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How am I supposed to keep my sanity at silver tier in sPVP?


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I don't know if my experience can helps you but at the start of this pvp season i did a chain loose like 9 defeats for 1 victory, i dropped to silver for the first time. Then i did a ridiculous chain wins and climbed back to gold it was very very strange, now i'm staying at 1400-1500 ratings and i can drop if i play builds where i'm lacking experience and mastery.

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There are a lot of variables that come into play with this sort of thing and a lot of the things are out of your control pre-match. See PvP Matchmaking Algorithm if the details interest you. Generally you just have to ride it out and keep queuing. I would suggest queuing on something that you'd consider your "main" and explore various playstyles and make sure that you are trying to learn and grow every match. The little bits of experience add up over time, which should help you deal when the matchmaker tosses you a harshly slanted match.

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Oh well

Silver is by far the worst tier and most negativity from this tier carry until you hit gold 2

Silver is crowded by bots and afkers

Tbh it's better for you to have bots in your team here, those scourge bots smash 90% of those silver players, they keep playing and are not salty in chat.

I'd grab a more bunker ish build and learn how to kite, push far, soon enough you'll be 1v2 or 1v3, at this stage you don't have to kill anyone you dont even have to stay on node, you just have to kite and aurvive as long as you can and wait your team to win that outnumber and rotate to save you.

If you survive multiple times 1v2 for like 2 3 mins and your team doesnt win the rest of the map, there is nothing you can do

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@Khalisto.5780 said:Oh well

Silver is by far the worst tier and most negativity from this tier carry until you hit gold 2

Silver is crowded by bots and afkers

Tbh it's better for you to have bots in your team here, those scourge bots smash 90% of those silver players, they keep playing and are not salty in chat.

I'd grab a more bunker ish build and learn how to kite, push far, soon enough you'll be 1v2 or 1v3, at this stage you don't have to kill anyone you dont even have to stay on node, you just have to kite and aurvive as long as you can and wait your team to win that outnumber and rotate to save you.

If you survive multiple times 1v2 for like 2 3 mins and your team doesnt win the rest of the map, there is nothing you can do

Can vouch for this. Tank builds meant to keep the enemies on you for as long as possible. Very effective up until Gold 3 (highest I've reached in my sort PvP life, more of a WvWer).

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Well if ur solo q'ing don't worry about ur rank or ull just frustrate urself, just have fun and try to improve. Every season solo q'ing I end up in gold3-plat 2 but only can ever stay in plat a few days at most before tanking and falling to gold 2-3 in which I rarely can climb back to plat and when I do its for a handful of matches before going back to gold. Players come on here and talk and say they are mid or high plat solo q'ing and that u just need to learn to carry better but low behold all their proof, not one streamer or player has ever shown a video of their climb to plat nor them staying in plat all solo q, thats cuz they don't exist.

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Just rotate and try to keep as many enemies as possible busy so your team has chance to cap. If your team is just as silly then focus on points. I don't want to be that kind of person but getting out of silver seriously shouldn't be that hard given that it is infested with bots. At least i felt bad for the enemy team when i ended up in silver after placements when i got back into game - it was stupidly one-sided.

@Norbe.7630 said:

@"Khalisto.5780" said:those scourge bots smash 90% of those silver players


Oh dear...

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@Daishi.6027 said:“How to keep sanity at silver tier?”

By accepting the fact that maybe it’s the tier you belong in.

And that the only room for advancement is to step your game up, get carried harder, and maybe game the system by queuing at optimal times.

It's not the point ;) I can accept everything as long as it leads somewhere ;) more frustrating is common outcome of matches -20 +13 -15 +9 etc. Overall win/lose ratio 1 means You are just keep falling down.

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@Daishi.6027 said:“How to keep sanity at silver tier?”

By accepting the fact that maybe it’s the tier you belong in.

And that the only room for advancement is to step your game up, get carried harder, and maybe game the system by queuing at optimal times.

A little harsh, but yes; ask yourself is your k/d good? If so, it's not you, or it's not your build, or your decision making process.

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From what I remember of silver, you should not have the hardest time pulling your team to victory if you belong in gold. Play a good carry class and you should be in gold in a few matches.

To advance beyond the 50%, you need to exceed what is expected of you. In silver, that ain't much.

Yes, some bad matches can happen, but it shouldn't be the rule. Both teams will have silver players.

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If the pattern is consistent and you keep hitting a ceiling at about the same place and falling back down the ladder over and over again, it's likely that your build, strategy, or personal ability are holding you back. This is not meant as a criticism. I am not saying it means you are bad. However, it's entirely plausible that you could be using a build that does not have enough impact in the conquest game mode or that the strategy you employ is not effective in assisting your team to more wins than losses over time in the bracket you are playing in.

I experienced this myself in my first season back during HoT. I was pretty new to PvP, but could already hold my own in duels against fairly strong competition. But somehow when I went into ranked play I placed low gold 1 and could never manage to climb to gold 2. I'd always fall back down before I made it there. It turned out my selfish build was the problem and by adjusting that to more of a team play perspective I was quickly able to climb to platinum where I stayed until the end of the season.

It's not that I didn't have the ability, obviously. But your build and strategy are just as important and that has a lot to do with the teams you are playing with. A strategy that is successful in the pros may not work so well when your teammates are silver rank, for instance. Try to pay close attention to why winnable matches are being lost and adjust your build and strategy to compensate. It may help you climb the ladder.

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@"Soul.2710" said:I found one more important component: "don't play before 7-8 pm", I have no idea why but I'm feeling better communication and less pointless fights in random places ;)about evaluation I would love to! :)

Probably the best advice. The only way to climb the ladder is to play against peepo with the same rating / highest rating than you.

If you soloq offprime, you'll face random bronze peeps and you'll lose 25 per game, or some farmers duo legend players that you can't win.

If you can't play at prime, forget pvp. Sad but true.

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@AliamRationem.5172 said:If the pattern is consistent and you keep hitting a ceiling at about the same place and falling back down the ladder over and over again, it's likely that your build, strategy, or personal ability are holding you back. This is not meant as a criticism. I am not saying it means you are bad. However, it's entirely plausible that you could be using a build that does not have enough impact in the conquest game mode or that the strategy you employ is not effective in assisting your team to more wins than losses over time in the bracket you are playing in.

I experienced this myself in my first season back during HoT. I was pretty new to PvP, but could already hold my own in duels against fairly strong competition. But somehow when I went into ranked play I placed low gold 1 and could never manage to climb to gold 2. I'd always fall back down before I made it there. It turned out my selfish build was the problem and by adjusting that to more of a team play perspective I was quickly able to climb to platinum where I stayed until the end of the season.

It's not that I didn't have the ability, obviously. But your build and strategy are just as important and that has a lot to do with the teams you are playing with. A strategy that is successful in the pros may not work so well when your teammates are silver rank, for instance. Try to pay close attention to why winnable matches are being lost and adjust your build and strategy to compensate. It may help you climb the ladder.

i think theres a lot of sad truth to this..

I've been maining DF weaver for quite awhile as i love the playstyle/combos but i've had a hell of a time in matches even when i know i've pulled my own weight..

yesterday i switched to fotm meme burn DH and i've won 5 straight.. pretty ridiculous if you ask me...

in silver its not much strategy as it is just rolling whatever insta deletes people right now and just fight on nodes and rack up kills

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@The Fear.3865 said:

@"Soul.2710" said:I found one more important component: "don't play before 7-8 pm", I have no idea why but I'm feeling better communication and less pointless fights in random places ;)about evaluation I would love to! :)

Probably the best advice. The only way to climb the ladder is to play against peepo with the same rating / highest rating than you.

If you soloq offprime, you'll face random bronze peeps and you'll lose 25 per game, or some farmers duo legend players that you can't win.

If you can't play at prime, forget pvp. Sad but true.

as of this morning there seems to be a lot of truth to this too.. lost 5 straight with team just being terrible..


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@The Fear.3865 said:

@"Soul.2710" said:I found one more important component: "don't play before 7-8 pm", I have no idea why but I'm feeling better communication and less pointless fights in random places ;)about evaluation I would love to! :)

Probably the best advice. The only way to climb the ladder is to play against peepo with the same rating / highest rating than you.

If you soloq offprime, you'll face random bronze peeps and you'll lose 25 per game, or some farmers duo legend players that you can't win.

If you can't play at prime, forget pvp. Sad but true.

Yeah and most important with that is real purpose to play. If I’ll get wrecked because of playing with better than me I can actually learn something, if I lost because my team is running like headless chickens it’s just pointless ;)

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If all you want is out of silver, just play a build which provides the least possible effort for the most reward. Because your competition isn't the best, even meme builds which fall under this category will work.

Some examples of builds I play in Silver for a quick trip back to gold (usually in 20 games or less)

Condi DaredevilCore Burn EleSpite ReaperFlamethrower ScrapperZoo Necro

Every build here has a simple, easy to execute gameplan while also having plenty of defense to cover mistakes.

Condi Daredevil's gameplan is Bola Shot, dash into melee range. Shadowshot, repeater spam. Rinse repeat until enemy dies. Steal can be saved to burst down targets, interrupt heals, chase fleeing foes, ect.

Burn Ele's gameplan is literally just Flame Burst > Signet of fire. You can run signet of earth to immobilize your target from range, guaranteeing that they do not dodge the burning.

Spite Reaper just does ridiculous amounts of damage while in shroud. Silvers are prone to face tanking the damage and wondering why they died so quickly.

Flamethrower Scrapper presses 1 and wins. If you need to cleanse, just press purge gyro. It's instant cast so you don't even need to let go of 1. Need some more barrier? Press Bulwark. Need to gtfo? Stealth Gyro.

Zoo Necro can literally afk and let the minions win 1v1s for them against some silver tier players. This is not an exaggeration.

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OP plays mesmer, big mistake. grab another class and dont shoot yourself in the foot.silver is a pit of bots and human beings that are bot like anyways, and those like playing braindead bunker builds, mesmer doesnt do well into those.even something stupid as minion mancer bot can shit on you if you let him hit you with zoo, and having to run from a fucking bunker bot is a sad affair,grab a dh, pot a sword on the middle of the node, deal 50k dmg grab that free +15 and go next, quick trip to gold.If you actually wanna learn how to fight people take something viable but more sturdy, like power rev, power warrior for sides, holo/scrapper or ranger, that can teach you game mechanics without being " 1 got hit by 2 minions for 5k dmg total so I have to run for the next 1min " that mesmer provides for new peeps.

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