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EoD is a $30 Patch.....

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9 minutes ago, Crystal Paladin.3871 said:


Wow legendary weapon have more stats than ascended weapons and cool looking gen2 weapons like Exordium can be bought in gemstore and trading post.


 legendary armors sure have +100 stats from ascended armors and sure it can be bought in gemstore... Gw2 is just a pay 2 win game yesyesyes! Absolutely truly true! 


Pretty sure you can just buy gems to gold, then pay players gold to carry you through the raids for legendary armor just as easily.

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3 minutes ago, Azure Prower.8701 said:

Pretty sure you can just buy gems to gold, then pay players gold to carry you through the raids for legendary armor just as easily.

Yeah yeah ofcourse... You can pay a guy to play the game for you and do cairn greens and deimos survive until the end, mo achievements in raids for the raid armor collection too.. we can pay someone to play the game for us, login everyday for us and it's a real pay to win game yes yes yes!

Such a filthy game gw2... How dare these ppl could compare WoW and ff14 with gw2... WoW is so much better, best the god level game which is so ahead of all MMOs and ppl love playing WoW and WoW community is the best!

Edited by Crystal Paladin.3871
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7 hours ago, Azure Prower.8701 said:

Shrug. They still pump out more content than GW2 does.

I don't really know about that .

If you see the MMO Champion , you get a different picture  about the content drought  . And that why if you are paying  sub for the normal game , you can also play the second expanion for free (if you paid the 50 dollars to  re-buy the second expansion)

Edited by Noir.8561
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3 hours ago, Azure Prower.8701 said:

Unless you play GW2 religiously and don't miss any of the season story unlocks, you're also paying an arm and a leg in gems for that as well. That's honestly worse than paying for an expansion.

If I'm not mistaken, living world seasons are 200 gems per episode. That's $15 per 6-episode season that was released over the course of about 1.5 years.


$15 is like a month and a half of another game's subscription? When did that suddenly become "an arm and a leg"? Not to mention the $35 a year you pay for one map and four dungeons in ESO in addition to the yearly expansion.

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18 minutes ago, Rasimir.6239 said:

If I'm not mistaken, living world seasons are 200 gems per episode. That's $15 per 6-episode season that was released over the course of about 1.5 years.


$15 is like a month and a half of another game's subscription? When did that suddenly become "an arm and a leg"? Not to mention the $35 a year you pay for one map and four dungeons in ESO in addition to the yearly expansion.

People just get a skewed perception of what is value for money.

gw2 is one of the cheapest mmos out their, but this causes them to perceive all things they do pay for as more expensive.

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1 hour ago, yann.1946 said:

People just get a skewed perception of what is value for money.

gw2 is one of the cheapest mmos out their, but this causes them to perceive all things they do pay for as more expensive.


If you spend money to buy gems and purchase what the cash shop has on offer as it was intended. It is not value for money.


If you do what I did and not spend money buying a single gem on principle. It is value for money. But not value for time.

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2 minutes ago, Azure Prower.8701 said:


If you spend money to buy gems and purchase what the cash shop has on offer as it was intended. It is not value for money.


If you do what I did and not spend money buying a single gem on principle. It is value for money. But not value for time.

Most things absolutely are, someone did the math ones and even if you buy almost all the qol in the gemstore it would still be lower then subscriptions.

Now that was before buildtemplates, and these are a big caveat in this conversation, but the general point still stands.


Anets gemstore is one of the fairer ones, and you disliking something does not suddenly make it not reasonable or predatory.

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36 minutes ago, yann.1946 said:

Most things absolutely are, someone did the math ones and even if you buy almost all the qol in the gemstore it would still be lower then subscriptions.

Now that was before buildtemplates, and these are a big caveat in this conversation, but the general point still stands.


Anets gemstore is one of the fairer ones, and you disliking something does not suddenly make it not reasonable or predatory.

Yes. "Fairer" one.


Like the loot box extravaganza that is the black lion chests. Or how about that random mount loot box controversy a while back?


It's also why people spend stupid amounts of money on gems like this case

As bad as WoW's cash shop is. It pales in comparison to GW2's predatory setup. Once you hit GW2's end game, Fashion Wars is its major draw, and where is most of the fashion kept at? Funneling you right towards the cash shop where you'll either endure the enormous gold grind to gems and loathe the game for its time requirements. Or give in to paying money for ridiculously expensive items.


WoW subs and expansions have the option to be paid in gold. I don't even see GW2's expansions having that same option.


For all the faults WoW has and how poorly it is doing at the moment. Having a look at how GW2 is doing worse really speaks volumes in its current state.

Edited by Azure Prower.8701
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Hey @Azure Prower.8701, I see that you feel so sad/bad/angry/whatever towards anet's current system of game... now... are you interested in making the game good? attract new players? make the game company sustain? with steady flow of revenue? please suggest some nice ideas that you feel that would improve the game... express your constructive feedback... what would make you happy and also would help the game sustain longer and also help keep the current playerbase and not shoo them away.


but for some weird reason you keep comparing gw2 to WoW and praise WoW... do you want players to move to WoW from gw2? do you feel WoW is a better game when compared to gw2? If that's your opinion, directly post it.

Edited by Crystal Paladin.3871
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23 minutes ago, Azure Prower.8701 said:

Yes. "Fairer" one.


Like the loot box extravaganza that is the black lion chests. Or how about that random mount loot box controversy a while back?


It's also why people spend stupid amounts of money on gems like this case

As bad as WoW's cash shop is. It pales in comparison to GW2's predatory setup. Once you hit GW2's end game, Fashion Wars is its major draw, and where is most of the fashion kept at? Funneling you right towards the cash shop where you'll either endure the enormous gold grind to gems and loathe the game for its time requirements. Or give in to paying money for ridiculously expensive items.


WoW subs and expansions have the option to be paid in gold. I don't even see GW2's expansions having that same option.


For all the faults WoW has and how poorly it is doing at the moment. Having a look at how GW2 is doing worse really speaks volumes in its current state.

I spend stupid amounts of money cause i can and want to.


Id be happier if things from the BLC could be bought directly, and im hoping that if the EU makes it regulated(heavily) that what happens.

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4 hours ago, Azure Prower.8701 said:


GW2 has been pay to win from day one. Converting gems to gold to buy any thing you want in game from the trading post or merchants with real money. Want a legendary weapon that has the best stats in the game? Bam! You win Gear Wars and Fashion Wars.

What do you win exactly?  The legendary weapon doesn't have better stats than ascended and if you go into PvP you can't even use those stats, because stats are normalized.  In PvE what do you win exactly?


If you think getting BIS gear in this game is winning, you're playing a different game than I am. Pay to shortcut is pretty different than pay to win, but on top of that, it's one ONE stat out of all of them. It doesn't give you legendary armor, or trinkets or a back piece or anything else. It's not enough of a power gain to win anything.

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9 hours ago, Azure Prower.8701 said:

Yes. "Fairer" one.


Like the loot box extravaganza that is the black lion chests. Or how about that random mount loot box controversy a while back?


It's also why people spend stupid amounts of money on gems like this case

As bad as WoW's cash shop is. It pales in comparison to GW2's predatory setup. Once you hit GW2's end game, Fashion Wars is its major draw, and where is most of the fashion kept at? Funneling you right towards the cash shop where you'll either endure the enormous gold grind to gems and loathe the game for its time requirements. Or give in to paying money for ridiculously expensive items.


WoW subs and expansions have the option to be paid in gold. I don't even see GW2's expansions having that same option.


For all the faults WoW has and how poorly it is doing at the moment. Having a look at how GW2 is doing worse really speaks volumes in its current state.

You can collect gold  here and then sell them for real money . Its called RTM (ban-able if you are caught) .


At least we don't have to farm gold (that is increased each time) in order to play in game .

The pitiful amount of gold i get , i choose either to spent to or keep it , while i am allowed to login in the server for free .

Same with my time . No time is  needed  to farm gold and maintain my sub  .


edit: Ahh you are trying to go in circular conversation , so the thread get huge enough and then go into a Kotaku or other Site , in order to pressure the company to reduce the price ? Isn't it too  2015 -esque ?:)

Edited by Noir.8561
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2 hours ago, Azure Prower.8701 said:

Yes. "Fairer" one.


Like the loot box extravaganza that is the black lion chests. Or how about that random mount loot box controversy a while back?


It's also why people spend stupid amounts of money on gems like this case

As bad as WoW's cash shop is. It pales in comparison to GW2's predatory setup. Once you hit GW2's end game, Fashion Wars is its major draw, and where is most of the fashion kept at? Funneling you right towards the cash shop where you'll either endure the enormous gold grind to gems and loathe the game for its time requirements. Or give in to paying money for ridiculously expensive items.


WoW subs and expansions have the option to be paid in gold. I don't even see GW2's expansions having that same option.


For all the faults WoW has and how poorly it is doing at the moment. Having a look at how GW2 is doing worse really speaks volumes in its current state.

It speaks volumes about your perception of the game indeed. Not about the reality though. 


So first, you actually haven't addressed how it's still way cheaper then wow and ff. 


Second, all random things anet does are fairer then most other lootboxes. (pittysystem with statuetes and no duplicate mounts.) they also fixed most of the extremely bad things in that regard (mount choice licenses for example.) 


Third, People have spend similar amounts on these other games. Literally the same can be said about wow, ff etc. 


Fourth, you do realise one of your complaints is, the gemstore is predatory because converting gold to gems is to expensive. Which is such a ridiculous stance at face value, especially when your next problem is that apperently its not allowed enough. 

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I don't want to diss Wow because I had really good time when I played (I quit during Cataclysm) but at least in PVE I felt content drought during expansions much more than in GW2. The only relevant content was the latest raid, maybe the latest 2 or 3. Everything else you out geared and quickly became boring. Many people I know played until they had latest raid on farm and then cancelled subscription because they just didn't play much, so why pay.

Pvp modes were decent and they definitely put more time into development (hard to put less than Anet does in gw2 pvp). But why pay every month for playing decent pvp game while you have plenty of great pvp games out there, many even f2p.

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11 hours ago, Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

but for some weird reason you keep comparing gw2 to WoW and praise WoW... do you want players to move to WoW from gw2? do you feel WoW is a better game when compared to gw2? If that's your opinion, directly post it.

I want GW2 to be better than WoW. I want both games to be better. Plainly put. But currently neither are true.


WoW is in a bad spot at the moment. But looking at GW2, you should be worried. Especially with EoD offering little, and current business practices standing.

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On 8/17/2021 at 2:24 PM, ChronoPinoyX.7923 said:

Ima be real here... do you even PLAY this game? Sounds like you just came in here to praise WoW like a Zaishen praises Balthazar after he committed numerous atrocities to his own followers...


Yes. Do you believe you don't deserve a game that's as good or better than other games? Or are you happy to be parted from your time and money with little in return?

Edited by Azure Prower.8701
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1 minute ago, Azure Prower.8701 said:

Yes. Do you believe you don't deserve a game that's as good or better than other games? Or are you happy to be parted from your time and money with little in return?

I have no issues with improving games, that's a generic viewpoint everyone has. My issues revolve around people having no clue what they're on about, hence why I even made the statement to begin with

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14 minutes ago, Azure Prower.8701 said:

Yes. Do you believe you don't deserve a game that's as good or better than other games? Or are you happy to be parted from your time and money with little in return?

If people didn't think this is "as good or better than other games", the chances are they wouldn't be here. EoD easly contains everything expansion needs to be called expansion.


And you still dodged this in an effort to keep pretending launching a game once every 1-3 months means "playing it religiously" 🙄


Edited by Sobx.1758
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8 minutes ago, ChronoPinoyX.7923 said:

I have no issues with improving games, that's a generic viewpoint everyone has. My issues revolve around people having no clue what they're on about, hence why I even made the statement to begin with

I think you among a few others are the ones who lacks self awareness when it comes to playing this game.


1 minute ago, Sobx.1758 said:

If people didn't think this is "as good or better than other games", the chances are they wouldn't be here.

Exactly. That's why this forum is so slow with activity compared to how it was years ago. Or haven't you noticed?

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Just now, Azure Prower.8701 said:

I think you among a few others are the ones who lacks self awareness when it comes to playing this game.

I have every bit of awareness when playing this game. I know exactly the good, the bad, the ugly and pretty of this game since it launched. 


Meanwhile, all you've done is pass over this game's Cash Shop Functions and cry about it being "pay2win" along with "WoW did it better" with over 3/4 of your paragraphs built around bootlicking WoW. Guild Wars 2 ain't perfect, no game truly is, but when you can't even see how wrong you are with over half of what you said because you're too busy praising WoW, I think you're the one who truly lacks self-awareness. 

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On 8/16/2021 at 5:25 PM, Azure Prower.8701 said:

I want GW2 to be better than WoW. I want both games to be better. Plainly put. But currently neither are true.


WoW is in a bad spot at the moment. But looking at GW2, you should be worried. Especially with EoD offering little, and current business practices standing.

Everyone wants the games they play to improve; that goes without saying. But that's not a reason to think that all the sudden, it's going to cater to what YOU think will make it that way, or any other individual. The fact is that Anet puts out a product that some fraction of the MMO market will play, because it 'fits' that segment of the market. Unless the segment of the market that finds GW2 to be 'the best' significantly changes their opinion, then no, we have no reason to be worried. In fact, based on the information so far, we are getting exactly the same expansion we got twice before that apparently, are satisfying enough for the MMO market to continue patronzing Anet's offering. Therefore, there is no reason to think a 3rd similar offering will result in some kind of failure you are predicting.  


But hey, you know what? If you don't think it's going to be good content for the cost, don't buy it. Seriously, PLEASE don't buy it. I just think you are doing yourself a massive dis-service by dismissing it already, but really, I'm not all that concerned about how you feel about it. To me, this thread and all the people complaining in it are just sour they didn't get something they wanted. Acting out won't change that. 


Edited by Obtena.7952
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