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Guild Wars 3 - Desires and Speculation

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14 hours ago, ugrakarma.9416 said:

Older ppl like me dont have more patience for a new game, i would prefer stop playing videos games at all.


Also i dislike "big resets" in general, i more like continue exploring Tyria.


Lots of 40yo+ ppl dont have enthusiasm for "start all over again".


most actual MMOs are boring.

Im 27 and i play two mmos, if either or both dies, i wont be starting over in another mmo.


And of gw2 announced gw3? Whale Wallet? Shut.


Age has nothing to do with it, trust me.

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17 hours ago, LadyEden.7519 said:


😂 The same thing was said 10 years ago, and here we are.


@Brother Dulfite.5793, there have been tons of GW3 threads. They have led nowhere. Why not focus on what you would like to see in GW2 past-EoD? The game is not going to end with the next expansion, so it would be more productive to focus on something real rather than "dream" about something that might or might not happen in the far future.

Tbh its still true. most mmos fail 

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On 8/12/2021 at 1:20 PM, Sigmoid.7082 said:

This is another issue with these kinds of things. The thought that "If Anet made GW3 they would make a game I would want to play with the things I want in it" or "It would fix all the things wrong with this game". This and a bunch of other things and though processes are woefully naïve.


Unrealistic expectations only lead to disappointment. 


I didn't say there were a bunch of things I don't like about GW2. I have loved the game, just like I loved GW1. But you know what happened around 2010? GW1 started to feel really aged out. And guess what, they provided us with GW2 for a fresh experience with modern graphics/features/engines. Now that GW2 is feeling aged out, isn't it normal to want the next big leap forward? People being resistant to a GW3, assuming they could just improve GW2, is like people saying the Nintendo Switch should last for 10+ years without being replaced, or Series X, or PS5. Engines get outdated just like hardware does and there is only so much you can push them before they look awful.

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22 hours ago, Cipisek.2147 said:

Then maybe GW2 is just not for you? The game doesnt have to change based on your preferences.

Wow. This attitude lol. All I'm talking about is innovating and staying modern. I have been a fan of GW more than half my life. I remember playing GW Factions when it was brand new when I was in 8th grade and now I'm 30. Was GW1 not for me when I wanted new features that were eventually introduced in GW2? No. It is natural to want positive change and not stay stagnate. I am such a fan of GW that I desire it to LOOK modernly beautiful and not have textures that look this bad. The grass, the human skin, there is so much stuff in this game that looks terrible even on the best gaming rigs. I just want a 2021 graphical version of what Guild Wars should look like and not a 2012 version.

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22 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

I don't see why not. We don't always have to fight dragons. PoF wasn't even about fighting a dragon. 


I think the other point is ... Anet doesn't have to develop another GW game either. Maybe the business case points towards something else?

PoF was absolutely about fighting a dragon. The dragons become such a problem that a god decided to do something about it. Did he go a little crazy in the process? Sure, but in his mind he was trying to defeat the dragons. And Joko was attempting to fight the dragons in his own way as well. The base game, HoT, PoF, and so far EoD are ALL focused on the dragons. Are there other enemies to deal with as well? Yes, but defeating them isn't the main goal and never has been. It's been all about the Elder Dragons. Which is why, after the Elder Dragons are defeated, if a new enemy arises that has nothing to do with ED, it would be a perfect time to do a brand new game with a brand new engine that looks modern.

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9 hours ago, Telgum.6071 said:

I will never understand this obsession with GW3, like if that is ever going to happen.

Obsession? It isn't obsession to want an actual sequel, in a brand new engine, with modern code after almost 10 years. That's like saying, instead of wanting Halo 1, Halo 2, and Halo 3, I just want constant DLC for Halo 1. Graphical upgrades? Forget that. More draw distance? Nah, I'll pass. Better resolution compatibility, HDR, or any other features introduced in recent years or soon to be? BORING. Just keep giving me new content in pre-existing textures, baby! Who cares about visual updates, and anyone who wants this is crazy!

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41 minutes ago, Brother Dulfite.5793 said:

PoF was absolutely about fighting a dragon. 

No, that's wrong. It was about fighting Balthazar. PoF was DEFINITELY not about fighting a dragon. That's not even debatable. There is NO QUESTION who we fought in PoF.


And that goes to the point that any other future expansion or content doesn't need to be about fighting a dragon either. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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6 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

No, that's wrong. It was about fighting Balthazar. PoF was DEFINITELY not about fighting a dragon. That's not even debatable. There is NO QUESTION who we fought in PoF.


And that goes to the point that any other future expansion or content doesn't need to be about fighting a dragon either. 

Yeee, POF was all about Balthazar. Yes Kralkatoric was there, but he wasnt the major plot, a bloodstone infused, banished, former war god was.


LWS4 was all about Kralkatoric.

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1 hour ago, Brother Dulfite.5793 said:

Obsession? It isn't obsession to want an actual sequel, in a brand new engine, with modern code after almost 10 years. That's like saying, instead of wanting Halo 1, Halo 2, and Halo 3, I just want constant DLC for Halo 1. Graphical upgrades? Forget that. More draw distance? Nah, I'll pass. Better resolution compatibility, HDR, or any other features introduced in recent years or soon to be? BORING. Just keep giving me new content in pre-existing textures, baby! Who cares about visual updates, and anyone who wants this is crazy!

I don't take your Halo example at all, those games are not MMOS and don't receive constant updates like MMOs do. Halo makes a story, an online mode and that's it, go for the next. MMOs update over time, sorry to spoiler you this.


The situation you present is ridiculous. How many games have been there for years without a second part on sight? How can possibly WoW be the most played MMO with those 2000's graphics? LoL rings a bell? Minecraft? And those are the top ones, do you want a bigger list for games with similars numbers to GW2?


The people how fantasize with GW3 are disconnected from reality, thinking a third game will bring everything they want and drop everything else, while the GW2 team is developing long-term featured because there is no need at all of a third game.


What do you want, new mechanics? Can be developed on GW2

Resolution compatibility? GW2

Graphical upgrades? GW2


If you give new textures that importance just go play TLOU or some weird thing like that.


"PoF was absolutely about fighting a dragon. "


Another example of disconnection from reality.

Edited by Telgum.6071
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2 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

No, that's wrong. It was about fighting Balthazar. PoF was DEFINITELY not about fighting a dragon. That's not even debatable. There is NO QUESTION who we fought in PoF.


And that goes to the point that any other future expansion or content doesn't need to be about fighting a dragon either. 

We had to fight Balth because Balth had a solution to the Elder Dragons. If the Elder Dragons weren't a threat, Balth would have never done what he did. If the Elder Dragons weren't a threat, Joko would have never needed releasing. The Elder Dragons were the threat we were indirectly dealing with in PoF. Sometimes plotlines are deeper than just surface level.

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1 hour ago, Telgum.6071 said:

I don't take your Halo example at all, those games are not MMOS and don't receive constant updates like MMOs do. Halo makes a story, an online mode and that's it, go for the next. MMOs update over time, sorry to spoiler you this.


The situation you present is ridiculous. How many games have been there for years without a second part on sight? How can possibly WoW be the most played MMO with those 2000's graphics? LoL rings a bell? Minecraft? And those are the top ones, do you want a bigger list for games with similars numbers to GW2?


The people how fantasize with GW3 are disconnected from reality, thinking a third game will bring everything they want and drop everything else, while the GW2 team is developing long-term featured because there is no need at all of a third game.


What do you want, new mechanics? Can be developed on GW2

Resolution compatibility? GW2

Graphical upgrades? GW2


If you give new textures that importance just go play TLOU or some weird thing like that.


"PoF was absolutely about fighting a dragon. "


Another example of disconnection from reality.

WoW has had texture/graphics updates. Eve Online has had major graphical updates. Even Runescape has had made graphics updates. If GW2 can't have that sort of update due to poor initial coding, then we need a third one. If you really think GW2 can improve the graphics/engine the same way other MMO's have, then answer why they haven't done that so far? The game looks the same way it did 10 years ago, whereas WoW, Eve, and Runescape all look significantly better than at launch.

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2 minutes ago, Brother Dulfite.5793 said:

We had to fight Balth because Balth had a solution to the Elder Dragons. If the Elder Dragons weren't a threat, Balth would have never done what he did. If the Elder Dragons weren't a threat, Joko would have never needed releasing. The Elder Dragons were the threat we were indirectly dealing with in PoF. Sometimes plotlines are deeper than just surface level.

Sure, all true ... but the point remains. We didn't fight a dragon in PoF ... so that's precedent that any other future expansion or content doesn't need to be about fighting a dragon either.

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Alright I'm done. I started this thread thinking we would have a fun discussion about hypothetical features we'd like to see years from now when GW3 would hopefully launch, but instead it's been people coming out guns blazing against the very notion of a third game, defending an old engine that basically looks the same as it did 10 years ago. I'm tired of being on the defense for wanting to have a fun discussion about the next major leap forward for this series. This forum is way too critical of non-mainstream viewpoints. I will not be replying any further and as far as I'm concerned a mod can lock this.

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1 hour ago, Brother Dulfite.5793 said:

WoW has had texture/graphics updates. Eve Online has had major graphical updates. Even Runescape has had made graphics updates. If GW2 can't have that sort of update due to poor initial coding, then we need a third one. If you really think GW2 can improve the graphics/engine the same way other MMO's have, then answer why they haven't done that so far? The game looks the same way it did 10 years ago, whereas WoW, Eve, and Runescape all look significantly better than at launch.

Evolution of World of Warcraft 2001-2020 - YouTube

Graphics 20 years old.. Nah man, you better return in like 10 years with hopes for GW3 😁

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1 hour ago, Brother Dulfite.5793 said:

Alright I'm done. I started this thread thinking we would have a fun discussion about hypothetical features we'd like to see years from now when GW3 would hopefully launch, but instead it's been people coming out guns blazing against the very notion of a third game, defending an old engine that basically looks the same as it did 10 years ago. I'm tired of being on the defense for wanting to have a fun discussion about the next major leap forward for this series. This forum is way too critical of non-mainstream viewpoints. I will not be replying any further and as far as I'm concerned a mod can lock this.

I would rather talk about the more realistic scenario of features we will want to see in a couple of years from now when we get expansion 4 in GW2. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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In general, GW3 would need to be more than just a revamped GW2 or it'd probably just annoy the whole playerbase. I imagine if there was a GW3 and it looked more like next gen third person game with slower more deliberate combat it'd probably do well enough to give itself purpose (just an example, not the direction it needs). In other words, don't cannibalize your population. It was actually one of the reasons Blizzard (among other things) turned Overwatch into what it is now instead of an MMO

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We have had graphical updates.  The Devs talked about such when Season 3 was released.  Not to mention the upcoming engine upgrade and possible new graphics in the future.


As for Guild Wars 3, I'm not excited about having Guild Wars 2 go into maintenance mode and waiting 5+ years for new content.


It's difficult enough to wait 6 months. 

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12 hours ago, Brother Dulfite.5793 said:

Alright I'm done. I started this thread thinking we would have a fun discussion about hypothetical features we'd like to see years from now when GW3 would hopefully launch, but instead it's been people coming out guns blazing against the very notion of a third game, defending an old engine that basically looks the same as it did 10 years ago. I'm tired of being on the defense for wanting to have a fun discussion about the next major leap forward for this series. This forum is way too critical of non-mainstream viewpoints. I will not be replying any further and as far as I'm concerned a mod can lock this.

You believe you wanted a nice discussion but , again if you actually read the threads you found, you have brought absolutely nothing new to an age old discussion. 

Edited by Sigmoid.7082
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35 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

We have had graphical updates.  The Devs talked about such when Season 3 was released.  Not to mention the upcoming engine upgrade and possible new graphics in the future.


As for Guild Wars 3, I'm not excited about having Guild Wars 2 go into maintenance mode and waiting 5+ years for new content.


It's difficult enough to wait 6 months. 

The difference in POF, HOT and the base game areas are jarring. i -really- wish they would go back and apply those upgrades to everything from the core game, would make the whole game look better.

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Focusing a discussion on a hypothetical GW3 can be confrontational in nature. It proposes, essentially, the complete or near complete halt to GW2 production, so anyone who is a fan of GW2 isn't likely to jump on board a utopian version of a future game that likely would never live up to each person's own hype.  Additionally, people in this thread have all pointed out a lot of very good information and reasoning behind their feelings, opinions, and just the facts of the game. Clearly ANet is putting a lot of resources into the dx9 to 11 upgrade. And the logic of that, and a new expansion, is that GW2 is going to be around for years to come.


The game looks outdated to you? Okay. That's fine, but that's also your opinion on it. It could just as easily be defined as stylistic choice. Yes, WoW upgraded graphics (though often it's textures and not actual meshes). I looked at some of the character model changes between live and classic (as I only ever played back when classic was the thing) and... like I really had to stare at the Blood Elf to even see the darn difference. Sure, if you've stared at your character for 10 years and then they change the look, even slightly, you're going to notice. But in a lot of instances texture upgrades to actual characters is going to appear pretty minimal. Not because they can't necessarily make nicer skins (hello exclusive kit faces and hair), but because changing any of the existing ones also means you are messing with what people have chosen as their characters. Hence, it would make way more sense to add more face models/textures to the game and potentially give a free makeover kit per character after a big release than it would be to actually change any of the original pieces. In the terms of highly important NPCs, they could either leave them the same or give them more unique faces. This is still very doable inside of GW2, thus, people are going to point that out. Maybe GW2's feels outdated to you. But to me, coming in just last month, I find the game beautiful. I'm still hardcore into XIV, but I love the character designs, movement, and the mount animations in GW2 so much. So many things are incredibly beautiful, and I would say some aspects are far superior to other games.


The world is also gorgeous. And sure, everything can be improved in one way or another. But there's a difference in saying something is outdated and something is modern within its style. People have pointed out that expansions have looked different from the base game. It's unlikely that we will ever see massive graphical changes to GW2 even if they were feasible and cost effective, because the game as it stands now is what people that are playing are used to and generally like. The risk in alienating players with any major changes is unlikely to be a benefit to the game. People still play GW1 and FFXI. People still watch movies from the 30s. I've watched plenty of anime from the 80s and 90s. Just because something can be done "better" in a variety of different ways doesn't mean that the older product isn't good anymore. Sure, I'm totally with you on graphics being a really engaging aspect of the games I play. There are a lot of games I really won't touch, even though they are probably good in and of themselves, because they don't look great. And I've never really been big on 8-bit and 16-bit at all. But I think there is still an argument to be made for actually "outdated" graphics, and working within a chosen style. We are likely going to see graphical upgrades to textures, if not retroactively, at least in newer content. And as time permits, they may work backwards as well. Any game is "outdated" the second it is released, realistically, because there is always another game in development using better engines, better designs, betting lighting, better mocap, better AI, etc. Just because it was made a decade ago doesn't mean it can't still look good.

But cost and profit are huge factors here. The cost associated to the artistic work on upgrading all the textures is huge. And would the pay off be high enough to warrant that cost? Would slightly better visuals retain more players? Would it draw in enough new players who would also spend money on the game? Or, is it more cost effective to put those same artists to work on new maps, new skins, new mounts, etc? Let's me honest here. It's the latter. A new expansion, which has to be bought, is a way better use of resources and has a much higher chance to bring in more money for the company, increase player retention, and draw in new players.


As for the whole "we didn't fight a dragon in PoF"... the whole point is that the fight itself wasn't against a dragon. Not that dragons played no role in it, or didn't have any background lore to it. You can have a whole story that focuses on different mechanics, enemies, and themes, while still having the core history and belief structures remain in place. You specifically said that we should have an enemy aside from dragons. And they have done that. Just because dragons have played a role in the core history of the entire world forever, essentially, doesn't mean we haven't fought other things. And just because those other things/people have goals that are associated in some way to the dragons doesn't mean their arcs and fights aren't any more or less important to our story than a fight against an Elder Dragon.


With the guilds/alliances...I dunno. I never would have been big on that type of content and based on what others have said about the rivalry and toxicity they created in GW1 I can understand why they wanted to distance themselves from that sort of content. I definitely prefer PvE elements in general and teaming up with my fellows against the environment and npcs over anything that really pits player against player. However, I think that content still has a place in MMOs. It just seems shocking hard to implement well. Of the few things I really liked in WoW, the large capture the flag style PvP was really fun for me. And that was while doing the same map for ages to get my white wolf mount. So, it was fun even after ridiculous repetition.

Public housing with neighbourhoods is...literally one of the worst ideas ever. I say this because, like I said, hardcore XIV. And we have literally the most resource heavy, broken housing system in existence. A neighbourhood with a low draw distance isn't going to do anything other than make it easier for your computer to load things in as you go. They still have to maintain the entire neighbourhood(s) as active instances because people could be running around them at all times (which...no, they almost never do in reality. Those places are dead. -_-). It's a ridiculously resource hog and thus also generally limited in some way. How many neighbourhoods do they add? How many lots per neighbourhood? Do they limit the housing plots to different sizes? Are people then limited to whatever size they can get? Or, do you make every plot the same size and make it all really uniform and bland so that everyone can upgrade and decorate equally? Instanced housing with an outdoor area within that instance is by far the way to go. If you want to randomly visit people's instances who have them open, that would be fine. If people want to do "neighbourhood jaunts" streaming on Twitch as they explore people's instanced housing, that would also be great. But....physical zones of player housing is THE WORST THING EVER. It is literally one of the most loathed things on FFXIV, including by a lot of people that have houses!


The whole things with "skins that fit the world" thing is also very self-centered. Your take on the world may not be at all in line with what others think. And, it's an MMO where people are supposed to create these amazing, fantastical heroes. I am actually super, super unhappy that the Charr have such limited fur colors. It is a world where magic and illusion and dyes are everywhere. Everything one can imagine is basically possible. And you want to strangle creativity because it doesn't match your view of a proper hero in the world's setting? Doesn't matter if one is RPing or not. If I want my super pink little plant boy to wear the brightest, most garish colors I can think of while riding a ridiculous pixel mount then that's my business. Realistically, in the canon every other PC either doesn't exist or are "random adventures" that you have gathered for a specific purpose, like almost every MMO. And like almost every MMO customization is highly, highly valued.


And finally, it's completely fine to abandon a thread. However, do not blame the people that responded to you just because you didn't get want you wanted from the thread. You had every opportunity to judge what you were getting in the responses and either edit your initial post, or change course in the comments and join everyone else in their discussion on how a lot of the things that you wanted to implement could have been done in GW2. Instead you doubled and tripled down on your own opinions, blind to a clear consensus being offered to you. You stopped the discussion by not engaging with people. All you did was reiterate your points ad nauseam when clearly the vast majority of people just weren't on board with it. This could well have evolved into a decent discussion on how to improve a game that clearly those old and new still greatly appreciate. Instead it felt more like a lot of people talking to one very annoyed person who was sitting there with their arms crossed just going "nuh-uh!" at every response.

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11 hours ago, Pink.9672 said:

Focusing a discussion on a hypothetical GW3 can be confrontational in nature. It proposes, essentially, the complete or near complete halt to GW2 production, so anyone who is a fan of GW2 isn't likely to jump on board a utopian version of a future game that likely would never live up to each person's own hype.  Additionally, people in this thread have all pointed out a lot of very good information and reasoning behind their feelings, opinions, and just the facts of the game. Clearly ANet is putting a lot of resources into the dx9 to 11 upgrade. And the logic of that, and a new expansion, is that GW2 is going to be around for years to come.


The game looks outdated to you? Okay. That's fine, but that's also your opinion on it. It could just as easily be defined as stylistic choice. Yes, WoW upgraded graphics (though often it's textures and not actual meshes). I looked at some of the character model changes between live and classic (as I only ever played back when classic was the thing) and... like I really had to stare at the Blood Elf to even see the darn difference. Sure, if you've stared at your character for 10 years and then they change the look, even slightly, you're going to notice. But in a lot of instances texture upgrades to actual characters is going to appear pretty minimal. Not because they can't necessarily make nicer skins (hello exclusive kit faces and hair), but because changing any of the existing ones also means you are messing with what people have chosen as their characters. Hence, it would make way more sense to add more face models/textures to the game and potentially give a free makeover kit per character after a big release than it would be to actually change any of the original pieces. In the terms of highly important NPCs, they could either leave them the same or give them more unique faces. This is still very doable inside of GW2, thus, people are going to point that out. Maybe GW2's feels outdated to you. But to me, coming in just last month, I find the game beautiful. I'm still hardcore into XIV, but I love the character designs, movement, and the mount animations in GW2 so much. So many things are incredibly beautiful, and I would say some aspects are far superior to other games.


The world is also gorgeous. And sure, everything can be improved in one way or another. But there's a difference in saying something is outdated and something is modern within its style. People have pointed out that expansions have looked different from the base game. It's unlikely that we will ever see massive graphical changes to GW2 even if they were feasible and cost effective, because the game as it stands now is what people that are playing are used to and generally like. The risk in alienating players with any major changes is unlikely to be a benefit to the game. People still play GW1 and FFXI. People still watch movies from the 30s. I've watched plenty of anime from the 80s and 90s. Just because something can be done "better" in a variety of different ways doesn't mean that the older product isn't good anymore. Sure, I'm totally with you on graphics being a really engaging aspect of the games I play. There are a lot of games I really won't touch, even though they are probably good in and of themselves, because they don't look great. And I've never really been big on 8-bit and 16-bit at all. But I think there is still an argument to be made for actually "outdated" graphics, and working within a chosen style. We are likely going to see graphical upgrades to textures, if not retroactively, at least in newer content. And as time permits, they may work backwards as well. Any game is "outdated" the second it is released, realistically, because there is always another game in development using better engines, better designs, betting lighting, better mocap, better AI, etc. Just because it was made a decade ago doesn't mean it can't still look good.

But cost and profit are huge factors here. The cost associated to the artistic work on upgrading all the textures is huge. And would the pay off be high enough to warrant that cost? Would slightly better visuals retain more players? Would it draw in enough new players who would also spend money on the game? Or, is it more cost effective to put those same artists to work on new maps, new skins, new mounts, etc? Let's me honest here. It's the latter. A new expansion, which has to be bought, is a way better use of resources and has a much higher chance to bring in more money for the company, increase player retention, and draw in new players.


As for the whole "we didn't fight a dragon in PoF"... the whole point is that the fight itself wasn't against a dragon. Not that dragons played no role in it, or didn't have any background lore to it. You can have a whole story that focuses on different mechanics, enemies, and themes, while still having the core history and belief structures remain in place. You specifically said that we should have an enemy aside from dragons. And they have done that. Just because dragons have played a role in the core history of the entire world forever, essentially, doesn't mean we haven't fought other things. And just because those other things/people have goals that are associated in some way to the dragons doesn't mean their arcs and fights aren't any more or less important to our story than a fight against an Elder Dragon.


With the guilds/alliances...I dunno. I never would have been big on that type of content and based on what others have said about the rivalry and toxicity they created in GW1 I can understand why they wanted to distance themselves from that sort of content. I definitely prefer PvE elements in general and teaming up with my fellows against the environment and npcs over anything that really pits player against player. However, I think that content still has a place in MMOs. It just seems shocking hard to implement well. Of the few things I really liked in WoW, the large capture the flag style PvP was really fun for me. And that was while doing the same map for ages to get my white wolf mount. So, it was fun even after ridiculous repetition.

Public housing with neighbourhoods is...literally one of the worst ideas ever. I say this because, like I said, hardcore XIV. And we have literally the most resource heavy, broken housing system in existence. A neighbourhood with a low draw distance isn't going to do anything other than make it easier for your computer to load things in as you go. They still have to maintain the entire neighbourhood(s) as active instances because people could be running around them at all times (which...no, they almost never do in reality. Those places are dead. -_-). It's a ridiculously resource hog and thus also generally limited in some way. How many neighbourhoods do they add? How many lots per neighbourhood? Do they limit the housing plots to different sizes? Are people then limited to whatever size they can get? Or, do you make every plot the same size and make it all really uniform and bland so that everyone can upgrade and decorate equally? Instanced housing with an outdoor area within that instance is by far the way to go. If you want to randomly visit people's instances who have them open, that would be fine. If people want to do "neighbourhood jaunts" streaming on Twitch as they explore people's instanced housing, that would also be great. But....physical zones of player housing is THE WORST THING EVER. It is literally one of the most loathed things on FFXIV, including by a lot of people that have houses!


The whole things with "skins that fit the world" thing is also very self-centered. Your take on the world may not be at all in line with what others think. And, it's an MMO where people are supposed to create these amazing, fantastical heroes. I am actually super, super unhappy that the Charr have such limited fur colors. It is a world where magic and illusion and dyes are everywhere. Everything one can imagine is basically possible. And you want to strangle creativity because it doesn't match your view of a proper hero in the world's setting? Doesn't matter if one is RPing or not. If I want my super pink little plant boy to wear the brightest, most garish colors I can think of while riding a ridiculous pixel mount then that's my business. Realistically, in the canon every other PC either doesn't exist or are "random adventures" that you have gathered for a specific purpose, like almost every MMO. And like almost every MMO customization is highly, highly valued.


And finally, it's completely fine to abandon a thread. However, do not blame the people that responded to you just because you didn't get want you wanted from the thread. You had every opportunity to judge what you were getting in the responses and either edit your initial post, or change course in the comments and join everyone else in their discussion on how a lot of the things that you wanted to implement could have been done in GW2. Instead you doubled and tripled down on your own opinions, blind to a clear consensus being offered to you. You stopped the discussion by not engaging with people. All you did was reiterate your points ad nauseam when clearly the vast majority of people just weren't on board with it. This could well have evolved into a decent discussion on how to improve a game that clearly those old and new still greatly appreciate. Instead it felt more like a lot of people talking to one very annoyed person who was sitting there with their arms crossed just going "nuh-uh!" at every response.


Tons of people play FFXIV for the housing system alone, and it's fantastic for any form of roleplaying. The only thing I personally didn't like is that you lost it after not logging in for a long time. I have a lot of friends who spend most of their time decorating their house. I'm not as active in FFXIV but I really liked my FC house, although I understand Guild Halls kind of feel similar to a degree. I don't think the housing thing would work for GW though due to the way server structures work with it


Pvp is pretty subjective but Anet actually focused heavily on GW2 pvp for the first few years of the game. They kept trying to push for esports at the time which didn't work out very well. I imagine it was probably something that got pushed by NCSoft at the time because esports was something every gaming company was trying to be a part of after LoL's success.


Toxicity in general stems more from a lack of consequences, lack of bans, and/or lack of community support as opposed to general pvp. There's plenty of pvp centric games out there with great communities. They ended focusing on balancing too hard around audiences iirc and it made people bored of PvP, moving on to other games. 


Regarding the style of gear, Guild Wars 1 in general was a lot more grounded to reality and was more of a medieval fantasy game compared to the more high almost scifi fantasy we have today. If you look at a lot of older gear you'll see they originally developed sets in mind to be somewhat adhering to what could work in our real world. Eventually though they moved on from that idea, just like trying to make the world literally feel alive by changing zones and what not. There's nothing wrong if people still want that original design choice. We've got dimension-warping dragon's these days though so it's pretty easy to see we moved past realism awhile ago lol


Anyway, I'm guessing our fellow here probably wants a proper sequel to Guild Wars 1 as opposed to Guild Wars 2. The games are incredibly different and mostly share the same world building. I understand though, I'm a big fan of the original myself. Imo a better solution would simply be to create a stand-alone single player game with a pvp lobby similar to other console games these days. It's less cannibalistic to Anet's playerbase and could be a decent revenue generator. Doubt it would happen with NCSoft though considering they cancelled the Dune game Anet was making.


Edited by Kalocin.5982
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