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Can't Wait to Comeback to GW2

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For those who have been affected by the covid situation, knows what I'm talking about.


I can't wait to comeback to GW2.


Well, After being unemployed for almost a year, and being fired from a job already due to the crisis, I hope this time this job will last me long enough to buy a new computer, or fix my broken laptop.

Mine died just over a year ago, and that's how long it's been since I played GW.


Will be Buying a few more character slots, etc...


I've been in a new job for a week, so hopefully this time I'll work long enough for a new machine.

Hopefully I can resume the IBS where I left off, soon.


Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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You may want to look into threapy instead. A game as a purpose in life is not necessarily the healthiest. The same applies to a partnership, by the way. Of course there are people who sacrifice everything for a partnership, but healthy partnerships are those where everyone can do his own thing and you are not dependent on each other.

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Please consider talking to a therapist, you might find it helps a lot.  The game is not your identity, it's a hobby.  Finding a partner is not a solution, as you seen to be doubting your self worth.  Being out of work and then not being able to enjoy your hobbies takes an emotional toll.  But you are not this moment, not these things. 


Find your footing, regain your confidence, you're a beautiful and worthwhile person and you will have a lot of happiness ahead.  We've all been there and we go through it periodically in life.  You're reaching on on forums, and that's ok, but also take this time for introspection and working on developing who you are as a person.  And please, talk to someone in real life, many have sliding scale payments or even free community services that can help.  

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So sorry you're experiencing this level of pain. As someone who is also single and feels/felt particularly cutoff during quarantine, I know how important it is to have a pastime to occupy the mind and generally improve quality of life in these kinds of situations, and how they are felt even more deeply when you can't take advantage of them.


My wish for you is that you find an activity you enjoy to take up those free brain cycles until such time as you can make your way back to Tyria. I promise it will be there waiting for you.

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I got let go at my previous woodmill when covid started to heighten and decided to get a new job after like a week. I couldn't live on unemployment like my friends who were making more than they were at work, don't let the virus control your life lol. By the way I'm healthier than ever, I even got clean after being an alcoholic for 15 years. Wallowing in depression is a self fulfilling prophecy. I say F the virus , yolo bro

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2 hours ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

You may want to look into threapy instead. A game as a purpose in life is not necessarily the healthiest. The same applies to a partnership, by the way. Of course there are people who sacrifice everything for a partnership, but healthy partnerships are those where everyone can do his own thing and you are not dependent on each other.

How can I put this in the best way possible?

Telling someone who you don't know from adam to go to therapy is insulting to say the least.

I'm not going too deep in a public game forum; but I'm a lucid mature man, so I don't need no therapy... and let's leave it at that.

I advise you next time chose your words carefully when you talk to someone you don't know.

Someone else might not take it lightly.


But here's a little extra.

GW is one of the very few things that takes my mind away from the pile of rubbish that the real world has come to these days.


On the brighter side, when do you get to slay dragons in the real world? 

Take care out there friend.

Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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Life outside your door is not all it's cracked up to be.  It's all the same were ever you go just in a different colour. And people, 99.9% of which or out to con, use or rob you. 

Narr, games are much better.  Rl is kitten.  Even the sex is better in games.

Edited by Joote.4081
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3 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

I can't live without GW2.


I've been in a new job for a week, so hopefully this time I'll work long enough for a new machine, cause this is killing me psychologically. 


Miss you GW.

Hopefully I can resume the IBS where I left off, soon.


Thanks for reading.

Yours truly.


Sounds like a love letter hah. 

Be patient, focus on work now. GW2 isn't a girl that will leave you. One month later, one year later it will be still there, waiting for you. 

Cheers and gl in work! 

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31 minutes ago, Rukasu.3097 said:

Sounds like a love letter hah. 

Be patient, focus on work now. GW2 isn't a girl that will leave you. One month later, one year later it will be still there, waiting for you. 

Cheers and gl in work! 

Kinda funny actually. 


Been there, done that.

Brought me nothing but trouble. 


How does the saying go?

"Women, they will come, and they will go."


You go out, you see the same ol' faces and the same ol' s***... everyday, day in day out.

Thank God for videogames.

Thank ANet for Guild Wars.

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6 hours ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

You may want to look into threapy instead. A game as a purpose in life is not necessarily the healthiest. The same applies to a partnership, by the way. Of course there are people who sacrifice everything for a partnership, but healthy partnerships are those where everyone can do his own thing and you are not dependent on each other.


To be fair, buying a decent computer to run this game costs aboout a thousand dollars. Therapy costs tens of thousands.


The average person can't afford proper therapy. So the best they can aim for is finding enough distractions to get them through life.

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You know this game isn't going to last forever right? It's not gonna die anytime soon but servers are going to shut down at one point or another and the game with them...


So while yeah, it sucks about your rig, hopefully you get a new one soon so you'll be able to play, but if you're physically in pain just from missing GW2 now, maybe prepare for the future when the game can no longer run, so you're prepared for it.

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Thank you all that gave positive comments.

Really appreciate your say.


GW isn't just any game.

This game managed to do what none other could.

That's why I have a special appreciation for it.

So I cannot thank ANet enough.


Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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Can't wait to welcome you back. Speaking strictly for myself, I understand the feeling of needing and wanting a sense of community. Hopefully the economy will get better and you'll be back in the game soon!

Edited by Tsakhi.8124
What is grammar? What are words?
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13 hours ago, ewenness.6482 said:


To be fair, buying a decent computer to run this game costs aboout a thousand dollars. Therapy costs tens of thousands.


The average person can't afford proper therapy. So the best they can aim for is finding enough distractions to get them through life.


Yeah i forgot that there are countrys with no real healthcare whatsoever. Always reminds me how lucky I am to live in Europe.

Still, it's sad, especially because I know the feeling.
But to each his own.

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For once this crisis had a positive effect, you missed this shameful saga, it's a gift believe me.

At least you keep a positive image of guild wars


I've been playing since the early days of guild wars 1 so for 16 years and wish I had never seen that. It was awful.

Edited by radda.8920
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43 minutes ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:


Yeah i forgot that there are countrys with no real healthcare whatsoever. Always reminds me how lucky I am to live in Europe.

Still, it's sad, especially because I know the feeling.
But to each his own.

Therapy does not cost tens of thousands so that person has no idea what he’s talking about.  But I agree with what you’re saying and about the OP.


Just reading his responses here is odd to say the least.

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21 hours ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

You may want to look into threapy instead. A game as a purpose in life is not necessarily the healthiest.


Uhm... while I agree that sharing that much private information on a gaming forum is inappropriate, I can't find any hint to what you are implying in the OP. To me, they simply sound very excited to be able to play their favorite game again.


21 hours ago, Ravenous.7281 said:

Work hard and well


Pfft. Just doing your job properly is good enough. One has to look after oneself's well-being in the first place. A job should never be the only purpose in life, unless it's not just a job but your absolute passion and thereby a source of joy. So no need to tell someone to "work extra hard", really. I'm sure most people are already giving their best.


22 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Hopefully I can resume the IBS where I left off, soon.


Did you have a question as well or were you just sharing your story?


Speaking of which, you might not find much joy in the rest of the IBS. Just a well meant warning. 😉


Edited by Ashantara.8731
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32 minutes ago, phokus.8934 said:

Therapy does not cost tens of thousands so that person has no idea what he’s talking about.  But I agree with what you’re saying and about the OP.


Just reading his responses here is odd to say the least.


I found the respones more sad :/. But yeah, his respones didn't surprise me. Selfreflection is really hard uu.  And I mean that honestly and in no sarcastic tone or anything. 


18 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:


Uhm... while I agree that sharing that much private information on a gaming forum is inappropriate, I can't find any hint to what you are implying in the OP. To me, they simply sound very excited to be able to play their favorite game again.



Pfft. Just doing your job properly is good enough. One has to look after oneself's well-being in the first place. A job should never be the only purpose in life, unless it's not just a job but your absolute passion and thereby a source of joy. So no need to tell someone to "work extra hard", really. I'm sure most people are already giving their best.



Did you have a question as well or were you just sharing your story?


Speaking of which, you might not find much joy in the rest of the IBS. Just a well meant warning. 😉



You did see that he editited his post and the Title of this thread?


I can't live without GW2.


I've been in a new job for a week, so hopefully this time I'll work long enough for a new machine, cause this is killing me psychologically. 


Miss you GW.

Hopefully I can resume the IBS where I left off, soon.


Thanks for reading.

Yours truly."

This was the original. And when you not see the problem with this, than ... yeah ... uff

Edited by Fuchslein.8639
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23 hours ago, Danger Ferret.6342 said:

So sorry you're experiencing this level of pain. As someone who is also single and feels/felt particularly cutoff during quarantine, I know how important it is to have a pastime to occupy the mind and generally improve quality of life in these kinds of situations, and how they are felt even more deeply when you can't take advantage of them.


My wish for you is that you find an activity you enjoy to take up those free brain cycles until such time as you can make your way back to Tyria. I promise it will be there waiting for you.



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23 hours ago, Rukia.4802 said:

I got let go at my previous woodmill when covid started to heighten and decided to get a new job after like a week. I couldn't live on unemployment like my friends who were making more than they were at work, don't let the virus control your life lol. By the way I'm healthier than ever, I even got clean after being an alcoholic for 15 years. Wallowing in depression is a self fulfilling prophecy. I say F the virus , yolo bro


Nasty virus messed everything up.

Unfortunately to us hard working people... we have no trust funds or inherited fortunes. 

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