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Everything posted by MedievalThings.5417

  1. Remove ppt. Remove player drops. This removes most of the motivation for stacking. Whoever kills the most will win, and move up, making it very hard for blobs to hide in T4 to farm smaller servers. Removing player drops means that loot has to be tied to reward tracks, so fixed based on play time, not how fast your map que can kill 20 guys over and over. The goal of wvw was supposed to be playing to win (for server pride), but now people only play for loot, and do whatever leads to getting it the fastest is the meta. Which, at the moment, is server stacking facing outnumbered servers.
  2. This must be the "I don't get enough loot healing my map que while we farm 25 guys" thread. Players dropping loot is one of the biggest problems in wvw. Everyone just stacks to fight outnumbered servers for easy loot. How about we remove player drops and tie rewards to the individual reward tracks? Blobbing is far too profitable now as it is.
  3. Right, but the point is that large groups could map swap bypassing the que, otherwise it wouldn't be a "swap". Meaning, a large guild/alliance could make it so no one ever plays on the maps they want to control. Two friends and I are in que (you know, if I had friends). We have waited 20 minutes and are now in slots 1, 2, and 3 in que. Commanders just keep swapping people back and forth, 2 hours later, my friends and I log because we still can't get on the map due to "swapping". At least OP wanted it to be an opt-in feature, but it's a horrible suggestion.
  4. Anet actually said the first couple times they talked about alliances, that it would not address coverage or play time disparities. They literally admitted it would not address one of the biggest problems of wvw, which is, you go to bed with all your stuff, and wake to everything paper because no one played overnight. Alliances will NOT fix or change that.
  5. And when one alliance realizes they are going to be facing another specific alliance, they will transfer at first opportunity so they can avoid the other alliance, so their ktrain for easy loot isn't interrupted. Unless they remove transfers, a source of anet income from the game, which is unlikely, a bunch of the playerbase will continue to stack and transfer to avoid real competition so they can win 90% of their fights by pressing 1. On a side note, I find it interesting people just keep making the assumption that anet will limit alliances to the size of 1 guild or 20% of a world, because they "think" that makes sense. It's just guessing, but regardless, players will continue to exploit the system, whatever it's limits.
  6. Something cosmetic, that is acct bound that can't be sold. Half the problem in wvw right now is everyone is just playing for loot/ranks. So they only want to do whatever gets them the most money fastest. Which is why the meta is "fight 20 guys with a map que and transfer to another server if another map que plays when we do".
  7. Stacked alliances will remain. The OP is correct in what will almost certainly happen to wvw.
  8. I'd just be happy if certain classes would stop mounting up while conditions are still ticking away on them.
  9. That's the point though. Guild size = 500 players. Alliance size 5 guilds = 2500 players. Estimated world size was around 2800. The system will start grouping them on the same world, as the system is designed to do. It's the reason there are several 2500 member alliances already, and have been since it was announced. Anet was hoping that this would mean that they could match 2 or 3 2500 member alliances against each other for matchups. Making it balanced. But that isn't going to be what happens. All the blobs avoid each other now or transfer when they face an equal size blob in their playtime. Alliances aren't going to fix that. Alliances are just going to change the name of the place you play (server to world) but players are still going to exploit it to fight doors and numbers half their size. Without a reason for players to fight and hold stuff, which used to be server pride, the game is nothing more than "how fast can I get loot (wxp)?". Giant boonball fighting pugs and doors.
  10. Anet gave a pretty ok description of how it would work a few years back. Yes, it will be possible for multiple 500 person guilds to ally with each other, and stack a world. It's the same system used in PvE where when you map to say, Lion's Arch, you are still likely to end up with guildies and friends than randoms. The system is designed to group players that way. The system will be exploited to stack multiple blob guilds/tags on a single world, so they can still ktrain everything.
  11. The corner runners aren't getting participation though, so no tickets. They are just bot running, with 0 participation, to take up slots on the map.
  12. Which should be pretty easy to do most hours, especially when mag has been a t1 population server for a long time (usually in t4) while every other server is medium or high, regardless of the labels anet puts on servers.
  13. But it's been like that for years. Seems convenient that for multiple years a scout will call the exact same time we get close to even numbers...every time. This is what chat with friends on other servers looks like when we both face Mag. Friend: how's mag week for you guys going? Me: same as always, they have more than twice our number pushing. You? Friend: we haven't see them yet this morning. Me: Ah, yeah, it's been 25 vs 5-10 of us all morning. Ghost town over here. couple minutes later... Me: ok we're up to about 20 now, mag left. Friend: yeah, I was gonna ask if you had people log in, mag is out front in the road. About 30 of them vs 10 of us. This happens every time we face mag. This is what every server reports when they face mag. Seems a mag scout calls any time the enemy is almost on even footing.
  14. I almost spit out my drink. Having faced mag more than a dozen times this year, SMC is packed full of siege, most hours. They treb open every tower in range of smc, and only push it when they outnumber the defenders. Occasionally, while 20 push 5 guys at a keep gate, another 3-5 will take a tower that has had walls down for 20 minutes. This is every day, all day just about. Every server has some good roamers, but mag rarely leaves the smc buff without more players than what they are facing. They push your keep door, and when you show an even number or equal skill group, all of a sudden those guys are on the other third of the map pushing the other outnumbered server.
  15. What, you don't like trying to kill rangers underwater who are being ressed by their dead pet, with no way of interrupting it?
  16. This seems like an ok idea, but then you end up with issues like we have on TC. 15 alts running into walls, 18 hours a day, to prevent us from fielding a normal response. I wish this was a random, once a month thing, but this happens several days out of every week. Both regular players who don't want to log out, and tons of alts who just want to troll, watch chat, or player cap us.
  17. Every blob I see complaining about "zergs" hiding inside structures, it's a map que mad that the 25-30 pugs don't want to come outside and be 3v1'd. The attacker has every advantage, even the walls favor the attacker. Want to even it up some: 1. remove downstate 2. make every skill require line of sight to the target, including aoe's 3. remove all siege except rams and oil, limit rams to 3 on a gate 4. remove guild aura buffs 5. nerf boon sharing 6. make it so that only siege can damage and contest structures 7. remove the supply depots from SMC, still requires yaks to upgrade, but no free 1800 sup for the map que Wait for a bit, see how that plays out and make adjustments or more changes if necessary.
  18. What I find interesting is, unless it is a 1v1 or 1v3, I never see the invulnerability anyway. When I die, it's downed, and in the same .1 second dead. I have even noticed stomping other players that a certain elite skill will skip the invulnability to, and just kill you.
  19. This is also the reason why alliances never happened, and probably never will.
  20. I have been pulled from the bottom of the stairs in Klovan all the way up the stairs and over the wall, by a single pull. I have been pulled through the walls at WC, Klov, and OW. I have also pulled people up stairs and over the wall at the NE inner of SMC. The skill has a greater interact range then the skill says it has. Yes, it needs to be looked in to.
  21. I say this as someone who mostly plays minstrel scrapper, superspeed should not exist.
  22. Seems to be a timing thing. You have to wait a certain period of time before it will let you break it. Seems to be unbreakable for about 30 seconds, but after that, no trouble actually making it work. It may be a timing thing for the whole episode, and with dps higher than it used to be, the instance is making us wait. Every time I do it, the first 2 attempts seem to fail, but then I can break it no problem. Just food for thought.
  23. No, what people have been waiting for is a way to permanently turn off the "run on all four legs" animation. It ruins just about everything about Charr.
  24. There really isn't any way to gauge this. Most of what is left, at least in NA, is blobs that never have to face any other large, organized groups. They stay on servers where no one their size plays during the timezone they play in. When other large, organized guilds end up in their ktrain time, they transfer to lower tiers to avoid them.
  25. This isn't just against full zerk targets. Full minstrel scrapper, still 100 to 0 in 1 hit.
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