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Login Rewards, Multiboxing, and Bots

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15 hours ago, Substance E.4852 said:

Just because something is verboten on paper doesn't magically translate into real action

Even more so when Anet either doesn't know about the issue or appears to be ignoring it

It took explicit demanding from the community just to get them to finally put a stop to people teleport farming Dragon's Stand for keys

If everyone just went "Oh well, it's against the ToS so Anet will stop them" and left it at that, they'd still be there, bouncing around, getting effortless map completion BLC keys

Not sure why I'm quoted and your responding like I'm advocating against doing something about breaking ToS but ok. Also you mention the community having to rally up to get anet to do something, but that literally took years for anet to get around to the DS thing. They haven't fixed the gates and port issues in wvw that people have been complaining about since the start of the game. There are bots in spvp and pve that have been around since PoF still chugging right along and that people have been widely scrutinizing anet for leaving alone. At some point you give up jumping up and down over everything. I never said other people shouldn't, in fact I said to report something if it's against ToS, I'm just not gonna get bent out of shape to do more personally.

Edited by Jwake.7013
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4 hours ago, Danger Ferret.6342 said:

There are probably different rules for addressing dog bites and attacks depending where you live. For instance, where I live, you can shoot a dog if you feel it is a threat to yours or your pet's safety even if it doesn't attack you. You might have to prove in civil court that it was warranted (if the owner of said dog sues you), but that's about it. I'm not advocating running around shooting Fifi or anything. Just saying those laws vary greatly from place to place.


Also, the multiple account thing puzzles me. I've often wondered why people buy multiple accounts since so many ingame rewards are account-wide, and also since then you have to buy everything (potentially) multiple times. It never occurred to me that some people see that as a financial advantage over players with single accounts.


I still don't get it, but like you, I dislike a sytem-wide crackdown on legitimate players to discourage some people from misusing the system. There will always be people trying to manipulate any gaming system to their advantage, with a small portion of them really misusing it to do so. Extending this notion forward, if every illegitimate account use was dealt with this way, would there be anything left of GW2 besides a warning button and a legal disclaimer?

No doubt there are different laws for different places. Generally, though, it has to be a genuine threat or a possibility for it. If somebody shoots a dog simply because it bit somebody, that person is going to be in trouble. And regardless of laws, joking about shooting a dog for a bite is in very poor taste, and being seriously about shooting a dog is an awful overreaction.


The biggest draw of multiple accounts is the log-in rewards, which lead to Mystic Coins and Laurels (to purchase medium/heavy crafting bags). You can sell them or save them to make legendaries. For players who do not enjoy farming, this is one of the best things to do on a daily time gate, in terms of time spent vs rewards. You also get more characters for other time gates (JP's, gathering nodes, crafting, key farmer, etc.), but these aren't that worth the time and reward, IMO.


The caveat is that, unlike simply buying gems, you need to use your extra accounts on a daily basis for months before you can start making profit. I don't know the current prices, but it takes somewhere between 6~12 months to break even if you log in every day. It's more work than some players realize and many regret buying multiple accounts.

Edited by BlueJin.4127
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3 hours ago, JustTrogdor.7892 said:


I think most everyone here knows that already.   Why I think this issue has come up a few times is there has been a fair amount of chatter recently about people with many alt accounts just for login rewards.  I think I saw where a streamer brought the issue up with examples recently.    If you can buy an account on sale the rewards via mystic coins and converting laurels to mats then selling them on the TP does pay for itself in a fair amount of time instead of buying gems and converting to gold.

If they paid their alt accounts, there is nothing wrong with login rewards imo.  

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5 minutes ago, Raizel.1839 said:

If they paid their alt accounts, there is nothing wrong with login rewards imo.  

Yeah I already said I don't have a problem with it a few posts up.   It seems to have gotten some extra attention from a few people recently due to I guess a streamer discussing having many alt accounts for login rewards.   No one seemed to care about it a few months ago. 



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9 minutes ago, Raizel.1839 said:

If they paid their alt accounts, there is nothing wrong with login rewards imo.  

This is a pretty old MMO with lots of 2nd hand accounts left by players in who quit the game in other forums. And you don't even need the expansion to access the trading post.

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43 minutes ago, BlueJin.4127 said:

No doubt there are different laws for different places. Generally, though, it has to be a genuine threat or a possibility for it. If somebody shoots a dog simply because it bit somebody, that person is going to be in trouble. And regardless of laws, joking about shooting a dog for a bite is in very poor taste, and being seriously about shooting a dog is an awful overreaction.


The biggest draw of multiple accounts is the log-in rewards, which lead to Mystic Coins and Laurels (to purchase medium/heavy crafting bags). You can sell them or save them to make legendaries. For players who do not enjoy farming, this is one of the best things to do on a daily time gate, in terms of time spent vs rewards. You also get more characters for other time gates (JP's, gathering nodes, crafting, key farmer, etc.), but these aren't that worth the time and reward, IMO.


The caveat is that, unlike simply buying gems, you need to use your extra accounts on a daily basis for months before you can start making profit. I don't know the current prices, but it takes somewhere between 6~12 months to break even if you log in every day. It's more work than some players realize and many regret buying multiple accounts.

oh, ok. Well, I can't bring myself to have a reaction to a hypothetical dog shooting, but thanks for the perspective.


As to the rest, it doesn't seem like anything inherent in multiple accounts is giving any player an advantage they didn't buy, if it turns out to be an advantage at all. I can see the objection against multi-boxing purely on the grounds that maps fill up with non-participants who then prevent players from joining, but that seems to be a somewhat separate issue from just having multiple accounts in the first place.


Thanks again for the input 🙂

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1 hour ago, JustTrogdor.7892 said:

Yeah I already said I don't have a problem with it a few posts up.   It seems to have gotten some extra attention from a few people recently due to I guess a streamer discussing having many alt accounts for login rewards.   No one seemed to care about it a few months ago. 



Yeah you're right, it's the typical situation of nowadays. On average, people can't think on their own anymore and whenever a so-called "influencer" says something, they blindly follow whatever thing he said, even if they never cared before on the subject.

Edited by Raizel.1839
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4 hours ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

I'm not even sure how Anet could police multiple accounts. Different account names, different email addresses, nothing up front prevents multiple accounts being created.


You can have multiple people playing from the same house, and thus the same internet. That happens when my brother comes for a visit, and could happen with my daughter as well.


I agree multiple AFKers is not a good thing, but you don't need multiple accounts for that. AFK is the issue, not accounts.

Evidently ArenaNet does have the means to know all accounts that are associated to one player, as they will often ban all accounts belonging to said player if warranted.

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10 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Evidently ArenaNet does have the means to know all accounts that are associated to one player, as they will often ban all accounts belonging to said player if warranted.

I would assume something in Anet's code captures MAC addresses. Though I suppose those could be faked.

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On 6/7/2021 at 9:56 PM, JustTrogdor.7892 said:

Yeah I already said I don't have a problem with it a few posts up.   It seems to have gotten some extra attention from a few people recently due to I guess a streamer discussing having many alt accounts for login rewards.   No one seemed to care about it a few months ago.

I'm not sure what streamer you talk about, but wasn't it the person that later was found out to be using duplicate item exploits as a real source of their in-game wealth, and used multiple accounts only as a smoke screen?

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51 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

I'm not sure what streamer you talk about, but wasn't it the person that later was found out to be using duplicate item exploits as a real source of their in-game wealth, and used multiple accounts only as a smoke screen?


That was a completely separate issue where someone was allegedly duping expensive items like infusions and not the same person I'm referring to..


I had to look it up because I couldn't remember who it was that streamed about alt accounts, but I found it was Mighty Teapot talking about multiple accounts for login rewards.  He made a video a few weeks ago you can find on his YouTube page about using 40 accounts and how much gold he made just from the login rewards.


Again I don't have a problem with people having multiple accounts for login rewards.  I have just noticed more discussion about it recently that I'm guessing is related to that stream.  Edit:  Oh, an upon review that video is mentioned by the OP in their complaint.  I totally forgot that I guess. 🙂

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On 6/6/2021 at 12:13 AM, Jorrak Brutus.2850 said:

The one I feel will get me attacked the most is the Login Rewards, I don't actually want them removed. However, I'd like them to be placed behind the Daily Completionist, as it would slow that farm down tremendously, and wouldn't bother the people who actually play the game.

Yeah, that will be so great if all multiboxing players will put their accounts in PVP till they got the daily reward and the login reward there without doing anything. I'm sure that the PVP modus will thrive to new highs, if it is spammed with even more AFK reward farmers. That is all the PVP players begging more, right?

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  • 7 months later...
8 hours ago, Garathorn the Brave.3162 said:


You can currently buy the Heroic edition @ £2.84 / account as a one-off cost that will net you 77g/month as long as you log in each day... takes less than  aminute once set up.
https://www.kinguin.net/category/101995/guild-wars-2-heroic-edition-5-amazon-prime-gaming-cd-key  You can also use thankyou10 as a 10% discount code!


1000 gems = aprox £10 and you can get 180g from the gem exchange for those.

This equates to just over 2 months daily login rewards from a single account but it's a one-off hit for your money.


I have 10 accounts.  I log in using LaunchBuddy each day (takes 5 mins to do the lot) and then I close each account and just play my main.  I'm making nearly 800g / month for around 5 minutes/day plus whatever I make during my 2-3 hours per week on my main account.


It's definitely worth doing. 😄

Most likely the keys will be fine and just from the amazon prime giveaway. But you can't be guarenteed anything when buying from a reseller not verified.

I wouldn't promote it here. Not very classy. We should encourage to buy on either Guild Wars 2 website or verified resellers.

Fine if you don't, but keep it to yourself imo.

And yeah, the site gives you the option to purchase buyer protection as an option, translating to "If you don't and you get screwed, you're screwed."

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8 hours ago, jokke.6239 said:

Most likely the keys will be fine and just from the amazon prime giveaway. But you can't be guarenteed anything when buying from a reseller not verified.

I wouldn't promote it here. Not very classy. We should encourage to buy on either Guild Wars 2 website or verified resellers.

Fine if you don't, but keep it to yourself imo.

And yeah, the site gives you the option to purchase buyer protection as an option, translating to "If you don't and you get screwed, you're screwed."


Bought 5 this morning and all working fine.  I don't have a problem with others benefitting as well.  I'm nice like that 😉 

Arenanet will get money from selling these codes anyway... just at a lower mark-up so it's a win-win-win imo.

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On 6/5/2021 at 7:13 PM, Jorrak Brutus.2850 said:

The one I feel will get me attacked the most is the Login Rewards, I don't actually want them removed. However, I'd like them to be placed behind the Daily Completionist, as it would slow that farm down tremendously, and wouldn't bother the people who actually play the game.

This part I strongly disagree with.

I play the game, even play it nearly daily, but I have a limited amount of time for that I don't enjoy spending that time doing a chore list. I only do dailies if they are already close to what I wanted to do anyway, and I don't want to go out of my way to do dailies.

I agree with everything else, though.

Edited by Ellye.9123
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On 6/5/2021 at 6:39 PM, Jwake.7013 said:

The bot thing I get, the "Login Rewards with that as you get an insane amount of gold." There are many faster and cheaper ways to make gold, that video is more a, "if your lazy and don't mind spending cash" way to make gold.

You understand the only way to get more accounts with log in rewards is by buying them right? Free accounts wont give them. That's a very expensive way to make gold

Over time its really not that expensive, and its a pretty nice profit for doing nothing but logging into another account once a day.


If you bought a second copy of EoD it would cost $30, which is worth 2,400 gems. With the current purchase rate, that is ~730 gold worth of gems.


And on that second account if you just login every day for the 10 seconds it takes to get your daily login reward, you would get ~34 gold worth of mystic coins and ~20 gold worth of laurels (if you use them to buy light crafting bags and sell them). Even rounding down to 50 gold / month worth of login rewards, you would have your investment paid off in a little over a year.


Yea there are better ways to get gold, much better. But considering that this one requires no effort, and it only gets more valuable the longer you play, this is a pretty kitten good way to earn a ton of gold in the game for no effort at all

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