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5 min cooldown traits


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You talking about the currently useless upper defense traitline in warriors? The 2 traits that could create a somewhat sustainable Berserker (although this accounts for WvW mostly).

Well, I guess we gotta wait until EoD for a big balance patch. All patches rn evolve around cd increase, power coefficient decrease. Which is truly half the work imo. reworked traits like new applications, or better utilization of what's available is also needed. And of course saying something very obvious in the forums won't draw ANET's attention.

It is frustrating, but let us not accuse of individuals who work hard. Choice of staff (if they can't do their job) and the company's lack of connection to the playerbase are to be addressed. And they have been many times already...

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In a podcast it was said that the skills team(the team incharge of changing/reworking skills/traits) doesn't interact with the PvP balance person right now.All they can really do is change numbers, increase/decrease CDs, and remove things from the PvP build panel.

Reworking those 'placeholder' traits to do something else isn't possible if they can't work together, so they're probably going to be placeholders for a really long time .Really hope that changes at some point.

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@Multicolorhipster.9751 said:In a podcast it was said that the skills team(the team incharge of changing/reworking skills/traits) doesn't interact with the PvP balance person right now.All they can really do is change numbers, increase/decrease CDs, and remove things from the PvP build panel.

Reworking those 'placeholder' traits to do something else isn't possible if they can't work together, so they're probably going to be placeholders for a really long time .Really hope that changes at some point.

Really? How effed is their workflow at this point? Did they all become developers somehow and not take a single course remotely related to technical communication?

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@Gwaihir.1745 said:

@Multicolorhipster.9751 said:In a podcast it was said that the skills team(the team incharge of changing/reworking skills/traits) doesn't interact with the PvP balance person right now.All they can really do is change numbers, increase/decrease CDs, and remove things from the PvP build panel.

Reworking those 'placeholder' traits to do something else isn't possible if they can't work together, so they're probably going to be placeholders for a really long time .Really hope that changes at some point.

Really? How effed is their workflow at this point? Did they all become developers somehow and not take a single course remotely related to technical communication?

Cmc can work on number stats, but not on reworks, the guys with the power to do it are busy with expansion elites. Next they'll still be busy balancing the new broken elites.

If we get lucky we'll get some huge patch before expansion release, or it won't be touched till 2022 prolly.

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@bkv.2371 said:Thief acrobatics traitline has 2 of these as well, also ranger in marksmanship and wilderness survival. Theres so many pve traits already useless in pvp, we really dont need this bs in addition...

Thief acro was only really considered for years, and lots of commentary from streamers can confirm, because of swindlers equilibrium. Yes instant reflexes in nice but since they cut back damage it seems it is no longer needed. Acro is totally fine rn and is 90% chance better on sd builds as it does more damage than deadly arts since nerfs and has more sustain. Though I do feel bad for acro builds that don’t run sword, but looking at it from that perspective and at other nerfs it seems anet did a good job there

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@Bazsi.2734 said:

@bkv.2371 said:Is a rework even on the table?As far as we know, they have been on the table since February.

However, for all we know, said table might be in some remote location that Arenanet forgot about.

We as players should really come togheter and help A-net search for the table.

However, the team responsible for skill and trait (re)designs is currently busy designing the next elite specializations.We have to wait until those are out and the live-tested bugs are fixed, before having any chance to get those dead traits replaced.

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@Khalisto.5780 said:

@"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:In a podcast it was said that the skills team(the team incharge of changing/reworking skills/traits) doesn't interact with the PvP balance person right now.All they can really do is change numbers, increase/decrease CDs, and remove things from the PvP build panel.

Reworking those 'placeholder' traits to do something else isn't possible if they can't work together, so they're probably going to be placeholders for a really long time .Really hope that changes at some point.

Really? How effed is their workflow at this point? Did they all become developers somehow and not take a single course remotely related to technical communication?

Cmc can work on number stats, but not on reworks, the guys with the power to do it are busy with expansion elites. Next they'll still be busy balancing the new broken elites.

If we get lucky we'll get some huge patch before expansion release, or it won't be touched till 2022 prolly.


"We screwed up some trait lines and made them go from OP passives to totally useless wastes of space, we understand this is a issue of our own doing, but we just don't care what the players want, we have an expac coming that we can monetize, and if you think we are going to let the skills team spend the 30mins needed to fix this and change it to something at least some what useful, well, you are exactly the gullible player base we want."

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@TinkTinkPOOF.9201 said:

@"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:In a podcast it was said that the skills team(the team incharge of changing/reworking skills/traits) doesn't interact with the PvP balance person right now.All they can really do is change numbers, increase/decrease CDs, and remove things from the PvP build panel.

Reworking those 'placeholder' traits to do something else isn't possible if they can't work together, so they're probably going to be placeholders for a really long time .Really hope that changes at some point.

Really? How effed is their workflow at this point? Did they all become developers somehow and not take a single course remotely related to technical communication?

Cmc can work on number stats, but not on reworks, the guys with the power to do it are busy with expansion elites. Next they'll still be busy balancing the new broken elites.

If we get lucky we'll get some huge patch before expansion release, or it won't be touched till 2022 prolly.


"We screwed up some trait lines and made them go from OP passives to totally useless wastes of space, we understand this is a issue of our own doing, but we just don't care what the players want, we have an expac coming that we can monetize, and if you think we are going to let the skills team spend the 30mins needed to fix this and change it to something at least some what useful, well, you are exactly the gullible player base we want."

This^ they couldn't even be bothered to lower the CD's to a degree that their at least somewhat useful.this among other things are seriously messed up, then again ya all still log in so....

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:In a podcast it was said that the skills team(the team incharge of changing/reworking skills/traits) doesn't interact with the PvP balance person right now.All they can really do is change numbers, increase/decrease CDs, and remove things from the PvP build panel.

Reworking those 'placeholder' traits to do something else isn't possible if they can't work together, so they're probably going to be placeholders for a really long time .Really hope that changes at some point.

Really? How effed is their workflow at this point? Did they all become developers somehow and not take a single course remotely related to technical communication?

Cmc can work on number stats, but not on reworks, the guys with the power to do it are busy with expansion elites. Next they'll still be busy balancing the new broken elites.

If we get lucky we'll get some huge patch before expansion release, or it won't be touched till 2022 prolly.


"We screwed up some trait lines and made them go from OP passives to totally useless wastes of space, we understand this is a issue of our own doing, but we just don't care what the players want, we have an expac coming that we can monetize, and if you think we are going to let the skills team spend the 30mins needed to fix this and change it to something at least some what useful, well, you are exactly the gullible player base we want."

This^ they couldn't even be bothered to lower the CD's to a degree that their at least somewhat useful.this among other things are seriously messed up, then again ya all still log in so....

Lol, even before that nobody was even using some of those traits cuz they were already bad at 60 srcs cd like lesser arcane shield.

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@"Khalisto.5780" strongest one was thief with their " I cant die " every 90s traitbut even then such traits could be balanced with numbers, doing something as changing evade time from 2s to 0,5s while keeping the cooldown.It could be a game of procing the not so long lasting cooldown and make the game more in-depth, but naaah lets remove itEDITI ment instant reflexhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Instant_ReflexesIm sure most other traits could be balanced in similar fassion, I wouldnt mind endure pain if it lasted 0,75s-1s or something similar

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