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Name change cost

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Just realised today that name changes cost the same as buying a new character slot. Why is this so expensive? Since they're the same it seems like the better choice to just buy a new slot and abandon the old character as a mule or something.


I have a few older characters I would love to change the names on. One is literally me just wanting to add a space into the name because people read it wrong and it upsets me.  800 gems seems excessive for just adjusting something like that. I really don't want to abandon my characters or remake them due to birthday gifts.


I understand they don't want people changing names all the time but to be the same price as a char slot seems odd.

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It's priced that way to discourage people changing characters' names frequently. High enough that people won't make joke names all the time, low enough that it's accessible to players who don't buy gems with money, and it being the same price as a character slot means someone opting for it over a new character is more likely to pick a serious name rather than one that's reportable.


It sucks if you want/need multiples of them but part of the reason for the price is so that support doesn't get inundated by people changing their names all the time.

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The purpose of this is that if someone uses a total makeover kit to changes their gender, they are locked to their old name so they either pony up some gems or quit. Whether they change back or change their name doesn't matter to anet. (or any other company that does this. Namely all of them)

Edited by Yggranya.5201
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22 hours ago, costepj.5120 said:

So you want them to start charging a lot more for character slots?


The sad thing is, this would probaly anets logic when they read the OP ^^''.


But hasn't the price actually gone down. Wasn't this ting once 1200gems?

I'm always surprised for what people spend their money.

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4 hours ago, Follyfoot.2803 said:

I know it's frightening to see how much you can spend on this game in a month.  I was shocked that I had spent around £180 on it a few months back.  I had to rein it in.

Just curious: what do you buy to spend that much?


Whenever I've added it up I'm using about 4000 gems over 6 months, so spending about £42. 50 if I don't use gold, which I often do. It varies a lot from month to month, sometimes I buy nothing, other times I spend about 1500 gems in a month, and once I spent no real money on the game for about 13 months. 


I suppose I could spend more if I got a bunch of stuff in one go, but then I'd have less to buy in future months. 


(I wish there was a way to see exactly what I've spent in total, but I think the only way would be going through 9 years of bank statements and I've never been that bored.)

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I agree it's a little pricey, but I can see the logic behind it.

I have bought a few name changes myself, but in future I'll just delete the character if it bothers me that much.

I would rather buy new character slots though.

I have a ton of ideas for new characters. 

I only have humans and wanna have a few characters of the other races too.

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11 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

Just curious: what do you buy to spend that much?


Whenever I've added it up I'm using about 4000 gems over 6 months, so spending about £42. 50 if I don't use gold, which I often do. It varies a lot from month to month, sometimes I buy nothing, other times I spend about 1500 gems in a month, and once I spent no real money on the game for about 13 months. 


I suppose I could spend more if I got a bunch of stuff in one go, but then I'd have less to buy in future months. 


(I wish there was a way to see exactly what I've spent in total, but I think the only way would be going through 9 years of bank statements and I've never been that bored.)

I buy most things apart from things that flash or light up.  I am supporting another GW2 family member so that cranks it up.

Favourites are time severs like unbreakable gathering tools.  I like collecting the different glyphs.  Boss finders, plots, salvage tools, bags/bank/grafting/shared storage.  Anything interesting really.

The only skins I buy are none flashing parts such as a mask, glider or horns.  Stuff like that.  I have never and will never buy a full outfit.  Your buying into a gang of 10,000 dressed just like you.


Oh, inventory's getting full, bang, a new bag slot. 24 slot bag to fill it, bang, a gold exchange for the mats.  Oh, where's my mystic scroll?  kitten it's on my other character, bang, shared slot.  You know how it goes.

You can wipe out £30 within two minutes if you put your mind to it.  😄

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I suppose you could spend a lot doing it that way. I tend to hold off on buying things until I'm sure they'll be useful for me. For example I'm not going to buy an infinite salvage kit until I run out of mystic forge stones, and that's never happened. I've only ever bought 1 bag slot. 


I used to get a lot of mini pets but they started putting them in the game instead, now it's mainly mount skins and other cosmetics I buy. I have bought some outfits, but specifically ones that don't look like armour so my characters have something to wear when armour looks out of place. 

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I don't begrudge having to buy stuff it's my hobby and if you can control yourself, a cheap hobby for all the hours I spend playing.  You just have to control your spending.  It's not as if it's a £180 monthly sub.  It's  down to you how much you spend.

Edited by Follyfoot.2803
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I used it twice on my newest character. I figured a way to use the name I wanted, although taken, with special characters. It’s worth the money. If it helps, Shinjiko, I gifted you one.


Again, I hope it helps.


Edit: On a side note for my forum stalker, quit being petty and get over it.

Edited by Ardenwolfe.8590
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While we're talking about gemstore prices, can we please talk about lowering the price for the kitten level 80 booster? It costs $35, like holy kitten. And yeah, I know it outfits the character as well with fully equipped and class relevant exotic armor, but c'mon... >_>

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3 hours ago, Arnox.5128 said:

While we're talking about gemstore prices, can we please talk about lowering the price for the kitten level 80 booster? It costs $35, like holy kitten. And yeah, I know it outfits the character as well with fully equipped and class relevant exotic armor, but c'mon... >_>

How often do you need to use that, lol?


I think I have enough tomes and scrolls in the bank to get 50 characters up to insta 80, lol. kitten clutter.

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2 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

How often do you need to use that, lol?


I think I have enough tomes and scrolls in the bank to get 50 characters up to insta 80, lol. kitten clutter.

Same here, I always keep at least enough tomes/scrolls to instantly level 1 character, but most of the time I could do 2 or 3 at once if I wanted to.


Not that I do it often, I think I've instantly levelled 4 characters, over almost 9 years. But I like to have the option just in case. 

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11 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

How often do you need to use that, lol?


I think I have enough tomes and scrolls in the bank to get 50 characters up to insta 80, lol. kitten clutter.

You don't use it to get to 80. Or at least not when you have so many tomes as you've already said. You use it to get to 80 AND get a full suite of class relevant exotic gear complete with class relevant full upgrades. Getting to 80 is easy. Getting everything for the gear though is a LOT more of a hassle. The boost is infinitely helpful in this regard.


With that said, if you still think it's really as worthless as you say it is, then it kinda just proves my point even more. lol

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2 hours ago, Arnox.5128 said:

You don't use it to get to 80. Or at least not when you have so many tomes as you've already said. You use it to get to 80 AND get a full suite of class relevant exotic gear complete with class relevant full upgrades. Getting to 80 is easy. Getting everything for the gear though is a LOT more of a hassle. The boost is infinitely helpful in this regard.


With that said, if you still think it's really as worthless as you say it is, then it kinda just proves my point even more. lol

Well you got gold for that, and a metric ton of tokens to instantly unlock elite specs etc. Personally I've stacked enough ascended and exotic chests to fully equip a few characters too, if I feel the need.


But if you think the booster give you more well... gemstore objective achieved, I guess?

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6 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Well you got gold for that


Dude, this is GW2. Unless you're a trader baron, you always have stuff to spend gold on. I bet over 75% of GW2's pop has less than 200 gold right now.


8 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

a metric ton of tokens to instantly unlock elite specs


Wait, what? What tokens are these? (In any case though, it's irrelevant as the booster doesn't unlock elite specs for you.)


9 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Personally I've stacked enough ascended and exotic chests


Give me an example of such exotic chests. I'm assuming though that the gear you get from them is random.

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2 hours ago, Arnox.5128 said:


Dude, this is GW2. Unless you're a trader baron, you always have stuff to spend gold on. I bet over 75% of GW2's pop has less than 200 gold right now.

So you're saying there is some kind of reason to spend gems? Why on earth would Anet ever want that?!?!?!


Wait, what? What tokens are these? (In any case though, it's irrelevant as the booster doesn't unlock elite specs for you.)

Testimony of heroics.



Give me an example of such exotic chests. I'm assuming though that the gear you get from them is random.

I currently have ~60 exotic armor chests in my bank, where around half warlords+triumphant give selectable stats (yes including stuff like celestial) and the other half is dungeon armor for the forge daily along with their weapon chests.

Regardless, the point is that the gemstore is there for a reason. It's a time saver. If you want to insta-level characters to 80, it'll cost you money instead of time. If you think it's expensive... well you can stack everything you need for a new insta-80 all-exotic (or all-ascended for that matter) insta-elite unlocked character. It just takes playing the game.

Edited by Dawdler.8521
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2 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

If you think it's expensive... well you can stack everything you need for a new insta-80 all-exotic (or all-ascended for that matter) insta-elite unlocked character. It just takes playing the game.


I don't get it. Are you arguing for it being expensive?

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