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Bring Back Polymock!

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I don't know if this topic has been made before, I haven't seen it myself, but I'd venture a guess that it probably has, but please bring back Polymock from Guild Wars 1! Polymock was one of the most fun mini-games in Guild Wars. For those who haven't played Guild Wars 1 or are unfamiliar with Polymock, you gather little Polymock pieces that resemble Chess Pieces. Each piece resembles a creature. Then you choose three of them, and battle them against an opponent. Sort of like a Pokemon Battle.


You already have the Polymock Arenas in game, so why not bring the game back too? I recall having quite a bit of fun with it; gathering and winning pieces, playing against AI opponents and winning new pieces, etc. I can only speak for myself, but I think a lot of people would enjoy Polymock.

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2 hours ago, LucianDK.8615 said:

I think that ended up like Sab, abandoned. Just that single hint of it left in the world.

The sad thing is that Polymock is one several activities that was planned for the game and was abandoned. DR was supposed to have a bar brawl and shooting gallery, and while there is in game mention of them, they never came to be. I want them to finish some of these abandoned products.

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  • 1 year later...
44 minutes ago, TheQuickFox.3826 said:


While true and probably even my opinion, one can add this line under every single request.

Perhaps the best way to state that one is not interested in a certain suggestion is by not posting in it.

But if nothing is posted then nothing is stated. So if one wants to state that they're not interested they have to post said disinterest.

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17 minutes ago, lokh.2695 said:

But if nothing is posted then nothing is stated. So if one wants to state that they're not interested they have to post said disinterest.

Those phrases can be copy/pasted under everything and do not even require reading the topic/text at all. So you are not just showing your discontent, you also show that you are not even interested in the discussion. Which demands the question why you even bothered with the topic in the first place.
@ topic: I would not mind an additional minigame. We had a few threads about this topic before, where we have even discussed options 'how to make it work in GW2'. So I am curious how they would actually do it.

Edited by HnRkLnXqZ.1870
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2 minutes ago, HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

Those phrases can be copy/pasted under everything and do not even require reading the topic/text at all. So you are not just showing your discontent, you also show that you are not even interested in the discussion. Which demands the question why you even bothered with the topic in the first place.

This is untrue.  I do read the topic/text and voice my opinion that I would prefer that Anet's limited resources to not be spent on the suggestion or proposal.

Do not think to know me.

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On 5/13/2021 at 11:46 PM, Keitaro Dragonheart.9047 said:

Right, which was why I said "bring it back from Guild Wars 1".

I did understand exactly what you meant - probably every GW1 player out there do. For someone who didn't play GW1 it may sound strange.

I too loved polymock and would love to see it here as well. I was for sure the best minigame i've seen in the GW universe so far.

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