these type of builds gets plat2 on a good day with a good duo.

Then, why do you think thief would change his build from one roamer to another, without any of them getting better relative to the other? You are confusing.

Not that I’m gonna argue about it- but the endurance/mobility loss is very significant, dp thief’s could try to make up for it by changing to build to say the daredevil heal, but then they will severely lack in the stealth they need. Stealth builds are pigeonholed by this change meanwhile sd isn’t and makes up for the loses, so we will see a surge of s/d thief’s. Also deadeyes will see a huge rating inflation or at least for the few who main it, though based off our meta it will be unplayable in ats, where as an s/d thief can be played in that meta and you as an s/d thief will be a very nice pick up against the dh and rev surge we are gonna see making it a not bad choose at all meaningwhile dp at best will just completely fall- so I recommend thief mains who wanna be viable play s/d DrD over deadeye over d/p

The endurance/mobility is just as significant for S/D though. Thats the thing. The nerf hits equally. Thats why neither of them is getting better compared to the other. So your suggestion doesnt really make any sense. Neither of them will increase their mobility because there isnt really much of a way, or reason, to do it. Theyll be the same as before, so youll use the same as before. And that means no DE, because DE is garbage, AT or regular queue.

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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:Stealth thief builds didn’t specifically get nerfed, but I think it’s more likely for sw/d build to take thief place- ie deadeye and s/d daredevil. These builds can sometimes win 1v1s and can snowball team fights where things like dhs and power revs might be.

Why would you play a poor duelist who performs even worse in teamfights? Thiefs purpose hasnt changed, its still a decap and +1 bot. And there is nothing that made D/P specifically worse at that than other builds (And Deadeye is not going to work as long as projectile destruction and reflect is as abundant as it is, and DJ is as unhittable as it is).

You wouldn’t play a poor duelist- you would be playing a build that hard counters dh and power revs that has much improved mobility from d/p builds that can not only 1v1 better than other s/d builds but do more damage- just how Sa dp would do at least as much damage as Da dp, but with much improved sustain

Youre playing thief. That means youre playing a poor duelist at best. How exactly do you intend to counter DH, who still has better damage, defense, CC and sustain? Youd still be a pure decap and +1 bot that avoids 1v1s like the plague, so there is no real advantage to D/P. Its not like you get more mobility because IA is still the best movement you have.

Dh can 1v1 at least in ranked, but it’s not a 1v1 build. Keep in mind s/d daredevil is and has been possibly the best counter to these dh builds for multiple seasons at least according to multiple plat-legend guards and thief players.

I mean of course DH is not a 1v1 build. But Thief is not a 1v1
. And when it comes to 1v1ing, DH still does a lot better. Thief is a counter in +1 scenarios, not 1v1 scenarios. And its good at that because it can rip crucial boons from DH, interrupt their high cast time valuable skills with ease, and mess them up with blinds. But, in a 1v1 scenario that doesnt save the thief. He still loses. There is a reason DH was fine in the 2v2 seasons (though not top tier) and thief was either the only, or one of the only two classes that were unplayable.

What are you even talking about. It has nothing to do with what’ll be meta or played in ranked

I mean if Im understanding your argument, youre saying that you want to play thief as a duelist, since +1-wise nothings actually changed for them. But thief is a poor duelist who doesnt win fights. So Im not sure why you think the builds would change.

Wow. Responding to the post with delusions- s/d thief is a roamer mostly. If you want a duelist rn on thief you’d be pretty out of lucky with anything but staff/staff or p/p condi which probably work op to plat or at least the best player I’ve seen on these type of builds gets plat2 on a good day with a good duo.

Then, why do you think thief would change his build from one roamer to another, without any of them getting better relative to the other? You are confusing.

Not that I’m gonna argue about it- but the endurance/mobility loss is very significant, dp thief’s could try to make up for it by changing to build to say the daredevil heal, but then they will severely lack in the stealth they need. Stealth builds are pigeonholed by this change meanwhile sd isn’t and makes up for the loses, so we will see a surge of s/d thief’s. Also deadeyes will see a huge rating inflation or at least for the few who main it, though based off our meta it will be unplayable in ats, where as an s/d thief can be played in that meta and you as an s/d thief will be a very nice pick up against the dh and rev surge we are gonna see making it a not bad choose at all meaningwhile dp at best will just completely fall- so I recommend thief mains who wanna be viable play s/d DrD over deadeye over d/p

The endurance/mobility is just as significant for S/D though. Thats the thing. The nerf hits equally. Thats why neither of them is getting better compared to the other. So your suggestion doesnt really make any sense. Neither of them will increase their mobility because there isnt really much of a way, or reason, to do it. Theyll be the same as before, so youll use the same as before. And that means no DE, because DE is garbage, AT or regular queue.

Wrong s/d has more shadow steps and more dodges, potentially much more and high vigor or in some cases trickster can all be put forward towards increasing mobility. S/d is not only good in this incoming meta but less impacted which I already explained clearly. Deadeye is already a monster in the right hands- which has been clearly demonstrated recently in ranked and even on stream by deadeyes literally spamming matches solo q and maintaining a rating well into top 10 consistently throughout the season and this will skyrocket after the changes.

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@"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:Anet: "Okay, here's a nerf across the ENTIRE CLASS. Not once, not twice, BUT THRICE. You might want to specify what is it, exactly, that thief is allowed to do even moderately well?

Because currently, it won't be damage. It won't be dueling. It won't be +1'ing. And it most definitely won't be roaming.

Stealth, no matter how balanced, will never feel balanced to the person who gets blind sided or constantly drops their target due to stealth. They might as well remove it entirely from pvp/wvw and rebalance those classes without it.

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@Burnfall.9573 said:

@"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:Anet: "Okay, here's a nerf across the ENTIRE CLASS. Not once, not twice, BUT THRICE. You might want to specify what is it, exactly, that thief
allowed to do even

Because currently, it won't be damage. It won't be dueling. It won't be +1'ing. And it most definitely won't be roaming.

Anet need to remove Stealth access from Professions including in their traits, food, runes, sigils etc.. and make it entirely Thief Procession mechanic. Stealth is a rogue specialization and is to be given solely and entirely to the Profession whose role it is specialized to and whose its identified to, whose its signature its design for, which is Thief Profession. In addition, with having a complete redesign given entirely to its holder

Next Balance Patch
- Remove Stealth access from Mesmer Profession, Elementalist Profession, Ranger Profession and Revenant Profession-

-The Community already agree with having a redesign Stealth Mechanic and also agree with Stealth being a Rogue Specialization-

Thief Profession is The Rogue Specialization

thief also shouldnt have so much of it... stealth should be .. .like emergency skill... like omg im gonna die ill use my stealth..and not like.. ohh its fine my stealth got basically no cd and i can just use it to frustrate everyone i play against over and over after every time i burst them...

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@Dantheman.3589 said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:Stealth thief builds didn’t specifically get nerfed, but I think it’s more likely for sw/d build to take thief place- ie deadeye and s/d daredevil. These builds can sometimes win 1v1s and can snowball team fights where things like dhs and power revs might be.

Why would you play a poor duelist who performs even worse in teamfights? Thiefs purpose hasnt changed, its still a decap and +1 bot. And there is nothing that made D/P specifically worse at that than other builds (And Deadeye is not going to work as long as projectile destruction and reflect is as abundant as it is, and DJ is as unhittable as it is).

You wouldn’t play a poor duelist- you would be playing a build that hard counters dh and power revs that has much improved mobility from d/p builds that can not only 1v1 better than other s/d builds but do more damage- just how Sa dp would do at least as much damage as Da dp, but with much improved sustain

Youre playing thief. That means youre playing a poor duelist at best. How exactly do you intend to counter DH, who still has better damage, defense, CC and sustain? Youd still be a pure decap and +1 bot that avoids 1v1s like the plague, so there is no real advantage to D/P. Its not like you get more mobility because IA is still the best movement you have.

Dh can 1v1 at least in ranked, but it’s not a 1v1 build. Keep in mind s/d daredevil is and has been possibly the best counter to these dh builds for multiple seasons at least according to multiple plat-legend guards and thief players.

I mean of course DH is not a 1v1 build. But Thief is not a 1v1
. And when it comes to 1v1ing, DH still does a lot better. Thief is a counter in +1 scenarios, not 1v1 scenarios. And its good at that because it can rip crucial boons from DH, interrupt their high cast time valuable skills with ease, and mess them up with blinds. But, in a 1v1 scenario that doesnt save the thief. He still loses. There is a reason DH was fine in the 2v2 seasons (though not top tier) and thief was either the only, or one of the only two classes that were unplayable.

What are you even talking about. It has nothing to do with what’ll be meta or played in ranked

I mean if Im understanding your argument, youre saying that you want to play thief as a duelist, since +1-wise nothings actually changed for them. But thief is a poor duelist who doesnt win fights. So Im not sure why you think the builds would change.

Wow. Responding to the post with delusions- s/d thief is a roamer mostly. If you want a duelist rn on thief you’d be pretty out of lucky with anything but staff/staff or p/p condi which probably work op to plat or at least the best player I’ve seen on these type of builds gets plat2 on a good day with a good duo.

Then, why do you think thief would change his build from one roamer to another, without any of them getting better relative to the other? You are confusing.

Not that I’m gonna argue about it- but the endurance/mobility loss is very significant, dp thief’s could try to make up for it by changing to build to say the daredevil heal, but then they will severely lack in the stealth they need. Stealth builds are pigeonholed by this change meanwhile sd isn’t and makes up for the loses, so we will see a surge of s/d thief’s. Also deadeyes will see a huge rating inflation or at least for the few who main it, though based off our meta it will be unplayable in ats, where as an s/d thief can be played in that meta and you as an s/d thief will be a very nice pick up against the dh and rev surge we are gonna see making it a not bad choose at all meaningwhile dp at best will just completely fall- so I recommend thief mains who wanna be viable play s/d DrD over deadeye over d/p

The endurance/mobility is just as significant for S/D though. Thats the thing. The nerf hits equally. Thats why neither of them is getting better compared to the other. So your suggestion doesnt really make any sense. Neither of them will increase their mobility because there isnt really much of a way, or reason, to do it. Theyll be the same as before, so youll use the same as before. And that means no DE, because DE is garbage, AT or regular queue.

Wrong s/d has more shadow steps and more dodges, potentially much more and high vigor or in some cases trickster can all be put forward towards increasing mobility. S/d is not only good in this incoming meta but less impacted which I already explained clearly. Deadeye is already a monster in the right hands- which has been clearly demonstrated recently in ranked and even on stream by deadeyes literally spamming matches solo q and maintaining a rating well into top 10 consistently throughout the season and this will skyrocket after the changes.

It has more shadow steps and dodges in a combat situation. Not when actually moving around the map. Which is what is the actually important part. So its not less impacted by any sstretch of the imagination. And nah, Deadeye only works so long as it catches people off-guard, because its trivially easy to shut down.

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@noiwk.2760 said:

@"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:Anet: "Okay, here's a nerf across the ENTIRE CLASS. Not once, not twice, BUT THRICE. You might want to specify what is it, exactly, that thief
allowed to do even

Because currently, it won't be damage. It won't be dueling. It won't be +1'ing. And it most definitely won't be roaming.

Anet need to remove Stealth access from Professions including in their traits, food, runes, sigils etc.. and make it entirely Thief Procession mechanic. Stealth is a rogue specialization and is to be given solely and entirely to the Profession whose role it is specialized to and whose its identified to, whose its signature its design for, which is Thief Profession. In addition, with having a complete redesign given entirely to its holder

Next Balance Patch
- Remove Stealth access from Mesmer Profession, Elementalist Profession, Ranger Profession and Revenant Profession-

-The Community already agree with having a redesign Stealth Mechanic and also agree with Stealth being a Rogue Specialization-

Thief Profession is The Rogue Specialization

thief also shouldnt have so much of it... stealth should be .. .like emergency skill... like omg im gonna die ill use my stealth..and not like.. ohh its fine my stealth got basically no cd and i can just use it to frustrate everyone i play against over and over after every time i burst them...

the Community couldn't agree with you more

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for people who cry thief does no damage.. sorry.. but this look very strong to me.. when combined with the crazy mobility and stealth .
showing out of no where doing quick damage disapearring again and bursting again

btw its not me .. i just post a video i saw here recently on forum credit to the one who made it gg!

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@"noiwk.2760" said:

for people who cry thief does no damage.. sorry.. but this look very strong to me.. when combined with the crazy mobility and stealth .

showing out of no where doing quick damage disapearring again and bursting again

btw its not me .. i just post a video i saw here recently on forum credit to the one who made it gg!

funny joke buddy, dagger / pistol is only playable thief build . And imagine talk about class balance when you just watch video of random clown who play random game

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@"noiwk.2760" said:for people who cry thief does no damage.. sorry.. but this look very strong to me..this is should be strong. Should be overpowered and dominate by concept of class ..Otherwise we should merge all classes to one, make one amulet, and pres 11111

when combined with the crazy mobility and stealth .

yes. Or the have plans rename "thief" to "turtle"? Crazy mobility and stealth is normal state of that class.

showing out of no where doing quick damage disapearring again and bursting againyes, this is part of rotation. By this rotation thief should kill any player 1 vs 1 .. And this normal state in most popular mmo games ..

I come from game where thief win 20: 0 is good valid normal sate ..

And here thief is slow shadow of what it should be .. but some people cry anyway ,, or just worried to burst them class by nerf other ???

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