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What I am hoping for from future EoD reveals....

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A lot of people flat out quit, me included, if legendary gear was made better and they started adding vertical progression. I've already got FFXIV for that and it'll do it way better than whatever GW2 adds. People don't do raids because there's a mindset of needing a perfect build or skillset which a lot for players might not have. An easy mode with an auto queue feature with the hard mode being lfg only would probably see a massive increase in usage since it'd be basically an on demand world boss but not going to get chastised for not having the right build/gear etc. A lot of people don't like the pressure of difficult content, not even most of the playerbase in FFXIV and WoW like to do the hardest content


Housing isn't an easy thing to implement, even WoW doesn't have it. FFXIV struggles with theirs, especially with lacking plots (and yes they have instanced housing to a degree)

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14 hours ago, Dante.1763 said:

Imm @ you tho. Just a little bit of @


Someone on here linked another website..


This is one:







I dunno if they are accurate however and i have doubts they are.


Edit: also the other two votes they did didnt really do well either.


Lions Arch stilll has people wanting it to redesigned so its less theme parky And the fractal that wasnt chosen with the Captain vote is still something id love to see.





First link has the following statement:

"Some of these game tracker are just estimated data and should not be used as factual reference."


The second site uses the following:


Literally a random number generator that can be tweaked.


As for the topic: 


1)  I, personally, don't care for player housing.  No matter how it's implemented, it will never be as good as a game dedicated to such gameplay (like The Sims).  It also falls outside the core competency of of what GW2 gameplay is.  I doubt they made it (remember, the expansion is pretty much developed at this point).  However, it would be a nice little surprise if they ever do implement it.


2) This would be far too much technical debt.  I like their elite specialization strategy as it brings fresh gameplay without having the technical debt of new classes.


3) Same as #2, the technical debt is beyond the marginal gains.  I would be truly surprised if this ever gets implemented.  I would also proceed to buy a bunch of character slots if it does 😀


4) I was under the impression that their rolling out Alliances with the expansion or around the same launch time.  Correct me if I'm wrong about this.


5) ArenaNet really needs to sit down and reimagine sPvP.  However, they would need to dedicate an entire division to it, so it seems unlikely.  The tweaks and adjustments I see a lot on the forums tend to highlight the deficiencies of the sPvP game mode, but I see the attempts to work within the constraints of the working system.  I was happy about Stronghold, though it needs major adjustments.  ArenaNet needs to sit down and reimagine a method of PvP that highlights the strengths of the GW2 combat system.  I don't have the time to dedicate an analysis of this.


6) I like the complexity in decision making that downed state creates.  Great PvP is more than just being mechanically good, but having great decision making and risk assessment as well  I'd love for GW2 to create a game mode that doesn't only focus on tactical-level gameplay (moment by moment).  I enjoy League of Legends because strategic gameplay and shot-calling can swing a game at the professional level.  Downed state is one of those intricacies.


7) I am vehemently against vertical progression.  I feel that great games allow for the vertical progression of actual player skill, not a gear grind for bigger numbers that effectively don't change anything but seeing bigger numbers.10 damage to an enemy with 100 health is the same as 10,000 damage to an enemy with 100,000 health.  Vertical progression of gear isn't actually progression, merely a Skinner Box.





Edited by Rogue.8235
for clarity
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I was hoping for some fragments on the ground , where  they teleported you 80 years in the past or in the future (red sky - flame ascallon effects on your screen - red filter screen - all npc names are deactivated  or covered by smoke  ) - npc color's cloths are inverted , or they gain a hat/helmet to hide their face , or the pvp interface where npc's in a specific location all get an ugly trench coat as baseline gear)

Where you play as a  kiddo and you can gear his up and change his skills like the WvWvW copy mechanic we had .

You can kill a rock golem that block your path or try to kill it in a  specific location , so in your modern time   you can  jump/reach something  , or twice per day you can play as him in Strikes .

Or go in the past to plant a seed that will grow in jumping mashroom in the future , but they way is blocked by falling rocks and you must go in "current time" before the rocks have fallen .

And then because he/you makes the wrong "choices " (it was the Buttler ,  in the kitchen , with the knife) ,  he will vent your anger on you  (as 70 age guy) and randomly attack you in the open world (Dark Souls)  , or enable pvp mode and other players with their "kiddos" custom forms can attack you for extra reward .


And then an undead-rombot-dragon with a Japanese schoolgirl shows up , and will take the "kiddo form' from whoever  player have the most matches per months and put him as Strike Mission Boss  that will   fight a top Guild , which will be showcased on Twitch



Or the specs can be used as "quick switch specs " like Genshin Impact , and travel to past and future among the mist , while the shoulders and horns of the bosses changes (bigger smaller) and some rocks -creates -birds -fireflies   pop up/disappear , same as your party member's  name -UI


Edited by Naqam a.6521
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On 8/12/2021 at 9:33 AM, Naqam a.6521 said:


I was hoping for some fragments on the ground , where  they teleported you 80 years in the past or in the future (red sky - flame ascallon effects on your screen - red filter screen - all npc names are deactivated  or covered by smoke  ) - npc color's cloths are inverted , or they gain a hat/helmet to hide their face , or the pvp interface where npc's in a specific location all get an ugly trench coat as baseline gear)

Where you play as a  kiddo and you can gear his up and change his skills like the WvWvW copy mechanic we had .

You can kill a rock golem that block your path or try to kill it in a  specific location , so in your modern time   you can  jump/reach something  , or twice per day you can play as him in Strikes .

Or go in the past to plant a seed that will grow in jumping mashroom in the future , but they way is blocked by falling rocks and you must go in "current time" before the rocks have fallen .

And then because he/you makes the wrong "choices " (it was the Buttler ,  in the kitchen , with the knife) ,  he will vent your anger on you  (as 70 age guy) and randomly attack you in the open world (Dark Souls)  , or enable pvp mode and other players with their "kiddos" custom forms can attack you for extra reward .


And then an undead-rombot-dragon with a Japanese schoolgirl shows up , and will take the "kiddo form' from whoever  player have the most matches per months and put him as Strike Mission Boss  that will   fight a top Guild , which will be showcased on Twitch



Or the specs can be used as "quick switch specs " like Genshin Impact , and travel to past and future among the mist , while the shoulders and horns of the bosses changes (bigger smaller) and some rocks -creates -birds -fireflies   pop up/disappear , same as your party member's  name -UI


Lol love this.
I want to have big robot as a new mount and we can fight in the space and other planet.

Gw2 will be better because I am the one and only center of gw2 universe, other people need to revolve around me!

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On 8/6/2021 at 6:54 PM, Luclinraider.2317 said:

So, my last post about how lacking the reveal felt seems to have quite a bit of response mixed with people agreeing and people disagreeing.


I'd like to start another post about what I am hoping to see that has yet to be revealed. In other words, what I believe EoD needs to bring in order to save the expansion and boost our player population into the million+ daily users where WoW and FF14 are sitting....along with BDO being almost there (was around 950k last month). GW2 last month is sitting around 550k.


1. Player Housing: This really isn't a difficult feature to make but it adds so much to the game for those who enjoy it. Games like FF14 and EQ2 even have leaderboards where players can visit and vote on homes. Even a simple instances based home system with a monthly upkeep like EQ2 would be fantastic....and this was done at launch in a 17 year old MMO...it shouldn't be hard to do with todays tech. Further....I would think ANet would jump at this...with a cash shop that is almost exclusively about aesthetic stuff....having a housing section of Gem furniture is sure to bring in big bucks.


2. New Class: It seems crazy that we are going to get two expansions without a new class. HoT gave us all specializations AND the Rev....why can't we get another new class with EoD. Ritualist seems pretty Jade Sea worthy. This has also just become a norm of the industry...generally speaking new expansions always either come with a new race or a new class...or both....which bring us to....


3. New Race: Now....races are done a little differently in GW2 with each one having its own Lore and home town...but that shouldn't keep us from ever having another race. Even back to EQ with Ruins of Kunark, we got Iksar who were a race that stayed to themselves. So they had a home city and lore etc...all confined to the expansion content. And I keep seeing the argument of "It would be hard to make gear models fit to a new race", which is just a horrible argument. The way that should read is "We are too lazy to put the work in to remodel animations on existing gear." Every company does remodels with new races, an inability to do that should simply mean that on our part, as consumers, an unwillingness to give them our money....sorry.


4. WvW**: So far we haven't heard anything on this other than "Factions are coming". However, we need much more love in WvW, we need new maps, new objectives, new mechanics...etc. Look at the success of DAoC simply because the WvW was mechanically superior.


5. SPvP**: We need more focus on proper balance...not 3 patches a year. We also need a variety of maps such as Capture the Flag, Deathmatch, and King of the Hill. Right now ALL PvP revolves around King of the Hill. Finally, we need 2's and 3's Arena to be year round competitive modes.


6. ** Applying to both of the above, downed state has no place in PvP. This is a PvE mechanic that has been brought up endlessly including by pro's from GW2 E-Sport scene and pro's from arguably the most successful MMO PvP scene ever, WoW Arena. Downed state functions as a crutch and ruins any competitive aspect to PvP. Now, in my personal opinions the real problem is Rally in PvP, however, getting rid of downed state will fix both areas of concern.


7. Some small form of vertical progression. We see a small area in Fractals with needed Agony Resistance, however, Legendary gear should have superior stats to Ascended. I keep seeing people complain about how they are abandoning raids because only like 1% of the player base play them. The reason no one does raids its that the rewards are pretty much exclusively Legendary gear. However, no one cares about getting legendary gear because it doesn't have any advantage over ascended. People like to say "Well I can change my stats"...you spent what, 200-300 hours + getting that set of legendary so you can change your stats. Oh...wait...I can change my ascended stats in 3 minutes too for about 60 gold. 60 gold takes about 2 hours to farm....


Legendary gear all around, weapons, accessories and armor all need to have the same % upgrade existing from Exotic to Ascended. 


Even just seeing some of these implemented I feel would help our numbers greatly, and a lot of these could probably be done in about a week of work. Giving Legendary gear a stat boost, activating arenas 2v2 and 3v3 year round in ranked, removing downed state from PvP, adding more WvW content and player housing can all be done in a couple of months by a competent team. We have 6 months until launch....it really should happen. That's 5 items on my list of 7 that I am really hoping to see, the other 2 being a little more involved in the sense that if they aren't already being finished as a yet to reveal feature, there's not way they will make the 6 month launch date.


What are you guys hoping to see in future reveals or features that feel should be in EoD to make it worth the price and bring players to our game?

I think we should expect some new content and features reveals about EoD until it’s release in February, since they said in the very final of this post on the “Until Next Time” part (https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/arenanet-studio-update-july-2021/) that we’ll have more livestreams organized along this year to show more features of the expansion besides those showed on the 27th July. As said in the post: …”so while we won’t be spoiling things, we still have lots to share between now and release! We’ve planned more Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons livestreams through the rest of 2021, and they’ll each bring you more news about the expansion.”.

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On 8/11/2021 at 3:09 PM, Telgum.6071 said:

What is this obsession everyone has with the ritualist? kitten I really hope the new guardian specialization is a ritualist so we don't get more of these "make ritualist plz"

It is a class with quite unique playstyle, exotic and interesting (to many) aestethics, and one that would fit very, very well in gw2 paradigm (seeing as it was a class that was originally made as hybrid class that could spec into dps, support and heal). It is also a class that cannot be done well using espec approach.

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1 hour ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

It is a class with quite unique playstyle, exotic and interesting (to many) aestethics, and one that would fit very, very well in gw2 paradigm (seeing as it was a class that was originally made as hybrid class that could spec into dps, support and heal). It is also a class that cannot be done well using espec approach.

And had a feel that none of the current classes replicate at all.


There are three things anet could do that would have me jumping out of my seat, all unlikely of course. But they are: Spears, Ritualist, and Tengu.

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4 minutes ago, Dante.1763 said:

And had a feel that none of the current classes replicate at all.


There are three things anet could do that would have me jumping out of my seat, all unlikely of course. But they are: Spears, Ritualist, and Tengu.

I’m meh on playable Tengu but otherwise those two are exactly what I want

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  • 2 weeks later...

Let me paraphrase:


"If the things I want to see aren't there, the expansion will fail and WoW will take over the world"


Everything OP desires is unlikely or just plain shouldn't happen in GW2, for many good reasons. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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2 hours ago, Razor.6392 said:

Most things OP mentioned are things that are normally included in expansions for other mmos. New classes, new races, expanded game modes.

OK ... that doesn't mean anyone should expect Anet to put those things in GW2. I said it before, I say it again:


NO ONE should be expecting anything except the kinds of content we have seen in the last two expansions. We didn't see races, we didn't see housing, we didn't see expanded game modes. Now all the sudden, people expect this ... they are just setting themselves up to be let down. 

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2 hours ago, Razor.6392 said:

Most things OP mentioned are things that are normally included in expansions for other mmos. New classes, new races, expanded game modes.

Last I checked the only major MMO to give a new race on their latest expansion is FFXIV, and it's not even a new race, it's the male version of an existing race that's already in the game. And E-Specs are as close to a new class as we get in this game, which works for the most part if we don't include their horrid balancing. 

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6 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

OK ... that doesn't mean anyone should expect Anet to put those things in GW2. I said it before, I say it again:


NO ONE should be expecting anything except the kinds of content we have seen in the last two expansions. We didn't see races, we didn't see housing, we didn't see expanded game modes. Now all the sudden, people expect this ... they are just setting themselves up to be let down. 

Uh, we had one more class in HoT, we had one more WvW map in PoF... hello? We're not getting either of those.


I think we can both agree that ANet is just playing it safe (being stingy) and not doing literally ANYTHING outside of  'what we expect' which is very disappointing, kinda like the 9th birthday stuff.


Bare minimum effort, hopefully bare minimum sales. It's usually how it works.

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9 hours ago, Razor.6392 said:

Bare minimum effort, hopefully bare minimum sales. It's usually how it works.

OK ... effort does not equate to new stuff ... so that's not relevant to your point. Just because the things we are getting in EoD don't fit your criteria for 'new' doesn't mean it's minimum effort. 


See the problem here is that people like you and the OP think the xpac will not be good, because it doesn't have the new things in it that they want or that other MMO's have. Except having new things you want or that other MMO's aren't a condition for the xpac to be successful. There ARE new things being released in EoD, so to pretend they aren't is bad acting. 


I don't think it matters if Anet is playing it safe or not ... they are following a successful approach to releasing content for players. I think that's actually an unfair accusation given some of the twists they are putting on the content we are getting. I definitely don't think Strikes with a CM option is 'safe' for them. I definitely don't think 2 person mounts is 'safe' for them. I don't think fishing is 'safe' for them. You just see what you want to see to make the conclusions you want to make. 

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