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@Kachros.4751 said:

@Kachros.4751 said:Okay im gonna say t his as a thief player myself. Shortbow 2 was busted and did more damage than nades did before this patch. Shortbow 4 is an unblockable CC with poison cleave. Shorttbow 5 was spammable 3 times in a row to kite away faster than any class can keep up. This was a good nerf and if you think otherwise then youre either clueless when it comes to thief or just cant play without the overtuned factors of the class.

This reads like that white government official that posted "As a gay black man, President Obama did nothing to help me compared to President Trump" or whatever he said. If you wanna pretend to be a thief player then go ahead, however... at least say feasible stuff.

Im saying this after playing it in a high level for the past 2 months. Thief has the best mobility in the game, huge stealth durations, big damage, CC, unblckable CC, unblockable damage, blind, aoe 5k bursts, damage reduction, condi remove, 2 stunbreaks in 1 skill, teleports. Are you saying this is isnt feasible? The fact you can get 2.7k range from shortbow 5 spam to escape is fine? I wouldve nerfed thief shortbow harder than this but EVERY high tier player within the development discord agreed that it was too much and im fairly sure that this opinion is correct. You could try to chase but oh wait shortbow 5, kitten i cant catch up.. then another.. and another then stealth. But oh wait hes back where he started again. Shortbow is not remotely balanced on thief and im fairly certain i know more after playing it vs every matchup at a good level.Even Pain (one of the best theives in gw2) says this and agrees like you cant argue with that lol. Just accept the fact thief was busted and now isnt as busted and stop trying to argue about an actual good nerf lol.

aight, professional black guy-- i mean thief player.

Ah thank you for the nonsensical bs from a player who most likely cant comprehend the class. Become good at it and try to understand its value and sheer stupidity of the busted mechanics that the class has before asserting a kitten opinion based off 0 evidence. Even watch high tier games of thief players and you will see how dumb its mobiltiy is with shortbow 5 then actually say something worth some sort of value about a class you dont understand, Thanks. :)

I have 10,000 games on thief. Next

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@NorthernRedStar.3054 said:

@Ziggityzog.7389 said:It was a broken skill since launch.

And thief as a class was balanced around having that skill since launch. That means many nerfs to make sure thief is not roaming the map with too much firepower in exchange for that mobility. What do you plan on giving back to thief since they took away the primary reason for many balance changes? Let me guess, nothing?

Umm give nothing back? It's a well deserved nerf with no gain like how things with other classes are nerfed with no gain.

They could have cut the range in half but but instead they went the the route of making it a elite weapon skill with the cost. Good second idea.

Or you could ignore what I wrote. Just another thief QQer mindlessly celebrating lol but what could I expect from a guy with a reaper avatar. Players escaping you are basically breaking the game, they're supposed to stand in my melee/AoE kitten!! /s

Here it is so you can read it again (and by again, I mean the first time):

And thief as a class was balanced around having that skill since launch. That means many nerfs to make sure thief is not roaming the map with too much firepower in exchange for that mobility. What do you plan on giving back to thief since they took away the primary reason for many balance changes? Let me guess, nothing?

Awe poor raging thief main who uses the most broken speedy character in a pvp mode where speed means more then skill.

Lmao. Least with my homemade (like all my builds since guild wars 1) reaper mm build got me to top 100 in both 2v2 seasons.

I'm not a copy paste joke like some.. lol

2v2, the game mode which, on NA, has like 300 ppl playing it? Must be a proud achievement.

Homebrew build bragging rights are, as every person who's ever researched the term 'meta', about as empty as it gets.

You're making a good case of how Anet listens to nonsense outcries, though.

Oh you mean the seasons where I have about 8 pages worth of "friends and guilds" playing during the 2v2 and 3v3 seasons but only about 3 pages worth when it's corclequest 5v5.

Odd how more people seem to play during 2v2 and 3v3 which seems to make you out to be a liar lol

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And thief as a class was balanced around having that skill since launch. That means many nerfs to make sure thief is not roaming the map with too much firepower in exchange for that mobility. What do you plan on giving back to thief since they took away the primary reason for many balance changes? Let me guess, nothing?

Umm give nothing back? It's a well deserved nerf with no gain like how things with other classes are nerfed with no gain.

They could have cut the range in half but but instead they went the the route of making it a elite weapon skill with the cost. Good second idea.

Or you could ignore what I wrote. Just another thief QQer mindlessly celebrating lol but what could I expect from a guy with a reaper avatar. Players escaping you are basically breaking the game, they're supposed to stand in my melee/AoE kitten!! /s

Here it is so you can read it again (and by again, I mean the first time):

And thief as a class was balanced around having that skill since launch. That means many nerfs to make sure thief is not roaming the map with too much firepower in exchange for that mobility. What do you plan on giving back to thief since they took away the primary reason for many balance changes? Let me guess, nothing?

Awe poor raging thief main who uses the most broken speedy character in a pvp mode where speed means more then skill.

Lmao. Least with my homemade (like all my builds since guild wars 1) reaper mm build got me to top 100 in both 2v2 seasons.

I'm not a copy paste joke like some.. lol

2v2, the game mode which, on NA, has like 300 ppl playing it? Must be a proud achievement.

Homebrew build bragging rights are, as every person who's ever researched the term 'meta', about as empty as it gets.

You're making a good case of how Anet listens to nonsense outcries, though.

Oh you mean the seasons where I have about 8 pages worth of "friends and guilds" playing during the 2v2 and 3v3 seasons but only about 3 pages worth when it's corclequest 5v5.

Odd how more people seem to play during 2v2 and 3v3 which seems to make you out to be a liar lol

so you are saying that you like 2v2/3v3 and your friends lik 2v2/3v3 too ?its almost as if friends in general like the same things wooowMe and my friends like action movies, so if anyone likes anything else they are a fucking lier.

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And thief as a class was balanced around having that skill since launch. That means many nerfs to make sure thief is not roaming the map with too much firepower in exchange for that mobility. What do you plan on giving back to thief since they took away the primary reason for many balance changes? Let me guess, nothing?

Umm give nothing back? It's a well deserved nerf with no gain like how things with other classes are nerfed with no gain.

They could have cut the range in half but but instead they went the the route of making it a elite weapon skill with the cost. Good second idea.

Or you could ignore what I wrote. Just another thief QQer mindlessly celebrating lol but what could I expect from a guy with a reaper avatar. Players escaping you are basically breaking the game, they're supposed to stand in my melee/AoE kitten!! /s

Here it is so you can read it again (and by again, I mean the first time):

And thief as a class was balanced around having that skill since launch. That means many nerfs to make sure thief is not roaming the map with too much firepower in exchange for that mobility. What do you plan on giving back to thief since they took away the primary reason for many balance changes? Let me guess, nothing?

Awe poor raging thief main who uses the most broken speedy character in a pvp mode where speed means more then skill.

Lmao. Least with my homemade (like all my builds since guild wars 1) reaper mm build got me to top 100 in both 2v2 seasons.

I'm not a copy paste joke like some.. lol

2v2, the game mode which, on NA, has like 300 ppl playing it? Must be a proud achievement.

Homebrew build bragging rights are, as every person who's ever researched the term 'meta', about as empty as it gets.

You're making a good case of how Anet listens to nonsense outcries, though.

Oh you mean the seasons where I have about 8 pages worth of "friends and guilds" playing during the 2v2 and 3v3 seasons but only about 3 pages worth when it's corclequest 5v5.

Odd how more people seem to play during 2v2 and 3v3 which seems to make you out to be a liar lol

so you are saying that you like 2v2/3v3 and your friends lik 2v2/3v3 too ?its almost as if friends in general like the same things wooowMe and my friends like action movies, so if anyone likes anything else they are a kitten lier.

Wow it's as if I have 5 guilds with 3 being maxed but sure let's assume I added everyone of them from just playing 2v2 even tho I did 2v2 with just 3 different friends and then knowing most from playing stronghold.

Lol poor kiddo assuming just to make it's self feel better.

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@Ziggityzog.7389 the fact that more people play the bursty (make a combo like a bot) game mode just proves that 5v5 game mode is not viable given unbalance. lemme ask you: which are main classes on 2v2 or 3v3? necro and revenant? condi?.....mayyyybe some holos.....mayyyybeee a couple rangers here and there?

what about build diversity? every 2 weeks patch is a backstab on those things that made the game great.

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So I read this:

Nah Im actually totally in favour of it on paper, and I played Thief until last year. Or perhaps more accurately, Im in favour of it as a first step. Lowering thieves mobility is good, but in exchange thief should also see changes to their fighting capabilities. Make the class actually able to 1v1 people who arent afk. Give it some real survivability. Stuff like that.

Now my thought is...HoT "Made" thief 1v1er ish...instead that it can't cc, can't AoE condi spam, can't resustain, ....thief is the class of CAN'Ts....and that has being true even since day 1. So: good developers couldn't fix this....what should we expect from the crappy ones?....clearly they are not even capable of reading forums...which according to support team they do intensively...

(maybe they read TERA or WoW or LoL forums and that's why they can't nail it?)

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@Halikus.1406 said:Thief mobility was never balanced to begin with.

That IS a big nerf, don't get me wrong, but thief is still the most mobile class out there and mobility in this game needs to be brought down. I can absolutely understand them not being happy, but this is long overdue lol

Thief mobility is pretty much the only redeeming thing they have. With no access to massive aoe and mediocre cc in the form of very short stuns or dazes they didn’t have much. There’s plenty of reveal in game to counteract their stealth and waaay too much sustain to counteract any dps. Some classes are pretty much unkillable in certain situations for a thief. In PvP a thief’s only real value was in its ability to move around and finish off low hp targets. It made it so that a good thief really contributed heavily to a game.

The nerf is completely unjustified. Thief was dancing the edge of being good or bad and this has pushed it over to the bad side. Sad day for thief mains.

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@GewRoo.4172 said:

@Ziggityzog.7389 said:Best part about it that it made the cost of the infiltrator arrorw into more of a elite weapon skill status. You should not be able to teleport across half the map in just 3 #5 skill uses. How about take like 500 off the range and we'll talk about giving bake the lessened initiative.

It was a broken skill since launch.

Running away is their only form of “sustain” and in a game type that rewards y for holding a point it’s stupid to nerf something that already is detrimental to the game type. It’s only value was in avoiding fights and back capping. Thief is too squishy for anything. Else. And now it barely works

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I mean I was a long time thief(mainly pre PoF cause mobility was sweet before mounts) so I know(should know) a thing or 2. Imo the IA iniative increase isn't gonna change much, signet kinda hurts but it's also not such a big thing. U still have the portal for guaranated unfollowable escape and shadowstep for running, if u use daredevil u can travel ~1350 range units with all of your dodges or deadeye rifle 4 so there's still a lot of movement. IA change was deserved, being able to tp 3x was cancer. When the round started, u cuold be on the enemy point as fast or even faster than the enemy. Also it's not like other classed haven't been nerfed as well, if u're dying just use the portal.

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When a class' "utility" is so stringently defined by a single, ground-targeted, scripted movement ability, then the class probably didn't deserve to exist in the first place lol. This is almost as pathetic as Revenant getting replaced in PvE by a rune set when its Herald boon passive was nerfed.

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@Anomaly.7612 said:

@"Vavume.8065" said:Escape/reset potential needed a nerf, I approve of the change.

You realize this is the entire playstyle of Thief, right? Thief isn't a bruiser meant to stand there in a fight for long. They get in, do damage and get out. Now that's even harder. Basically just dunked on the basic Thief playstyle.

Anet has zero clue what they want to do with Thief. I'm sick of this kitten. I was already taking a break from the game and now I'm done.

All while Necro lich form saw no changes at all. What a joke.

I mean it's broken right ? When you play any non-support class you want to do the same. Get in do damage and get out. But other classes can't do that unpunished. If they get in, do their kill, it's nice. But if you get in and screw up and still get away with it ? Does it really sound fair to you ? It is not about the thief it is about any other class. If you are a guardian and you want to +1 some fight, do you want to get in there, do damage and stay forever ? Apart from some specific bunker classes, everyone class wantsto be able to do that, they don't because they can't.I don't agree with you that cheesing the hell out of the blink mechanic is the "thief's basic playstyle". It is toxic for the game and it makes playing thief also kinda boring. Thief is just so much more than that. Now you actually gotta play thief how it is supposed to be played. You calculate your chances before engaging in a fight. It is how it should be, just deal with it.I agree about the necro tho. It needs some nerfs too.

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@Armen.1483 said:

@"Vavume.8065" said:Escape/reset potential needed a nerf, I approve of the change.

You realize this is the entire playstyle of Thief, right? Thief isn't a bruiser meant to stand there in a fight for long. They get in, do damage and get out. Now that's even harder. Basically just dunked on the basic Thief playstyle.

Anet has zero clue what they want to do with Thief. I'm sick of this kitten. I was already taking a break from the game and now I'm done.

All while Necro lich form saw no changes at all. What a joke.

I mean it's broken right ? When you play any non-support class you want to do the same. Get in do damage and get out. But other classes can't do that unpunished. If they get in, do their kill, it's nice. But if you get in and screw up and still get away with it ? Does it really sound fair to you ? It is not about the thief it is about any other class. If you are a guardian and you want to +1 some fight, do you want to get in there, do damage and stay forever ? Apart from some specific bunker classes, everyone class wantsto be able to do that, they don't because they can't.I don't agree with you that cheesing the hell out of the blink mechanic is the "thief's basic playstyle". It is toxic for the game and it makes playing thief also kinda boring. Thief is just so much more than that. Now you actually gotta play thief how it is supposed to be played. You calculate your chances before engaging in a fight. It is how it should be, just deal with it.I agree about the necro tho. It needs some nerfs too.

Yes when other classes can shake of 3x the dmg a thief can take.

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@Fat Disgrace.4275 said:

@"Vavume.8065" said:Escape/reset potential needed a nerf, I approve of the change.

You realize this is the entire playstyle of Thief, right? Thief isn't a bruiser meant to stand there in a fight for long. They get in, do damage and get out. Now that's even harder. Basically just dunked on the basic Thief playstyle.

Anet has zero clue what they want to do with Thief. I'm sick of this kitten. I was already taking a break from the game and now I'm done.

All while Necro lich form saw no changes at all. What a joke.

I mean it's broken right ? When you play any non-support class you want to do the same. Get in do damage and get out. But other classes can't do that unpunished. If they get in, do their kill, it's nice. But if you get in and screw up and still get away with it ? Does it really sound fair to you ? It is not about the thief it is about any other class. If you are a guardian and you want to +1 some fight, do you want to get in there, do damage and stay forever ? Apart from some specific bunker classes, everyone class wantsto be able to do that, they don't because they can't.I don't agree with you that cheesing the hell out of the blink mechanic is the "thief's basic playstyle". It is toxic for the game and it makes playing thief also kinda boring. Thief is just so much more than that. Now you actually gotta play thief how it is supposed to be played. You calculate your chances before engaging in a fight. It is how it should be, just deal with it.I agree about the necro tho. It needs some nerfs too.

Yes when other classes can shake of 3x the dmg a thief can take.

When a fight is happening just 4k damage from a +1 on a good moment can be enough to decide a fight, so having 10 times more damage won't help much either. And btw I can assure you as a mediocre thief player I can demolish 1vs1s with a thief, thief doesn't lack damage at all, especially if you go for a damage build :) It's been showcased so many times by actually good thief players. Because truth is people just don't know how to play thief, because without his broken mobility, it is actually a hard class to play. But with so much overtune it doesn't feel that way. Playing different thief builds after the last patch I still think that thief is in a good spot. I can feel the difference, but not as much as I thought. My experience might vary from yours, but it is what it is.

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I dont like thiefI hate thiefI dont want it out of the meta thoughI dont think this is how you treat a class that depends on a recharging resource and no cooldowns

easiest fix is is to increase the initiative cost the more you use it in a set interval over a period of time.

first cast is normal 6 initiative. Then get a debuff that increases the cost to 8 that lasts 3-5 seconds. Using the skill again makes it more expensive and reapplies the debuff.

This way it will limit the reset and escape potential and general map mobility but will still allow the thief to still fight and use other skills.

this is not fun

this is not balance

this is backwards

this harms the game's selling points

this is a stupid joke

we can laugh at thief now and next time it wil be your class next getting the same stupid treatment

This is not ok!

just fix it

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maybe its time to completely rework thief ! simple as that.. .. im sorry but thief can not continue abuse stealth and dominate the ranked pvp..if thief community want bigger numbers so much! maybe its time to rework their class!or ask them.. they speak so much of reaper.. as if its a god ! why dont they just play reaper? i mean classes are being nerfed and buffed in and out the metta..for now thief is the top tier in the meta for ever.. but if they are not happy with it.. they should try reaper..and then maybe they understad how op thief is!
they forget their first 2 casts of auto attack thief dagger are fking no cast time.. 3rd one is 1/4 second.. and the damage isnt even low on that!the rest of the skills does really good damage considering they blind /daze and what not..
thief does "lower line of damage" meh maybe not low enough.. for how fast they can pull that damage.. and then they just stealth and redo that burst rotationbut we all know that thief community want thief to be god... they dont want to be good.. they want a game master command "kill all"frankly untill now.. thief had better mobility than hacker using teleport hacks.. cmon this is a joke...they want higher numbers? sure they should give up their retarded stealth lets rework thief entirely give it long cd stealth like emergency skill like a stun break not a fking 2 seconds cd

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i mean cmon...8 ini is just to much, just the fact that many, many points of ini disappear into nothing, because of "no vaild path", before u kinda had a chance of getting away, u would steal, dodge and could inf shot again. I have been playing thief in platin for years now, so i now a thing or two, i do realize that i have a major handycap in playing with action cam compared to the avarage player, so "nvp" is much more of a problem for me, but still if u are in a fight just putting a reflex inf shot to the side as a last way of getting out and nothing happens "nvp", your ini is gone and u are dead.... its just a great feeling and now you are telling me those events are going to multiply and be even more finite.

The problem here is that this fix is aimed at the meta dodge devil, but now it will be the only thing that can cope with the cost, because he does not depend as much on the sb as others.


Because now u are even further forced to play meta, which i dont and never will, meaning now im playing something that is even more inferior to meta than it was before, which is great for diversity and even greater for gameplay.... not...

BTW: easy fix for the problem, take away the energie on signet of agility, because now u have to think and can not go full retard in fights knowing u always have a extra dodge when u need it, changes the whole gameplay.

Piece of Wisdom: as Sgt. Lincoln Osiris in "Operation" Tropic Thunder says: " You never go full retard"

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@"Chris.2183" said:i mean cmon...8 ini is just to much, just the fact that many, many points of ini disappear into nothing, because of "no vaild path", before u kinda had a chance of getting away, u would steal, dodge and could inf shot again. I have been playing thief in platin for years now, so i now a thing or two, i do realize that i have a major handycap in playing with action cam compared to the avarage player, so "nvp" is much more of a problem for me, but still if u are in a fight just putting a reflex inf shot to the side as a last way of getting out and nothing happens "nvp", your ini is gone and u are dead.... its just a great feeling and now you are telling me those events are going to multiply and be even more finite.

The problem here is that this fix is aimed at the meta dodge devil, but now it will be the only thing that can cope with the cost, because he does not depend as much on the sb as others.


Because now u are even further forced to play meta, which i dont and never will, meaning now im playing something that is even more inferior to meta than it was before, which is great for diversity and even greater for gameplay.... not...

BTW: easy fix for the problem, take away the energie on signet of agility, because now u have to think and can not go full kitten in fights knowing u always have a extra dodge when u need it, changes the whole gameplay.

the fact that thief could fuck up their get away tool and still get away is the reason this nerf is in place, if I fuck up my blink I die as it should be, and hopefully thief will die on fuck ups one day

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@"Chris.2183" said:i mean cmon...8 ini is just to much, just the fact that many, many points of ini disappear into nothing, because of "no vaild path", before u kinda had a chance of getting away, u would steal, dodge and could inf shot again. I have been playing thief in platin for years now, so i now a thing or two, i do realize that i have a major handycap in playing with action cam compared to the avarage player, so "nvp" is much more of a problem for me, but still if u are in a fight just putting a reflex inf shot to the side as a last way of getting out and nothing happens "nvp", your ini is gone and u are dead.... its just a great feeling and now you are telling me those events are going to multiply and be even more finite.

The problem here is that this fix is aimed at the meta dodge devil, but now it will be the only thing that can cope with the cost, because he does not depend as much on the sb as others.


Because now u are even further forced to play meta, which i dont and never will, meaning now im playing something that is even more inferior to meta than it was before, which is great for diversity and even greater for gameplay.... not...

BTW: easy fix for the problem, take away the energie on signet of agility, because now u have to think and can not go full kitten in fights knowing u always have a extra dodge when u need it, changes the whole gameplay.

the fact that thief could kitten up their get away tool and still get away is the reason this nerf is in place, if I kitten up my blink I die as it should be, and hopefully thief will die on kitten ups one day

After all this time ur still hating on thief lol too funny.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@"Chris.2183" said:i mean cmon...8 ini is just to much, just the fact that many, many points of ini disappear into nothing, because of "no vaild path", before u kinda had a chance of getting away, u would steal, dodge and could inf shot again. I have been playing thief in platin for years now, so i now a thing or two, i do realize that i have a major handycap in playing with action cam compared to the avarage player, so "nvp" is much more of a problem for me, but still if u are in a fight just putting a reflex inf shot to the side as a last way of getting out and nothing happens "nvp", your ini is gone and u are dead.... its just a great feeling and now you are telling me those events are going to multiply and be even more finite.

The problem here is that this fix is aimed at the meta dodge devil, but now it will be the only thing that can cope with the cost, because he does not depend as much on the sb as others.


Because now u are even further forced to play meta, which i dont and never will, meaning now im playing something that is even more inferior to meta than it was before, which is great for diversity and even greater for gameplay.... not...

BTW: easy fix for the problem, take away the energie on signet of agility, because now u have to think and can not go full kitten in fights knowing u always have a extra dodge when u need it, changes the whole gameplay.

the fact that thief could kitten up their get away tool and still get away is the reason this nerf is in place, if I kitten up my blink I die as it should be, and hopefully thief will die on kitten ups one day

After all this time ur still hating on thief lol too funny.

had no reason to stop, there should never be a class that automatically loses you the game if you dont have it on a team

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@"Chris.2183" said:i mean cmon...8 ini is just to much, just the fact that many, many points of ini disappear into nothing, because of "no vaild path", before u kinda had a chance of getting away, u would steal, dodge and could inf shot again. I have been playing thief in platin for years now, so i now a thing or two, i do realize that i have a major handycap in playing with action cam compared to the avarage player, so "nvp" is much more of a problem for me, but still if u are in a fight just putting a reflex inf shot to the side as a last way of getting out and nothing happens "nvp", your ini is gone and u are dead.... its just a great feeling and now you are telling me those events are going to multiply and be even more finite.

The problem here is that this fix is aimed at the meta dodge devil, but now it will be the only thing that can cope with the cost, because he does not depend as much on the sb as others.


Because now u are even further forced to play meta, which i dont and never will, meaning now im playing something that is even more inferior to meta than it was before, which is great for diversity and even greater for gameplay.... not...

BTW: easy fix for the problem, take away the energie on signet of agility, because now u have to think and can not go full kitten in fights knowing u always have a extra dodge when u need it, changes the whole gameplay.

the fact that thief could kitten up their get away tool and still get away is the reason this nerf is in place, if I kitten up my blink I die as it should be, and hopefully thief will die on kitten ups one day

After all this time ur still hating on thief lol too funny.

had no reason to stop, there should never be a class that automatically loses you the game if you dont have it on a team

Again......lol I kno the standard rogue archetype is hard to eccept for some and learning to fight them is difficult, in time u and noiwk will learn to fight them like the rest of us have :) gl on ur thief removal ventures though as I agree its definitely easier to complain and cry OP on forums constantly compared to leaning to face things, dont worry though u guys arnt alone as most of the gw2 player community agrees :)

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@Armen.1483 said:

@"Vavume.8065" said:Escape/reset potential needed a nerf, I approve of the change.

You realize this is the entire playstyle of Thief, right? Thief isn't a bruiser meant to stand there in a fight for long. They get in, do damage and get out. Now that's even harder. Basically just dunked on the basic Thief playstyle.

Anet has zero clue what they want to do with Thief. I'm sick of this kitten. I was already taking a break from the game and now I'm done.

All while Necro lich form saw no changes at all. What a joke.

I mean it's broken right ? When you play any non-support class you want to do the same. Get in do damage and get out. But other classes can't do that unpunished. If they get in, do their kill, it's nice. But if you get in and screw up and still get away with it ? Does it really sound fair to you ? It is not about the thief it is about any other class. If you are a guardian and you want to +1 some fight, do you want to get in there, do damage and stay forever ? Apart from some specific bunker classes, everyone class wantsto be able to do that, they don't because they can't.I don't agree with you that cheesing the hell out of the blink mechanic is the "thief's basic playstyle". It is toxic for the game and it makes playing thief also kinda boring. Thief is just so much more than that. Now you actually gotta play thief how it is supposed to be played. You calculate your chances before engaging in a fight. It is how it should be, just deal with it.I agree about the necro tho. It needs some nerfs too.

Yes when other classes can shake of 3x the dmg a thief can take.

When a fight is happening just 4k damage from a +1 on a good moment can be enough to decide a fight, so having 10 times more damage won't help much either. And btw I can assure you as a mediocre thief player I can demolish 1vs1s with a thief, thief doesn't lack damage at all, especially if you go for a damage build :) It's been showcased so many times by actually good thief players. Because truth is people just don't know how to play thief, because without his broken mobility, it is actually a hard class to play. But with so much overtune it doesn't feel that way. Playing different thief builds after the last patch I still think that thief is in a good spot. I can feel the difference, but not as much as I thought. My experience might vary from yours, but it is what it is.

Yes, you dont need much damage in a +1. Thats why thief is still good. And no, you cannot win any 1v1s as thief other than maybe Condi Mesmer (Plasma is op). Thieves are already using a max reliable damage build. Thief absolutely lacks damage. Whats been showcased is that if you set up scenarios where the damage doesnt matter, you can do a lot of damage.

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