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Everything posted by MedievalThings.5417

  1. And yet, that isn't how it played out. The 30 constantly pushing 5-10 during normal playtimes, were clearly being carried by pure numbers. Because, during no downstate, they didn't push as deep, and when they did, died. We were able to, time and time again, slowly kill off the larger groups, because they didn't have the insta-res that they normally have. The skilled players didn't die as often, and the "we only have numbers" crowd, died, a lot. Even TC, the constantly outnumbered carebear server we are, played at, or above, 1.0 kdr all week. Where the largest server in our matchup, who normally has a 1.5 kdr or higher, stayed right at 1.0 also.
  2. Anet says they want people to fight over structures, yet every change encourage people to avoid fighting or only fight a handful of defenders with a map que.Some things just need to be changed. Remove all siege but oil and rams, limit rams to 3 on a gate. If you want it, take your lazy butt out of SMC and go get it.Guild aura buffs need reduced or just removed.SMC needs the supply depots removed. It should still take yaks to upgrade. Allows greater counterplay and makes yaks more important.Walls need revisited. It's silly that attackers can spam the walls with aoes while the defender usually has to avoid them or just respawn. Making most weapon skills require line of sight to cast would also fix that, but that is another issue altogether.Barrage hitting over walls needs to be addressed. If they remove all siege but rams and oil, it may be a non-issue. It may be either way. /shrug
  3. The game already has a half-assed version of it, that's the problem. Some people want the real version of it in the game, others don't. But, the trinity is already here. Armor weights are trinity. FB, scrapper, druid, tempest, revenant, are all classes pushing us even closer to a real trinity. So, we are stuck in limbo between what could be and what we have (which is causing a lot of balance issues). In my opinion, yes, they should put it fully back in the game. That, and bring back dungeons, which could be greatly enhanced by doing so.
  4. Do you play mostly in coordinated zergs against foes of roughly equal numbers? With downed state, you can do things like stand on walls and DPS below because even if you go down you can Mist Form back to safety; without it, you're as powerless as a Necro. "Hit them hard enough to make up for it" doesn't work when you go down instantly as well (since Ele is the squishiest class). I've played Ele for years and this is certainly a nerf. Keep in mind that the Ele downed skill #2 is the strongest of all the downed state skills, so removing it certainly hurts them. I'm on TC, which means I am never in squad or voice, mostly fighting next to others who also are not, and always (except for like 4 hours on a Saturday) fighting servers who can field double our number any time they choose.
  5. SMC is a siege free zone except for rams. Upgrading it still takes yaks, but there are no supply depots.
  6. Can you please list these uses? Atm i am taking forever to kill a veteran in open world whereas if I was on a dedicated power/condi build I would melt it in seconds without even glancing their way. Mostly wvw builds, but there are a few for open world. Celestial gear isn't very useful for a lot of classes. I find that ele and necro have better use of the even stat distribution, but you are giving up a lot of dps for the sustain/balance of celestial. Metabattle.com is a really good reference for builds, for all game modes. And, as an engineer, there are a couple really good choices for open world, they just aren't using celestial gear.
  7. Did you consider that perhaps you would not have downed those players if they knew they would not go to downstate? In other words, if there were no downstate, they would not have pushed that hard? I am against removing downstate. PS: Elementalist Vapor Form is a good reason to keep downstate because not having it nerfs the class quite a bit. I feel the opposite. Granted, I love the week anyway. That said, I normally play engineer with the occasional ranger or guard, but spent the entire weekend on my ele (weaver), cause this is a great time for it. Part of the reason I don't play my ele normally is I am not as skilled in the class, and I feel it is just too squishy to justify playing a lot. But during no downstate, I played it till I finished my tickets. It hits hard enough to make up for the squishy (as it should be), and I know that the enemy isn't gonna be downed and get ressed instantly. Surprisingly, I played a lot better than I expected, and really didn't die much. Compared to certain builds, I don't see no downstate as a nerf to ele.
  8. The problem is that Anet caters to the crowd that gives them the most money. In the case of wvw, it is the bandwagon blobs that keep transferring to fight smaller groups and doors. They stack on servers so they rarely have to fight groups the same size they are. And, if another blob ends up in their play time, they transfer again. This is the same group that got arrow carts, balistas, cannons, and walls nerfed. All because it was taking them a minute to flip things. This is the reason that downstate will never go away, because the bandwagon blob doesn't want to have to run back. They want to be carried by numbers. Removing downstate, allows skilled players to pick them apart, and they don't want that, which means Anet doesn't want that.
  9. Wait, when did Elementalists receive stealth? Almost every class, but that said, they can combo an underwater skill to get it.
  10. There have been third party tools since launch that let you move anywhere/anyway you want. Sadly, anet doesn't run any active detection tools to prevent it. And, the only time they will take action is if you send in multiple videos of the person using said tool. But, even then, they will be back in a week if action even is taken. Even the reporting email address that anet used to take reports at is down. Only way is to submit a ticket with the video, offending acct name, and then pray.
  11. Fractals were a "new type of dungeon", that after they made it decided that is all they would do. They nerfed all dungeon viability from a gold perspective, and made it rain ascended items in fractals. It makes no sense to have dungeons be completely abandoned content. I am still hoping they will realize the half-ass trinity they have in the game isn't working as well as they thought it would, and that maybe the next expac we get actual tanking and single target healing. Would be nice to get monk, dervish and paragon back as well. So many things could be balanced better if they hadn't only used a few trinity elements (like armor weights).
  12. You'll want it nerfed more the next time a 15 man group storms your t3 smc and cuts through the guards, gates, and lord like butter because he brought his dragon banner from his keep. I see 3 dbanners in blobs all the time. The problem is that some people don't want equal fights, so they buy gems to stack on a server where they face no other blobs in the timezone they play in. Anet has catered to this gem buying group with every change. Nerf arrow carts, balistas, cannons, walls, etc, all because the gem buying bandwagon blob said 45 seconds was too long to take a T3 structure (now it can be done from siege drop to flip in just under 30 secs). At least Anet is willing to tone the banners down a little, and hopefully, they will change banners so that they only work in the radius of the structure it was pulled from as they said they were considering.
  13. During one of the devs play wvw streams, they mentioned looking at not just the current nerfs to the banners, but limiting the range from where it is pulled, so they wouldn't have to further nerf it. They also mentioned maybe limiting the number of active ones possible. Seems the devs agree the banners should be somewhat powerful, but a mainly defensive tool.
  14. Firebrand, druid, scrapper, tempest, and revenant are against the foundation of GW2 combat too. We were all supposed to be self sufficient, no trinity. However, they forgot that armor weights are part of the trinity. Then, they started adding more trinity elements, to get us to where we are now, a bastardized version of it. Feels like they would have been better off leaving classes the way they were in GW.
  15. It already exists in GW2, just in a bastardized version, which is why they can't figure out balance. Even the armor weights are based on the trinity, which is also making balance that much harder to maintain. So we kind of only have 2 routes to go, make all skills self only or go all in and restore the trinity. Until then, we are stuck in limbo.
  16. This trait is still broken. You can still be knocked off the oil. Any plans to ever fix this, or should we just ask you to remove oil from wvw?
  17. Those people that ktrained eotm for days on end need recognition, this is anet's way of giving it to them.
  18. Confirmed on the dead yaks. If you kill one, it will prevent projectiles for a good while.
  19. Mortars are ground target too, and they can be reflected. Interesting idea.
  20. This sums up my feelings as well. It is a horrible game design and it feels like a really bad step backward.
  21. The snipers don't add anything to the map. It literally is just a harassment mechanic, which is very poorly designed and annoys players. It's like the knights in Bloodstone Fen that had like 5k range on a dismount attack. It doesn't add "flavor" or difficulty, it's just annoying. Hopefully Anet will notice that and make changes like they did for Bloodstone.
  22. Depends on the play style of the server. Some servers always have an EB presence, with minimal coverage for borderlands (except during prime hours). So, it makes sense to have invulnerable for structures on maps you always have players. So, borderland keeps tend to have EWP so people from EB can get to it in time. Whereas the keep in EB will have invulnerable since people can just run from spawn or a tower.
  23. This keeps happening. Get to a map. Get the mine, lose the mine. Repeat. Finally get players on to the map, and by the time we get to the beach, we lose map rewards.I can understand trying to punish afk farmers, but I'm not even seeing those guys around anymore. Just the handful of people who get stuck on the non-main meta map, and when we finally get going, we get punished for nothing.
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