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With the return of the Marionette could we revisit the ancient karka?

Ancient Karka  

43 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you be interested in the ancient karka being reintroduced into the game?

    • yes
    • no
    • Only if it has new loot and achievements.

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For those who are unaware the ancient Karka was part of a one time meta event know as the lost shores. Few people were able to actually try this event as it was ran once in a two hour window used to stress test the game. The fight was a rather interesting one fighting the ancient Karka across Southsun and to the top of the Karka nest only to have it roll back down those ramps crushing the players in its was. With the new squad instances that both dragonstorm and the Marionette will be using the ancient Karka seems like the perfect fit using this system. I still tell my friends about the event they never got to experience and how the Karka Queen was nothing to this massive Beast. I think reintroducing it as a squad instance using the scrying pool would be a great readdiction to the game and give those who missed this one time event the chance to see it for themselves..

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I wouldn't say no to it, though I'd be unlikely to do it much myself (barring compelling new loot and achievements).


However, they'd darn well have to fix it up right.  One of the hallmarks of that fight was that the bigger karka, including the Ancient, tended to be invisible.  First clue one was rolling at you was the sudden lawn-mowed swath of downed players.  The disconnects were also huge.  I myself never dc'd that weekend but was one of the lucky few.  Otoh those who did ended up getting multiple chances at loot, including the high drop rate of precursors.


I didn't recall it being specifically a stress test (and boy did it stress things).  Just that it was part of the Living World concept.  I also think it was more than two hours, like a full weekend, but I could be wrong.

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The only ran on November 18th 2012. From my memory one of the twitch streams talked about the event being used as both a stress test for the engine and as a prelude to the mega server system. Essentially seeing how well the game could handle it. So it is an event most people ended up missing. It even had its own cutscene for the bosses demise. I think using the squad system that dragonstom uses would actually fix a lot of the issues both allowing them to control the number of mobs and the number of players and provide a more stable connection.

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4 minutes ago, Ayrilana.1396 said:

I voted no simply because the special event was not any different that the karma queen other than having massive HP that caused the event to last hours, difficulties getting onto an active map, and hoping you don’t lag out and get kicked. 

keep in mind it was a stress test event. Using the squad system a lot of those issues would be elevated and I'm sure the health pools adjusted. Our dps is also significantly better now than it was back then. The ancient karka was a more active event making you pay attention to positioning.  the karka queen most just stand around and mash 1.

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18 minutes ago, Chocofox.9503 said:

keep in mind it was a stress test event. Using the squad system a lot of those issues would be elevated and I'm sure the health pools adjusted. Our dps is also significantly better now than it was back then. The ancient karka was a more active event making you pay attention to positioning.  the karka queen most just stand around and mash 1.

Stress test or not doesn’t have any bearing on what I said. 

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Just now, Ayrilana.1396 said:

Stress test or not doesn’t have any bearing on what I said. 

 I am not saying only reenable the content. it would of course need to be rebalanced. the reason that event was bugging with connection is they were pushing the engine to see what it could handle and trying something new. It was also a one time only event so it was not optimized. If they did bring it back the instance would be more polished. I am sure length of the event would be adjusted to. Remember this event let us eventually have the mega server system which allows us to play with friends rather than have your pve map tied to the server you are on.

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23 minutes ago, Chocofox.9503 said:

 I am not saying only reenable the content. it would of course need to be rebalanced. the reason that event was bugging with connection is they were pushing the engine to see what it could handle and trying something new. It was also a one time only event so it was not optimized. If they did bring it back the instance would be more polished. I am sure length of the event would be adjusted to. Remember this event let us eventually have the mega server system which allows us to play with friends rather than have your pve map tied to the server you are on.

How exactly would the event be any different than the karma queen? 

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9 minutes ago, Ayrilana.1396 said:

How exactly would the event be any different than the karma queen? 

. The karka queen did borrow from the ancient karka but the events scale is different. The Ancient karka we had to fight back across the island pushing it through the steam wall allowing us to pass through and driving it back into the karka nest and fight it on its home turf. Pushing the beast to the top of its nest only for it to assault those on the ramp as it rolls to the bottom and pushing the beast back into the lava where it meets its end.


Its just one of those fights that would be fun to revisit if we received a polished version of it. Both a look back to the past but also a chance for new players to experience this creature. Plus a fight like this allows them to reuse a lot of assets rather than building everything from the ground up.

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14 minutes ago, Chocofox.9503 said:

. The karka queen did borrow from the ancient karka but the events scale is different. The Ancient karka we had to fight back across the island pushing it through the steam wall allowing us to pass through and driving it back into the karka nest and fight it on its home turf. Pushing the beast to the top of its nest only for it to assault those on the ramp as it rolls to the bottom and pushing the beast back into the lava where it meets its end.


Its just one of those fights that would be fun to revisit if we received a polished version of it. Both a look back to the past but also a chance for new players to experience this creature. Plus a fight like this allows them to reuse a lot of assets rather than building everything from the ground up.

So not really any different. I mean, unless pushing the Karka across the island is all that exciting. It really doesn’t add as much as the Marionette since it’s not all the unique or different from what’s already available in game.

The only other LS1 content that I could see them remaking would be the final scarlet fight although they could simply create a fractal out of that and include part of the meta that occurred prior to the final battle. 

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Seeing how instead of a faithful recreation with twisted marionette, we had art assets changed for no reason. I fear what changes would happen to this event. 

Either two things should happen, a faithful recreation like the 5 story instances reintroduced in visions of the past, or  a new content using the spirit of the encounter with unaltered art assets similar to the nightmare fractal.

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Just now, Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

or.. they could release "fall of abaddon" they previously had some idea to make based on the votes for "cutthroat politics" coz i never played gw1... some stuff linking to gods and abaddon would be interesting i guess

I would go crazy for some god lore.
After all the dragon stuff( most of gw2..)  and the small hints for gods(pof) and mursaat( lws3) I really want to dive into different content from gw1 and lws1 that I missed. 
Anet seems to know that people want something different so they add lws1 stuff and that is great. Hope the after EoD content involves gods or Exalted( the exalted lore seems uncomplete imo).

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It wasn't a stress test, at the time that was their plan for new content in the game: one-time special events that would permanently change the maps they affected (at the time they actually called it a 'mini expansion'). The reason they only did it once is that one was such a complete mess they had to rethink the plan.


Halloween was the first event after launch, but because it was based on the GW1 festival the only one-time event was a cut scene of the Mad King bursting out the fountain in LA, the actual activies unlocked gradually throughout the festival and then were available until it ended. Lost Shores was their first 'living world' event and at the time they promoted it as the format they'd be using to add new content to the game in future as well.


It...did not go well. Yes I was there, yes I did the whole thing including fighting the Ancient Karka on two seperate map instances because I got disconnected part way through and had to go back in. I still have the Ancient Karka Shell Box on my main character. Most of the final battle was a matter of spamming skills at an invisible enemy or a frozen screen until it updated and you got to see if you were dead, if the event had moved away and you had to catch up to it or if you got disconnected. On top of that there was the added complication that adding things to the game throughout the weekend with little/no advanced notice meant a lot of waiting around for players. My main memory of the event is of reading a book at the computer waiting for mail to appear or someone in guild chat to announce that the next phase had started so I could play for a few mintues then wait for the next bit.


Afterwards they released an announcement that was about as close as Anet ever gets to an apology for a mistake, saying it "could have worked better" and they'd have to rethink it for future events. The outcome of that was the Season 1 format where instead of being done in 'real time' their one-time events lasted for 2-4 weeks and could be played any time within that window. 14 months later they finally admitted that wasn't working either, called a halt to the living world for a while and then relaunched it with 'season 2' (season 1 was only called that retroactively) where we finally got permanent updates.


I'd like not just the ancient karka fight but the entire Lost Shores event to come back, partially because it would be nice to play a functional version (as well the problems with the last fight I remember having to do some earlier steps out of order because some bits were bugged and they couldn't hold everything up waiting for it to be fixed) but also because I'd like all of Season 1 back so can finally have the complete game available to play. But I suspect it would take a lot more work to bring it back and make it work properly than the tiny fragments of season 1 they've chosen to ressurect so far. I'd like them to do it, but I doubt they'll be willing to commit the time required for it.

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There's also the fact that it being a one-off meant that, depending on where you were in the world, it could be at a great time of day for you, or halfway through your workday, or in the middle of the night. I got up early, got into one map, got dc'd and couldn't get back in, so never got to do the event at all. I'd like to see another swing at it.


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On 7/7/2021 at 8:58 PM, Ayrilana.1396 said:

I voted no simply because the special event was not any different that the karma queen other than having massive HP that caused the event to last hours, difficulties getting onto an active map, and hoping you don’t lag out and get kicked. 

Then you remember it wrong. It was a long event chain, that started with landing on Southsun, and had several parts like building a bridge, setting up mortars, assault on the central hive etc. Practically nothing out of this was reused later for Karka Queen

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19 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Then you remember it wrong. It was a long event chain, that started with landing on Southsun, and had several parts like building a bridge, setting up mortars, assault on the central hive etc. Practically nothing out of this was reused later for Karka Queen

EDIT: Please refer to a later post where I elaborated on the response which used to be here. 

Edited by Ayrilana.1396
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