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Top 5 zones players get lost in.

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@wilykcat.5864 said:For me, the top 5 zones I get lost in are

  1. Rata sum

Rata sum works in layers.Top layer is where you will find the portals to either home instance, LA or some instanced personal story contentMid layer is where you will find all services on the same floor, all crafting stations (divided in 3 per corner of the triangle shaped floor) , guild bank, bank, merchant, BLC ticket weapon vendor, and trading post. The crafting stations are divided by the job's nature (kinda).Bottom layer there's some random npcs for useless stuff and its a place for some of the personal story instanced content.

Mid layer is where you wanna be : ) The Rata Sum Portal Scroll takes you to the center waypoint on this layer, its great. All the main npcs that you need are around that waypoint unlike the other cities that you have to move too far to get to them.

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I founfd my way through Tangled Depths, it wasn't easy, it was mostly fun, but now I know most parts of it sufficiently well to mostly don't get lost anymore. :)

Where I still get lost is the "new" :) PvP-Lobby, probably because I am not there more often than once a year :)

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@Astralporing.1957 said:

  1. Tangled Depth

It's also the best map they ever created.In the artistic sense, sure. But it's also one of the worst maps to actually
play in
. Especially if you are
a veteran that managed to sidestep the issue by memorizing the area.

For you, not for everyonethis is one of the maps where I spent the best moments in the game like all the hot maps in fact

It was so funny in terms of exploration and mobs difficulties when the expansion was released. Now with the mounts it kills all the interest in the area, everything seems so simple and accessible ..

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1.) Ember Bay - Most of the zone is easy to navigate, except for the worst jumping puzzle of all time and a few high areas if you lack a springer. Filled with jumps that require tons of guesses or a guide to complete, the Chalice of Tears is something a person can get lost in. I wouldn't have been able to do that puzzle without a guide. Worst part is there's several achievements tied to that puzzle, including a legendary trinket and a Dragonite Ore/Empyreal Fragment eater.

2.) Tangled Depths - I don't need to explain this one.

3.) The Grove - 4 floors. Each floor has something noteworthy. Weapon skins and the home instance on floor 1, crafting and trade on floor 2, Sylvari armor skins on floor 3, and floor 4 for story stuff. You can't just point at the map and know which waypoint to use right away, unless you frequently go there.

4.) Draconis Mons - It gets easier once you have the griffon and roller beetle and teleport to the Eastern waypoint to navigate. It still has multiple layers on top of each other and a decently confusing jumping puzzle. A meta in this zone though is what makes this a little more noteworthy, in my opinion. There are these destroyer events that spawn around the zone on different levels. You must find and defeat these events before the legendary destroyers spawn. Then you have all those tree gathering node locations, which were designed with the vines in mind. Again, the mounts really make this place easier.

5.) Dragon's Stand - Sometimes I get caught up in the little subzones while digging around for pods to cut open. It's hard to remember were some of those pods are. Sometimes you'll see a pod glowing through a wall and forget that you need to go around the wall. Other times you'll forget which pod spots you've already went to, so you'll miss collecting them.

I wish I remembered the first dungeons of the game more. I remember some of them being a pain, but I can't remember enough about them to mention them. WvW and PvP rewards allow me to skip over repeating that content, so I can't properly judge them.

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Tangled Depts is not too bad after getting the skyscale, and it helps a lot once you get the main waypoint down by the main meta chamber, then you can easilly go anywere in the map. Theres pretty much paths to everywhere from there. And in the beginning of scar lane, theres an opening to the undersea level, which allows you to reach the bottom of the map to get to those few elusive places that can be difficult to figure out how to reach.

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@LucianDK.8615 said:Tangled Depts is not too bad after getting the skyscale, and it helps a lot once you get the main waypoint down by the main meta chamber, then you can easilly go anywere in the map. Theres pretty much paths to everywhere from there. And in the beginning of scar lane, theres an opening to the undersea level, which allows you to reach the bottom of the map to get to those few elusive places that can be difficult to figure out how to reach.

Even after the skyscale for me. Where verdant brinks and auric were a blessing with the flying mount. Tangled dephts completion was one of the worst experiences in the game for me. I would rather to whole of vanilla GW2 completion than that map again.

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