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Fix PVP with one change, how would you do it?


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On 7/5/2021 at 2:26 PM, Faux Play.6104 said:

Make all alt accounts use the same rating as the main.


This !


Also 1x Toughness gloabally is reduced every 3 sec ,  or seocndary ombjectives removes a portion (also to your team8s) and instead transform into another secondary stat 


edit: Or the existance of a single Core spec (whit a grandmaster trait?) that will particiapate in 5  kills , activate the decay effect but not to  him

edit2: The 1st  grandmaster tratis will trasnform Toughness>Conditon , whilw the 2nd>Healing Power


Other Mobas games  , have the  lving up expiriance to reduce the 1hitKO

Edited by Woof.8246
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Condi effects do not stack, do not pulse, and have the same duration time no matter where the source is from. 

EX: You get hit with stun from one source. If another stun source hits you after, it has no affect. 

Edited by Abraxxus.8971
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I'd go back to Hot launch  give or take a with all the OPness that came with it back then we had alot of class diversity and options to play a character, spvp didn't get nerfed down because people didn't like said class it was because classes were op at the launch like chrono and sb war. Back when premade's weren't thrown out of pvp, and we under water combat actually existed in pvp.

Edited by Genesis.5169
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I would boost all auto attacks back up by about 50% including condi damage ones (all) for all classes.


Don't really see the need for them to be so low.


Standing still should rarely be the standard defensive option.


I expect players to constantly be kiting, juking, doing jump puzzles, utilizing objects to los ranged, burning through dodges, and using more defensive uts.0

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4 hours ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

I dont know any other invulnerabilities that are not channeled, please enlighten me

Post feb nerf they are all channeled, previously some classes could use invulnerability while casting unblockable spike/1 shot damage.
spike damage/1 shot meta was fun, countering defenses and offenses is the enjoyment.
invuln being uncounterable while still countering their offense wasn't fun.
balance now rewards skill spam, what was a miniature game of speed chess is no more, and you don't leave a fight knowing where you made a mistake.

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23 hours ago, NorthernRedStar.3054 said:

I remember the first time someone suggested removing duoq. The outrage of angry duo queuers fearing for their rank, lol.


Are you saying they didn't earn there rank by finding each other learning how to play with each other and with other players?


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