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Few years ago, after crafted Aurora, I thought I won't come back to Ember's Bay and Draconis Mons JPs

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Honestly I like the idea that you have to do stuff every week for 24 weeks which will most likely end upon EoD release and for once the rewards are really worth the trouble.

The only downside to it is that the achievements are kinda meh in general, id love a more grindier aspect or better rewards within the smaller meta achievements (granted 9 mc is big, but aside of that) but its a cool idea, maybe bad implemented 😄

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5 hours ago, Vindicate.6951 said:

Honestly I like the idea that you have to do stuff every week for 24 weeks which will most likely end upon EoD release and for once the rewards are really worth the trouble.

The only downside to it is that the achievements are kinda meh in general, id love a more grindier aspect or better rewards within the smaller meta achievements (granted 9 mc is big, but aside of that) but its a cool idea, maybe bad implemented 😄

You do not have to finish all new achievements every week, they are permanent and simply rotate out of the "Bonus Events" section of the achievement panel.

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13 hours ago, Katary.7096 said:

You do not have to finish all new achievements every week, they are permanent and simply rotate out of the "Bonus Events" section of the achievement panel.

Well yeah they will remain forever but if you drop the game for 6 months and then get back to it, feel free to be overwhelmed so I prefer being up to date and stick to the game somewhat 😄

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On 6/16/2021 at 6:16 PM, QuirkyDM.2351 said:

Well, this is supposed to be a legendary amulet.

There's nothing legendary about Chalice of tears. It's just an example of annoyingly bad design.




On 6/16/2021 at 6:16 PM, QuirkyDM.2351 said:

The requirements to get it so far have been ridiculously easy. Even the runaround jumping puzzle is fairly simple, just time consuming. I had done it twice before withwithout mounts. With mounts now, it was trivial.

Retrospective Runaround indeed is easy. Chalice of tears on the other hand is a painful case of guessing which pixel will hold your weight and which won't. Unfortunately, quite often you can't just reason that out, because it has absolutely nothing to do with how they look like. So, you have to check first to realize that this completely flat surface that looks like an obvious choice to land is apparently not flat at all, while it's that vertical spike near it that is the place you should have been jumping to. There's exactly zero fun to be had from doing that - and, while i won;t be surprised if Anet decides to use it for achievements for that legendary amulet, i will definitely be mightlily disappointed if that happens. because that would show they don't really understand their player community at all.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Having done it twice all by myself in the past, not enjoying it one bit, I set out with my position rewinder to bite the bullet once again. The place was alight with mesmer portals though and those looked like a nice cookie instead of a bullet. I used a few and it was over. No regrets.

Edited by Manasa Devi.7958
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I remember mentioning at some point in the last month that i won't be surprised if Anet will include that JP in achievements, but i will be disappointed.

I ended up being even more disappointed than i thought i would be. I have just forgotten how baddly designed that JP is - this day has reminded me of it.

Someone at Anet obviously still doesn't understand their community. Which is kind of worrying.


Edit, oh, they even merged this thread with the one where i said that.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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1 hour ago, TheAgedGnome.7520 said:

Whoever at ANet thought including Chalice of Tears as a requirement for Return to Ember Bay was a good idea is kittened in the head. What a kitten way to ruin a gaming experience.

Agreed! Just finished doing the JP (yet again!) after swearing to never, ever do it again. So... thank you ANet. I did it... again. No... it was NOT fun. No... I did not enjoy doing it AGAIN. I wanted to get the cheevo, so I swallowed that bitter pill and got it over with.

Someone should remind ANet that games are supposed to be fun. This JP was always the gaming equivalent of walking on broken glass. I'm pretty good at JPs, to the point that my GW2 friends can't believe I enjoy them so much. But even I loath this particular JP with a passion that would melt mountains and extinguish suns. Forcing players do it again... seriously? Unlike other JPs, there's no sense of joy after finishing it , just relief that it's over. Punishing players is not a great business model. 

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After reading most woeful comments and paragraphs of tears about this jp, I thought maybe i should give it a try myself without using other Mesmer's portals and do the jp myself... Used tekkit's guide(youtube video) and used a Mesmer character with signet of inspiration for the swiftness boon coz without swiftness a few jumping spots are unreachable... The jp is not bad as it sounds... I did use the skill "jaunt" on a certain spot where I'm sposed to glide around reach a spot, it made me feel guilty but other than that, you have no trouble in doing the jp alone. I completed the jp and i felt it's moderately difficult ... But I still have some complaints about the 1pixel footings in the jp... Not a good thing at all.. visually the footing spot doesn't look like a footing spot but u must stand on such invisible 1pixel footing spots to progress further... That in my opinion is a very ugly bad design.. or maybe we aren't using the path the developers designed for us to take and progress...and using some other twisted path? Idk

Edited by Crystal Paladin.3871
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6 minutes ago, The Boz.2038 said:



rofl, even

C'mon, try using a Mesmer character and try doing it yourself... U'll see I was right afterall... Mesmer is a hard carry here...


A few more suggestions... Do not attempt this jp with any other race other than human and asura... Especially not with a charr... 

Edited by Crystal Paladin.3871
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1 hour ago, The Boz.2038 said:

I did it on a necro (yay for position rewinder without a position rewinder!). It's an entirely kitten design of a puzzle. Mesmer wasn't the point. Tekkit's was the point. Lol.

When I mentioned Mesmer is hard carry, it is .. position rewinder is 30 secs leeway time... Mesmer portal entre 60 secs...


And what's the issue with tekkit video guide? Idk is it super easy? Or hard?

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2 minutes ago, radda.8920 said:

Best living story map ever with draconis mons and jahai. 

Draconis is a cool map I agree but jahai? Idk... Except for a few nice things like:

1) we can go uweeee on a tornado, and

2) anomaly areas of forest and the mushroom spores area


Other than these 2 areas, everything looks so dryyyyy and brand scorched nothing will give you a burst of energy by looking at them... Instead those dry maps starting from POF, sucks your energy and enthusiasm as soon as you enter the map 😒

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31 minutes ago, Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

Draconis is a cool map I agree but jahai? Idk... Except for a few nice things like:

1) we can go uweeee on a tornado, and

2) anomaly areas of forest and the mushroom spores area


Other than these 2 areas, everything looks so dryyyyy and brand scorched nothing will give you a burst of energy by looking at them... Instead those dry maps starting from POF, sucks your energy and enthusiasm as soon as you enter the map 😒

I think the fact that this is the area of elona that most closely resembles guild wars 1 matters a lot for me


And as an achievements collector I really enjoyed it tremendously. In particular those to build the refuge and the anomaly of the tree. 

Good lore, amazing environment, always something to do. 


 I don't think I'm the only one, this is one of the updates that had the best feedback / comments

Edited by radda.8920
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On 6/17/2021 at 1:23 AM, Danikat.8537 said:

Don't forget legendaries have identical stats to ascended and we know nothing about what this one will look like.


If you really don't want to do the jumping puzzles (or if anyone doesn't want to do any part of the process) the 'work around' is to use ascended amulets instead. If you use the Blood Ruby Pendant from Bloodstone Fen or the Mist Pendant from WvW you can even change the stats for a small cost.

Or Asgeir's amulet - because is there anyone who DOESN'T have more eternal ice shards than they know what to do with?

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haha, have to agree I can't believe they actually included this JP in the meta achievement.


I suffered my way though it on my mesmer using TaCo, plus Rewinder and portals as mini checkpoints before awkward jumps. Once finished I then with the help of a guildmate who teleported to me at the chest, TP'd 3 more characters to him (mesmer and 2 thieves) to get them up the volcano for the express purpose of gliding them down to strategic points so I could provide shortcuts to reach all the geysers after geyser 2 with almost no jumping and just a little gliding to do. With cooldowns it takes about 5 minutes to get them up there from geyser 2 (since portal cooldowns don't reset when log between characters) . I have a feeling those characters are going to be parked for a while. I'll certainly be spending some time tonight sat in the map and offering taxi though the JP xD

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39 minutes ago, Hemi.5267 said:

Take advantage of the many mesmers atm. It took me 20 min following a helpfull mesmer. Key is to do it now and not wait.

There were no mesmers when i was attempting it (well, besides me).


Seriously, i was using Taco with tekkit guide, frequently used portal as backup, and it still was painful. And it was not the jumpls/glides that looked difficult that was a problem. It was all those seemingly easy and small jumps where you had to jump from a precise spot and/or land on specific pixel (or slide down), without anything actually telling you that precise spot. I mean, tekkit's guilde is great, but it's not that kind of precise - and even if it was, it's not like most people are that precise with their jumps. I know that i'm not - and i am good enough that most JPs in that game (including the infamous aether one) are not a problem for me.


This one just suffers from an abundance of bad designs. It's probably okay as a completely side content, but putting it into any meta needed for something else than just that one, single achievement is a ver, very very bad decision on part of Anet.


Notice, btw, how most posts that say that it was "not that bad", also mention Tekkit and/or friendly mesmers. Now imagine someone doing it without tekkit, a month from now. It might just be enough for such a person to stop them from doing the whole metaachieve (because there's no leeway here, if they won't be able to do this one, there's no point continuing)


Anet again shows they do not understand their own community. They are interested/listening to only a very small part of it.

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29 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:



Anet again shows they do not understand their own community. They are interested/listening to only a very small part of it.

This seems like a little hyperbolic. I personally do not particularly like JPs but i understand their place in the game. I look at this more like the gift of battle, these achievements are their to make people try different things. Ontop of the fact that while it sucks to not complete the meta achievement, their are lots of different rewards you will get without finishing the ember bay and draconis mons metas. 

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