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Anet must give us an explanation about these terrible releases

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12 hours ago, yoni.7015 said:

I liked the last episode and I also like the fight. 
people like you are a bit overreacting in my opinion, maybe your expectations are unrealistic. 
i don’t see why Anet has to give us an explanation. 

To clarify as one of the "people like you"
A lot of us did like the actual gameplay part of this new content, that's largely not being criticized by most people from what I can tell.

What people are largely angry about is how the Story specifically was handled.. and how a great deal of established lore and world building over the last several years was just utterly disregarded.
Try to remember that a lot of us Gw1 players who are heavily invested in the story of this game have been waiting for around 14 years to actually fight Primordus.
That is a very very long time to wait, speaking as someone in their early 30's that's not too far off half of my lifetime..
Imo I think we're allowed to be a bit kittened off tbh lol

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I understand why it is the way it is but it doesn't make me any less disappointed. Primarily because it started off so good and Primordus literally showed up for a single episode. When you compare the beginning of Icebrood Saga to Champions it's so disappointing it hurts. It was certainly a mix of things, we don't even really get a lead into the next expansion as they have done before either. There was so much hype nd then it just fizzled out with the grind fest content. It is what it is.

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As @Teratus.2859 said, a major part of why this release is disliked is the terrible writing, disregard for lore and world buildin, etc.  And as much as the Koof can be an explanation to some of the change in quality, it doesn't justify poor writing.  A person doesn't need to show up at the office to write something, nor do they need to meet in person to collaborate on the writing.

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Looking at the recent LWS chapters releases and the total lack of communications for about a year now with regard to the next expansion, it seems like ANet is severely lack of motivations and innovations. So, don't have high hopes and don't expect EoD to be like HoT or PoF and you will be less disappointed.

Edited by Mil.3562
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I given up on pve some time ago but it dose seem we are talking about the life span of gw2 building up to this event you could even make a point that gw1 was also building up to this point. It feels like anet is simply using guild wars franchise to make some money before its comply eaten up by some other game at this point. 80ish days for the first look at an expansion they reviled some time ago. It all feels like stalling.


1 years 4 months for a major update and it all seems like it has nothing to do with the current state of the game.


Dose anet care about guild wars any more or are people putting there own feeling on what they think anet wants?

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13 hours ago, Dantert.1803 said:

People like me got really invested into the dragon story line and to get them both trashed like that was not something that was expected and was a total let down.
If they at least explain the situation in better terms than just letting us figure out what could have happened then I know some people would be more well versed to invest in the game once more but from my perspective the Covid situation is not an excuse, they made bad decisions one after the other, it feels like the Anet team has no real direction on the project. If they are willing to trash such an important part of the lore just because the timeline changed how can we expect something better for EoD? Who says that now they are taking their time and giving us a good fulfilling and polished experienced with the expansion?

Where as people like me were deathly tired of the dragon story line and happy to see it wrap up faster. 

Before Guild Wars 2 I played Rift, which centered around Dragons and Skyrim which centered around Dragons. There  is more to fantasy than just a bunch of dragons.  I actually was very happy when Palawa Joko was the target of our ire, because Dragons no longer do it for me.


It's true you may be completely in love with the dragon storyline but that doesn't mean a lot of people won't be happy to see it go either.  

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ANet doesn't owe anyone an explanation for how their releases were produced, apart from their owners. If players don't like the way the series is going, ANet's best response is to make the next releases better. Explanations to their players won't fix anything.

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7 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Where as people like me were deathly tired of the dragon story line and happy to see it wrap up faster. 

Before Guild Wars 2 I played Rift, which centered around Dragons and Skyrim which centered around Dragons. There  is more to fantasy than just a bunch of dragons.  I actually was very happy when Palawa Joko was the target of our ire, because Dragons no longer do it for me.


It's true you may be completely in love with the dragon storyline but that doesn't mean a lot of people won't be happy to see it go either.  

Even the faster wrap-up could have been okay-ish if we got there... consistently(?) instead of several hardly connected plot leaps that don't make much sense, don't really explain anything and half of them doesn't seem to actually matter.

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28 minutes ago, Ben K.6238 said:

ANet doesn't owe anyone an explanation for how their releases were produced, apart from their owners. If players don't like the way the series is going, ANet's best response is to make the next releases better. Explanations to their players won't fix anything.


Wrong. For starters, it would 'fix' their reputation....

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Just now, Mortifera.6138 said:


You don't see how apologizing for their screw-up and promising a better follow-up would help fix their reputation?

I've seen this too many times before to believe that such words would fix it. Saying "we'll do better next time" and going on to make more (but different!) mistakes just makes player communities even more cynical.

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31 minutes ago, anninke.7469 said:

Even the faster wrap-up could have been okay-ish if we got there... consistently(?) instead of several hardly connected plot leaps that don't make much sense, don't really explain anything and half of them doesn't seem to actually matter.

I sort of made sense of the whole thing, not sure what your specific issue is, but for a person following it casually I followed it fine, i sort of knew where it was going and it went there.  Shrugs.

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Just now, Mortifera.6138 said:


You don't see how apologizing for their screw-up and promising a better follow-up would help fix their reputation?

Frankly, no promises would help at this stage. Firstly - the last batch of promises just got broken and stomped upon, secondly - the future stuff might even be good, or even great, but it won't fix the spoiled stuff.  Anet folks are not exactly known for going back and fixing old stuff (story-wise). 

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2 minutes ago, Ben K.6238 said:

I've seen this too many times before to believe that such words would fix it. Saying "we'll do better next time" and going on to make more (but different!) mistakes just makes player communities even more cynical.

They'll make mistake B and C regardless of whether or not they fix A. At least by fixing A, they'll have some goodwill.

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I don't care about explanations, I just hope that the expansion will have the content properly developed since we got this "living saga", and even if someone is still defending its finale, we all know that content and story-wise it's not far from some of the LS1 releases...

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3 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

I sort of made sense of the whole thing, not sure what your specific issue is, but for a person following it casually I followed it fine, i sort of knew where it was going and it went there.  Shrugs.

Some things others have already mentioned - like why is it now okay to terminate two elder dragons when before even one was a big no-no, or more importantly why wasn't it at least discussed by the characters. Then all the friendly factions we were getting together that seemed to have no real relevance in the end and felt more like cheap fan service than anything else. Same with some characters presence. I like Canach but him being there made no sense, he just "happened" to be there and then was gone. Smells of "hey, people like Canach, shove him in to shut them up". And then there's bunch of my personal little grudges like what they did to Laranthir (I've been quite bitter about it for some time and I guess I will be for some time more).

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Tbh kinda liked the last episode. 


Its a fun fight. It looks cool and has a really nice cutscene. Think it's a good ending part. Don't really see the problem. 


Yes they want to get over the dragons so they can look at things new and sure 2 dragons died in the fight. But it was a cool fight from a gameplay pov. 


As far as lore and stories concerned. I'd never choose a mmorpg to invest in story with, the story produced In mmorpgs is so bad comparitively to single players it's not even in the same ball park. 

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My biggest issue with all of this is that i have the feeling EoD will suffer exact from the same problems as the saga. I'm really afraid they release a rusehd out expansion. Imo the actual circumstances at ANet will not change to the better soon. The EoD anouncment felt like out of nowehre and more forced then planned.

For me the sadest thing is that the charakter writing and personality of Jormag have had so much potential. Since Joko i wasn't as interested in an story charakter and how he will develop. I was hoping for a better culminating payoff/climax at the end.

On the positive side i hope with EoD GW2 get rid of the dragons as primary counter part/villain. Maybe they can use this for a turn around by introducing a more interesting story telling and development of story relevant pernonalitys.

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1 hour ago, anninke.7469 said:

Some things others have already mentioned - like why is it now okay to terminate two elder dragons when before even one was a big no-no, or more importantly why wasn't it at least discussed by the characters. Then all the friendly factions we were getting together that seemed to have no real relevance in the end and felt more like cheap fan service than anything else. Same with some characters presence. I like Canach but him being there made no sense, he just "happened" to be there and then was gone. Smells of "hey, people like Canach, shove him in to shut them up". And then there's bunch of my personal little grudges like what they did to Laranthir (I've been quite bitter about it for some time and I guess I will be for some time more).

We've been hearing about these dragons and their minions for a long time. Saying that neither Jormag nor Primordus caused problems for anyone is a bit rich.  Minions of Primordus were causing problems all the back in Guild Wars 1 when destroyers overran the Asuran gate network 250 years ago and forced Asurans to the surface.

Jormag killed a spirt of the wild and drove the norn out of their ancestal homeland. 

We can kill the dragons now, because Aurene has gained the ability to take on that energy without it corrupting her the way it did Kralkatorrik. She's something new.  It's been discussed but maybe you missed that bit. Since the end of Season 4 when Aurene transformed no one has said a word about not being able to kill an elder dragon. 

Canach is a free spirit who shows up when he's needed sometimes. Putting in the story fits his sudden arrivals and departures. He comes to help sometimes, even if he's not part of our guild.  Presumably he does other stuff as well.


Whatever your little grudges are, that's what they are little grudges. The general story seems pretty okay to me.  If you don't like people showing up randomly and not hanging around (particularly if they already said they don't want to be in the guild but they don't mind helping sometimes), I'm not sure what to tell you but it's it feels more like you're looking to nitpick because you don't like the story. 

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I think it's unfortunate but I'm not really surprised it happened.

If Icebrood Saga had been done according to the vision, Champions would've looked like 4-8 new episodes.
This is the video game equivalent of the half-drawn horse meme.

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I understand that maybe Anet did not have enough resources to properly produce IBS. 


But c'mon man, don't kill TWO elder dragons in just 20 mins. Especially PRIMORDUS!! The GuildWars 2 Universe exists due to the awakening of Primordus. How can you just kill him off like that? Postpone the saga... they magically disappear or something I don't know. 


There should of been some decency, and respect to the lore. Elderdragons shouldn't have an ending like that.


I too feel totally disappointed from this episode, coming from the GW1 universe, you see the lore that you loved so much, falling in to bits.

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