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Do u feel better 2021?

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They go around and around saying how GW2 should run and how a profession should not do this and that...how too much sustain one class has...how much dmg another has. They then start dropping nerfs with disregard ...there is no direction or vision for the professions; some of them have got multiple builds across core and both elite specs...others barely have a working spec ......worst balance I ever seen in a MMO

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It was fun to play before Feb 25th. After Feb 25th PvP is just too boring to bother with and it just gets progressively worse with every patch.

Too much listening to the people who are never happy regardless and complain about balance 24/7It also wasn't really that bad before, but I know its impossible to say that without the cliché "rose tinted glasses" response. I see you writing that, miss me with it pls.

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@mes.4607 said:They did not keep their promise regarding balance. There are some things so blatantly overturned that I don't know how they weren't nerfed already. Useless traits that were never reworked. HOW

because they midway shifted all the fundings to EoD.feb patch with small patches was going to a good direction till november 2020

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I was excited after the first and second big balance patch because I genuinely had hopes that Anet may improve the game.. I liked the direction they were taking but at some point they completely lost it and now sPvP is in the worst state ever... Heck I had even more fun with some meme builds in Scourge + Firebrand or bunker meta.Complete and utter joke, but I'm thankful for that move, now I am confident to never invest in Anet's project 3 thing.. Guild Wars 2 will forever be my last Anet title.Even if they make the new 2003 WoW (comparable hype and popularity), I simply lost all trust in the company to actually continue a good game. Not only in February 2020 but ever since HoT, the game's down periods of bad balance vastly overshadow the brief moments in its lifetime where I'd have considered the balance to be good.

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I actually, having been preferring the games lately over what it was last year. Although, I will agree the meta is not the best.

It's just that this thread is only comparing to 2020, and 2020 is when I quit pvp it was so bad.

At least so far, I'm not seeing as rigid of a meta. I've taken about 4 different elementalist builds into pvp so far, and all of them, though completely different, were able to contribute and do well. Although, I've been playing this game for a long time, and most 'skill' in pvp comes down to rotations, so that works whatever class you play. But even still, I didn't find there to be many oppressive gank classes in this meta. I'll say, I do enjoy that aspect. I've yet to be killed suddenly and without any chance to respond so far this meta.

I'm for changes, just had to say, I'm enjoying pvp in 2021 more than 2020.

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@felix.2386 said:

@mes.4607 said:They did not keep their promise regarding balance. There are some things so blatantly overturned that I don't know how they weren't nerfed already. Useless traits that were never reworked. HOW

because they midway shifted all the fundings to EoD.feb patch with small patches was going to a good direction till november 2020

That’s based on nothing but speculation.Imo who cares about a miracle balance patch that only the elitist wanted. The problem with that patch is it went against the actual rules and regulations the company had set forth. Imagine thinking what these elitist think will help ppl, same thing happens in politics- they just waste all our money, commit crimes and go around making ppl unhappy.

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@RedAvenged.5217 said:

@"mes.4607" said:They did not keep their promise regarding balance. There are some things so blatantly overturned that I don't know how they weren't nerfed already. Useless traits that were never reworked. HOW

because they midway shifted all the fundings to EoD.feb patch with small patches was going to a good direction till november 2020

That’s based on nothing but speculation.Imo who cares about a miracle balance patch that only the elitist wanted. The problem with that patch is it went against the actual rules and regulations the company had set forth. Imagine thinking what these elitist think will help ppl, same thing happens in politics- they just waste all our money, commit crimes and go around making ppl unhappy.
  1. Rolling back power-creep wasn't something that the "elitists" wanted. Power-creep works better for elite players, as they can leverage more power further. Rolling back power-creep was done for the plebs, so they can survive more than 0.5s.

  2. What rules and regulations? What are you even talking about?

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There has not been a pvp update/ balance since February 2020 a year a go. Anet doesn't care about pvp and if they could they'll delete the game mode.They said last year that they will have more frequent updates for pvp. At this point anything they say expect the opposite. They are liers and the proff is exactly what they have said and then didn't do.

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I took around 3 years break from game, came back last year and to my horror realized that thief is way worse than it used to be. On the bright side they did tone down certain aspects that made combat in pvp rather enjoyable. Then came the recent "balance" patch and it got even worse. Yeah, i spend more time in raids atm than in pvp although i got this game (even 2 accounts) for pvp actually :|

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