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What's up with PoF reward structures?

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Can they compete with HoT at all in terms of g/hour outside of really rare drops of some sort? There's no baubles, so VB bauble farms are out of the question. They don't really play into legendary progression as strongly either. I'm curious, if you focus on PoF maps, which ones are you doing and why? PoF to me fills like filler so if you skipped core Tyria you can get prepared to do HoT and/or harder instanced content.

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Not every map needs to entice players with some kind of high end gold farm.

I see plenty of players:

  1. going through the maps for the first and second time to earn their griffons.
  2. Completing desert elite spec collections (which are MUCH less costly than the HoT ones).
  3. Completing metas that earn amalgamated gemstones like Pinata and Doppleganger. I have never ever to this day tossed up a tag and lfg for Doppleganger and not had a full squad.
  4. Completing the content on the PoF maps for earning the Skyscale or Rollerbeetle.
  5. Doing Legendary Bounty trains to earn the mosaics, for the Desert Mastery path when making gen 2 and 2.5 legendaries. This is much easier via the PoF maps.

So no.... there's no bauble farms. Most of PoF's rewards are more tangible account wide upgrades like Mounts and the Masteries that improve their QoL. There's always plenty of gold farms in the game and a number of HoT's masteries are little more than unlocking Vendors.

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I don't farm there, but I do focus on Desert Highlands. I keep most of my toons parked in the Tomb of the Primeval Kings to loot the six chests there each day. I do this for trade contracts, and also for all of the caches that are littered about the tomb.

Buying the caches directly is a good karma -> gold conversion, but the real money comes in the Trader Keys. See, the Trader Keys are 1/5th the price of the cache itself. But, if you grab a cache located on the map, you can get up to 10 of the trader caches. 1/5th the price for 10 times the output is a sweet deal. You don't get to pick the caches, though, so it is more of a long-term investment. But, whenever I run out, I buy about 500 keys and start the process all over again. I go through them surprisingly fast.

The last thing that's good on Desert Highlands is the treasure hunts. Every other hour there's a 20 minute treasure hunt event, where the Treasure Hunting Kits will give superior treasure chests instead of regular ones. The drops for them are quite good, so any time I get 30 Treasure Hunting Kits I do the hunt.

The thing to know about the PoF maps is that they were made in response to complaints about HoT maps. Particularly, the complaint that everything revolved around meta events. So, the HoT maps were made with no clear grind or unifying theme. It was much later when amalgamated gemstones were added to certain map events.

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well theres amalgameted gemstones on metas, and some new weapons collections like tengu require them, and they dont drop on LS4/IBS maps.So i myself is returning to POF maps on some "Amagalmated train", im aiming for 4 per day at least.

Pof+Hot metas, can give 8 amalgamated, or 4 for a more short time days ( TD/AB/Doppelganger(elon riverlands)/Forged with Fire(Vabbi) ).

Is a matter of time of players/guilds creating these 'trains',

theres already even a guild specialized in LS4 meta train(OTC).;

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Palawadan + Great Hall (with aki and/or pirates and/or bob in between) in Istan once per day should still be one of the most profitable activities out there. I think only the repetition was heavily nerfed and a few fewer champs.Dragonfall.I also like to do LS4 meta train and legendary bounty train.Now I don't know about gph, I just like these events but should be up there if not better than hot metas.I'm sure there could be a lucrative train with Pof metas, because many of them are quite short with decent rewards.

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I was doing some leggy bounties + metas for a couple hours, got over 100 fine and 100 masterwork gears. Plenty of rares too. Amalgamates from the Hero's Choice chests. Trade Contracts which I could trade later for extra crates. I think the reward structure is great, people just don't know how to reap its rewards well enough. For starters, find events that spawn champ enemies the more people there are (these exist in Elona). You can find rare items that sell for over a gold (at least) too. For example I got The Twins' Breastplate recipe from the Augury Rock meta which sells for between 2-3 gold. This is all from today.

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@"Infusion.7149" said:Do you know the Forged Armor farm? It was /is one of the highest gold/hour farms per fast farming EU. It is labeled "Forged Champtrain".https://fast.farming-community.eu/open-world/farmtrain

Also elegy mosaics from legendary bounties are necessary for coalescence.

~~EU economy tends to differ from NA significantly, but I'll look at some of this. in my OP I was mostly talking about core POF not LWS4. ~~

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@Firebeard.1746 said:

@"Infusion.7149" said:Do you know the Forged Armor farm? It was /is one of the highest gold/hour farms per fast farming EU. It is labeled "Forged Champtrain".

Also elegy mosaics from legendary bounties are necessary for coalescence.

EU economy tends to differ from NA significantly, but I'll look at some of this. in my OP I was mostly talking about core POF not LWS4.

Did you mean community and not economy?

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@Firebeard.1746 said:

@"Infusion.7149" said:Do you know the Forged Armor farm? It was /is one of the highest gold/hour farms per fast farming EU. It is labeled "Forged Champtrain".

Also elegy mosaics from legendary bounties are necessary for coalescence.

EU economy tends to differ from NA significantly, but I'll look at some of this. in my OP I was mostly talking about core POF not LWS4.

The economy is the same since trading post is cross region.

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@Linken.6345 said:

@"Infusion.7149" said:Do you know the Forged Armor farm? It was /is one of the highest gold/hour farms per fast farming EU. It is labeled "Forged Champtrain".

Also elegy mosaics from legendary bounties are necessary for coalescence.

EU economy tends to differ from NA significantly, but I'll look at some of this. in my OP I was mostly talking about core POF not LWS4.

The economy is the same since trading post is cross region.

I thought when i tried a farm from that link it didn't come out the same, but that's interesting. I had no idea.

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