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Griffon - Legendary Corrupted Facet - any ideas ...?


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It's now three days that I try to get this, the last, achievement done for the Griffon ... no luck. It's either:

(1) I have the bounty but when I tag up I get three or four people joining so it's a no-go.(2) Someone else has it, pops it, notices "oh my - I can't solo it" starts to call for it in chat - usually no commander or mentor icon - and when you finally arrive - the location is a pretty far way from any of the sparsely situated waypoints (unless you know the shortcut) so when people arrive it's again only three or four and with a timer of, say, four to five minutes ... fail.

All the other achievements were doable since they're on a pretty predictable mechanism, usually close to a waypoint with people around. I get the feeling that some clever dev thought it would be fun to ram bounties down player's throats by including this in the griffon hunt - and - so much like Orr - it worked ... the first weeks when the mass of players was doing it. Now, a few weeks in, the map is what it is designed to be: a solo map - unlike HoT or Dry Top or the Silverwastes.

Does anyone have any idea how to get this achievement done?

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I only ever got the bounty myself twice. Will try lfg next time though the "open world" or "achievement hunter" tab is usually very, very empty ...

Edit: Got it - the lfg did help a bit but the real trick was to coordinate with someone who waited for 45 minutes for the contract, then grabbed it while I was gathering people. And only THEN did we go in ... pretty smooth run. Your lfg tip yielded 4 extra people who joined the guy with the bounty :)

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The answer is bounty trains. Obviously with the insane gold farm that is the Mad Lab, theres gonna a lot less people on the normal maps...... however, if you're in your server's prime time (or have enough guildies on to start the squad), you can start a train and build up people before heading to Facet.

The problem is you're trying to address only "your" problem, but expecting everyone else to drop what they're doing to come help. As helpful as people are in this game, too much waiting around for more people is no fun for anyone involved. You're also facing player psychology, where they see a Bounty group with only 4 people, and assume you're either a crappy commander, no one else is interested in a bounty train, or its a stale LFG that no one closed after the commander left. But if they see 12+ people in a bounty train LFG, join it and see people actively moving around, they know its active and are likely to stay for a few runs.
I once took over a Bounty train Vabbi after the commander left; and the remaining 12 of us were selectively going after achievement targets a person in the group needed. Thats a shared effort, where everyone felt it was worth contributing, because the others were willing to help in turn.

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I agree with you and that's why I believe it's a bad design decision by the developers. It worked well when PoF came out because there were many people on the new maps and those that went for the Griffon were probably ... accomplished ... players. Since I could not run with the crowd I joined later with PoF (and yes, Halloween) but I think that in like one or two months "new" players will have even more difficulties finding a group big (and as you say: patient) enough to do the bounty. With some luck one of the bigger communities willl have a "legendary chamption train" event on a regular schedule.

I hope the devs reconsider this requirement and change the relic to be one given at the end of a normal quest chain preferably one starting near a waypoint like all the other reclis.

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... I really, really wish people would stop grabbing Facet for the Griffon achievement solo or in small groups, because it throws off those trying to do all three legendary bounties. (And then move to the next map)

Want to know how to get a fast group for it, if you have a tag? Open LFG, and advertise as "Legendary Bounty Train". Then, you're not only getting people who need the Griffon, but also those just looking for Elegy Mosaics. Just smack Facet, Choya, and Queen (All fast), and then you can either move to another map, take requests for other collection champs, or just be done.

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Well, I agree that the respawn timer is the main problem with my points (1) and (2) I listed in the initial post. If the bounty would be available after, say, 10 minutes or so it wouldn't be such a problem - but it seems to re-apperar at a specific time (?) so that the wait can be close to an hour or so.

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@HtFde.3856 said:It's now three days that I try to get this, the last, achievement done for the Griffon ... no luck. It's either:

(1) I have the bounty but when I tag up I get three or four people joining so it's a no-go.(2) Someone else has it, pops it, notices "oh my - I can't solo it" starts to call for it in chat - usually no commander or mentor icon - and when you finally arrive - the location is a pretty far way from any of the sparsely situated waypoints (unless you know the shortcut) so when people arrive it's again only three or four and with a timer of, say, four to five minutes ... fail.

All the other achievements were doable since they're on a pretty predictable mechanism, usually close to a waypoint with people around. I get the feeling that some clever dev thought it would be fun to ram bounties down player's throats by including this in the griffon hunt - and - so much like Orr - it worked ... the first weeks when the mass of players was doing it. Now, a few weeks in, the map is what it is designed to be: a solo map - unlike HoT or Dry Top or the Silverwastes.

Does anyone have any idea how to get this achievement done?

Well ... to point out the obvious its Halloween season and Mad King Thorn is running around LA

Just be patient .... POF acheivements will be back in full swing after everyone has had thier fill of the Lab and the Clock Tower!

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@HtFde.3856 said:It's now three days that I try to get this, the last, achievement done for the Griffon ... no luck. It's either:

(1) I have the bounty but when I tag up I get three or four people joining so it's a no-go.(2) Someone else has it, pops it, notices "oh my - I can't solo it" starts to call for it in chat - usually no commander or mentor icon - and when you finally arrive - the location is a pretty far way from any of the sparsely situated waypoints (unless you know the shortcut) so when people arrive it's again only three or four and with a timer of, say, four to five minutes ... fail.Does anyone have any idea how to get this achievement done?

  1. Accept the bounty at the board, go near the entrance of the bounty spawn location (the fragmented pyramid) but do not activate it yet and stay outside.
  2. Make your Mentor/Commander symbol visible.
  3. Announce the bounty event to start in 10 min and that you need 20+ people because of so many trash mobs. Advertise it about every 3 Minutes. I always add how many people still are needed, this shows others that they won't be alone and the chances for success are good which makes them more likely to join.
  4. Be patient to really wait the announced 10 min and then enter the pyramid and start the event.
  5. Keep your symbol active during the fight, because even unannounced the one or other player will join the fight if she/he sees your symbol on the map.

I did this yesterday night and we were 8 people at the beginning of the fight and our number growed to 12 to 15 people during it and the bounty was defeated successfully.

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  • 9 months later...

I don't believe anyone will get this achievement anymore. There are never enough people on the map to help take it out. Really pisses me off after all the gold I spent on all the other necessary elements for the Griffin mount, but I'll never get it because the Facet is now unbeatable.

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@Laurencius.9258 said:I don't believe anyone will get this achievement anymore. There are never enough people on the map to help take it out. Really pisses me off after all the gold I spent on all the other necessary elements for the Griffin mount, but I'll never get it because the Facet is now unbeatable.

LFG. I killed it easy 2 days ago in a bounty train I was doing because I was bored and we had maybe 13 people at most.

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@"Laurencius.9258" said:I don't believe anyone will get this achievement anymore. There are never enough people on the map to help take it out. Really pisses me off after all the gold I spent on all the other necessary elements for the Griffin mount, but I'll never get it because the Facet is now unbeatable.

I don't know what you're talking about. You can still beat the facet as a party of 5, you don't need more people there.Let the current Boss Blitz event educate you on effective builds and overscaling "issues".

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@Laurencius.9258 said:I don't believe anyone will get this achievement anymore. There are never enough people on the map to help take it out. Really pisses me off after all the gold I spent on all the other necessary elements for the Griffin mount, but I'll never get it because the Facet is now unbeatable.

Did you try using the LFG menu to find an organised group? (Use the Crystal Oasis tab, not the achievement hunters one.)

Alternatively if you want to organise one yourself the 'trick' is to get people together before triggering the bounty. Someone needs to pick up the bounty, then someone (same person or a different one) turns on a commander/mentor tag, starts a group in LFG and announces in map chat that you're going to do it. Pick one of the nearest waypoints and gather everyone there, and only move into range of the bounty when you've got enough people. That way you don't run into the problem above where the timer runs out before enough people arrive. Oh, and keep announcing it in map chat every couple of minutes because people may come into the map after your initial announcement who want to join but they won't know it's happening unless you tell them.

The other thing which can help is making sure everyone joining knows:

  • They do not need to pick the bounty up - someone has it ready and they'll get credit for killing it without collecting the bounty themselves.
  • It's needed for the griffon collection - there might be people just starting it who don't know yet that they need to kill the facet, but if you tell them they'll join in.
  • What's going to happen during the fight.
  • What tactics to use and what to be aware of.
  • Whether you're doing a full bounty train or just the one boss.
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Maybe at certain times there's more people around. Go on a day where the daily takes people there, etc. Personally I've never seen anyone have trouble getting a group together for it. Also, 4 people can do it, so don't be deterred if you only have that many. It scales like any event so more people make it tougher to beat. I did it for my griffon with about 6 people, and I've seen it done with 3.

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Best I've seen in 3 days of trying is just one other player helping me. I have to go at it solo 9 times out of ten. Literally, no one is bothering with this bounty. It also doesn't scale anymore, since even with the other player helping me, we couldn't damage it, at all, after hammering away for over 10 minutes. The Griffin mount is no longer achievable.

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@Laurencius.9258 said:Best I've seen in 3 days of trying is just one other player helping me. I have to go at it solo 9 times out of ten. Literally, no one is bothering with this bounty. It also doesn't scale anymore, since even with the other player helping me, we couldn't damage it, at all, after hammering away for over 10 minutes. The Griffin mount is no longer achievable.

You know the bounties have random mods right? Some will prevent you from doing any damage unless you take appropriate action like Exploiter, Phase-Shifted and Signaler.

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@"Laurencius.9258" said:I'm guessing they've decided to retire the griffin mount, and just haven't bothered to deactivate "Open Skies" from achievement.

Wait for the Crystal Oasis Bounty Daily. Trust me that is like the easiest time to get it because everyone is just killing all the bounties. That's how I've been completing all the specialization collections is just waiting for that to show up in the daily roster. Honestly your sounding like you are upset that the hidden mount is like actually gonna take a bit of time to achieve and not be a 2 hour smash and grab that the roller beetle is.

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@Laurencius.9258 said:Best I've seen in 3 days of trying is just one other player helping me. I have to go at it solo 9 times out of ten. Literally, no one is bothering with this bounty. It also doesn't scale anymore, since even with the other player helping me, we couldn't damage it, at all, after hammering away for over 10 minutes. The Griffin mount is no longer achievable.

Did you try any of the suggestions in this topic? Did you look for bounty trains/legendary facets in the LFG menu? Did you ask people in map chat? How long did you wait for responses each time? I'm very surprised to hear that none of that worked after 3 days of trying.

Alternatively if you can tell us which region you're in (NA or EU) and when you're usually online I'm sure some of us can come and help you.

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@Laurencius.9258 said:Sorry folks, but there are no bounty trains anymore. The last 10 times I've tried to kill the thing, I'm the only one there. No one can possibly kill the thing solo. Griffin mount is currently unachievable.

Bounty trains occur on eu, less so during the festival mind you, but a small group killed facet on the map i was on two days ago. Griffon is absolutely achievable still, no question. It will be easier next week though.

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