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Virtuoso Bug Thread

Fire Attunement.9835

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1. The bladesongs are supposed to turn your character around when you use them while standing still. They sometimes don't, and pretty often too. They just auto-interrupt and go on a 5 sec cd. This has been an issue when dueling moving targets. It's bad enough having to stand still to cast it, but can we please be able to cast it without facing the enemy? This will not make mesmer broken. The cast times make sure of that.

2. Bountiful dillusionment does not give stab when you use bladesongs. Sorry if someone already said this.

3. Psychic riposte is supposed to make your next bladesong unblockable. This is currently not working vs projectile blockers like smokescreen and swirling winds. If we're gonna be consistent with how unblockable is applied, remember how signet of the hunt makes a rapidfire and other projectiles go through all projectile blockers, not only blocks.

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If this wasnt already mentioned:

Sharpening_Sorrow is a trait which has a text that says that fury gives 150 expertise....well it doesnt give 150 expertise...it gives....6,430 expertise xD

So that trait gives perma 100% condi duration (428.67%).

Even tho its a pretty nice bug, please fix or give it smooth 1,500 expertise so exactly 100% xD

Edited by SeTect.5918
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—> Blades = clones for virtuoso
So illusions = blades + phantasm for Virtuoso


So 1) empowered illusions should be applied to all virtuoso blades included shatter, dagger skill,… 


same for 2) sharper images and 3) illusionary defense 4) illusionary inspiration, ….

—> when corrected, traits are redondant

sharper images  = jagged mind 

rending shatter ~= deadly blades 


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  • 2 months later...

Virtuoso's Master of Fragmentation, Illusions tree, does not increase the block duration of our f4 skill. It remains at 2 seconds of block despite the tooltip reading 3 seconds of block. 


Escape Artist, Illusions tree, is missing Virtuoso's flavor text of "Virtuoso: Stock a blade."

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Condi Virtuoso almost doesn't exist. Bleading duration is too short and bonus dmg for bleading to low. "Sharpner Images" dont aply bleading from critical hits from blade mechanic. Without this bonns condi virtuso dont have posibilities to reach good condi dps.

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Dagger 3 doesn't auto face to target when stationary? I've tested for like 5 mins and unlikely to do much more till the weekend so not sure if this is consistent. Neither dagger 2 nor 3 auto face which is kind of annoying, especially when things like pistol skills, scepter 3 etc auto face when stationary. Here you have to manually rotate your character if facing away from the target standing still.

Edited by Curunen.8729
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played it for a fair amount of time now in wvw, roaming is meh  vastly under powered in comparison to other new and old specs. and in bigger fights its completely useless. as 99% of people said in beta everything is projectile, damage numbers on dagger are low, cast time on shatters ruins rotations and bursts. also damage numbers on utility skill rain of swords, that is the exact same as the necro well but does 1/2 the damage so go figure.


traits still not working/integrated into virt, dagger should work like necro axe aka not projectile, fix numbers on dagger, utility, elite, (elite is a joke lets use a 60s cd to do 600dmg and have enemy take 1 step to the side to avoid the rest), adjust the skill 1 on all weapons to account for not having clones attacking. oh and give us the dagger off hand and no cheat us with lazy half a weapon set for a third time.

honestly i enjoy the idea but cant help feeling cheated for money on a bunch of elites that are janky. poor form anet, poor form. if i could get a refund i would. i mean 1s bleed on crit is joke worthy and the new f4 may aswell not exist as it fails at both defensive and offensive capabilities.


quick fyi to the only reason it was playable in beta just to remind you, was that sharpening sorrow was bugged and gave 100% expertise. so far from what iv played and people i know have played plus read over the forums etc its worse than the other mesmer specs in spvp ,wvw, and pve so yea why even release it. you may as well have just added a icon of a potato in place of virt elite spot and named each trait ha ha ha in its current state

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I've been apple to reproduce this consistently - dodging and using a bladesongs right after is putting the ability on gicd.  Seems to be some sort of synching issue but I have an easy fix - make the bladesongs instant cast as they already have travel time.

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The game doesn't seem to register stocked blades if you're already at 5 blades, meaning things like signet of ether won't heal you if you stock a blade at 5 blades, unlike clones where you can always trigger the effect even when you're at 3 clones. 

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I've registered 3% of healing from bleeding is buggy. When fighting single oponent (like soloing champion) i see bleeding ticks dmg but my hp bar is not raising. Sometimes I got heal but I'm not receiving constant healing every bleeding tick dmg. Maybe I understand smth wrong but trait should heal me every bleeding damage tick. 

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I was doing the collection for Prima Donna. In game, the hint for Virtuoso's Trinket is to kill Purist mesmers. 


I farmed purists mesmers at Zen Daijun for an hour, no luck.


But in an escort event for Detective Joi Bak the trinket dropped from a Purist necromancer.

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23 hours ago, etywong.9607 said:

I was doing the collection for Prima Donna. In game, the hint for Virtuoso's Trinket is to kill Purist mesmers. 


I farmed purists mesmers at Zen Daijun for an hour, no luck.


But in an escort event for Detective Joi Bak the trinket dropped from a Purist necromancer.


I also farmed the area (both in and out of the maze below) for well over an hour killing everything and seeing no drops. I did the Detective Joi Bak escort and the first necromancer that popped up dropped the Virtuoso's Trinket that is needed for the collection.

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On 2/28/2022 at 6:29 PM, Ithilwen.1529 said:

Thousand Cuts consistently aims 90 degrees off.


YUP! Still having this issue.  This skill is completely worthless atm unless I want to try aiming to my right all the time.  Please just make this skill fire in the direction of the target.

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