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Forum Reaction System [Merged]

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2 minutes ago, Obfuscate.6430 said:

I don't understand why people have an issue with the emojis. I've reacted with the emoji myself a few times when I didn't have words to add to the thread but definitely had a reaction. It allows people to contribute without spamming. I don't see any reason why you need to see who is reacting though, if they are not sharing an actual worded opinion. 

The confusion emoji seems to represent an actual lack of understanding to me, rather than a downvote. There are some threads I didn't understand - either the writing was poor or the argument/suggestion/opinion was confusing. Like one thread was about how everything announced so far for the expansion was garbage and how no one will buy it. I didn't understand where they got that idea from so I used the confused emoji. 
The crying emoji I don't understand. 

What I hate though is getting notifications of these emoji reactions. Little noisy pop-up windows to tell me "someone reacted". Like...I can check back on a thread if I want to, I don't need the notification. 

Ah, but yet had you put a confused emote on such a post(if i had made one), i would have no clue why it was there.


Typing out something along the lines of "Hey your post doenst make sense to me, and i dont see how you arrived at your conclusion" Isnt that hard, and gives a chance for dialogue, an emoji doesnt do that, it gives no feedback what so ever.


I personally, disregard all but the like and thanks emojis.  "Haha" is okay i guess, but its not used much.


Confused/Sad? Outside of spamming my bloody notifications may as well not exist. They are meaningless due to not having a reason to why they got put on the post.

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5 hours ago, HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

So I decided to lower my forum-activity drastically. I skip most of the interesting threads, avoid certain topics strictly and stopped writing about one topic completely. In addition I do no longer visit certain sub-boards anymore.

I gave you the Sad emoji not in a QQ-more way but in a "I am sad this has happened to you, I find it unfair and wrong" way.


See, I had to explain that.  The provided emojis have way too much ambiguity, as others have said.  I know that it takes a while to make changes to a third-party provided system, just witness how long it took Gaile to get Vanilla to improve the previous forums' QOL each time she wanted a change based on our feedback, but without some sort of broad consensus by the community or a pinned post with dictated meanings from ANet the current implementation is useless and divisive.

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A lot of valid points about notifications i tell thee.... 27 of them Brilliant! Just slap the users name next to the reactions so at least then we can address what they are confused about.

I still cant get over the fact we lost posting images for emoji's

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4 hours ago, Dante.1763 said:

Ah, but yet had you put a confused emote on such a post(if i had made one), i would have no clue why it was there.


Typing out something along the lines of "Hey your post doenst make sense to me, and i dont see how you arrived at your conclusion" Isnt that hard, and gives a chance for dialogue, an emoji doesnt do that, it gives no feedback what so ever.


I personally, disregard all but the like and thanks emojis.  "Haha" is okay i guess, but its not used much.


Confused/Sad? Outside of spamming my bloody notifications may as well not exist. They are meaningless due to not having a reason to why they got put on the post.

Usually when I use the emoji it's because those reactions have all been said. I generally want to add something to a thread, instead of parrot what others are saying. Disregarding any reaction but those that fully support your vision is pretty much negating the need for reactions at all - or any interaction at all. If you want people to only agree with you or like what you are saying, why invite feedback at all?

I generally love your posts, that I have seen so far, but I still don't understand why this emoji thing is this bothersome to you and many others. (aside from the irritating notification that is) 

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22 hours ago, Smoosh.2718 said:

If this reaction system is here to stay please can you slap down the names of the persons who reacted to the post or (prefered option) remove it.

These Reaction emoji's make no sense if its anonymous, if someone likes the post, show who likes it, if someones confused show whose confused.


However, as listed above the removal of this system would be prefered as its way too 'facebooky'.


As an additional note, when are imbedded images coming back for users to post with?

looks like the confused emoji is the meme unlike emoji..

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Yes, the confused emote as well as the sad emote are often misused as passive-aggressive reaction methods. We really don't need those.


A like emote is enough to show support. If you disagree, simply don't "like" the post and state your disapproval in a response so that the person understands why you disagree with them - and perhaps an interesting discussion can grow out of that.


As for the laugh emote: If someone cracked you up with a comment, you can react in a response - no need for this anonymity system here, either.


P.S. Also, what's up with emojis like this one? -> 💩

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12 hours ago, Obfuscate.6430 said:

I don't understand why people have an issue with the emojis. I've reacted with the emoji myself a few times when I didn't have words to add to the thread but definitely had a reaction. It allows people to contribute without spamming. I don't see any reason why you need to see who is reacting though, if they are not sharing an actual worded opinion. 

The confusion emoji seems to represent an actual lack of understanding to me, rather than a downvote. There are some threads I didn't understand - either the writing was poor or the argument/suggestion/opinion was confusing. Like one thread was about how everything announced so far for the expansion was garbage and how no one will buy it. I didn't understand where they got that idea from so I used the confused emoji. 
The crying emoji I don't understand. 

What I hate though is getting notifications of these emoji reactions. Little noisy pop-up windows to tell me "someone reacted". Like...I can check back on a thread if I want to, I don't need the notification. 


The part I put in bold is why I'd like to know who is leaving those reactions and what they mean by it. It's fine if someone disagrees with me, I don't expect everyone to share my views and I'm not going to try to force it, but if I've explained myself badly and what I've said doesn't make sense I'd like to know that's the case so I can fix it.


At the moment a confused reaction doesn't do that. Firstly because some people use it as a code to mean "I understand what you said but I don't like it" and secondly because there's more than one way something could be confusing. If I post something and get a confused reaction I could re-write the entire post to make sure it's clearly worded and there's no spelling mistakes so it's easier to understand, but if the problem is that I've suggested a system you're not familiar with and you don't understand what the benefit of adding it to the game would be then that helps no one and is a waste of time all around.


I don't mind it, because it's useless junk information which is easily ignored. But it also doesn't contribute anything worthwhile and so may as well not exist. Leaving a reaction and not posting (other than maybe 'like' in certain circumstances) is as effective as not doing anything at all.

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8 hours ago, Obfuscate.6430 said:

Usually when I use the emoji it's because those reactions have all been said. I generally want to add something to a thread, instead of parrot what others are saying. Disregarding any reaction but those that fully support your vision is pretty much negating the need for reactions at all - or any interaction at all. If you want people to only agree with you or like what you are saying, why invite feedback at all?

I generally love your posts, that I have seen so far, but I still don't understand why this emoji thing is this bothersome to you and many others. (aside from the irritating notification that is) 

Mostly the notification for me xD



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No one is confused. It is a dislike basically or I don't agree. They are just emoji's. The easy solve is to give the option to remove notifications for reactions w/o it also removing if someone replies. It is annoying to go oh I got a msg and it's just a confused emoji but I know the person isn't confused they just don't agree.

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If you're so narrow minded that you have to label anybody who disagrees with you as a troll, the problem is you. 😉


If you're so presumptuous that you claim majority of confused faces are from trolls without any data to back up your claims, the problem is you. 😉


If you're so petty and vindictive that you need to know who left you a confused emoji even though it doesn't affect you in any way, the problem is you. 😉

Edited by BlueJin.4127
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14 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:


The part I put in bold is why I'd like to know who is leaving those reactions and what they mean by it. It's fine if someone disagrees with me, I don't expect everyone to share my views and I'm not going to try to force it, but if I've explained myself badly and what I've said doesn't make sense I'd like to know that's the case so I can fix it.


I don't mind it, because it's useless junk information which is easily ignored. But it also doesn't contribute anything worthwhile and so may as well not exist. Leaving a reaction and not posting (other than maybe 'like' in certain circumstances) is as effective as not doing anything at all.

That clears things up a bit but if someone is posting an opinion I don't understand because I can't agree with it and  others have already replied with sentiments that match my own I think it is fair that I don't necessarily have to make a post to explain my position if it is only echoing what others have said without really adding anything new. 

You could argue that I can also give thanks or likes to the replies that I agree with instead, but if the poster I didn't agree with comes back, someone else's reply getting likes may not have meaning to them. Infact they might not look at or even notice that. A reaction directly on their own post however, whatever it is - sends a message directly to them. 
I think it still has value even if it's not always a favorable reaction  but I can see how it can be exploited.  

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2 hours ago, BlueJin.4127 said:

If you're so narrow minded that you have to label anybody who disagrees with you as a troll, the problem is you. 😉


If you're so presumptuous that you claim majority of confused faces are from trolls without any data to back up your claims, the problem is you. 😉


If you're so petty and vindictive that you need to know who left you a confused emoji even though it doesn't affect you in any way, the problem is you. 😉

I would be willing to bet a large sum of money that what I stated is the case. Good thing you rode in here to straighten me out! 🤣😂🤣

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