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Everything posted by Sindrener.1592

  1. Yes ill wait for you to find the new hidden p/p meta build. 🐒
  2. Are you talking to me 😅if so i think you need to lay down that crackpipe
  3. It also makes it irrelevant as i just said, I scrimmed vs 3 necros and I interrupted every single signet that was casted and they still hand ressed all. Look at TOL as well, didnt even matter if signet was rupted the amount of res power with utilities is more than enough to res them. We did 4v4 on henge and killed them 5 times without being able to cleave it down, so again what teamfighting presence are you talking about? Only times signet had value is when they were severely outnumbered and guard would arrive late, but a full 4v4/5v5 teamfight thief has 0 impact and 0 relevance in a teamfight compared to any other class that u could replace it with. In fact mesmer is like 10000000 times better look at legacy worms vs blams team what did fly do other than run around with 1k hp doing absolutely nothing in the teamfight, oh ye a steal maybe on a player thats it. Like i understand ur biased against thief and hate it but saying thief has high impact in a teamfight rn is absolutely delusional. The only time i'd agree was with tempest and glyphs cus no stab etc and u could headshot it thats about it
  4. who plays ele? saving steal in a fight for signet barely happens at all anymore and even harder with 600 range not to mention you dont even have to signet anymore lmao cus the resses are so good. rewatch tol and tell me how many signets i manage to interrupt as well ty
  5. Necro has been a problem since whole pof and even more after february patch.
  6. Best advice is to not listen to anything redavenged says
  7. You rly make forums hilarious everytime i visit them
  8. ur as delusional as trevor its pretty fun to watch
  9. Incorrect, thief wasnt meta for almost entire HoT expac. I should know since i rerolled when i was competing. Rev as long as it existed has been meta since start
  10. Dragonhunter and Renegade are both very strong builds when it comes to damage, and they both can carry team fights. These builds lack the personal survivability that the other damage builds have which makes them much more susceptible to being trained down. This is why I called them inconsistent as they can be near unplayable into some enemy teams.Reaper is in a similar situation and I can see it being bumped up to A- but not much more than that. Reaper can be just as good as an A tier class if it has a support with it, but since this is a soloq class, i'm trying to gauge the individual strength of the class.Decap druid is an excellent far-node harasser and can easily survive most 1v2s while still decapping the point after, not sure where you're getting its trash Maybe your basing this off of the average untrained plat 1 players. Renegade, dh and reaper can all actually 1v1 insanely well in ranked so no they are not just pepega team fighters that can be trained down. You also follow a huge and common misconception people have with decap druid, but I can tell you as someone who’s played it and ranger in the plat3-legend area before that it’s not as good as you think. Decap druid is squishy as hell for a bunker and will end losing 1v1 to any dps - renegade for example is a 100% winning match up into decap druid. And since dps builds like that are by far the best builds for ranked decap druid becomes niche around the B teir, though if it works it’s annoying. But again it doesn’t work in ranked against players with a brain. Rene is a decent duelist, but DH and reaper are far from good 1v1ers. You technically can win duels on them if ur skilled with the class, but you'd be better off on holo for that role. The burn dh build was called “side node dh” before people really played it as a meta build. Reaper can do fine, just watch narus hyper aggressive far pushes on reaper. A trapper rune dh with zero stunbreaks won't ever beat another duelist at equal skill level. Especially back in that meta with decap druids and water weaver on side. And taking, arguably the best reaper on NA as an example of the class being a viable far pusher isn't really a valid argument.I can beat most classes as zerk core guard, but that boils down to the fact that I'm 200 rating above them. What meta are you talking about? I haven’t seen water weaver in forever and burn dh would’ve been a nice match up into decap druid last I checked. Also bragging about a #1 player in a low population game isn’t talking about much, I remember being higher rated only solo qing when power reaper became a thing again. Far pushing in some form as 2 dps is insanely hard carrying in ranked at least in Na rn.?????? ?????
  11. Buff thief so we can stomp mirage hard ez fix
  12. Dragonhunter and Renegade are both very strong builds when it comes to damage, and they both can carry team fights. These builds lack the personal survivability that the other damage builds have which makes them much more susceptible to being trained down. This is why I called them inconsistent as they can be near unplayable into some enemy teams.Reaper is in a similar situation and I can see it being bumped up to A- but not much more than that. Reaper can be just as good as an A tier class if it has a support with it, but since this is a soloq class, i'm trying to gauge the individual strength of the class.Decap druid is an excellent far-node harasser and can easily survive most 1v2s while still decapping the point after, not sure where you're getting its trash Maybe your basing this off of the average untrained plat 1 players. Renegade, dh and reaper can all actually 1v1 insanely well in ranked so no they are not just pepega team fighters that can be trained down. You also follow a huge and common misconception people have with decap druid, but I can tell you as someone who’s played it and ranger in the plat3-legend area before that it’s not as good as you think. Decap druid is squishy as hell for a bunker and will end losing 1v1 to any dps - renegade for example is a 100% winning match up into decap druid. And since dps builds like that are by far the best builds for ranked decap druid becomes niche around the B teir, though if it works it’s annoying. But again it doesn’t work in ranked against players with a brain. Rene is a decent duelist, but DH and reaper are far from good 1v1ers. You technically can win duels on them if ur skilled with the class, but you'd be better off on holo for that role. The burn dh build was called “side node dh” before people really played it as a meta build. Reaper can do fine, just watch narus hyper aggressive far pushes on reaper. A trapper rune dh with zero stunbreaks won't ever beat another duelist at equal skill level. Especially back in that meta with decap druids and water weaver on side. And taking, arguably the best reaper on NA as an example of the class being a viable far pusher isn't really a valid argument.I can beat most classes as zerk core guard, but that boils down to the fact that I'm 200 rating above them. Boyce beat drazeh as burn dh vs nades in conquest tourney november 2020 :) Yes, because nade holo is a designated side-noder. And that is one isolated instance almost 5 months ago. We used zan as a sidenoder in mota...
  13. Dragonhunter and Renegade are both very strong builds when it comes to damage, and they both can carry team fights. These builds lack the personal survivability that the other damage builds have which makes them much more susceptible to being trained down. This is why I called them inconsistent as they can be near unplayable into some enemy teams.Reaper is in a similar situation and I can see it being bumped up to A- but not much more than that. Reaper can be just as good as an A tier class if it has a support with it, but since this is a soloq class, i'm trying to gauge the individual strength of the class.Decap druid is an excellent far-node harasser and can easily survive most 1v2s while still decapping the point after, not sure where you're getting its trash Maybe your basing this off of the average untrained plat 1 players. Renegade, dh and reaper can all actually 1v1 insanely well in ranked so no they are not just pepega team fighters that can be trained down. You also follow a huge and common misconception people have with decap druid, but I can tell you as someone who’s played it and ranger in the plat3-legend area before that it’s not as good as you think. Decap druid is squishy as hell for a bunker and will end losing 1v1 to any dps - renegade for example is a 100% winning match up into decap druid. And since dps builds like that are by far the best builds for ranked decap druid becomes niche around the B teir, though if it works it’s annoying. But again it doesn’t work in ranked against players with a brain. Rene is a decent duelist, but DH and reaper are far from good 1v1ers. You technically can win duels on them if ur skilled with the class, but you'd be better off on holo for that role. The burn dh build was called “side node dh” before people really played it as a meta build. Reaper can do fine, just watch narus hyper aggressive far pushes on reaper. A trapper rune dh with zero stunbreaks won't ever beat another duelist at equal skill level. Especially back in that meta with decap druids and water weaver on side. And taking, arguably the best reaper on NA as an example of the class being a viable far pusher isn't really a valid argument.I can beat most classes as zerk core guard, but that boils down to the fact that I'm 200 rating above them.Boyce beat drazeh as burn dh vs nades in conquest tourney november 2020 :)
  14. 100% the way to go, perfect note. Good balance and very interested to see how things turn out after mender changes!
  15. Because theres no possibility of having a delay so in other words it can be exploited.
  16. Imagine enemy team has an MM necro full tank and a scrapper is clapping on him for minutes? sounds like a great plan!
  17. What game will ever take into account if the player is a professional player or not? Or a competitive one? Not one game, it looks at their rating so I'm assuming both your team and enemy team ratings were close to each other. The reason why you lose a lot is because of volatility, -45 isn't even much I think Jeffiez had a -100 once and I have had like -69 as the most.You also win a lot more than you lose, for example your placements are easily in the magnitude of 30-40+ rating per win just as an example
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