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On a scale of 1 to 10, what's your EOD hype?

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For me it's on a 3, trending downwards.


I don't care for the boat, fishing or the siege turtle.

We know hardly anything about what's going to be in the story.

I don't really like any of the three already revealed elite specializations.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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26 minutes ago, TheLadyOfTheRings.9148 said:

10, 10, 10, 10, 10 😄


Yep, hype is real for me.

I hope its as good as you think it is. 🙂 Watched one to many hype trains derail and crash off a cliff..then explode at the bottom because they werent what everyone thought.

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41 minutes ago, Dante.1763 said:

I hope its as good as you think it is. 🙂 Watched one to many hype trains derail and crash off a cliff..then explode at the bottom because they werent what everyone thought.

I hope so too 🙂 I'm mainly interested in map exploration, elite specs (so far they look super cool), the new guild hall, and of course the siege turtle, and skiffs and fishing. I think it's very unlikely that I'll be disappointed with these 🙂 


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15, because fishing and dual swords Guardian.


I literally don't care about the rest of it. Cantha? Never played GW1, I don't even know that is. Dragons? *sigh* I'm so over the whole dragon thing... Elite specs? I only ever leveled 3 of them and Holosmith is the only one I use, occasionally. Turtle mount/tank? Ehh... I guess it's a thing, but I don't think I'll use it for anything (I don't raid and only "pvp" for an easy/fast daily sometimes).


Still, I look forward to finally getting more of the laid back type of content I actually enjoy in this game.

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After seeing the new necro class, it is clear Anet is out of touch with what is expected with classes.  I'm down to like a 3 now.  Oh boy, another 5 years of using the same equipment and same build until maybe someone gets hired that understands necros summon the dead.... not sand and pistols........ 

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2? Less because of anything Anet has done, more because as I've gotten older and matured as a gamer, I've learned via hard knocks never to jump onto the hype train or really care much about any upcoming release. It will be disappointing and it will never be able to live up to the expectation.

Far better to just.. have a very rousing, "Meh, that exists I suppose.", and then go into it and be pleasantly surprised by what it does get right.

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1?  POF was underwhelming for me.  I main thief and I hated Deadeye.  I've been playing Daredevil since HOT came out.  They've completely gutted thief in PVP and WVW.  Meanwhile they are giving tons of mobility to guardian (as if it wasn't OP enough already) and necro too!  This expansion will live or die for me on the basis of the thief elite spec alone.  If that spec isn't competitive in all game modes it won't matter to me what else is on offer.

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