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Community: we don't like stealth thief builds

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@lare.5129 said:

@noiwk.2760 said:your class is already over peforming..I have all clases, fo fast use some of them have twice, about that class now you talk?

if you dont enjoy it go play another class..yes, for each type and style I have my own class

thief shouldpersonal for me is no matter what class should we ask boost, and we need pvp class anyway. By name it should be thief, I check it - no, it not op. Sometimes it fun, but no op. So we need good stealth, good dps (in my celestial it was totaly craps, especial if I try kill weaver wiht same amulet..,) and myt some stats boost fro gems ..

dont play celestial.. well celestial is gone either way.. and nope.. thief shouldnt be able to kill a weaver in 1v1 ^^

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@lare.5129 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:I play warrior not thief if I log on, mostly to remind myself why I dont log on much :)one of best support class and meta wvw class can't be compared whit thief.

Lol who the hell plays a warrior to support and do little damage? Players play a warrior class to battle it out with their steel and be a wrecking ball not a med pack carrier, I say nerf the heal build more and return the melee prowess to power builds so warrior can again actually feel like a warrior.

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@"Raizel.1839" said:Well I like the nerfs, I always hated thief in PvP/WvW so this nerf is welcome for me.

If balance would be based only on subjective feeling of the players then we wouldn't have anything to play lol. "I hate thing XY so it should be removed from the world" - every snowflake ever.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Lol who the hell plays a warrior to support and do little damage?I have warrior heal for dungeons and warrior for 25 might in past, and bonnstrip warrior for wvw .. may be in past too ..But warrior -is main meat by concept, all non skiled player should create warrior, take big great sword and be killed by any class. This is one of concept in mmo game. It make more fun.

Players play a warrior class to battle it out with their steelthay should think that they can do it, but only think .. So in normal game concept 2 necro should kill 10 warriors. So next after boost thief necro alos need some boost.

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@lare.5129 said:

@"noiwk.2760" said:dont play celestial.. well celestial is gone either way..yes, amulet removed. One more nerf for my thief

thief shouldnt be able to kill a weaver in 1v1 ^^it ok for me, but we need rename thief and weaver to other names if it is.

i mean you are talking about your build specific that is a build that in first place not in the meta..most thieves i think using berzeker right now? and they are quite bursty .. you cant expect to burst with celestial like with zeker.

anyways i think thieves are more than fine they are top + 1 role and to be fair.. with renegade being completely kicked out of the meta after this patch i think thieves are even in a better spot right now than before.. if im honest i frankly dont even care anymore because the pvp in this game is fairly dead at the moment anwyay.the meta is way too small for being fan and the gap between classes is way too large... they started a revamping to pvp balance in feb patch which was very general and ofc didnt hit the spot and then they kinda left.. it .. warrior got his entire utility skills doing 0 damage since then right.. physical skills are apparently not so physical anymore forcing warrior to play support .. stability reduced heavily and cc not removed..

the balance lets face it is awful the skill discription isnt even trust worthy if you look at skills like reaper 5. while the skill is fine the way it is and so is reaper.. the skill says that its a finishing skills dealing increased damage the lower the HP ... while infact ever since the feb patch the skill doesnt even do damage.. to me.. this entire game pvp start to look like an unfinished private server made by 1 software programer game.. that skills doesnt even do what they claim to do..clearly it doesnt bother Anet and they dont even care to change the text of the skill for pvp mode.. they just let you guess what the skill actually do...the entire balance is a joke... with burn DH burst more than full power burst class.. or even burst higher than its own power version..there are basically 2 support available for the game mode and they are slowly being pushed out who knows why.. instead of making mesmers / thieves heral able to support aswell they try to remove the tempest/warrior sup .. the game mode is full of bots.. and nothing is being done against ..and not to mention hackers... today even a renegade got a thief class mobility simply cause people use fly/teleport hack..DH uses CD hack and spam traps.. and what not.. balance is bad but its the last problem this game competitive mode has..and yet look at us spending hours and hours every day arguing in a forum of a company that doesnt even care..

even this small balance patch are jsut some candies to tell us they think of us alittle..this an update done on 1 foot ... "how to balance classes using celestial amu" " ohh that easy lets delete the amu'"how do we deal with renegade?" "easy we destroy renegade no more problem there right?" slowly update after update there are even less classes to play with in pvp..if you want to play " competitive" you have less than an handful of builds not even classes but builds to play.. and even then you need to hope you are not fighting an hacker.. so honestly.. meh its all start to be whatever.. for me this feels like a good time to take a pause from gw2 and comeback maybe 1 day when Anet realize Pvp is still important to some people..

gosh even wvw.. is suffering from ahckers..

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@lare.5129 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Lol who the hell plays a warrior to support and do little damage?I have warrior heal for dungeons and warrior for 25 might in past, and bonnstrip warrior for wvw .. may be in past too ..But warrior -is main meat by concept, all non skiled player should create warrior, take big great sword and be killed by any class. This is one of concept in mmo game. It make more fun.

Players play a warrior class to battle it out with their steelthay should think that they can do it, but only think .. So in normal game concept 2 necro should kill 10 warriors. So next after boost thief necro alos need some boost.

Let me see if I understand correctly, not ur fault man I k o English is not ur native.New players should pick warrior and a greatsword and just go out and be slaughtered by every class cuz it makes the game more fun, is that part right? If so u and I have very different ideas of what a melee heavy warrior archetype is and if u think what u said is common in mmo's u and I have played vastly different mmo's as all the mmos I've played between eso,bdo,ff14,wow,rift, and archeage every warrior class is durable and very effective if not most effective at strait up melee fighting.Secondly u think it would be and should be normal for 2 necro's to destroy 10 warriors?Lastly u think necros and thieves need buffs but warrior is....ok?Let me know if I missunderstood any of what u said, and I believe we kno the 2 classes u play :)

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:New players should pick warrior and a greatsword and just go out and be slaughtered by every class cuz it makes the game more fun, is that part right?yes. This is one of part of fun.

Secondly u think it would be and should be normal for 2 necro's to destroy 10 warriors?yes. We need some good balance for necro.

Lastly u think necros and thieves need buffs but warrior is....ok?no warrior is not ok. They need nerf and make other class more easy win vs warrior.

Let me know if I missunderstood any of what u said, and I believe we kno the 2 classes u play :)I play all classes, and try all builds. Prev sesason player mostly on condi chrno, this on sraper 90% and thief 10% aprox. It not easy use only 2 classes and have 5000+ ranked games. I have plan try sup warrior next season.

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@noiwk.2760 said:

@noiwk.2760 said:if im honest this patch as a whole is even a buff for daredevil because its counter classes took a bigger hit

Dragonhunter took literally no hit.

and thats regretful ... gurdian werent not nerfed in pvp.. and its sad... burn DH with its traps is getitng on my nerve.. .

All their other builds have been turn useless, radien power suck, FB sucks, anything core sucks, power DH sucks. Just nerfing burn dh will cause a wholw class to be useless.

I will gladly take a nerf to guard burn if they buff other part of them but we all know anet wont do it, so yeah no nerf for dh and learn to out play it.

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@lare.5129 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:New players should pick warrior and a greatsword and just go out and be slaughtered by every class cuz it makes the game more fun, is that part right?yes. This is one of part of fun.

Secondly u think it would be and should be normal for 2 necro's to destroy 10 warriors?yes. We need some good balance for necro.

Lastly u think necros and thieves need buffs but warrior is....ok?no warrior is not ok. They need nerf and make other class more easy win vs warrior.

Let me know if I missunderstood any of what u said, and I believe we kno the 2 classes u play :)I play all classes, and try all builds. Prev sesason player mostly on condi chrno, this on sraper 90% and thief 10% aprox. It not easy use only 2 classes and have 5000+ ranked games. I have plan try sup warrior next

Lol well to that I say.....WowThief and necro need buffs and warrior nerfs? Warrior should lose to every class cuz that's fun and lastly 2x necros should be able to beat 10 warriors lol. U definitely see the game far differently than I hahaI can only hope ur joking but considering these forums u probably are dead serious.

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@Exile.8160 said:

@noiwk.2760 said:if im honest this patch as a whole is even a buff for daredevil because its counter classes took a bigger hit

Dragonhunter took literally no hit.

and thats regretful ... gurdian werent not nerfed in pvp.. and its sad... burn DH with its traps is getitng on my nerve.. .

All their other builds have been turn useless, radien power suck, FB sucks, anything core sucks, power DH sucks. Just nerfing burn dh will cause a wholw class to be useless.

I will gladly take a nerf to guard burn if they buff other part of them but we all know anet wont do it, so yeah no nerf for dh and learn to out play it.

and this is exactly what i would expect.. because having all of the other builds for the class trash unplayable and 1 of them crazy strong doing 25 stacks of burning instnatly is the most unhealthy situation... and making the entire class bad is also unhealthy !same as nerfing warrior heal without a proper buff to warrior as duelist and fighter again.. is bad move.. while nerfing healing warrior was right..but this is Anet for us..

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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:Stealth thief builds didn’t specifically get nerfed, but I think it’s more likely for sw/d build to take thief place- ie deadeye and s/d daredevil. These builds can sometimes win 1v1s and can snowball team fights where things like dhs and power revs might be.

Why would you play a poor duelist who performs even worse in teamfights? Thiefs purpose hasnt changed, its still a decap and +1 bot. And there is nothing that made D/P specifically worse at that than other builds (And Deadeye is not going to work as long as projectile destruction and reflect is as abundant as it is, and DJ is as unhittable as it is).

You wouldn’t play a poor duelist- you would be playing a build that hard counters dh and power revs that has much improved mobility from d/p builds that can not only 1v1 better than other s/d builds but do more damage- just how Sa dp would do at least as much damage as Da dp, but with much improved sustain

Youre playing thief. That means youre playing a poor duelist at best. How exactly do you intend to counter DH, who still has better damage, defense, CC and sustain? Youd still be a pure decap and +1 bot that avoids 1v1s like the plague, so there is no real advantage to D/P. Its not like you get more mobility because IA is still the best movement you have.

Dh can 1v1 at least in ranked, but it’s not a 1v1 build. Keep in mind s/d daredevil is and has been possibly the best counter to these dh builds for multiple seasons at least according to multiple plat-legend guards and thief players.

I mean of course DH is not a 1v1 build. But Thief is not a 1v1
. And when it comes to 1v1ing, DH still does a lot better. Thief is a counter in +1 scenarios, not 1v1 scenarios. And its good at that because it can rip crucial boons from DH, interrupt their high cast time valuable skills with ease, and mess them up with blinds. But, in a 1v1 scenario that doesnt save the thief. He still loses. There is a reason DH was fine in the 2v2 seasons (though not top tier) and thief was either the only, or one of the only two classes that were unplayable.

What are you even talking about. It has nothing to do with what’ll be meta or played in ranked

I mean if Im understanding your argument, youre saying that you want to play thief as a duelist, since +1-wise nothings actually changed for them. But thief is a poor duelist who doesnt win fights. So Im not sure why you think the builds would change.

Wow. Responding to the post with delusions- s/d thief is a roamer mostly. If you want a duelist rn on thief you’d be pretty out of lucky with anything but staff/staff or p/p condi which probably work op to plat or at least the best player I’ve seen on these type of builds gets plat2 on a good day with a good duo.

Then, why do you think thief would change his build from one roamer to another, without any of them getting better relative to the other? You are confusing.

Not that I’m gonna argue about it- but the endurance/mobility loss is very significant, dp thief’s could try to make up for it by changing to build to say the daredevil heal, but then they will severely lack in the stealth they need. Stealth builds are pigeonholed by this change meanwhile sd isn’t and makes up for the loses, so we will see a surge of s/d thief’s. Also deadeyes will see a huge rating inflation or at least for the few who main it, though based off our meta it will be unplayable in ats, where as an s/d thief can be played in that meta and you as an s/d thief will be a very nice pick up against the dh and rev surge we are gonna see making it a not bad choose at all meaningwhile dp at best will just completely fall- so I recommend thief mains who wanna be viable play s/d DrD over deadeye over d/p

The endurance/mobility is just as significant for S/D though. Thats the thing. The nerf hits equally. Thats why neither of them is getting better compared to the other. So your suggestion doesnt really make any sense. Neither of them will increase their mobility because there isnt really much of a way, or reason, to do it. Theyll be the same as before, so youll use the same as before. And that means no DE, because DE is garbage, AT or regular queue.

Wrong s/d has more shadow steps and more dodges, potentially much more and high vigor or in some cases trickster can all be put forward towards increasing mobility. S/d is not only good in this incoming meta but less impacted which I already explained clearly. Deadeye is already a monster in the right hands- which has been clearly demonstrated recently in ranked and even on stream by deadeyes literally spamming matches solo q and maintaining a rating well into top 10 consistently throughout the season and this will skyrocket after the changes.

It has more shadow steps and dodges in a combat situation. Not when actually moving around the map. Which is what is the actually important part. So its not less impacted by any sstretch of the imagination. And nah, Deadeye only works so long as it catches people off-guard, because its trivially easy to shut down.

Dang more and more delusions. If your never in combat than you are bad at pvp- I’m done talking to you, it will never do anyone any good.

Is this like your standard response to being called out for being wrong? Like, you made the same response when you seriously tried to argue thief would start switching to Acro S/D thief a while back (which didnt happen). Or S/P somewhere in, I wanna say April? (which didnt happen). Or Staff thief at some point (which, you guessed it,
didnt happen
). Oh and just to make it clear, the increased amount of shadowsteps dont help with mobility, which was your argument.

Imagine claiming that I’m called out for being wrong. When everyone was clung onto s/p being meta I said that a x2 Da thief build would oust it and that miraculously became meta at the same time. When everyone was cling onto s/d and De being the meta after the February patch I said- no d/p is still good as a DrD. When ppl stopped playing as much s/d I said s/p and staff would be good memes for ranked and guess what that become an accepted “meme” in ranked and the ffa arena.If ppl don’t wanna swap off stealth builds rn that’s fine but I don’t see a reason to play myself as after the new patch it is underperforming and the second a new comp is found ppl will wanna stop playing it in mats and so far all the plat3-legend players I’ve talked to about the new meta haven’t included thief in their idea for comp, not to say it’s impossible though

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@Dantheman.3589 said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:Stealth thief builds didn’t specifically get nerfed, but I think it’s more likely for sw/d build to take thief place- ie deadeye and s/d daredevil. These builds can sometimes win 1v1s and can snowball team fights where things like dhs and power revs might be.

Why would you play a poor duelist who performs even worse in teamfights? Thiefs purpose hasnt changed, its still a decap and +1 bot. And there is nothing that made D/P specifically worse at that than other builds (And Deadeye is not going to work as long as projectile destruction and reflect is as abundant as it is, and DJ is as unhittable as it is).

You wouldn’t play a poor duelist- you would be playing a build that hard counters dh and power revs that has much improved mobility from d/p builds that can not only 1v1 better than other s/d builds but do more damage- just how Sa dp would do at least as much damage as Da dp, but with much improved sustain

Youre playing thief. That means youre playing a poor duelist at best. How exactly do you intend to counter DH, who still has better damage, defense, CC and sustain? Youd still be a pure decap and +1 bot that avoids 1v1s like the plague, so there is no real advantage to D/P. Its not like you get more mobility because IA is still the best movement you have.

Dh can 1v1 at least in ranked, but it’s not a 1v1 build. Keep in mind s/d daredevil is and has been possibly the best counter to these dh builds for multiple seasons at least according to multiple plat-legend guards and thief players.

I mean of course DH is not a 1v1 build. But Thief is not a 1v1
. And when it comes to 1v1ing, DH still does a lot better. Thief is a counter in +1 scenarios, not 1v1 scenarios. And its good at that because it can rip crucial boons from DH, interrupt their high cast time valuable skills with ease, and mess them up with blinds. But, in a 1v1 scenario that doesnt save the thief. He still loses. There is a reason DH was fine in the 2v2 seasons (though not top tier) and thief was either the only, or one of the only two classes that were unplayable.

What are you even talking about. It has nothing to do with what’ll be meta or played in ranked

I mean if Im understanding your argument, youre saying that you want to play thief as a duelist, since +1-wise nothings actually changed for them. But thief is a poor duelist who doesnt win fights. So Im not sure why you think the builds would change.

Wow. Responding to the post with delusions- s/d thief is a roamer mostly. If you want a duelist rn on thief you’d be pretty out of lucky with anything but staff/staff or p/p condi which probably work op to plat or at least the best player I’ve seen on these type of builds gets plat2 on a good day with a good duo.

Then, why do you think thief would change his build from one roamer to another, without any of them getting better relative to the other? You are confusing.

Not that I’m gonna argue about it- but the endurance/mobility loss is very significant, dp thief’s could try to make up for it by changing to build to say the daredevil heal, but then they will severely lack in the stealth they need. Stealth builds are pigeonholed by this change meanwhile sd isn’t and makes up for the loses, so we will see a surge of s/d thief’s. Also deadeyes will see a huge rating inflation or at least for the few who main it, though based off our meta it will be unplayable in ats, where as an s/d thief can be played in that meta and you as an s/d thief will be a very nice pick up against the dh and rev surge we are gonna see making it a not bad choose at all meaningwhile dp at best will just completely fall- so I recommend thief mains who wanna be viable play s/d DrD over deadeye over d/p

The endurance/mobility is just as significant for S/D though. Thats the thing. The nerf hits equally. Thats why neither of them is getting better compared to the other. So your suggestion doesnt really make any sense. Neither of them will increase their mobility because there isnt really much of a way, or reason, to do it. Theyll be the same as before, so youll use the same as before. And that means no DE, because DE is garbage, AT or regular queue.

Wrong s/d has more shadow steps and more dodges, potentially much more and high vigor or in some cases trickster can all be put forward towards increasing mobility. S/d is not only good in this incoming meta but less impacted which I already explained clearly. Deadeye is already a monster in the right hands- which has been clearly demonstrated recently in ranked and even on stream by deadeyes literally spamming matches solo q and maintaining a rating well into top 10 consistently throughout the season and this will skyrocket after the changes.

It has more shadow steps and dodges in a combat situation. Not when actually moving around the map. Which is what is the actually important part. So its not less impacted by any sstretch of the imagination. And nah, Deadeye only works so long as it catches people off-guard, because its trivially easy to shut down.

Dang more and more delusions. If your never in combat than you are bad at pvp- I’m done talking to you, it will never do anyone any good.

Is this like your standard response to being called out for being wrong? Like, you made the same response when you seriously tried to argue thief would start switching to Acro S/D thief a while back (which didnt happen). Or S/P somewhere in, I wanna say April? (which didnt happen). Or Staff thief at some point (which, you guessed it,
didnt happen
). Oh and just to make it clear, the increased amount of shadowsteps dont help with mobility, which was your argument.

Imagine claiming that I’m called out for being wrong. When everyone was clung onto s/p being meta I said that a x2 Da thief build would oust it and that miraculously became meta at the same time. When everyone was cling onto s/d and De being the meta after the February patch I said- no d/p is still good as a DrD. When ppl stopped playing as much s/d I said s/p and staff would be good memes for ranked and guess what that become an accepted “meme” in ranked and the ffa arena.

Youve said that story a lot, but then I went back and check it, and you didnt. You only said that DA thief would oust it after it had already happened. Before that you were actually arguing against it. And before that, you were arguing against S/P thief. You've been wrong over and over and over.

If ppl don’t wanna swap off stealth builds rn that’s fine but I don’t see a reason to play myself as after the new patch it is underperforming and the second a new comp is found ppl will wanna stop playing it in mats and so far all the plat3-legend players I’ve talked to about the new meta haven’t included thief in their idea for comp, not to say it’s impossible though

That just means thief might be weak (in which case this change was bad). It doesnt mean "oh just switch to S/D".

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@Burnfall.9573 said:

@"Raizel.1839" said:Well I like the nerfs, I always hated thief in PvP/WvW so this nerf is welcome for me.

If balance would be based only on subjective feeling of the players then we wouldn't have anything to play lol. "I hate thing XY so it should be removed from the world" - every snowflake ever.

My post was deleted

Anet are the masters of deleting posts that speak the truth about the current state of the game..

sad /funny part is.. if only they would;ve spend these hours of effort that they spend into deleting posts into testing out the points these postsstate and balace the game we would be in another situation... thats true for balance/bots/hacks

but hey its easier to hide the truth and pretend all is fine than face the truth and change things


You Are Exactly Correct

Lol now that u and noiwk have been acquainted........subject matter is thief.Aaannddd go! Lol

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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:Stealth thief builds didn’t specifically get nerfed, but I think it’s more likely for sw/d build to take thief place- ie deadeye and s/d daredevil. These builds can sometimes win 1v1s and can snowball team fights where things like dhs and power revs might be.

Why would you play a poor duelist who performs even worse in teamfights? Thiefs purpose hasnt changed, its still a decap and +1 bot. And there is nothing that made D/P specifically worse at that than other builds (And Deadeye is not going to work as long as projectile destruction and reflect is as abundant as it is, and DJ is as unhittable as it is).

You wouldn’t play a poor duelist- you would be playing a build that hard counters dh and power revs that has much improved mobility from d/p builds that can not only 1v1 better than other s/d builds but do more damage- just how Sa dp would do at least as much damage as Da dp, but with much improved sustain

Youre playing thief. That means youre playing a poor duelist at best. How exactly do you intend to counter DH, who still has better damage, defense, CC and sustain? Youd still be a pure decap and +1 bot that avoids 1v1s like the plague, so there is no real advantage to D/P. Its not like you get more mobility because IA is still the best movement you have.

Dh can 1v1 at least in ranked, but it’s not a 1v1 build. Keep in mind s/d daredevil is and has been possibly the best counter to these dh builds for multiple seasons at least according to multiple plat-legend guards and thief players.

I mean of course DH is not a 1v1 build. But Thief is not a 1v1
. And when it comes to 1v1ing, DH still does a lot better. Thief is a counter in +1 scenarios, not 1v1 scenarios. And its good at that because it can rip crucial boons from DH, interrupt their high cast time valuable skills with ease, and mess them up with blinds. But, in a 1v1 scenario that doesnt save the thief. He still loses. There is a reason DH was fine in the 2v2 seasons (though not top tier) and thief was either the only, or one of the only two classes that were unplayable.

What are you even talking about. It has nothing to do with what’ll be meta or played in ranked

I mean if Im understanding your argument, youre saying that you want to play thief as a duelist, since +1-wise nothings actually changed for them. But thief is a poor duelist who doesnt win fights. So Im not sure why you think the builds would change.

Wow. Responding to the post with delusions- s/d thief is a roamer mostly. If you want a duelist rn on thief you’d be pretty out of lucky with anything but staff/staff or p/p condi which probably work op to plat or at least the best player I’ve seen on these type of builds gets plat2 on a good day with a good duo.

Then, why do you think thief would change his build from one roamer to another, without any of them getting better relative to the other? You are confusing.

Not that I’m gonna argue about it- but the endurance/mobility loss is very significant, dp thief’s could try to make up for it by changing to build to say the daredevil heal, but then they will severely lack in the stealth they need. Stealth builds are pigeonholed by this change meanwhile sd isn’t and makes up for the loses, so we will see a surge of s/d thief’s. Also deadeyes will see a huge rating inflation or at least for the few who main it, though based off our meta it will be unplayable in ats, where as an s/d thief can be played in that meta and you as an s/d thief will be a very nice pick up against the dh and rev surge we are gonna see making it a not bad choose at all meaningwhile dp at best will just completely fall- so I recommend thief mains who wanna be viable play s/d DrD over deadeye over d/p

The endurance/mobility is just as significant for S/D though. Thats the thing. The nerf hits equally. Thats why neither of them is getting better compared to the other. So your suggestion doesnt really make any sense. Neither of them will increase their mobility because there isnt really much of a way, or reason, to do it. Theyll be the same as before, so youll use the same as before. And that means no DE, because DE is garbage, AT or regular queue.

Wrong s/d has more shadow steps and more dodges, potentially much more and high vigor or in some cases trickster can all be put forward towards increasing mobility. S/d is not only good in this incoming meta but less impacted which I already explained clearly. Deadeye is already a monster in the right hands- which has been clearly demonstrated recently in ranked and even on stream by deadeyes literally spamming matches solo q and maintaining a rating well into top 10 consistently throughout the season and this will skyrocket after the changes.

It has more shadow steps and dodges in a combat situation. Not when actually moving around the map. Which is what is the actually important part. So its not less impacted by any sstretch of the imagination. And nah, Deadeye only works so long as it catches people off-guard, because its trivially easy to shut down.

Dang more and more delusions. If your never in combat than you are bad at pvp- I’m done talking to you, it will never do anyone any good.

Is this like your standard response to being called out for being wrong? Like, you made the same response when you seriously tried to argue thief would start switching to Acro S/D thief a while back (which didnt happen). Or S/P somewhere in, I wanna say April? (which didnt happen). Or Staff thief at some point (which, you guessed it,
didnt happen
). Oh and just to make it clear, the increased amount of shadowsteps dont help with mobility, which was your argument.

Imagine claiming that I’m called out for being wrong. When everyone was clung onto s/p being meta I said that a x2 Da thief build would oust it and that miraculously became meta at the same time. When everyone was cling onto s/d and De being the meta after the February patch I said- no d/p is still good as a DrD. When ppl stopped playing as much s/d I said s/p and staff would be good memes for ranked and guess what that become an accepted “meme” in ranked and the ffa arena.

Youve said that story a lot, but then I went back and check it, and you didnt. You only said that DA thief would oust it
after it had already happened
. Before that you were actually arguing
it. And before that, you were arguing against S/P thief. You've been wrong over and over and over.

If ppl don’t wanna swap off stealth builds rn that’s fine but I don’t see a reason to play myself as after the new patch it is underperforming and the second a new comp is found ppl will wanna stop playing it in mats and so far all the plat3-legend players I’ve talked to about the new meta haven’t included thief in their idea for comp, not to say it’s impossible though

That just means thief might be weak (in which case this change was bad). It doesnt mean "oh just switch to S/D".

@Dantheman.3589 said:Stealth thief builds didn’t specifically get nerfed, but I think it’s more likely for sw/d build to take thief place- ie deadeye and s/d daredevil. These builds can sometimes win 1v1s and can snowball team fights where things like dhs and power revs might be.

Why would you play a poor duelist who performs even worse in teamfights? Thiefs purpose hasnt changed, its still a decap and +1 bot. And there is nothing that made D/P specifically worse at that than other builds (And Deadeye is not going to work as long as projectile destruction and reflect is as abundant as it is, and DJ is as unhittable as it is).

You wouldn’t play a poor duelist- you would be playing a build that hard counters dh and power revs that has much improved mobility from d/p builds that can not only 1v1 better than other s/d builds but do more damage- just how Sa dp would do at least as much damage as Da dp, but with much improved sustain

Youre playing thief. That means youre playing a poor duelist at best. How exactly do you intend to counter DH, who still has better damage, defense, CC and sustain? Youd still be a pure decap and +1 bot that avoids 1v1s like the plague, so there is no real advantage to D/P. Its not like you get more mobility because IA is still the best movement you have.

Dh can 1v1 at least in ranked, but it’s not a 1v1 build. Keep in mind s/d daredevil is and has been possibly the best counter to these dh builds for multiple seasons at least according to multiple plat-legend guards and thief players.

I mean of course DH is not a 1v1 build. But Thief is not a 1v1
. And when it comes to 1v1ing, DH still does a lot better. Thief is a counter in +1 scenarios, not 1v1 scenarios. And its good at that because it can rip crucial boons from DH, interrupt their high cast time valuable skills with ease, and mess them up with blinds. But, in a 1v1 scenario that doesnt save the thief. He still loses. There is a reason DH was fine in the 2v2 seasons (though not top tier) and thief was either the only, or one of the only two classes that were unplayable.

What are you even talking about. It has nothing to do with what’ll be meta or played in ranked

I mean if Im understanding your argument, youre saying that you want to play thief as a duelist, since +1-wise nothings actually changed for them. But thief is a poor duelist who doesnt win fights. So Im not sure why you think the builds would change.

Wow. Responding to the post with delusions- s/d thief is a roamer mostly. If you want a duelist rn on thief you’d be pretty out of lucky with anything but staff/staff or p/p condi which probably work op to plat or at least the best player I’ve seen on these type of builds gets plat2 on a good day with a good duo.

Then, why do you think thief would change his build from one roamer to another, without any of them getting better relative to the other? You are confusing.

Not that I’m gonna argue about it- but the endurance/mobility loss is very significant, dp thief’s could try to make up for it by changing to build to say the daredevil heal, but then they will severely lack in the stealth they need. Stealth builds are pigeonholed by this change meanwhile sd isn’t and makes up for the loses, so we will see a surge of s/d thief’s. Also deadeyes will see a huge rating inflation or at least for the few who main it, though based off our meta it will be unplayable in ats, where as an s/d thief can be played in that meta and you as an s/d thief will be a very nice pick up against the dh and rev surge we are gonna see making it a not bad choose at all meaningwhile dp at best will just completely fall- so I recommend thief mains who wanna be viable play s/d DrD over deadeye over d/p

The endurance/mobility is just as significant for S/D though. Thats the thing. The nerf hits equally. Thats why neither of them is getting better compared to the other. So your suggestion doesnt really make any sense. Neither of them will increase their mobility because there isnt really much of a way, or reason, to do it. Theyll be the same as before, so youll use the same as before. And that means no DE, because DE is garbage, AT or regular queue.

Wrong s/d has more shadow steps and more dodges, potentially much more and high vigor or in some cases trickster can all be put forward towards increasing mobility. S/d is not only good in this incoming meta but less impacted which I already explained clearly. Deadeye is already a monster in the right hands- which has been clearly demonstrated recently in ranked and even on stream by deadeyes literally spamming matches solo q and maintaining a rating well into top 10 consistently throughout the season and this will skyrocket after the changes.

It has more shadow steps and dodges in a combat situation. Not when actually moving around the map. Which is what is the actually important part. So its not less impacted by any sstretch of the imagination. And nah, Deadeye only works so long as it catches people off-guard, because its trivially easy to shut down.

Dang more and more delusions. If your never in combat than you are bad at pvp- I’m done talking to you, it will never do anyone any good.

Is this like your standard response to being called out for being wrong? Like, you made the same response when you seriously tried to argue thief would start switching to Acro S/D thief a while back (which didnt happen). Or S/P somewhere in, I wanna say April? (which didnt happen). Or Staff thief at some point (which, you guessed it,
didnt happen
). Oh and just to make it clear, the increased amount of shadowsteps dont help with mobility, which was your argument.

Imagine claiming that I’m called out for being wrong. When everyone was clung onto s/p being meta I said that a x2 Da thief build would oust it and that miraculously became meta at the same time. When everyone was cling onto s/d and De being the meta after the February patch I said- no d/p is still good as a DrD. When ppl stopped playing as much s/d I said s/p and staff would be good memes for ranked and guess what that become an accepted “meme” in ranked and the ffa arena.

Youve said that story a lot, but then I went back and check it, and you didnt. You only said that DA thief would oust it
after it had already happened
. Before that you were actually arguing
it. And before that, you were arguing against S/P thief. You've been wrong over and over and over.

If ppl don’t wanna swap off stealth builds rn that’s fine but I don’t see a reason to play myself as after the new patch it is underperforming and the second a new comp is found ppl will wanna stop playing it in mats and so far all the plat3-legend players I’ve talked to about the new meta haven’t included thief in their idea for comp, not to say it’s impossible though

That just means thief might be weak (in which case this change was bad). It doesnt mean "oh just switch to S/D".

Yes you posted some claim months later that contained a quote with not one word you said ,hence the conclusion was is your English is bad.But I mean who are ppl to trust- the person who’s been in plat3+ since forever and streams occasionally for like 20-100 ppl or the guy who’s well known for not playing thief 1 time in high rating and got 5 threads closed in 1 week for flaming?

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@noiwk.2760 said:

@noiwk.2760 said:your class is already over peforming..I have all clases, fo fast use some of them have twice, about that class now you talk?

if you dont enjoy it go play another class..yes, for each type and style I have my own class

thief shouldpersonal for me is no matter what class should we ask boost, and we need pvp class anyway. By name it should be thief, I check it - no, it not op. Sometimes it fun, but no op. So we need good stealth, good dps (in my celestial it was totaly craps, especial if I try kill weaver wiht same amulet..,) and myt some stats boost fro gems ..

dont play celestial.. well celestial is gone either way.. and nope.. thief shouldnt be able to kill a weaver in 1v1 ^^

I sure loved that thread when somebody else said that you're new and don't have any idea how to really play PvP and you couldn't reply. That should be our default reply to you newbie.

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@darren.1064 said:

@noiwk.2760 said:your class is already over peforming..I have all clases, fo fast use some of them have twice, about that class now you talk?

if you dont enjoy it go play another class..yes, for each type and style I have my own class

thief shouldpersonal for me is no matter what class should we ask boost, and we need pvp class anyway. By name it should be thief, I check it - no, it not op. Sometimes it fun, but no op. So we need good stealth, good dps (in my celestial it was totaly craps, especial if I try kill weaver wiht same amulet..,) and myt some stats boost fro gems ..

dont play celestial.. well celestial is gone either way.. and nope.. thief shouldnt be able to kill a weaver in 1v1 ^^

I sure loved that thread when somebody else said that you're new and don't have any idea how to really play PvP and you couldn't reply. That should be our default reply to you newbie.

i replayed unless the guy wasnt worth my replay such as you.. lets make it clear .. the balance changes constantly.. 2 years ago balance was entirely differnet .. infact why go this far.. on feb before the update balance was entirely different,.. i dont give a shit how long you been in game.. you stayed stuck in the past ... im here on the present and future.. you seem to not know how to pvp your self.. despite how long you been in game.. and thats my prof that being new /old to game doesnt matter.. its either you have what needed or you dont.. you certainly dont.. and even if you somehow do.. your arrogance makes you very little to care about

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@noiwk.2760 said:

@noiwk.2760 said:your class is already over peforming..I have all clases, fo fast use some of them have twice, about that class now you talk?

if you dont enjoy it go play another class..yes, for each type and style I have my own class

thief shouldpersonal for me is no matter what class should we ask boost, and we need pvp class anyway. By name it should be thief, I check it - no, it not op. Sometimes it fun, but no op. So we need good stealth, good dps (in my celestial it was totaly craps, especial if I try kill weaver wiht same amulet..,) and myt some stats boost fro gems ..

dont play celestial.. well celestial is gone either way.. and nope.. thief shouldnt be able to kill a weaver in 1v1 ^^

I sure loved that thread when somebody else said that you're new and don't have any idea how to really play PvP and you couldn't reply. That should be our default reply to you newbie.

i replayed unless the guy wasnt worth my replay such as you.. lets make it clear .. the balance changes constantly.. 2 years ago balance was entirely differnet .. infact why go this far.. on feb before the update balance was entirely different,.. i dont give a kitten how long you been in game.. you stayed stuck in the past ... im here on the present and future.. you seem to not know how to pvp your self.. despite how long you been in game.. and thats my prof that being new /old to game doesnt matter.. its either you have what needed or you dont.. you certainly dont.. and even if you somehow do.. your arrogance makes you very little to care about

Imagine being here in the present and still asking how to play your class and fight others on forums lmfao. Just admit it little buddy, you aren't that good yet.

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@darren.1064 said:

@noiwk.2760 said:your class is already over peforming..I have all clases, fo fast use some of them have twice, about that class now you talk?

if you dont enjoy it go play another class..yes, for each type and style I have my own class

thief shouldpersonal for me is no matter what class should we ask boost, and we need pvp class anyway. By name it should be thief, I check it - no, it not op. Sometimes it fun, but no op. So we need good stealth, good dps (in my celestial it was totaly craps, especial if I try kill weaver wiht same amulet..,) and myt some stats boost fro gems ..

dont play celestial.. well celestial is gone either way.. and nope.. thief shouldnt be able to kill a weaver in 1v1 ^^

I sure loved that thread when somebody else said that you're new and don't have any idea how to really play PvP and you couldn't reply. That should be our default reply to you newbie.

i replayed unless the guy wasnt worth my replay such as you.. lets make it clear .. the balance changes constantly.. 2 years ago balance was entirely differnet .. infact why go this far.. on feb before the update balance was entirely different,.. i dont give a kitten how long you been in game.. you stayed stuck in the past ... im here on the present and future.. you seem to not know how to pvp your self.. despite how long you been in game.. and thats my prof that being new /old to game doesnt matter.. its either you have what needed or you dont.. you certainly dont.. and even if you somehow do.. your arrogance makes you very little to care about

Imagine being here in the present and still asking how to play your class and fight others on forums lmfao. Just admit it little buddy, you aren't that good yet.

never asked how to play my class. im doing fine ty ^^ and even if i would ask that wouldnt be you.. so give your big fake ego a glass of cold water .. and some cubes of ice.. it doesnt do you good or grace.. it only make you look.. well.. not so smart and not a grown up... arguing with kids is stressful

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@noiwk.2760 said:

@noiwk.2760 said:your class is already over peforming..I have all clases, fo fast use some of them have twice, about that class now you talk?

if you dont enjoy it go play another class..yes, for each type and style I have my own class

thief shouldpersonal for me is no matter what class should we ask boost, and we need pvp class anyway. By name it should be thief, I check it - no, it not op. Sometimes it fun, but no op. So we need good stealth, good dps (in my celestial it was totaly craps, especial if I try kill weaver wiht same amulet..,) and myt some stats boost fro gems ..

dont play celestial.. well celestial is gone either way.. and nope.. thief shouldnt be able to kill a weaver in 1v1 ^^

I sure loved that thread when somebody else said that you're new and don't have any idea how to really play PvP and you couldn't reply. That should be our default reply to you newbie.

i replayed unless the guy wasnt worth my replay such as you.. lets make it clear .. the balance changes constantly.. 2 years ago balance was entirely differnet .. infact why go this far.. on feb before the update balance was entirely different,.. i dont give a kitten how long you been in game.. you stayed stuck in the past ... im here on the present and future.. you seem to not know how to pvp your self.. despite how long you been in game.. and thats my prof that being new /old to game doesnt matter.. its either you have what needed or you dont.. you certainly dont.. and even if you somehow do.. your arrogance makes you very little to care about

Imagine being here in the present and still asking how to play your class and fight others on forums lmfao. Just admit it little buddy, you aren't that good yet.

never asked how to play my class. im doing fine ty ^^ and even if i would ask that wouldnt be you.. so give your big fake ego a glass of cold water .. and some cubes of ice.. it doesnt do you good or grace.. it only make you look.. well.. not so smart and not a grown up... arguing with kids is stressful

https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/102842/help-understanding-tactic-traitline#latestCreated April 15, 2020

https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/102359/help-understanding-dual-wield-trait-pls#latestCreated April 12, 2020

https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/89025/advice-with-class-newplayer#latestCreated November 3rd, 2019! Just one year ago!

Do I need to continue?

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@darren.1064 said:

@noiwk.2760 said:your class is already over peforming..I have all clases, fo fast use some of them have twice, about that class now you talk?

if you dont enjoy it go play another class..yes, for each type and style I have my own class

thief shouldpersonal for me is no matter what class should we ask boost, and we need pvp class anyway. By name it should be thief, I check it - no, it not op. Sometimes it fun, but no op. So we need good stealth, good dps (in my celestial it was totaly craps, especial if I try kill weaver wiht same amulet..,) and myt some stats boost fro gems ..

dont play celestial.. well celestial is gone either way.. and nope.. thief shouldnt be able to kill a weaver in 1v1 ^^

I sure loved that thread when somebody else said that you're new and don't have any idea how to really play PvP and you couldn't reply. That should be our default reply to you newbie.

i replayed unless the guy wasnt worth my replay such as you.. lets make it clear .. the balance changes constantly.. 2 years ago balance was entirely differnet .. infact why go this far.. on feb before the update balance was entirely different,.. i dont give a kitten how long you been in game.. you stayed stuck in the past ... im here on the present and future.. you seem to not know how to pvp your self.. despite how long you been in game.. and thats my prof that being new /old to game doesnt matter.. its either you have what needed or you dont.. you certainly dont.. and even if you somehow do.. your arrogance makes you very little to care about

Imagine being here in the present and still asking how to play your class and fight others on forums lmfao. Just admit it little buddy, you aren't that good yet.

never asked how to play my class. im doing fine ty ^^ and even if i would ask that wouldnt be you.. so give your big fake ego a glass of cold water .. and some cubes of ice.. it doesnt do you good or grace.. it only make you look.. well.. not so smart and not a grown up... arguing with kids is stressful

Created April 15, 2020

Created April 12, 2020

Created November 3rd, 2019! Just one year ago!

Do I need to continue?

yoiu are out of date :D this is old ^^ i take no shame in asking people opinon first of all .. so long they aint kids like you..and well these are old :D been a long while since then zzzz

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@noiwk.2760 said:

@noiwk.2760 said:your class is already over peforming..I have all clases, fo fast use some of them have twice, about that class now you talk?

if you dont enjoy it go play another class..yes, for each type and style I have my own class

thief shouldpersonal for me is no matter what class should we ask boost, and we need pvp class anyway. By name it should be thief, I check it - no, it not op. Sometimes it fun, but no op. So we need good stealth, good dps (in my celestial it was totaly craps, especial if I try kill weaver wiht same amulet..,) and myt some stats boost fro gems ..

dont play celestial.. well celestial is gone either way.. and nope.. thief shouldnt be able to kill a weaver in 1v1 ^^

I sure loved that thread when somebody else said that you're new and don't have any idea how to really play PvP and you couldn't reply. That should be our default reply to you newbie.

i replayed unless the guy wasnt worth my replay such as you.. lets make it clear .. the balance changes constantly.. 2 years ago balance was entirely differnet .. infact why go this far.. on feb before the update balance was entirely different,.. i dont give a kitten how long you been in game.. you stayed stuck in the past ... im here on the present and future.. you seem to not know how to pvp your self.. despite how long you been in game.. and thats my prof that being new /old to game doesnt matter.. its either you have what needed or you dont.. you certainly dont.. and even if you somehow do.. your arrogance makes you very little to care about

Imagine being here in the present and still asking how to play your class and fight others on forums lmfao. Just admit it little buddy, you aren't that good yet.

never asked how to play my class. im doing fine ty ^^ and even if i would ask that wouldnt be you.. so give your big fake ego a glass of cold water .. and some cubes of ice.. it doesnt do you good or grace.. it only make you look.. well.. not so smart and not a grown up... arguing with kids is stressful

Created April 15, 2020

Created April 12, 2020

Created November 3rd, 2019! Just one year ago!

Do I need to continue?

yoiu are out of date :D this is old ^^ i take no shame in asking people opinon first of all .. so long they aint kids like you..and well these are old :D been a long while since then zzzz

I sure loved that thread when somebody else said that you're new and don't have any idea how to really play PvP and you couldn't reply. That should be our default reply to you newbie.

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