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After 8 years, I noticed there are no birds in the sky.

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12 hours ago, medivh.4725 said:

Yea but then gardens should have butterflies, trees should have squirrels, list keeps going

One thing that's clear when exploring any GW2 map is that Anet care about niche details in their map design.

Having birds in the sky seems like a really weird thing to forget. It affects every single map, since the sky isn't going anywhere.

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It doesn't affect every single map because, as discussed earlier in this thread, many of them do have birds flying around but it does seem odd for them to be missing from some places which should have them, like Queensdale.


Some maps I could understand not having birds, like Orr which is supposed to be almost entirely devoid of life (except the Pact invasion force) but if it's a fairly natural environment and there's other types of ambient life there should be birds too.

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  • 3 weeks later...

There are plenty of birds in the guild halls.

Lost Precipice has a ton flying around making a racket, squawking etc.

And the Guild Hall from Path of Fire (forget it's name atm) has lots of birds flying around. It even has a really cool spot where all these colourful birds are perched on a candelabra in the jumping puzzle area. 


There are lots of birds, you just have to look up.  

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