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3 vs 3 biggest joke ever

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The thing is the deathmatch is not really something important it is something to get some shards in between seasons. At best it shows which class combinations will overperform in teamfights for conquests since having the option to team fight over and over will help people find which skills are strong there. Also all classes can be played in 3v3 some come out of the box ready for solo queue and others need to make their build as a group and play in pre made.

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I keep seeing scrapper bots which have the worst script. Can tell it instantly because every time it respawns it hits hammer 3 and starts bouncing around the starting area. It often just runs forward so far it goes into the enemy spawn and starts running against the wall. Other times it just stands in the middle of the place getting hit until it gets to a certain health and the dome comes up. If it's once person they have multiple instances going at once and most games I've had so far have included these things because I play scrapper myself.

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@Khalisto.5780 said:

@"ellesee.8297" said:When your actions actually matter, the lesser skilled players will obviously whine. Arena is the gold standard of mmo pvp. Get good

There are builds very low effort high impact even more skilled players with off meta builds would struggle against those builds against a worst players, I remember symbol brand i was playing against ppl that i know are better than me, running meta builds as well, they just couldnt kill me nor bully me out of the node.

Trapper rune builds and minion builds are a good showcase of those builds.

Ya exactly. Bots are prevalent not only because of FTP accounts and the free gold participation, but also because the builds that are used have literally no downside. The optimal way to use their build, is to use abilities off-cooldown. This is a symptom of bad balance...ei no "real" tradeoffs in the game. If skills had trade offs that actually required a brain to use them, we would see at least, less effective bots.

Someone on the forums also once mentioned adding a CAPTCHA before entering a match, which to be frank I don't think is a bad idea.

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@Ildourol.2803 said:

@"Megametzler.5729" said:Deathmatch is great, teamQ makes fair and challenging games, finally competitive games!



Dodge wars 2

How they dodge each party Q??? So this is allowed by anet. "good" player duoq to farm soloq player is fun right?

By playing like 5 am when you have 1 max 2 duos to dodge, so you can confortably duo q with great success and get 80%+winrate

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I do like 3 vs 3 over 2 vs 2. Is not as interesting as Conquest, but from those two deathmatch modes I think that the 3 vs 3 is more balanced: in 2 vs 2 if a side choses to run two tanks getting a kill is almost impossible, whereas in 3 vs 3 a 3 man focus will end in someone dead, no matter if the attackers or the defenders, which ultimately leads to a side wiped out before the time cap ends. Full time cap matches with no deaths in 2 vs 2 are the absolutely worst.

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@Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

@"Megametzler.5729" said:Deathmatch is great, teamQ makes fair and challenging games, finally competitive games!



You have to go to top 19 in NA to find someone who has more than 4 losses. Its an amazing coincidence that they never manage to face each other!

I would say it's unbelievable LUCK! Isn't it? Nothing suspicious to see here :D

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I made few placement matches soloq until ending up against high ranked players premade support tempest + burn DH + support guard staying packed under all circumstances. They would taunt, telling your team could win easy if you focus on more damage. We switched to support, they died eventually at the end of the map countdown because we secured the center of the map early.It is so obvious that the point of this game mode is for premade team to take advantage of soloq and the current horrendous braindead meta that I decided to stop this game mode after 5 placement matches and will wait until the new season starts.

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So this is my life as a soloq in NA timezone this season:


I honestly don't think it's ever been this bad. I couldn't identify a bot to save my life before this and now even I recognize them in nearly every match.

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@"Kunzaito.8169" said:So this is my life as a soloq in NA timezone this season:


I honestly don't think it's ever been this bad. I couldn't identify a bot to save my life before this and now even I recognize them in nearly every match.

Unless you in a orginazed Team 3 People than this gamemode is not worth it

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I never understood why so many people took this gamemode seriously. Classes are balanced to fill some of the many roles conquest requires them to do, one of which is teamfighting. 3v3 is solely focused on teamfighting, shocking how only teamfighter classes are viable.

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Clearly an l2p issue guys.I really don't understand the problem, i'm having a lot of fun and absolutely dominate in 3s right now.Playing my Dh together with the scourge of my friend is super fun right now.Especially since we're constantly getting better at putting more aoe on the ground and i'm getting close to actually using all of my abilities!
Well i only just hit plat, so i guess i still have some time to fully learn the demanding playstyle of my dh.

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@"Megametzler.5729" said:Deathmatch is great, teamQ makes fair and challenging games, finally competitive games!



Well I call it the result of farming

@Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

@"Megametzler.5729" said:Deathmatch is great, teamQ makes fair and challenging games, finally competitive games!



You have to go to top 19 in NA to find someone who has more than 4 losses. Its an amazing coincidence that they never manage to face each other!

True this is perplexing the only way they can do that by having each other in their FL and don't play when they others do. Rest is properly just farming noobs thanks to the broken scoring system.

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@Lord of the Fire.6870 said:

@"Megametzler.5729" said:Deathmatch is great, teamQ makes fair and challenging games, finally competitive games!



Well I call it the result of farming

@"Megametzler.5729" said:Deathmatch is great, teamQ makes fair and challenging games, finally competitive games!



You have to go to top 19 in NA to find someone who has more than 4 losses. Its an amazing coincidence that they never manage to face each other!

True this is perplexing the only way they can do that by having each other in their FL and don't play when they others do. Rest is properly just farming noobs thanks to the broken scoring system.

Right now leaderboad is 64 wins 0 loose lol

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@Nightcore.5621 said:

@"Megametzler.5729" said:Deathmatch is great, teamQ makes fair and challenging games, finally competitive games!



Well I call it the result of farming

@"Megametzler.5729" said:Deathmatch is great, teamQ makes fair and challenging games, finally competitive games!



You have to go to top 19 in NA to find someone who has more than 4 losses. Its an amazing coincidence that they never manage to face each other!

True this is perplexing the only way they can do that by having each other in their FL and don't play when they others do. Rest is properly just farming noobs thanks to the broken scoring system.

Right now leaderboad is 64 wins 0 loose lol

This is exactly why I have been saying that rating/badge icons should be connected to AT formats, in shorter monthly AT seasons.

When you seed into an AT, you cannot queue dodge who it throws you against.

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@Nightcore.5621 said:

@"Megametzler.5729" said:Deathmatch is great, teamQ makes fair and challenging games, finally competitive games!



Well I call it the result of farming

@"Megametzler.5729" said:Deathmatch is great, teamQ makes fair and challenging games, finally competitive games!



You have to go to top 19 in NA to find someone who has more than 4 losses. Its an amazing coincidence that they never manage to face each other!

True this is perplexing the only way they can do that by having each other in their FL and don't play when they others do. Rest is properly just farming noobs thanks to the broken scoring system.

Right now leaderboad is 64 wins 0 loose lol

After some sleep I think there is also the possibility they are all the same player(s) offering some kind of boosting service .???

@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@"Megametzler.5729" said:Deathmatch is great, teamQ makes fair and challenging games, finally competitive games!



Well I call it the result of farming

@"Megametzler.5729" said:Deathmatch is great, teamQ makes fair and challenging games, finally competitive games!



You have to go to top 19 in NA to find someone who has more than 4 losses. Its an amazing coincidence that they never manage to face each other!

True this is perplexing the only way they can do that by having each other in their FL and don't play when they others do. Rest is properly just farming noobs thanks to the broken scoring system.

Right now leaderboad is 64 wins 0 loose lol

This is exactly why I have been saying that rating/badge icons should be connected to AT formats, in shorter monthly AT seasons.

When you seed into an AT, you cannot queue dodge who it throws you against.

Yes you can the problem is more that you have at least 3 other players which you don't know how they will perform . It very common that they do the same like this here in 5 vs 5 at the weekend just farming noobs . The difference is the other player on their own team block them from having such a perfect play . This is why we had some threads about the scoring system which Arena.NET ignored even if it just 1 hour coding when you know what you do.

Well I also think the 2v2 and 3v3 should have a slight different calculation from 5v5 in 5v5 you look more on the average value of the enemy team in the others I think it should be the top value(rank)

In general there a lot of small tricks which allow you in 5vs 5 getting a better rating by shifting probabilities but they stack up a lot.

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@Lord of the Fire.6870 said:

@"Megametzler.5729" said:Deathmatch is great, teamQ makes fair and challenging games, finally competitive games!



Well I call it the result of farming

@"Megametzler.5729" said:Deathmatch is great, teamQ makes fair and challenging games, finally competitive games!



You have to go to top 19 in NA to find someone who has more than 4 losses. Its an amazing coincidence that they never manage to face each other!

True this is perplexing the only way they can do that by having each other in their FL and don't play when they others do. Rest is properly just farming noobs thanks to the broken scoring system.

Right now leaderboad is 64 wins 0 loose lol

After some sleep I think there is also the possibility they are all the same player(s) offering some kind of boosting service .???

@"Megametzler.5729" said:Deathmatch is great, teamQ makes fair and challenging games, finally competitive games!



Well I call it the result of farming

@"Megametzler.5729" said:Deathmatch is great, teamQ makes fair and challenging games, finally competitive games!



You have to go to top 19 in NA to find someone who has more than 4 losses. Its an amazing coincidence that they never manage to face each other!

True this is perplexing the only way they can do that by having each other in their FL and don't play when they others do. Rest is properly just farming noobs thanks to the broken scoring system.

Right now leaderboad is 64 wins 0 loose lol

This is exactly why I have been saying that rating/badge icons should be connected to AT formats, in shorter monthly AT seasons.

When you seed into an AT, you cannot queue dodge who it throws you against.

Yes you can the problem is more that you have at least 3 other players which you don't know how they will perform . It very common that they do the same like this here in 5 vs 5 at the weekend just farming noobs . The difference is the other player on their own team block them from having such a perfect play . This is why we had some threads about the scoring system which Arena.NET ignored even if it just 1 hour coding when you know what you do.

Well I also think the 2v2 and 3v3 should have a slight different calculation from 5v5 in 5v5 you look more on the average value of the enemy team in the others I think it should be the top value(rank)

In general there a lot of small tricks which allow you in 5vs 5 getting a better rating by shifting probabilities but they stack up a lot.

I said ATs.

  1. You have to enter an AT with a 5 man premade.
  2. You don't just farm noobs and queue dodge good players in ATs. If guys are trying to do that in an AT, they cannot avoid fighting other teams of strong players who also joined the AT, who will inevitably make it to the final rounds and be forced to go against each other.
  3. Arenanet can and already has ran AT formats for both 2v2s, 3v3s, even Stronghold, and of course the usual consistent 5v5. Now in this low population with all the goonery going on to boot, ATs are the only way to get fair clean competitive matches. At this point, ATs are the only way to force a system that makes sense so that rating/badge icon once again also makes sense.
  4. Remove ranked, shove ranked rewards all into unranked, let pve grinders grind unranked - move rating/badge icon to ATs where only the more competitive player base will care to play. If people complain they don't want to run ATs to get their bottom plat badge icon, then I guess they don't want it badly enough.
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