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I’m sorry but you nerfed the damage.


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@felix.2386 said:

@RedAvenged.5217 said:Pursuit of a faster paced game has been the excuse for awhile- you took those tanky builds and nerfed them by a lot, but o wait you nerfed the damage- ranger did a lot of damage, symbol guard did a lot of damage.

You nerfed them after people played them for like a month. The nerfs were unneeded balance wise though- people discovered condi p/d, which would’ve cleansed ranger and prot holo out of meta and people discovered cele renegade which if you didn’t know was already a 100% winning match up into symbol guard and probably ranger.

After taking out the things that do damage now they are gonna take out menders, which is only a meta opinion becuz of Its DMG for bunker as it’s always been, and the reason is the game is too slow paced.Well... that’s becuz damage is the target all the time

Yea damage was nerfed because 90% of the players didnt enjoy dying in 0.5 seconds (best case scenario).They want to move/hit and get hit/dodge/tank/heal/out maneuver and bla bla bla.The one shot fiesta that later became insta kill or be insta killed roulette is over because only people that cant play and need1 click 1 kill enjoyed it.Welcome to the pvp experience

If you died in .5 secs to a knights ranger or symbol guard idk what to say.

Having dmg not = to op

he never said damage=op, he said one shot isnt fun and people actually want interactive skillful game play. instead of one shot cheese.

Ah, so he wants the meta prior to the february megapatch, where it was interactive and skillful, as opposed to after it, where it was neither?

prior to feb megapatch, there's basically 0 skill and 0 interaction, it's who ever press the skill first wins.i can basically shut down anyone with less then 90% hp with a steal backstab combo on core d/p which was meta back then, i was murdering people. just press steal and backstab from 1200 away in stealth and instant down,plat 2 matches btw.or i could one shot people left and right on PU core mes from stealth for fun if enemy doesnt have thief.

In equally competitive games I rarely died more than 2-3 times in the entire match. The main difference was that positioning and understanding the game was key. G1 player in a P2 game was free food. Now? Every one can enjoy the G1 experience, cuz beside spamming skills AOE there is not much to do.

I really wish Anet would get rid of the entire spvp dev team.

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@"Kuma.1503" said:Are you trying to tell me that repeatedly nerfing everything that threatens bunkers and then complaining about bunkers ISN'T a logical way to approach balance?

Nah, couldn't be. Remind me why can LR crit?

The game got powercrept.

Bringing stuff back to "somewhat normal" is a phase, and yes - it will be in bunker - burst - bunker cycles.Deal with it, the balance is cleaner and better than it was anytime POF (2017-2019) and the first half year fiesta of HOT (2015).Same is for 4-stat amulets.A lot of them are just celestial on steriods.

Clerics was balanced around burst->bunker->DoT trinity of bunkers being naturally weaker to conditions ESP WITH LOW VITALITY.So having vitality AND THE BEST MAIN DMG STAT (power condi or power prec) is just asking for hybrid bunkers to oneshot anything non-economic like a burst squishy.

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@Shao.7236 said:

@Shao.7236 said:Mender is getting removed because Vitality minor and Healing Power Major is too strong of a combination in the new setting. They however didn't forget how there is people that wants to play support, that's why we're getting a beefed up sigil of transference which everyone should face it, there's no good sigils for any support role, the slot will finally have a purpose.

It'll keep being support being support in the equation without having the being support and immortal at the same time. Scourges with Sage will no longer by stupidly spongy but also will deal actual damage instead of outliving everyone's CD's. To disagree with this decision is also disagreeing with a healthier more interactive version of any support out there, because it feels like you prefer the current state of the game.

We're seeing more variety in builds despite less amulets because stats don't mean much if the base traits/options are useless from the get go.

Ofc the best argument of the day on the table is if you “disagree with this decision” than you disagree with a “healthier game”.

I gave you the reasons why it's better compared what you prefer, like said.

You prefer having double scourge mender every game with unending mid fights of damage soaking. (According to Mender's being fine to you.)

I prefer have the scourges actually participate in the fight, have to deal proper damage and avoid damage. (Mender is not fine and tuning Scourge will only kill it, double Guardian or double Tempest will now sit on node to soak damage instead.)

Making Avatar/Sage the go to support to instead of Mender (or Marshal but who uses that, just me probably.) Is a better solution that changing co-efficients that are not overperforming on the latter amulets. In fact by modifying co-efficients, you're making Mender/Marshal mandatory and it kills Avatar/Sage to be a viable solution, because they currently are, players just prefer sitting on the ezpz solution rather than actually trying, nothing new.

If anything, I don't see any convincing evidence that Mender/Marshal being removed a bad thing in any of the posts, neither the OP.

Guardian is told to not be doing any damage as of late, that's untrue. Guardian is fine.

Ranger always was overtuned with the pets, Anet has a lot of work to do for that self carried profession.

Who hurt you?

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@Shao.7236 said:

@Shao.7236 said:Mender is getting removed because Vitality minor and Healing Power Major is too strong of a combination in the new setting. They however didn't forget how there is people that wants to play support, that's why we're getting a beefed up sigil of transference which everyone should face it, there's no good sigils for any support role, the slot will finally have a purpose.

It'll keep being support being support in the equation without having the being support and immortal at the same time. Scourges with Sage will no longer by stupidly spongy but also will deal actual damage instead of outliving everyone's CD's. To disagree with this decision is also disagreeing with a healthier more interactive version of any support out there, because it feels like you prefer the current state of the game.

We're seeing more variety in builds despite less amulets because stats don't mean much if the base traits/options are useless from the get go.

Ofc the best argument of the day on the table is if you “disagree with this decision” than you disagree with a “healthier game”.

I gave you the reasons why it's better compared what you prefer, like said.

You prefer having double scourge mender every game with unending mid fights of damage soaking. (According to Mender's being fine to you.)

I prefer have the scourges actually participate in the fight, have to deal proper damage and avoid damage. (Mender is not fine and tuning Scourge will only kill it, double Guardian or double Tempest will now sit on node to soak damage instead.)

Making Avatar/Sage the go to support to instead of Mender (or Marshal but who uses that, just me probably.) Is a better solution that changing co-efficients that are not overperforming on the latter amulets. In fact by modifying co-efficients, you're making Mender/Marshal mandatory and it kills Avatar/Sage to be a viable solution, because they currently are, players just prefer sitting on the ezpz solution rather than actually trying, nothing new.

If anything, I don't see any convincing evidence that Mender/Marshal being removed a bad thing in any of the posts, neither the OP.

Guardian is told to not be doing any damage as of late, that's untrue. Guardian is fine.

Ranger always was overtuned with the pets, Anet has a lot of work to do for that self carried profession.

True, I mean look how ranger has been dominating tourneys.......lolz.

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@RedAvenged.5217 said:

@Shao.7236 said:Mender is getting removed because Vitality minor and Healing Power Major is too strong of a combination in the new setting. They however didn't forget how there is people that wants to play support, that's why we're getting a beefed up sigil of transference which everyone should face it, there's no good sigils for any support role, the slot will finally have a purpose.

It'll keep being support being support in the equation without having the being support and immortal at the same time. Scourges with Sage will no longer by stupidly spongy but also will deal actual damage instead of outliving everyone's CD's. To disagree with this decision is also disagreeing with a healthier more interactive version of any support out there, because it feels like you prefer the current state of the game.

We're seeing more variety in builds despite less amulets because stats don't mean much if the base traits/options are useless from the get go.

Ofc the best argument of the day on the table is if you “disagree with this decision” than you disagree with a “healthier game”.

I gave you the reasons why it's better compared what you prefer, like said.

You prefer having double scourge mender every game with unending mid fights of damage soaking. (According to Mender's being fine to you.)

I prefer have the scourges actually participate in the fight, have to deal proper damage and avoid damage. (Mender is not fine and tuning Scourge will only kill it, double Guardian or double Tempest will now sit on node to soak damage instead.)

Making Avatar/Sage the go to support to instead of Mender (or Marshal but who uses that, just me probably.) Is a better solution that changing co-efficients that are not overperforming on the latter amulets. In fact by modifying co-efficients, you're making Mender/Marshal mandatory and it kills Avatar/Sage to be a viable solution, because they currently are, players just prefer sitting on the ezpz solution rather than actually trying, nothing new.

If anything, I don't see any convincing evidence that Mender/Marshal being removed a bad thing in any of the posts, neither the OP.

Guardian is told to not be doing any damage as of late, that's untrue. Guardian is fine.

Ranger always was overtuned with the pets, Anet has a lot of work to do for that self carried profession.

Who hurt you?

And you're the one saying I ain't providing anything to discuss, good looking on you.

@Psycoprophet.8107 I see them often dancing around nodes on plat games winning any fights, are you going to tell me that because mAT doesn't have any it must be bad? They said the same thing about Renegade and Burn Guards for a while then it was everywhere regardless. People are probably just that disgusted from playing it and it's not as often seen.

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@Shao.7236 said:

@Shao.7236 said:Mender is getting removed because Vitality minor and Healing Power Major is too strong of a combination in the new setting. They however didn't forget how there is people that wants to play support, that's why we're getting a beefed up sigil of transference which everyone should face it, there's no good sigils for any support role, the slot will finally have a purpose.

It'll keep being support being support in the equation without having the being support and immortal at the same time. Scourges with Sage will no longer by stupidly spongy but also will deal actual damage instead of outliving everyone's CD's. To disagree with this decision is also disagreeing with a healthier more interactive version of any support out there, because it feels like you prefer the current state of the game.

We're seeing more variety in builds despite less amulets because stats don't mean much if the base traits/options are useless from the get go.

Ofc the best argument of the day on the table is if you “disagree with this decision” than you disagree with a “healthier game”.

I gave you the reasons why it's better compared what you prefer, like said.

You prefer having double scourge mender every game with unending mid fights of damage soaking. (According to Mender's being fine to you.)

I prefer have the scourges actually participate in the fight, have to deal proper damage and avoid damage. (Mender is not fine and tuning Scourge will only kill it, double Guardian or double Tempest will now sit on node to soak damage instead.)

Making Avatar/Sage the go to support to instead of Mender (or Marshal but who uses that, just me probably.) Is a better solution that changing co-efficients that are not overperforming on the latter amulets. In fact by modifying co-efficients, you're making Mender/Marshal mandatory and it kills Avatar/Sage to be a viable solution, because they currently are, players just prefer sitting on the ezpz solution rather than actually trying, nothing new.

If anything, I don't see any convincing evidence that Mender/Marshal being removed a bad thing in any of the posts, neither the OP.

Guardian is told to not be doing any damage as of late, that's untrue. Guardian is fine.

Ranger always was overtuned with the pets, Anet has a lot of work to do for that self carried profession.

Who hurt you?

And you're the one saying I ain't providing anything to discuss, good looking on you.

@Psycoprophet.8107 I see them often dancing around nodes on plat games winning any fights, are you going to tell me that because mAT doesn't have any it must be bad? They said the same thing about Renegade and Burn Guards for a while then it was everywhere regardless. People are probably just that disgusted from playing it and it's not as often seen.

Sorry for hurting you with my forum thread. I’ll try going super ez next time I see you in a match

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@Shao.7236 said:

@Shao.7236 said:Mender is getting removed because Vitality minor and Healing Power Major is too strong of a combination in the new setting. They however didn't forget how there is people that wants to play support, that's why we're getting a beefed up sigil of transference which everyone should face it, there's no good sigils for any support role, the slot will finally have a purpose.

It'll keep being support being support in the equation without having the being support and immortal at the same time. Scourges with Sage will no longer by stupidly spongy but also will deal actual damage instead of outliving everyone's CD's. To disagree with this decision is also disagreeing with a healthier more interactive version of any support out there, because it feels like you prefer the current state of the game.

We're seeing more variety in builds despite less amulets because stats don't mean much if the base traits/options are useless from the get go.

Ofc the best argument of the day on the table is if you “disagree with this decision” than you disagree with a “healthier game”.

I gave you the reasons why it's better compared what you prefer, like said.

You prefer having double scourge mender every game with unending mid fights of damage soaking. (According to Mender's being fine to you.)

I prefer have the scourges actually participate in the fight, have to deal proper damage and avoid damage. (Mender is not fine and tuning Scourge will only kill it, double Guardian or double Tempest will now sit on node to soak damage instead.)

Making Avatar/Sage the go to support to instead of Mender (or Marshal but who uses that, just me probably.) Is a better solution that changing co-efficients that are not overperforming on the latter amulets. In fact by modifying co-efficients, you're making Mender/Marshal mandatory and it kills Avatar/Sage to be a viable solution, because they currently are, players just prefer sitting on the ezpz solution rather than actually trying, nothing new.

If anything, I don't see any convincing evidence that Mender/Marshal being removed a bad thing in any of the posts, neither the OP.

Guardian is told to not be doing any damage as of late, that's untrue. Guardian is fine.

Ranger always was overtuned with the pets, Anet has a lot of work to do for that self carried profession.

Who hurt you?

And you're the one saying I ain't providing anything to discuss, good looking on you.

@"Psycoprophet.8107" I see them often dancing around nodes on plat games winning any fights, are you going to tell me that because mAT doesn't have any it must be bad? They said the same thing about Renegade and Burn Guards for a while then it was everywhere regardless. People are probably just that disgusted from playing it and it's not as often seen.

Haha riiigghht, most rangers I cone across i dummy on my thief or war. I've met sfew decent ones but mist are easy points in conquest and in wvw, if u can get them to leave the walls that is.The "u dont see them a lot in pvp cuz players are disgusted playing it" is ridiculous at best, sounds like u just have a hate on them and I don't even play ranger much lol. If players felt disgusted about playing broken brainless cheese classes u wouldn't have seen such a over representation of burnbguards/trap dh, necro/mender scourge, and rens over the last how long? Lol. Its proven again and again players in this pvp community run to the next fotm cheese builds, not all do but a lot do. So if ranger was as u say they are there'd he 2 on each team almost every match like we've seen with the above mentioned classes. I'd suggest u simply learn to fight rangers, one great thing as we said their not well represented in pvp so atleast u don't have to fight them to often :).

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Shao.7236 said:Mender is getting removed because Vitality minor and Healing Power Major is too strong of a combination in the new setting. They however didn't forget how there is people that wants to play support, that's why we're getting a beefed up sigil of transference which everyone should face it, there's no good sigils for any support role, the slot will finally have a purpose.

It'll keep being support being support in the equation without having the being support and immortal at the same time. Scourges with Sage will no longer by stupidly spongy but also will deal actual damage instead of outliving everyone's CD's. To disagree with this decision is also disagreeing with a healthier more interactive version of any support out there, because it feels like you prefer the current state of the game.

We're seeing more variety in builds despite less amulets because stats don't mean much if the base traits/options are useless from the get go.

Ofc the best argument of the day on the table is if you “disagree with this decision” than you disagree with a “healthier game”.

I gave you the reasons why it's better compared what you prefer, like said.

You prefer having double scourge mender every game with unending mid fights of damage soaking. (According to Mender's being fine to you.)

I prefer have the scourges actually participate in the fight, have to deal proper damage and avoid damage. (Mender is not fine and tuning Scourge will only kill it, double Guardian or double Tempest will now sit on node to soak damage instead.)

Making Avatar/Sage the go to support to instead of Mender (or Marshal but who uses that, just me probably.) Is a better solution that changing co-efficients that are not overperforming on the latter amulets. In fact by modifying co-efficients, you're making Mender/Marshal mandatory and it kills Avatar/Sage to be a viable solution, because they currently are, players just prefer sitting on the ezpz solution rather than actually trying, nothing new.

If anything, I don't see any convincing evidence that Mender/Marshal being removed a bad thing in any of the posts, neither the OP.

Guardian is told to not be doing any damage as of late, that's untrue. Guardian is fine.

Ranger always was overtuned with the pets, Anet has a lot of work to do for that self carried profession.

Who hurt you?

And you're the one saying I ain't providing anything to discuss, good looking on you.

@Psycoprophet.8107 I see them often dancing around nodes on plat games winning any fights, are you going to tell me that because mAT doesn't have any it must be bad? They said the same thing about Renegade and Burn Guards for a while then it was everywhere regardless. People are probably just that disgusted from playing it and it's not as often seen.

Haha riiigghht, most rangers I cone across i dummy on my thief or war. I've met sfew decent ones but mist are easy points in conquest and in wvw, if u can get them to leave the walls that is.The "u dont see them a lot in pvp cuz players are disgusted playing it" is ridiculous at best, sounds like u just have a hate on them and I don't even play ranger much lol. If players felt disgusted about playing broken brainless cheese classes u wouldn't have seen such a over representation of burnbguards/trap dh, necro/mender scourge, and rens over the last how long? Lol. Its proven again and again players in this pvp community run to the next fotm cheese builds, not all do but a lot do. So if ranger was as u say they are there'd he 2 on each team almost every match like we've seen with the above mentioned classes. I'd suggest u simply learn to fight rangers, one great thing as we said their not well represented in pvp so atleast u don't have to fight them to often :).

I don't have issues fighting Ranger, never said I had. However I am able to point out how overblown many aspects of it are (Lot of it unchanged or barely touched.) and it doesn't take me a Tourney to notice it. :)

Soulbeast is notably more balanced than Core Ranger alone, Druid is a literal tangled spaghetti mess of spam with barely anything to make out of.

Are we gonna act like this is Renegade again? Completely act like it's fine until the situation blows out of the water? Sure, no one took me seriously when I said Renegade needed nerfs, that burn guardian or even Tetherbreaker needed nerfs.

So oblivious to all the evidence that can be pointed out by the Wiki itself alone. Gonna complain that this is nerf wars? Sure, do so, but it's only fair that everyone gets affected, not just a partial part of the game. The blanket nerf is a WIP and still in progress.

Because I don't have problem fighting Ranger doesn't mean there is no issue anywhere to be found, especially when Ranger alone can take out people without it's pet yet the pets have many things that don't belong as they are in PvP. If we are gonna work on balancing the game, better do it right.

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@Shao.7236 said:

@Shao.7236 said:Mender is getting removed because Vitality minor and Healing Power Major is too strong of a combination in the new setting. They however didn't forget how there is people that wants to play support, that's why we're getting a beefed up sigil of transference which everyone should face it, there's no good sigils for any support role, the slot will finally have a purpose.

It'll keep being support being support in the equation without having the being support and immortal at the same time. Scourges with Sage will no longer by stupidly spongy but also will deal actual damage instead of outliving everyone's CD's. To disagree with this decision is also disagreeing with a healthier more interactive version of any support out there, because it feels like you prefer the current state of the game.

We're seeing more variety in builds despite less amulets because stats don't mean much if the base traits/options are useless from the get go.

Ofc the best argument of the day on the table is if you “disagree with this decision” than you disagree with a “healthier game”.

I gave you the reasons why it's better compared what you prefer, like said.

You prefer having double scourge mender every game with unending mid fights of damage soaking. (According to Mender's being fine to you.)

I prefer have the scourges actually participate in the fight, have to deal proper damage and avoid damage. (Mender is not fine and tuning Scourge will only kill it, double Guardian or double Tempest will now sit on node to soak damage instead.)

Making Avatar/Sage the go to support to instead of Mender (or Marshal but who uses that, just me probably.) Is a better solution that changing co-efficients that are not overperforming on the latter amulets. In fact by modifying co-efficients, you're making Mender/Marshal mandatory and it kills Avatar/Sage to be a viable solution, because they currently are, players just prefer sitting on the ezpz solution rather than actually trying, nothing new.

If anything, I don't see any convincing evidence that Mender/Marshal being removed a bad thing in any of the posts, neither the OP.

Guardian is told to not be doing any damage as of late, that's untrue. Guardian is fine.

Ranger always was overtuned with the pets, Anet has a lot of work to do for that self carried profession.

Who hurt you?

And you're the one saying I ain't providing anything to discuss, good looking on you.

@Psycoprophet.8107 I see them often dancing around nodes on plat games winning any fights, are you going to tell me that because mAT doesn't have any it must be bad? They said the same thing about Renegade and Burn Guards for a while then it was everywhere regardless. People are probably just that disgusted from playing it and it's not as often seen.

Haha riiigghht, most rangers I cone across i dummy on my thief or war. I've met sfew decent ones but mist are easy points in conquest and in wvw, if u can get them to leave the walls that is.The "u dont see them a lot in pvp cuz players are disgusted playing it" is ridiculous at best, sounds like u just have a hate on them and I don't even play ranger much lol. If players felt disgusted about playing broken brainless cheese classes u wouldn't have seen such a over representation of burnbguards/trap dh, necro/mender scourge, and rens over the last how long? Lol. Its proven again and again players in this pvp community run to the next fotm cheese builds, not all do but a lot do. So if ranger was as u say they are there'd he 2 on each team almost every match like we've seen with the above mentioned classes. I'd suggest u simply learn to fight rangers, one great thing as we said their not well represented in pvp so atleast u don't have to fight them to often :).

I don't have issues fighting Ranger, never said I had. However I am able to point out how overblown many aspects of it are (Lot of it unchanged or barely touched.) and it doesn't take me a Tourney to notice it. :)

Soulbeast is notably more balanced than Core Ranger alone, Druid is a literal tangled spaghetti mess of spam with barely anything to make out of.

Are we gonna act like this is Renegade again? Completely act like it's fine until the situation blows out of the water? Sure, no one took me seriously when I said Renegade needed nerfs, that burn guardian or even Tetherbreaker needed nerfs.

So oblivious to all the evidence that can be pointed out by the Wiki itself alone. Gonna complain that this is nerf wars? Sure, do so, but it's only fair that everyone gets affected, not just a partial part of the game. The blanket nerf is a WIP and still in progress.

Because I don't have problem fighting Ranger doesn't mean there is no issue anywhere to be found, especially when Ranger alone can take out people without it's pet yet the pets have many things that don't belong as they are in PvP. If we are gonna work on balancing the game, better do it right.

Let's not pretend that if ranger was op, was or has a cheese build that is low effort high reward that there wouldn't be 2 on each team like we've seen happen in every Metta that has had such. This is gw2 were talking about here and any time there's a few outliers, op builds, easy mode cheese builds etc those are the builds u see high representation of in pvp/wvw, like as in 2 of the same builds on both teams almost every match or the same few classes in every match over and over, it really is that bad in gw2 and is very telling what classes are strong, cheese or low risk high reward.Seeing as u may see 1 ranger on one team every match or every other match and seldom more(does happen tho) I doubt even core is to concerning.I do agree tho druid is a mess.

That all said ranger is represented well in wvw for roaming, not so much zergling but their is representation there as well.

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@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:Let's not pretend that if ranger was op, was or has a cheese build that is low effort high reward that there wouldn't be 2 on each team like we've seen happen in every Metta that has had such. This is gw2 were talking about here and any time there's a few outliers, op builds, easy mode cheese builds etc those are the builds u see high representation of in pvp/wvw, like as in 2 of the same builds on both teams almost every match or the same few classes in every match over and over, it really is that bad in gw2 and is very telling what classes are strong, cheese or low risk high reward.Seeing as u may see 1 ranger on one team every match or every other match and seldom more(does happen tho) I doubt even core is to concerning.I do agree tho druid is a mess.

That all said ranger is represented well in wvw for roaming, not so much zergling but their is representation there as well.

Just because something isn't abused, it automatically doesn't mean it's not broken, it just means that these "used" things are currently the most cheese out of all possible sleepers and that's it.Shave some stuff here and there and you'll see how "unplayable" builds start to blossom and dominate meta. Nothing new.Still same "but others are more broken than me so leave me alone on my broken!"... so boring...

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@TrollingDemigod.3041 said:

@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:Let's not pretend that if ranger was op, was or has a cheese build that is low effort high reward that there wouldn't be 2 on each team like we've seen happen in every Metta that has had such. This is gw2 were talking about here and any time there's a few outliers, op builds, easy mode cheese builds etc those are the builds u see high representation of in pvp/wvw, like as in 2 of the same builds on both teams almost every match or the same few classes in every match over and over, it really is that bad in gw2 and is very telling what classes are strong, cheese or low risk high reward.Seeing as u may see 1 ranger on one team every match or every other match and seldom more(does happen tho) I doubt even core is to concerning.I do agree tho druid is a mess.

That all said ranger is represented well in wvw for roaming, not so much zergling but their is representation there as well.

Just because something isn't abused, it automatically doesn't mean it's not broken, it just means that these "used" things are currently the most cheese out of all possible sleepers and that's it.Shave some stuff here and there and you'll see how "unplayable" builds start to blossom and dominate meta. Nothing new.Still same "but others are more broken than me so leave me alone on my broken!"... so boring...

Ur first sentence doesn't apply to gw2 at all, maybe other games but in my 7 yrs with the game the opposite has always applied. I mean were talking about a game where sometimes even when a build is hard nerfed and speculated to kill the spec IF there's is a possible cheese build or something to abuse on the spec players find it surprisingly fast and spam it. U kno were talking gw2 right?

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@Liewec.2896 said:revert the ridiculous nerf to everything from last February and then start buffing everything else as needed.

goodbye to NerfWars2, hello patches that people actually look forward too.

That actually is probably one of the more damaging aspects we face now. Driving people away from the builds they come to love by chain spamming them with nerfs while also their guildies and friends also being chain spammed with nerfs. Its fairly oppressive.

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@Shao.7236 said:

@Shao.7236 said:Mender is getting removed because Vitality minor and Healing Power Major is too strong of a combination in the new setting. They however didn't forget how there is people that wants to play support, that's why we're getting a beefed up sigil of transference which everyone should face it, there's no good sigils for any support role, the slot will finally have a purpose.

It'll keep being support being support in the equation without having the being support and immortal at the same time. Scourges with Sage will no longer by stupidly spongy but also will deal actual damage instead of outliving everyone's CD's. To disagree with this decision is also disagreeing with a healthier more interactive version of any support out there, because it feels like you prefer the current state of the game.

We're seeing more variety in builds despite less amulets because stats don't mean much if the base traits/options are useless from the get go.

Ofc the best argument of the day on the table is if you “disagree with this decision” than you disagree with a “healthier game”.

I gave you the reasons why it's better compared what you prefer, like said.

You prefer having double scourge mender every game with unending mid fights of damage soaking. (According to Mender's being fine to you.)

I prefer have the scourges actually participate in the fight, have to deal proper damage and avoid damage. (Mender is not fine and tuning Scourge will only kill it, double Guardian or double Tempest will now sit on node to soak damage instead.)

Making Avatar/Sage the go to support to instead of Mender (or Marshal but who uses that, just me probably.) Is a better solution that changing co-efficients that are not overperforming on the latter amulets. In fact by modifying co-efficients, you're making Mender/Marshal mandatory and it kills Avatar/Sage to be a viable solution, because they currently are, players just prefer sitting on the ezpz solution rather than actually trying, nothing new.

If anything, I don't see any convincing evidence that Mender/Marshal being removed a bad thing in any of the posts, neither the OP.

Guardian is told to not be doing any damage as of late, that's untrue. Guardian is fine.

Ranger always was overtuned with the pets, Anet has a lot of work to do for that self carried profession.

Who hurt you?

And you're the one saying I ain't providing anything to discuss, good looking on you.

@"Psycoprophet.8107" I see them often dancing around nodes on plat games winning any fights, are you going to tell me that because mAT doesn't have any it must be bad? They said the same thing about Renegade and Burn Guards for a while then it was everywhere regardless. People are probably just that disgusted from playing it and it's not as often seen.

The direction taken by CMC about the game clearly consider AT as the true source of good feedback, assuming that soloq level is anywhere near AT is laughable at worst ....sad at best, your class was rightfully nerfed because it has been dominating the top scene for the last 10 months or so from start to end, finishing at 40-50% representation for final match

When a team reaches the final of the official tournament and wins it while using 3 iterations of the same class, it's at that point that concerns are raised and when that point is reached....nobody will complain about rightful nerfs

The day a top team win a tournament with 3 core rangers or 3 druids....yeah we can say that those builds need even more nerfs on top of the ones they received( did you seriously imply that ranger hasn't received nerfs for the last 2 years?....ok)

Otherwise if we start nerfing based on so called "feedback" of soloq experiences than even your class got away lightly with the recent nerfs and many more should be applied, heck necromancer and engi would have to receive their own page listing all the nerfs, given how many would be required. If we want to balance the game around the low common denominator rather than the top..by all means but.....no class will be left standing if we go that route

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@TrollingDemigod.3041 said:

@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:Let's not pretend that if ranger was op, was or has a cheese build that is low effort high reward that there wouldn't be 2 on each team like we've seen happen in every Metta that has had such. This is gw2 were talking about here and any time there's a few outliers, op builds, easy mode cheese builds etc those are the builds u see high representation of in pvp/wvw, like as in 2 of the same builds on both teams almost every match or the same few classes in every match over and over, it really is that bad in gw2 and is very telling what classes are strong, cheese or low risk high reward.Seeing as u may see 1 ranger on one team every match or every other match and seldom more(does happen tho) I doubt even core is to concerning.I do agree tho druid is a mess.

That all said ranger is represented well in wvw for roaming, not so much zergling but their is representation there as well.

Just because something isn't abused, it automatically doesn't mean it's not broken, it just means that these "used" things are currently the most cheese out of all possible sleepers and that's it.Shave some stuff here and there and you'll see how "unplayable" builds start to blossom and dominate meta. Nothing new.Still same "but others are more broken than me so leave me alone on my broken!"... so boring...

I think you are confused with the results of a race to the bottom.....if you remove all tyres from a car even a tricycle would be considered a far better choice to move around....but then people here would start whining about the tricycle being too ..good to move around...xd

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@Flumek.9043 said:

@"Kuma.1503" said:Are you trying to tell me that repeatedly nerfing everything that threatens bunkers and then complaining about bunkers ISN'T a logical way to approach balance?

Nah, couldn't be. Remind me why can LR crit?

The game got powercrept.

Bringing stuff back to "somewhat normal" is a phase, and yes - it will be in bunker - burst - bunker cycles.Deal with it, the balance is cleaner and better than it was anytime POF (2017-2019) and the first half year fiesta of HOT (2015).Same is for 4-stat amulets.A lot of them are just celestial on steriods.

Clerics was balanced around burst->bunker->DoT trinity of bunkers being naturally weaker to conditions ESP WITH LOW VITALITY.So having vitality AND THE BEST MAIN DMG STAT (power condi or power prec) is just asking for hybrid bunkers to oneshot anything non-economic like a burst squishy.

You're in for a rude awakening when they drop EoD, with new E-specs, that'll likely be it for semi normality . You have to remember they cater to PVE/Gemstore first before anything else, and this is the same play as what happened to HoT E-specs into PoF. In short, don't think it'll get better and closer to core gw2 levels, the difference between new and old specs are only going to be so much more glaring, and you're going to be waiting ages for changes like usual, kinda like how warriors still have a whole traitline that was broken intentionally, and still hasn't been touched after for over a year.

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@Flumek.9043 said:

@"Kuma.1503" said:Are you trying to tell me that repeatedly nerfing everything that threatens bunkers and then complaining about bunkers ISN'T a logical way to approach balance?

Nah, couldn't be. Remind me why can LR crit?

The game got powercrept.

The solution to powercreep is not powerdip. Thats just replacing the problem with a different, bigger problem.

Bringing stuff back to "somewhat normal" is a phase, and yes - it will be in bunker - burst - bunker cycles.

We shot well past normal. Damage now is lower than its ever been, and its hurting the game.

Deal with it, the balance is cleaner and better than it was anytime POF (2017-2019) and the first half year fiesta of HOT (2015).


Its not even remotely as good as it was in any of those periods. Its worse. Its so much worse. Its stagnant, limited and skillless. The balance is now at the worst its ever been, and its all because damage is too low.

Same is for 4-stat amulets.A lot of them are just celestial on steriods.

Only because damage is non-existent. The solution is to return damage, not nerf them.

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@Shao.7236 said:Mender is getting removed because Vitality minor and Healing Power Major is too strong of a combination in the new setting. They however didn't forget how there is people that wants to play support, that's why we're getting a beefed up sigil of transference which everyone should face it, there's no good sigils for any support role, the slot will finally have a purpose.

It'll keep being support being support in the equation without having the being support and immortal at the same time. Scourges with Sage will no longer by stupidly spongy but also will deal actual damage instead of outliving everyone's CD's. To disagree with this decision is also disagreeing with a healthier more interactive version of any support out there, because it feels like you prefer the current state of the game.

We're seeing more variety in builds despite less amulets because stats don't mean much if the base traits/options are useless from the get go.

Ofc the best argument of the day on the table is if you “disagree with this decision” than you disagree with a “healthier game”.

I gave you the reasons why it's better compared what you prefer, like said.

You prefer having double scourge mender every game with unending mid fights of damage soaking. (According to Mender's being fine to you.)

I prefer have the scourges actually participate in the fight, have to deal proper damage and avoid damage. (Mender is not fine and tuning Scourge will only kill it, double Guardian or double Tempest will now sit on node to soak damage instead.)

Making Avatar/Sage the go to support to instead of Mender (or Marshal but who uses that, just me probably.) Is a better solution that changing co-efficients that are not overperforming on the latter amulets. In fact by modifying co-efficients, you're making Mender/Marshal mandatory and it kills Avatar/Sage to be a viable solution, because they currently are, players just prefer sitting on the ezpz solution rather than actually trying, nothing new.

If anything, I don't see any convincing evidence that Mender/Marshal being removed a bad thing in any of the posts, neither the OP.

Guardian is told to not be doing any damage as of late, that's untrue. Guardian is fine.

Ranger always was overtuned with the pets, Anet has a lot of work to do for that self carried profession.

Who hurt you?

And you're the one saying I ain't providing anything to discuss, good looking on you.

@"Psycoprophet.8107" I see them often dancing around nodes on plat games winning any fights, are you going to tell me that because mAT doesn't have any it must be bad? They said the same thing about Renegade and Burn Guards for a while then it was everywhere regardless. People are probably just that disgusted from playing it and it's not as often seen.

The direction taken by CMC about the game clearly consider AT as the true source of good feedback, assuming that soloq level is anywhere near AT is laughable at worst ....sad at best,
your class
was rightfully nerfed because it has been dominating the top scene for the last 10 months or so from start to end, finishing at
40-50% representation for final match

When a team reaches the final of the official tournament and wins it while using
3 iterations of the same class
, it's at that point that concerns are raised and when that point is reached....
nobody will complain about rightful nerfs

The day a top team win a tournament with 3 core rangers or 3 druids....yeah we can say that those builds need even more nerfs on top of the ones they received( did you seriously imply that ranger hasn't received nerfs for the last 2 years?....ok)

Otherwise if we start nerfing based on so called "feedback" of soloq experiences than even your class got away lightly with the recent nerfs and many more should be applied, heck
necromancer and engi
would have to receive their own page listing all the nerfs, given how many would be required. If we want to balance the game around the low common denominator rather than the top..by all means but.....
no class will be left standing if we go that route

I just want to point out that I am happily taking all nerfs to my class without much complain outside unintended bugs or oversights under certain circumstances such as Initial Stability on Inspiring Reinforcement having a 1 second gap or Ventari Energy Expulsion having the tablet going to waste randomly leaving no cc or shards. I otherwise remain playable in all possible ways I can think of, (Ignoring Hammer being dysfunctional.) Which is why I am to believe they're doing good work with the balance, unless Revenant always OP no matter what, pay2win game memes.

I have been calling for nerfs on my class for the longest time and occasionally others from observation. (Sometimes they take a while but eventually come anyway because they are obvious however ignored like it's normal.)

To say that because I don't care about AT's means I have no clue on what is logically busted makes no sense when eitherway it's the same gamemode with the same rules, maybe from a team aspect you can't evaluate the same as an organized team but in 1v1 aspects you definitely can observe and test what's going on within the game to which Ranger has undeniably more than few things that deserves to be changed which likewise won't affect good players much like it should affect the mindless gameplay.

Those nerfs do work well. Personally I like that my profession has gotten harder but also more rewarding the play, however I shouldn't be the only one to face that challenge in change, everyone should somehow and to deny one of their fundamentals (Pets) or mechanics (Cooldowns) to which 90% haven't changed to be judged as fine is a blantant lie, they should all be investigated properly.

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@Shao.7236 said:

@Shao.7236 said:Mender is getting removed because Vitality minor and Healing Power Major is too strong of a combination in the new setting. They however didn't forget how there is people that wants to play support, that's why we're getting a beefed up sigil of transference which everyone should face it, there's no good sigils for any support role, the slot will finally have a purpose.

It'll keep being support being support in the equation without having the being support and immortal at the same time. Scourges with Sage will no longer by stupidly spongy but also will deal actual damage instead of outliving everyone's CD's. To disagree with this decision is also disagreeing with a healthier more interactive version of any support out there, because it feels like you prefer the current state of the game.

We're seeing more variety in builds despite less amulets because stats don't mean much if the base traits/options are useless from the get go.

Ofc the best argument of the day on the table is if you “disagree with this decision” than you disagree with a “healthier game”.

I gave you the reasons why it's better compared what you prefer, like said.

You prefer having double scourge mender every game with unending mid fights of damage soaking. (According to Mender's being fine to you.)

I prefer have the scourges actually participate in the fight, have to deal proper damage and avoid damage. (Mender is not fine and tuning Scourge will only kill it, double Guardian or double Tempest will now sit on node to soak damage instead.)

Making Avatar/Sage the go to support to instead of Mender (or Marshal but who uses that, just me probably.) Is a better solution that changing co-efficients that are not overperforming on the latter amulets. In fact by modifying co-efficients, you're making Mender/Marshal mandatory and it kills Avatar/Sage to be a viable solution, because they currently are, players just prefer sitting on the ezpz solution rather than actually trying, nothing new.

If anything, I don't see any convincing evidence that Mender/Marshal being removed a bad thing in any of the posts, neither the OP.

Guardian is told to not be doing any damage as of late, that's untrue. Guardian is fine.

Ranger always was overtuned with the pets, Anet has a lot of work to do for that self carried profession.

Who hurt you?

And you're the one saying I ain't providing anything to discuss, good looking on you.

@"Psycoprophet.8107" I see them often dancing around nodes on plat games winning any fights, are you going to tell me that because mAT doesn't have any it must be bad? They said the same thing about Renegade and Burn Guards for a while then it was everywhere regardless. People are probably just that disgusted from playing it and it's not as often seen.

The direction taken by CMC about the game clearly consider AT as the true source of good feedback, assuming that soloq level is anywhere near AT is laughable at worst ....sad at best,
your class
was rightfully nerfed because it has been dominating the top scene for the last 10 months or so from start to end, finishing at
40-50% representation for final match

When a team reaches the final of the official tournament and wins it while using
3 iterations of the same class
, it's at that point that concerns are raised and when that point is reached....
nobody will complain about rightful nerfs

The day a top team win a tournament with 3 core rangers or 3 druids....yeah we can say that those builds need even more nerfs on top of the ones they received( did you seriously imply that ranger hasn't received nerfs for the last 2 years?....ok)

Otherwise if we start nerfing based on so called "feedback" of soloq experiences than even your class got away lightly with the recent nerfs and many more should be applied, heck
necromancer and engi
would have to receive their own page listing all the nerfs, given how many would be required. If we want to balance the game around the low common denominator rather than the top..by all means but.....
no class will be left standing if we go that route

I just want to point out that I am happily taking all nerfs to my class without much complain outside unintended bugs or oversights under certain circumstances such as Initial Stability on Inspiring Reinforcement having a 1 second gap or Ventari Energy Expulsion having the tablet going to waste randomly leaving no cc or shards. I otherwise remain playable in all possible ways I can think of, (Ignoring Hammer being dysfunctional.) Which is why I am to believe they're doing good work with the balance, unless Revenant always OP no matter what, pay2win game memes.

I have been calling for nerfs on my class for the longest time and occasionally others from observation. (Sometimes they take a while but eventually come anyway because they are obvious however ignored like it's normal.)

To say that because I don't care about AT's means I have no clue on what is logically busted makes no sense when eitherway it's the same gamemode with the same rules, maybe from a team aspect you can't evaluate the same as an organized team but in 1v1 aspects you definitely can observe and test what's going on within the game to which Ranger has undeniably more than few things that deserves to be changed which likewise won't affect good players much like it should affect the mindless gameplay.

Those nerfs do work well. Personally I like that my profession has gotten harder but also more rewarding the play, however I shouldn't be the only one to face that challenge in change, everyone should somehow and to deny one of their fundamentals (Pets) or mechanics (Cooldowns) to which 90% haven't changed to be judged as fine is a blantant lie, they should all be investigated properly.

Pets have been nerfed multiple times already but the general idea is to have an actual working mechanic for the ranger class, people wishing to nerf pets to a point that the class goes around with a non-existent mechanic will remain with their wishes unfulfilled.You can either choose to have all pets acting like smokescale where they do virtually no dmg but offer max utility or pets that deal burst dmg in support of the ranger, it is clearly that the forum community doesn't accept either and simply wishes for the ranger class to have a dead mechanic doing no dmg and offer no utility.

Now to dispel all your blatant lies on how your class got hard nerfed and ranger is untouched

1)Feb 2020-Revenant:Surge of the Mists: Added a 0.5-second warm-up before the dash occurs. The evasion granted by this skill is active during the warm-up.Temporal Rift: This skill no longer inflicts confusion. Increased the amount of torment applied in PvE from 2 stacks to 4 stacks.Rift Slash: Updated the animation to be more prominent. Skill timing is unchanged.Precision Strike: This skill has been reworked into a new skill called Chilling Isolation.Chilling Isolation: This new skill is a 240-radius circular melee strike that chills up to 5 foes for two strikes. If the second strike hits only 1 foe, it does bonus damage. Increased the cooldown from 6 seconds to 8 seconds in PvP and WvW.Banish Enchantment: This skill no longer inflicts confusion. Instead, it inflicts chill for 1 second and removes 1 boon per hit. The number of hits has increased from 1 to 3. Increased PvE damage by 380%. Damage in other modes increased by 20%.Phase Traversal: This skill no longer increases damage for the next few attacks, and it now uses the new unblockable effect. Damage increased by 100% in PvE only. Energy cost raised from 30 to 35 in WvW to match the PvP version.Unwavering Avoidance: This trait now grants vigor instead of stability when evading an attack. The cooldown of this trait has been reduced from 8 seconds to 5 seconds.Determined Resolution: This trait now reduces incoming damage while revenants have vigor instead of stability. It no longer increases the duration of stability.Fierce Infusion: This trait has been retired and replaced by Glaring Resolve.Glaring Resolve: With this new trait, gain stability and heal when you break stuns.Empty Vessel: This trait has been retired and replaced by Contained Temper.Contained Temper: With this new trait, revenants gain fury when they disable a foe.Sudden Reversal: This trait has been retired and replaced by Bold Reversal.Bold Reversal: When revenants break stuns, they gain several offensive boons and full Kalla's Fervor.Minor:Expose Defenses: No changes.Destructive Impulses: With this new trait, outgoing damage is increased by 5% for each currently equipped weapon.Targeted Destruction: This trait has moved to the Grandmaster minor slot.Adept:Aggressive Agility: With this new trait, movement skills remove immobilize.Unsuspecting Strikes: This new trait increases outgoing damage when attacking a foe above 80% health. The damage increase is 25% in PvE and 10% in competitive modes.Battle Scarred: With this new trait, gain 5 stacks of Battle Scars after using your heal.Master:Assassin's Presence: Moved to the top slot of the Master tier.Notoriety: This trait no longer grants bonus might when using Legendary Assassin skills.Thrill of Combat: This new trait grants 1 stack of Battle Scars every second while in combat.Grandmaster:Brutality: This trait switched positions with Swift Termination.Swift Termination: This trait switched positions with Brutality.Dance of Death: Each stack of vulnerability applied to a foe grants a stack of Battle Scars. The Battle Scars healing amount is doubled when revenants are below 50% health.

Buffs all around from weapon skills to traits

-RangerSoulbeast: Soulbeasts can no longer swap pets while in combat. Entering and leaving beastmode with your pet now counts as a pet swap for the purposes of the Clarion Bond and Zephyr's Speed traits.Lightning Assault (Electric Wyvern): Added a 0.5-second warm-up before the dash occurs.Glyph of the Stars: Reduced the cooldown of this skill from 90 seconds to 60 seconds.Call of the Wild: This skill now uses the new unblockable effect.Throw Torch: This skill now applies its effects in a 180 radius around the target struck by the torch.Winter's Bite: This skill is now always an area-of-effect skill even when not traited with Honed Axes. Increased bleeding stacks in PvE from 2 to 3, and increased bleeding duration in PvE from 8 seconds to 12 seconds to match the competitive mode version.Honed Axes: Baseline ferocity is now also applied to your pet. This trait no longer causes Winter's Bite to become an area-of-effect strike.Hunter's Tactics: This trait now increases damage when attacking from the side or behind by 10% in addition to its previous effects.Lead the Wind: This trait no longer grants swiftness when performing a projectile combo. Instead, it grants swiftness for 10 seconds and quickness for 5 seconds (2.5 seconds in PvP and WvW) when striking with an attack from beyond 1,200 range. This effect has a 15-second cooldown.Druidic Clarity: This trait no longer causes entering Celestial Avatar to break stuns.Unstoppable Union: This trait no longer causes entering beastmode to break stuns. Entering beastmode now grants protection and vigor in addition to removing movement-impairing conditions.Beastly Warden: This trait now has a 1-second delay before the ranger's pet taunts nearby enemies. Fixed a bug that could prevent this trait from working with underwater pets.Clarion Bond: This trait now uses the new unblockable effect.Twice as Vicious: Increased the damage and condition damage bonuses granted by this trait from 5% to 10% in PvE on

Added drawback to soulbeast where renegade has none plus several nerfs

2)April 2020-RangerMaul: Increased cooldown from 6 seconds to 8 seconds in PvP only.Swoop: Increased cooldown from 15 seconds to 18 seconds in PvP only.Counterattack: Increased cooldown from 25 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP only.Hilt Bash: Increased cooldown from 20 seconds to 25 seconds in PvP only.Attack of Opportunity: Reduced damage bonus from 50% to 25% in PvP and WvW.Furious Pounce (Tiger): Reduced power coefficient from 1.0 to 0.75 in PvP only.Kick (Rock Gazelle): Reduced power coefficient per strike from 0.31 to 0.2325 in PvP only.Charge (Rock Gazelle): Reduced power coefficient from 0.825 to 0.733 in PvP only.

More nerf for ranger...revenant untouched

3)July 2020-Rangersome minor nerfs

-RevenantDemonic Resistance: Reduced damage reduction from 20% to 10% in PvP and WvW.Fiendish Tenacity: Reduced base heal from 197 to 132 in PvP and WvW.Crystal Hibernation: Reduced pulse base healing from 620 to 496 in PvP and WvW.Spirit Boon: Reduced protection duration when invoking Glint from 3 seconds to 2 seconds in PvP and WvW.Shining Aspects: Reduced base heal from 444 to 355 in PvP and WvW.Facet of Chaos: Reduced protection duration from 3 seconds to 2 seconds in PvP and WvW.Fixed an issue that caused utility skills to appear in the wrong order.Breakrazor's Bastion: Reduced pulse base heal from 369 to 321 in PvP only. Reduced pulse healing coefficient from 0.3 to 0.1 in PvP only.Soulcleave's Summit: Reduced life-stealing base heal from 386 to 328 in PvP only. Reduced life-stealing healing coefficient from 0.2 to 0.08 in PvP only

they slapped condi herald a little

Too long to list all major updates, so I'll just cut to other major nerfs:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Counterattackhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rugged_Growthhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Protective_WardRest are from 2019 so won't list them...so now about the pets....



Tiger, Rock Gazelle, smokescale.....any pet that could see dmg competitively has been nerfed, next step would be to make pets give out candies and heal the enemy, now just jacaranda may do some burst dmg....in PvP maybe and nobody cares except those killed by such thing

Overall they nerfed ranger consistently for the last couple of years with some quality of life changes along the way; before there was druid and then boonbeast so ranger itself has been nerfed throughout.......sorry though to those who wish to see any profession they don't play being reduced to nothing, the class remains viable and fun to play although it struggles at the top.

Back to your class now....

I doubt that a couple of nerfs will suddenly change the meta and see a triple ranger team winning an AT 500 to 0.....pls tell me more about the 90% of ranger being left untouched, it doesn't seem you're informed about the nerfs other professions receive unless it makes life easier for you

You just got your behind handed over by somebody playing core ranger and now you're salty as hell that's all there is to it....if the same player would destroy you while using soulbeast...you'd say the same thing about soulbeast lol

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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@"Kuma.1503" said:Are you trying to tell me that repeatedly nerfing everything that threatens bunkers and then complaining about bunkers ISN'T a logical way to approach balance?

Nah, couldn't be. Remind me why can LR crit?

The game got powercrept.

The solution to powercreep is not powerdip. Thats just replacing the problem with a different,

Bringing stuff back to "somewhat normal" is a phase, and yes - it will be in bunker - burst - bunker cycles.

We shot
past normal. Damage now is lower than its ever been, and its hurting the game.

Deal with it, the balance is cleaner and better than it was anytime POF (2017-2019) and the first half year fiesta of HOT (2015).


Its not even remotely as good as it was in any of those periods. Its worse. Its so much worse. Its stagnant, limited and skillless. The balance is now at the worst its ever been, and its all because damage is too low.

Same is for 4-stat amulets.A lot of them are just celestial on steriods.

Only because damage is non-existent. The solution is to return damage, not nerf them.

You've got it wrong...people want damage removed from your class while being added to theirs.....you do the same though...it's a vicious cycle

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@"Kuma.1503" said:Are you trying to tell me that repeatedly nerfing everything that threatens bunkers and then complaining about bunkers ISN'T a logical way to approach balance?

Nah, couldn't be. Remind me why can LR crit?

The game got powercrept.

The solution to powercreep is not powerdip. Thats just replacing the problem with a different,

Bringing stuff back to "somewhat normal" is a phase, and yes - it will be in bunker - burst - bunker cycles.

We shot
past normal. Damage now is lower than its ever been, and its hurting the game.

Deal with it, the balance is cleaner and better than it was anytime POF (2017-2019) and the first half year fiesta of HOT (2015).


Its not even remotely as good as it was in any of those periods. Its worse. Its so much worse. Its stagnant, limited and skillless. The balance is now at the worst its ever been, and its all because damage is too low.

Same is for 4-stat amulets.A lot of them are just celestial on steriods.

Only because damage is non-existent. The solution is to return damage, not nerf them.

You've got it wrong...people want damage removed from your class while being added to theirs.....you do the same though...it's a vicious cycle

I don't want anyone to lose damage, what the hell? We need all damage, across the board, to be increased by at least 20%, and then we can go from there.

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@"Arheundel.6451" That's it? I'm afraid not only you're ignoring the most recent patch but many more which is kinda.. Cough Biased. Cough. Also the hilarious and irrelevant double Renegade mAT, just because that seems to hold any value to you, it doesn't objectively now or later, just like the patches you mentioned for whatever reason, lazy attempt to prove some point that Revenant has never lost it's value while Ranger has been universally hated, really lol.

It'll be fairly simple to tell you no matter what pet skill you'll look at none of their CD's have been ever adjusted as most co-efficients outside the popular choice of broken skills that had people complaining (Auto attacks still not nerfed kek), nor has the most overly used utility of Ranger period, still rocking those loose 24 seconds where you never could CC lock a Ranger ever while having Pets that stack up to 4 CC's total.

Any of those skills outside CC's rocking the equivalent of current PvP Berserker stats at "BASE" not applying stats of pets, what is it that makes it so they can be immune of criticism? Because they're AI? Because they're not reliable? Nah, everyone has jank in their professions, no excuse to leave things unchanged.

Ranger alone can fight fine without a pet, having some overtuned companion by them is no excuse.

I already said they're not a problem to me but you're acting like because you can beat something that must mean it's underpowered, have you heard of skill/competence at all? Min/Max? Scale of Effort? Probably not given anything I say goes above your head and with the only same broken record "But mAT! but mAT!"

You go on ahead and try playing Core Rev for me, see how far you can make it. Oh but because I've made it above the majority which may be Rangers must mean that Ranger is weak! How can I be mistaken, Revenant is just broken and no amount of nerf will ever balance it. Delete the specialization now! Doesn't have to do with getting good, my class is broken and should be seen played in the next mAT.

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@Shao.7236 said:@"Arheundel.6451" That's it? I'm afraid not only you're ignoring the most recent patch but many more which is kinda.. Cough Biased. Cough. Also the hilarious and irrelevant double Renegade mAT, just because that seems to hold any value to you, it doesn't objectively now or later, just like the patches you mentioned for whatever reason, lazy attempt to prove some point that Revenant has never lost it's value while Ranger has been universally hated, really lol.

It'll be fairly simple to tell you no matter what pet skill you'll look at none of their CD's have been ever adjusted as most co-efficients outside the popular choice of broken skills that had people complaining (Auto attacks still not nerfed kek), nor has the most overly used utility of Ranger period, still rocking those loose 24 seconds where you never could CC lock a Ranger ever while having Pets that stack up to 4 CC's total.

Any of those skills outside CC's rocking the equivalent of current PvP Berserker stats at "BASE" not applying stats of pets, what is it that makes it so they can be immune of criticism? Because they're AI? Because they're not reliable? Nah, everyone has jank in their professions, no excuse to leave things unchanged.

Ranger alone can fight fine without a pet, having some overtuned companion by them is no excuse.

I already said they're not a problem to me but you're acting like because you can beat something that must mean it's underpowered, have you heard of skill/competence at all? Min/Max? Scale of Effort? Probably not given anything I say goes above your head and with the only same broken record "But mAT! but mAT!"

You go on ahead and try playing Core Rev for me, see how far you can make it. Oh but because I've made it above the majority which may be Rangers must mean that Ranger is weak! How can I be mistaken, Revenant is just broken and no amount of nerf will ever balance it. Delete the specialization now! Doesn't have to do with getting good, my class is broken and should be seen played in the next mAT.

R u for real? Its not about u lmao if the majority of players are playing rev in tourneys and not ranger what class u think is more viable? No one gives a rats ass what one person(u) play but the majority. And the majority pick certain classes for mats for a reason.

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@Shao.7236 said:@"Arheundel.6451" That's it? I'm afraid not only you're ignoring the most recent patch but many more which is kinda.. Cough Biased. Cough. Also the hilarious and irrelevant double Renegade mAT, just because that seems to hold any value to you, it doesn't objectively now or later, just like the patches you mentioned for whatever reason, lazy attempt to prove some point that Revenant has never lost it's value while Ranger has been universally hated, really lol.

It'll be fairly simple to tell you no matter what pet skill you'll look at none of their CD's have been ever adjusted as most co-efficients outside the popular choice of broken skills that had people complaining (Auto attacks still not nerfed kek), nor has the most overly used utility of Ranger period, still rocking those loose 24 seconds where you never could CC lock a Ranger ever while having Pets that stack up to 4 CC's total.

Any of those skills outside CC's rocking the equivalent of current PvP Berserker stats at "BASE" not applying stats of pets, what is it that makes it so they can be immune of criticism? Because they're AI? Because they're not reliable? Nah, everyone has jank in their professions, no excuse to leave things unchanged.

Ranger alone can fight fine without a pet, having some overtuned companion by them is no excuse.

I already said they're not a problem to me but you're acting like because you can beat something that must mean it's underpowered, have you heard of skill/competence at all? Min/Max? Scale of Effort? Probably not given anything I say goes above your head and with the only same broken record "But mAT! but mAT!"

You go on ahead and try playing Core Rev for me, see how far you can make it. Oh but because I've made it above the majority which may be Rangers must mean that Ranger is weak! How can I be mistaken, Revenant is just broken and no amount of nerf will ever balance it. Delete the specialization now! Doesn't have to do with getting good, my class is broken and should be seen played in the next mAT.

I am afraid your soloQ rank and experience matters jack squat outside your personal view, people can reach platinum with a berserker staff ele if so they wish, If we'd start balance the game around the low common denominator, your favourite class would see 5x the number of nerfs it has seen up to this moment, nobody cares about your personal struggle against core rangers, games don't get balanced on emotions!

Hard data! That's what we use to balance the game, your personal experience is not real hard data...simple as that. The game should be balanced around a level where people know how to dodge, who know what they're up against.......we can't balance the game around a level where people don't even know what killed them.

You are blinded by arrogance

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