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Everything posted by MedievalThings.5417

  1. Yes, but I added the part where they get to do it for no gem cost.
  2. I have both, and although it may be my settings, I see no difference on Asuran characters with both showing. Just looks like 1 orb.
  3. Alliances is a stacking contest, where blobs get a free reroll to stack as many as they can on one world. That's it.
  4. The problem isn't that no one defends, which is mostly true. Part of the problem is Anet doesn't want people defending. They enjoy being in a zerg where 40+ players are easily capping everything they go to and winning every fight with minimal to zero effort. They continue to nerf everything that might benefit defenders and empowering the blobs at every turn. The problem is that the easiest way to earn money and ranks in wvw is to stack and fight doors and outnumbered servers. And, every guild/server/player does the same thing when fights are over...brag about how much loot they got. The only way they are ever going to motivate players to do anything but ktrain, is to remove drops from players. The motivation to win was supposed to be pride. "You" won the fight. "You" took the keep they were trying to defend. Realm pride. WvW is just a copy of the RvR from Dark Age of Camelot after all. But, all that was lost when server transfers became a thing and players decided it was easier to get money and ranks by pressing 1 in the biggest stack they could get. So much so, that a lot of guilds transfer the instant another large guild shows up in their alotted play time. Because guilds don't last if they are constantly being farmed by everyone else. So, they avoid each other, map hop, and transfer so they don't have to do too much fighting face to face. Anet is going to have to figure out how to tie wvw rewards to the reward tracks, so that playing (time) is it's own reward and players won't feel like their time could have been better spent standing in an enemy keep with 50 players farming 10 defenders until the defenders give up cause boon stacking and down state favor numbers. Even if it means adding gold to the reward tracks themselves.
  5. Seems every other server has an "alliance" name, except us. Seems odd to me.
  6. I have lost all faith in Anet at this point with regard to wvw. They don't want anyone defending, they would rather everyone stack so that in each match, there is one giant, ktrain powerhouse, and a handful of people on the other 2 servers so it looks like the attackers did something great (defeated an enemy). I imagine if they add siege turtles to wvw, it will be something that requires the mystic toilet in SMC to make, that way only the blob has them. Surprised they haven't just made every match a blob vs just npcs on the other 2 sides, because that's all the blobs are really getting to fight, as they go door to door fighting 5 guys with 40-70.
  7. I really hope they fix that, but thanks for letting us know. I have been racking my brain for the last half hour trying to get into this story step to replay it.
  8. Played around with it for about 30 minutes. I suspect there will be groups of players on turtles, standing AFK in one spot, auto-pressing 1 for loot. The damage and 10 target cap is ridiculous. But, even more important, the TURTLE is completely useless in WATER. Why would you do this?
  9. Yeah, this is kind of weird. The problem isn't the offhours where we score low, the problem is we shouldn't be able to ppt so high. That's what is wrong with the system. Granted, I play most of the week, at all times of the day, so the difference doesn't bother me as much. Really wish they would just get rid of ppt altogether and just make kills the determining factor for winning. It would move the big blobs to the higher tiers and move the smaller servers to the bottom to face each other. It doesn't solve population imbalance or time zone differences, but at least the smaller server would face a smaller server and the stacks would face stacks.
  10. Seems like a bug of some kind. My wife finished her tickets this past weekend, with no repeats. She is showing 1823 for the match (17 pips into the first repeat of diamond 1). That would mean she earned 1806 pips, despite logging out when she finished diamond 6 the first time. I didn't play much wvw this week, for once, so can't use mine to compare.
  11. During no downstate, I have seen a single, incredibly well played thief, kill a group of 20 by themselves. Skirted the group, 1-3 kept squirreling thinking they could "easily take a thief". Because the group was roaming they never bothered to res the dead. Eventually, by sheer luck, I imagine a larger group could have gotten them, but it was amazing to watch. My statement is still valid though. Skill should win fights. Large groups should not be carried just because they can instantly res each other over and over when they make poor choices.
  12. I think skill should win fights...period. 1v1. 1v3. 5v10. 20v30-50. My experience with losing keeps is almost the same every time. The attacker has at least 30 and usually around 40 (so, 30-50) for average. I record most of my fights so I can see things I did well or poorly and then delete them when nothing really interesting happens. The defender usually has 20 (10-30) average. The times we don't lose the keep are usually because we manage to get people from other maps to help, so numbers evened out or it was a random pug group. We almost always have the outnumbered buff. The fights have two looks, even when it's just us pugs, which for TC, a lot of us pugs have played since launch and even though not in voice, know what each other can do. Fight type 1 - Enemy pug group breaks in, we pick them off because they aren't in voice/comp'd and we have a shorter run back. Fight type 2 - Enemy group is boonball/comp'd with mostly guild, we are outnumbered. During the fight I will generate 20+ downs, all but 1-2 (on average) is ressed in .1 seconds. So the boonball has players make mistakes, but the game rewards them just because they have more players (instantly ressed). No downstate fights unless we are vastly outnumbered, 40ish vs 10, we rarely lose the keep. Because we have a short run back, and because when the attacker makes a mistake, they are dead. Not winning just because they have more players. Skill should determine the victor. I get that not everyone's experiences in wvw are like mine.
  13. The easiest is Vision of the Past, Cragstead. If you've done Forging Steel and Darkrime Delves, there will be a message hanging on the wall between the main room and the room with Aurene in EotN. After reading the message, it unlocks a collectible item in Cragstead. Northeast corner of the norn starting zone. All the way in the back of Cragstead is a Sacred Wolf Fang. Collecting that item, unlocks the scrying pool choice to do the past vision of Cragstead mission.
  14. Guess I never did that, not that I remember doing that on my main acct. There is a message on the wall in EotN, that allows you to go to Cragstead and pick up the Sacred Wolf Fang, which will unlock that episode in the Scrying Pool. I normally never leave wvw, guess I should go back.
  15. I have 2 accounts I play on a regular basis. My primary acct (this one) has access to doing past visions in the Scrying Pool, like Cragstead. Which will allow me to complete the Back to the Past part of Return to Eye of the North. I have a second account, that has every story done, and the Scrying Pool only gives me a choice of repeating Forging Steel. I have replayed Forging Steel and Darkrime Delves twice to see if it would open up the past option...NOPE. Seems a lot of people in EotN are having the same problem.
  16. OK, got it to work. The poster above who said fullscreen is the cause, is correct. If you run dual monitors it doesn't seem to be a problem. Only single monitors set to full screen seem to be the issue. If you can add a second monitor to get in to the options, you can choose a windowed mode and then remove the second monitor. After changing the setting, it works. On a machine with just one monitor, set to full screen, I don't know how you would get it back, F11 didn't work for me. I run with the game on 80% of my monitor, so I can see a small browser on the side, I had no problems. My wife runs dual monitors, and it let me get in game on hers. It was set to windowed fullscreen. My daughters computer, which was the one not working, was set to "full screen" and she only has the one monitor. Plugged my monitor in to give here two monitors, reran the game and it launched it on the side monitor. After changing the settings to windowed fullscreen, removed the second monitor and relaunched, it works.
  17. Yeah, same problem here on my daughter's computer. Other than conferences, this is the start of her two week holiday break, and sure enough, GW2 is broken atm. /sigh
  18. I don't think it's gonna work that way. Repairing doesn't contribute anything, so you won't get event credit. I may be wrong, still a dumb change unless they remove siege damage participation at the same time.
  19. Downstate - boonball zerg breaks into keep inner, stands there farming bags until the defender gives up. The fight was 30-50 guild vs 10-20 pugs. They take keep when defender realizes boon sharing is broken. No downstate - boonball zerg breaks into keep inner, and gets picked off 1 by 1 because the defender has a short runback. The boonball gets a reasonable amount of kills, but it isn't a bag farm cause even pugs can cloud them down. Skill actually matters in this fight. Forums - people complaining they need downstate to press 1 and win every fight vs outnumbered servers.
  20. It changes nothing about wvw. The only thing that will be different, using myself as an example, is that I will no longer be on TC, I will be on "New Name" (whatever they call the place I get stuck). Players stacking - unchanged. Players refusing to fight unless they outnumber their opponents - unchanged. Blob guilds avoiding each other cause they only want to fight pugs - unchanged. Guilds avoiding each other because the fastest way to get loot/wxp is to ktrain or fight 10 guys with 50 - unchanged. Players transferring because another comp'd guild played during their playtime - unchanged. Your entire third papered overnight because every SEA player chose the same alliance (server) - unchanged. Comp'd groups refusing to fight each other - unchanged. Anet said that alliances won't fix anything about wvw. Yet, we're gonna do it, cause why not. It's been "Soon" for the last 4 years. The good news is they are removing participation for anything related to defense. The better news is that you can still AFK on a treb all week and earn pips.
  21. I suggested they just remove player drops as a solution in another thread, but, as the blobs farming outnumbered servers is Anet's idea of fun in wvw, they will likely just increase drops the larger the number advantage the blob has.
  22. The only time I see people doing this, they are yak escorting, 20 hours a week, every week. At least it's a useful pasttime.
  23. Yet, they aren't planning on removing the participation for the auto treb guy who is AFK all day trebbing the towers from SMC. It's two sides of the same coin. If they remove the timer reset period from repairing, then they need to remove the timer reset period for doing siege damage. This change has nothing to do with "unintended gameplay" and everything to do with the fact Anet does not want people defending...at all. Every change, every nerf, favors the ktrain blobs. They should just add a commander option that says if you have more than 25 people on tag, or outnumber your defenders by more than 20 (which is almost every zerg), you can just walk through walls because why waste that many people's time or siege.
  24. WvW won't ever be competitive. The reason is that you will always have tons of players who think skill is fighting 50 vs 20 (or doors). They will continue to server stack because anet encourages it. The fastest way to get rank and loot is to blob down outnumbered servers. And, when faced with equal size/comp'd blobs, people just hide on another map or transfer to an easier tier where no other blob is in their blobs playtime.
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