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Longbow could use an update/revision.


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Just to point out but I'm a lot of media rangers uses a variety of weapons and don't predominantly use "range"...I wouldn't say 99%...but hey exaggeration to make a point I get it.  I mean Aragorn from LotR is considered a ranger. His kit and weight of armour is almost identical to that of ranger in this game,  medium armour, swords, daggers, bows. 


If the class was called Archer you would have a point. 


The one deciding ranger is a range class instead of what it is, a ranger, is you. 

Edited by Sigmoid.7082
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36 minutes ago, xDuckYx.4920 said:

And i said in 99% of all GAMES and MOVIES rangers are archers and than you come up with real life crap because the "other" facts that rangers are no range class what peoples here are saying are not true at all only because rangers are no archers in THIS GAME

Nobody cares "what it is in another game or movie", this is not another game or movie. Words have meaning, so does the word "ranger". The fact it doesn't fit one of the narrow definitions you chose for yourself doesn't change anything. You advised people to "google it", so take your own advice and learn the meaning of the word instead of running from it now just because it didn't show what you've expected it to show.


"Ranger" isn't an equivalent of a word "archer". As I said, take your own advice, google it, read up and learn something.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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I'd go as far and say, the games and films that display the ranger "class" as pure archers are a minority. Besides the already mentioned LotR Universe - which is often considered the foundation of modern fantasy - there is also D&D as another big example, where rangers are usually very capable melee fighters - and it is basis for a lot of different fantasy literature and games.


So while GW2 is ofc not bound to the class definitions of other works, and there isn't really a "wrong" class definition, it doesn't even conflict with the typical ranger archetype of other fantasy settings.

Edited by UmbraNoctis.1907
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14 minutes ago, Sigmoid.7082 said:

Just to point out but I'm a lot of media rangers uses a variety of weapons and don't predominantly use "range"...I wouldn't say 99%...but hey exaggeration to make a point I get it.  I mean Aragorn from LotR is considered a ranger. His kit and weight of armour is almost identical to that of ranger in this game,  medium armour, swords, daggers, bows. 


If the class was called Archer you would have a point. 


The one deciding ranger is a range class instead of what it is, a ranger, is you. 

And what about boromir and the other rangers in the movies dont use bow as  "main" weapons right? Same as Legolas right? but before you say anything no i dont say Legolas is a ranger.....

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3 minutes ago, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

I'd go as far and say, the games and films that display the ranger "class" as pure archers are a minority. Besides the already mentioned LotR Universe - which is often considered the foundation of modern fantasy - there is also D&D as another big example, where rangers are usually very capable melee fighters - and it is basis for a lot of different fantasy literature and games.

And i never said a ranger is a pure archer.....i said rangers main is a bow and that is range or not?

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6 minutes ago, xDuckYx.4920 said:

And i never said a ranger is a pure archer.....i said rangers main is a bow and that is range or not?

There is no "main" weapon. Unless a player chooses to to predominantly use one weapon. But that's an indiviudual choice and not an univeral obligation. Just like some rangers in another universe can choose to use bow and others in the same setting prefer different weapons.

Edited by UmbraNoctis.1907
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13 minutes ago, xDuckYx.4920 said:

And what about boromir and the other rangers in the movies dont use bow as  "main" weapons right? Same as Legolas right? but before you say anything no i dont say Legolas is a ranger.....

You don't understand the difference between what people are saying here and what you're saying here.

People -correctly- are saying: rangers aren't equivalent of archers. They can use ranged weapons, but they don't need to. I don't think literally anyone said that rangers can't use bows or whatever you're trying to suggest here all of the sudden.

What you're saying: RANGERS ARE ARCHERS REEE!!!11 


Basically people are saying that rectangles are rectangles even if some of them are squares. Meanwhile you're saying that rectangle isn't a rectangle unless they have 4 equal sides BECAUSE YOU SAW TWO RECTANGLES THAT WERE SQUARES!!


Not that at this point I expect you to understand what you read above, but who knows.



Edited by Sobx.1758
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7 minutes ago, xDuckYx.4920 said:

And you read only what you want to read or imagine something in your head.....i never said ranger is pure archer.... next 0 iq post from you

No, I read whole posts and the actual definitions of the words with understanding. Meanwhile you advise people to "google it", then people explain you what the word actually means after which you drop your previous advice that proves you wrong and keep doing... this with your stupid random insults while you fail to actually respond to anything 🙃 

"You never said ranger is archer", but you said -and keep saying- that "ranger is/must be a ranged class" and refuse to acknowledge anyone proving you wrong, hmmm..... 🤔


At this point it starts to look like you start understanding you're wrong and just continue to deny it in an attempt to pretend you're still correct despite clearly not fooling anyone.



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1 minute ago, Sobx.1758 said:

No, I read whole posts and the actual definitions of the words with understanding. Meanwhile you advise people to "google it", then people explain you what the word actually means after which you drop your previous advice that proves you wrong and keep doing... this with your stupid random insults while you fail to actually respond to anything 🙃 


At this point it starts to look like you start understanding you're wrong and just continue to deny it in an attempt to pretend you're still correct despite clearly not fooling anyone.



no you googled it and came up ONLY with real life crap what a ranger is and you still couldnt show me something where warriors jump hundrets of meters and peoples summon meteors or fireballs and that crap....sure a ranger in real life is something different than in games or movies 

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4 minutes ago, xDuckYx.4920 said:

no you googled it and came up ONLY with real life crap what a ranger is and you still couldnt show me something where warriors jump hundrets of meters and peoples summon meteors or fireballs and that crap....sure a ranger in real life is something different than in games or movies 

I didn't "come up with real life crap", I literally linked a full definition of the word. You disliking it doesn't change the facts LOL

Not only that, but people already told you what it means in fantasy genre, but you refused to accept that anyways, so not sure why you keep going with this silly "ITS ONLY REAL LIFE STUFF" excuse. It's literally the meaning of the word -real life or not.



And btw, about you "not saying ranger is archer", you've already used it interchangably in this thread:



And btw you consistently fail to respond to what I write, so try to be a bit more specific when you quote me instead of running from everything that proves you wrong. 🙃


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7 minutes ago, xDuckYx.4920 said:

no you googled it and came up ONLY with real life crap what a ranger is and you still couldnt show me something where warriors jump hundrets of meters and peoples summon meteors or fireballs and that crap....sure a ranger in real life is something different than in games or movies 

Still conveniently ignoring that rangers in fantasy media, games, movies, books, tabletop RPGs, etc, are still rangers and match the definition given.

Edited by Sigmoid.7082
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1 minute ago, Sobx.1758 said:

I didn't "come up with real life crap", I literally linked a full definition of the word. You disliking it doesn't change the facts LOL


And btw, about you "not saying ranger is archer", you've already used it interchangably in this thread:



And btw you consistently fail to respond to what I write, so try to be a bit more specific when you quote me instead of running from everything that proves you wrong. 🙃


ok and again you have some voices or whatever in your head.....where did i say ranger is PURE archer? xD you are so funny realy

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1 minute ago, xDuckYx.4920 said:

ok and again you have some voices or whatever in your head.....where did i say ranger is PURE archer? xD you are so funny realy

Oh look, you dodged a whole post again, what a surprise 🙄


You're wrong and you have nothing relevant to say, it's pretty clear at this point.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Longbow could use an update/revision.

This might be a hot take, but feel free to disagree.   Longbow, a damage weapon that has one proper damaging skill - "Rapid Fire." Two, if you're facing an stacked/immobile pve targets - "Barrage." "Hunter's Shot" is pure utility with ticklish damage. "Point-Blank Shot" is a cc that deals a damage of a "Long Range Shot" and has no damage in pvp/wvw. "Barrage" deals strong damage in pve situations. In both pvp/wvw it has it's uses for zoning and covering chokepoints, but
and another thing is that archer totaly often cant hit targets brcause there is a tiny gras in your way or hitting guards onwall even if you clearly can see your arrow hits the traget but its out of sight 
Now show me exactly where i said ranger is pure archer? because i used the word archer means ranger is pure archer for you?
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41 minutes ago, xDuckYx.4920 said:

you quoted my post and still you see in there i say ranger is pure archer? stop using drugs my friend you imagine to much in your head

I said you've used "archer" interchangably with "ranger" and that's what you did in that post.


And you still failed to respond to anything in the previous posts, but instead latch onto something like this, I wonder why. 🙄 


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You don't understand the difference between what people are saying here and what you're saying here.

People -correctly- are saying: rangers aren't equivalent of archers. They can use ranged weapons, but they don't need to.

What you're saying: RANGERS ARE ARCHERS REEE!!!11 


Basically people are saying that rectangles are rectangles even if some of them are squares. Meanwhile you're saying that rectangle isn't a rectangle BECAUSE YOU SAW TWO THAT WERE SQUARES!!

Not that at this point I expect you to understand what you read above, but who knows.



Here you say i said rangers are archers....i used the word archer 1 time now you claim i said ranger is archer or even i said rangers are pure archers which is a lie 

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Just now, xDuckYx.4920 said:

You don't understand the difference between what people are saying here and what you're saying here.

People -correctly- are saying: rangers aren't equivalent of archers. They can use ranged weapons, but they don't need to.

What you're saying: RANGERS ARE ARCHERS REEE!!!11 


Basically people are saying that rectangles are rectangles even if some of them are squares. Meanwhile you're saying that rectangle isn't a rectangle BECAUSE YOU SAW TWO THAT WERE SQUARES!!

Not that at this point I expect you to understand what you read above, but who knows.



Here you say i said rangers are archers....i used the word archer 1 time now you claim i said ranger is archer or even i said rangers are pure archers which is a lie 

but go on i report you with your lies about what i said and what not 

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4 minutes ago, xDuckYx.4920 said:

You don't understand the difference between what people are saying here and what you're saying here.

People -correctly- are saying: rangers aren't equivalent of archers. They can use ranged weapons, but they don't need to.

What you're saying: RANGERS ARE ARCHERS REEE!!!11 


Basically people are saying that rectangles are rectangles even if some of them are squares. Meanwhile you're saying that rectangle isn't a rectangle BECAUSE YOU SAW TWO THAT WERE SQUARES!!

Not that at this point I expect you to understand what you read above, but who knows.



Here you say i said rangers are archers....i used the word archer 1 time now you claim i said ranger is archer or even i said rangers are pure archers which is a lie 

I didn't say that rangers are archers. I said this is what you imply in this thread because that's exactly what you do with your silly "RANGERS ARE RANGED CLASS!!11" nonsense.

Today you've learned what ACTUAL "ranger" word means. You were wrong, because you didn't know the actual meaning of the word. It's ok. Time to stop being in denial now.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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2 minutes ago, xDuckYx.4920 said:

read again your own post above.....time to block this stupid idiot kid

That's great, let me know when you'll stop dodging last 50 posts in this thread 🙃



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8 hours ago, xDuckYx.4920 said:

And i said in 99% of all GAMES and MOVIES rangers are archers and than you come up with real life crap because the "other" facts that rangers are no range class what peoples here are saying are not true at all only because rangers are no archers in THIS GAME


This isn't other games. This is gw2. In gw2 there are no "ranged classes" or "melee  classes" every single class has ranged and melee options and even combinations of them. No class has a main weapon.


Arguing this is just making you look silly here.


Also, Ranger LongBow is an amazingly effective weapon especially in wvw. And barrage is not useless in any encounter 😄

Edited by dank.3680
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On 6/27/2021 at 12:46 PM, Panncakez.1290 said:

This might be a hot take, but feel free to disagree.


Longbow, a damage weapon that has one proper damaging skill - "Rapid Fire." Two, if you're facing an stacked/immobile pve targets - "Barrage."

"Hunter's Shot" is pure utility with ticklish damage.

"Point-Blank Shot" is a cc that deals a damage of a "Long Range Shot" and has no damage in pvp/wvw.

"Barrage" deals strong damage in pve situations. In both pvp/wvw it has it's uses for zoning and covering chokepoints, but the issue is that a full cast takes a while and leaves you open and stationary, plus the gap between animation start and first damage tick is annoying as heck. 


My ideas were:

"Hunter's Shot" - replace it with a flip-ability like that of a Mordrem Guard Sniper: first use puts you in stealth, while in stealth the ability becomes a "Charged Shot" - 1s cast that fires a projectile at the enemy and leaves a ticking linear aoe for a couple of seconds. Ofcourse, unlike the pve monster's skill, it shouldn't down players in 2 hits, but still has to deal proper damage.

"Barrage" - just tweak it, really, shorten the cast time drastically, reduce the recharge timer and amount of hits (damage)/duration. Premise being a safer and more frequent usage, with less damage wasted from "Barrage" lingering over empty spaces.

I don't think Longbow needs any changes. The weapon is fine the same as GS and the rest of the weapon skills  should follow more or less their blueprint.

If so maybe "nerf" a bit Rapid Fire, so the projectiles are more visible with an effect similar to when using Pharus, so the effect is more visible during big battles and players can react accordingly. 

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16 hours ago, xDuckYx.4920 said:

And what about boromir and the other rangers in the movies dont use bow as  "main" weapons right? Same as Legolas right? but before you say anything no i dont say Legolas is a ranger.....

Boromir is not a ranger.  Legolas is an elf, also not a ranger.  What other "rangers" are there in LotR lore?

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All those "longbow" is fine and super as it is are just scared to die by another range weapon than snipers right?

Reflecting 99% of projectiles is not enough for you right?

I would love to see bubbles which reflec melee attacks and all those ground dot circles 

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