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Everything posted by Gregg.3970

  1. Oh dear sad times when perhaps your block list is longer than your friend list. #lostfaithinhumanity
  2. Definitely this. Also depends on your mindset whether prank stuff like this really bothers you or not? As I taught myself to do some years back, try to adapt your attitude to laugh/cry it off, move on, not dwell on it or give a second thought and certainly don't rage in map chat about it as you're just feeding the trolls. One Mesmer prank portal in AB meta actually made me really smile though - wasn't a simple portal back up to the surface but to a small space trapped between 4 pillars - it was a stroke of genius, if it wasn't for the fact I dwelled on less than a second all I need to do is WP back to the centre of AB while the other players proceeded to go into a full on rage in map chat. I kindly told them just WP!!!!!!! I guess the "red mist" of the situation had got them. Adaptation is really key, don't take this stuff too seriously, keep your calm, change instance if you need to and most importantly don't let it enjoy your own gaming experience - laugh or cry it off and move on.
  3. My thoughts too ^^ initially but then asked myself the question why we can buy 2 Mystic Clovers daily from Fractal vendor with Fractal Currency, also gain them from WvW and sPvP repeatable reward tracks so that covers those game modes too, so I guess beggars the question why not Raids?
  4. @Ogwom.7940 you could just go with Astralaria ❤️ instead 😉 - or just up your game to "MVP Legendary Axe Collector": Accumulate all: Gen 1, Gen 2, Gen 3 Axes & compare/contrast effects to your liking. Like the ubiquitous Great Sword you're never going to go wrong with overkill crafting of weapons used by so many different profession builds.
  5. @Ogwom.7940 I think it all boils down to personal taste, preference really, and doesn't really matter much in the grand scheme of things. I guess all depends of how much of a perfectionist you are in terms of "fashion wars"! I agree with @Randulf.7614 as we've a nice mix so far with Gen1/Gen2 some weps are more flashy and others more subtle in their effects so something to cater for everyone's tastes. Frostfang will always be one of favourite Leggys as it was first I ever crafted, stacked it with Winter's Prescence (snowflake effect shoulders), Winter's Hearts & Snow Diamond Infusions and combo of icy dyes from Jormag Dye Collection along with an icy halo headpiece makes for a really nice combination. For me, I don't think there is anyway Gen 3 axe will overshadow this effect. P. S. From what I've seen so far of Gen 3 legendaries I'm really not enthralled by them as don't particularly like the colour/effect and imo just a glorified Black Weapon Skin Collection at best. Maybe I'll be proved wrong though.
  6. I think that sums it up. UW content is definitely Marmite, either loved or hated. Sadly I absolutely hate it, from as far back in the olden days in 2012 I hated maps Sparklyfen & Bloodtide Coast. In a nutshell, like many players I find underwater combat just too sluggish and frustrating, plus quite a few skills are disabled underwater. I force myself to button bash without much thought through Aquatic Ruins T4 Fractal, still hitting 15-16K underwater DPS but absolutely find it a chore, and lost count the amount of times my T4 group just want to skip that frac. Imo unless Anet seriously rework underwater combat mechanics in terms of attack speed, and or complete rework of abilities and underwater skills I'll complete avoid that content, as its just not fun. On the plus side UW content in its current state has saved me a fortune in avoiding crafting/buying UW Legendaries as they'd be a complete waste!
  7. I'm running on a Spectrum 48K, and although my rig only has a colour palette of 8 colours I do get some colour clash on busy maps.
  8. @Sir Arigius.6294 personally I would take that 30K player with a pinch of salt, well not even that I wouldn't give them a second thought and if they behaved as you said they did would happily add them to my block list. I've zero tolerance for ignorant, bragger types. Used to think myself that AP was some measure of game skill or at the very least game experience, albeit of course not conclusively but how wrong I was. I've met and played with my fair share of truly awful 40K+ AP players in all major game modes including an hfb with 43K AP that didn't know how to heal in Fractals, and similarly awful in Raids, WvW and sPvP. Conversely I've met some extremely skilled players with only 2-3K AP so clearly AP certainly =/= game skill. I tend to play in squads/groups in all the major end of game modes and really couldn't care less if a player has 3K AP or 40K AP. All that matters in such instances is that ideally players know their individual builds, role, rotation to the best of their abilities, group has fun (the important bit).
  9. Omg no please! I not 💔 underwater content, find it sluggish as hell. Being a functional guy never even crafted/made an Ascended underwater weapon in all my 8yrs playing. Only underwater content I force myself to play is Aquatic Ruins on DGH I still average 16K dps with Exotic underwater weapons 🙂 But I also know the player base falls roughly into 3 camps i) those that will only craft/buy/acquire what they will actually use (me) , ii) those that will acquire as much of everything whether they will use it or not, iii) those that aren't bothered either way and play super-casual. So for me personally crafting or buying Leggy underwater weps, never mind a breather will be completely wasted on me, even if it means EoD has loads of underwater content AND unless Anet srsly improve underwater combat mechanics I really don't see the point. BUT we all have different goals and can well belie for "completionist players" whom have attained full leggy weps/armours/trinkets/back-piece then the ascended aqua breather is maybe 'the thorn in your side! " so I can understand for these people.
  10. If you play a lot of alts: Shared inventory slots are worth their weight in gold. I'm maxed out at 20, but would instantly purchase more if Anet increased the limit cap. But I play a lot of alts regularly, if you only main 1-2 characters then I guess shared inv. nowhere near as important to you. Perma tools useful or are they? >>, my ingame buddy whom has acumulated 8 different sets over the years, says they're his biggest waste fail purchase as he couldn't care less about node farming as its worse than watching paint dry. Different strokes for different folks. All depends on your personal playstyle.
  11. ^^my thoughts exactly! @AulisVaara seriously there are so many different other reasons that I can think of, of why you'd want to quit. May I wonder if you were already dissatisfied, not enjoying Gw2 and simply made the time for tea kitten your scapegoat. I think on the whole players, myself included, that enjoy open world PvE, raids, fractals, strikes, WvW, sPvP or whatever it is, largely couldn't care less about a new tea chair and certainly not any reason to quit. I guess maybe you don't enjoy any of these game modes or Gw2 at all? Personally I've played Gw2 for 8 yrs and it's the most sociable, friendly, casual drop-in-drop-out without missing much progress MMO. But I also hate chairs, never have and never will waste my money on purchasing one. I play actively, i.e. mainly WvW, raids, fractals a little PvE until it bores me and find chairs a pointless waste of money, but some peeps love them else they wouldn't keep designing new ones and selling. The fact I personally hate chairs in no way shape or form ruins my immersion or overall gaming experience, and neither should it for OP.
  12. @TigerZord.7931 at one time many moons ago I used to think like you but then I wised up and thought people play Gw2 for all different reasons, we're all different, have different strengths, weaknesses, ability. Some people play for very loose, casual, socialising while others play based on fully mini-maxing their abilities, game skill, theory crafting optimum builds for any given situation call it perfectionism, elitism, professionalism or what you will. Whether you fall into one of these groups or anywhere in between it really doesn't matter but chances are you will seek like minded gamers who enjoy gw2 the way you enjoy playing it. That is all I see when I see LFG kp, li, titles requests just merely gamers whom have attained a certain level and want to game with like minded people, which I have totally no issue with as that's the beauty of ppl we're not all the same. If you want more chill runs just select a group that says chill ppl only, bring cookies, anyone welcome etc. Remember: There is no right or wrong way to play Gw2. Play what works for you, and enjoy the game your way, and equally let others do the same 🙂
  13. Same, but at this point I think if this was an easy fix it would have been fixed today. Hoping it's fixed within next 24-48hrs before weekend when nothing likely to happen. I'm not a developer but I can imagine problems like this from Dev pov can be a major headache. Personally I'd rather them take their time and get the fix 100% sorted, rather than rushing something out which is unstable and could create a domino effect of other issues. Am sure whole Gw2 Community is rooting for the Devs to sort this out, but guess we need a little patience or a roll-back to pre-patch for devs to have more time for patch next Tuesday instead.
  14. Well at times like this for me the moral of the story is have a backup option of another game to play, other irl hobby, other means of escapism, or just anything to fill that void in my soul irl other than just gw2 lol Perfect timing for me for pushing myself in the Gym, weight training so not gonna bother with wasting my time with repeated login issues : It's 2 hour Leg Day in the Gym. No pain, no gain?!? Will just leave the devs to sort fix whether it's tomorrow, day after or whenever as not gonna waste any spare time trying 100 different login methods most which are crashing my PC.
  15. Awesome job. I recently made Aurora, and was a little gutted as apart from my Mesmer it doesn't fit any of my character colour schemes. I can live with Vision, Conflux (my other 2 leggy trinkets) kinda more neutral in effect, but Aurora is ghastly with just about all of my character themed colours: Green, Orange/Flame effect, Black, Red: Add a purple glow to these effects it just looks sooo bad. I'd love if it Aurora was made dyeable ( just 1 dye channel would be sufficient tbh)! - but for now mega happy with this toggle box.
  16. ^^ Totally this, I literally spent less than 3 mins on Harbinger: Looked at the Elixirs *yawned many times over* and logged. I really hope Elixirs are binned. They just seem an extremely easy to implement, can't think of anything better, "copy-paste-all" boring mechanic, and imo are no way anywhere in comparison to Reaper/Scourge.
  17. Actually I'm happy with the new Gen 3 set as it means all the Mystic Clovers & tons of T6 mats i've been stashing I no longer have to save them for the new weps: I'll simply use them to craft the remaining Gen 2 Weps i don't yet have and craft a few Gen 1's to sell, so its a win-win situation ! ( Clearly design, and implementation has been done on a shoe-string budget to make 16 Legendaries all on the same theme - that's pretty awful imo by Anet's own standards and simply no match for the uniqueness and individuality we had with Gen 1 and Gen 2: If that's how Anet is rolling out 16 Gen 3's as Black Lion Equivalent skins then I'd rather they abandon them entirely and concentrate on releasing ~ 4 Gen 3 Leggies: GS, Axe, Staff, Scepter or whichever are most used as standalone, individually unique designs: And then buys them time at later date they can design and implement the other ones if the issue here seems to be lack of staffing, resources, budget etc ).
  18. @Tuen.5641 I think its a valid question as many have asked in the past, I myself asked this over several years back when I made my 1st character as Asuran and desperately wanted to change race, however i politely directed to the Search Option of this forum, and Race Change as been brought up countless times before with all the reasons why Anet will not implement it as as far as I can see if this change was going to happen it would have been years ago. Search Option of this Forum = MVP @Astralporing.1957sums up the the masses of these previous threads perfectly in their first post on this thread. On the plus side - we can make use of 69 character slots per account, and only 5 Races to choose from so we can have at least x13 characters of each race if we choose. If our accounts were only limited to < 10 characters then I think Race Change would become wholly viable, but 69 characters are more than enough for each and every Race/ Profession we desire. Heck I'm lucky if I have time each day to log 3-4 different characters let alone 69! Just have to adapt to how it is atm: For example I made my First Warrior: Charr and wanted to show off some infusions that I'd bought, but was gutted as Charr is like the worst character for displaying infusions ( except of Ember, Celestial perhaps, but others like Winter's Heart you can't barely see it): So i made 2 new characters: 1 human warrior, 1 sylvaria warrior to see which worked better with the infusions, and eventually ended up with 3 Warriors( I just equipped them slowly over time with Asc. Chest drops): This itself became a bonus, since I turned 1 warrior into a SpellBreaker for WvW, other warrior BS for fractals, and other one: General open world PvE. Advantage of not having race change: I made more standalone characters ready for different game modes ( saved me on build/equipment templates i guess, so pros and cons to everything!)
  19. For someone that played Gw2 for 7 years with only Exotic/Ascended and then made ~12 Legendaries in the last 1 year, I can honestly say they made little to no difference in my overall enjoyment / gaming experience etc. Ascended did the job just as good, and even though you lack QoL stat change of Legendary had to ask myself how many times am I actually going to swap stats, and when it was more than once i merely just made another ascended item. My summary of Legendaries: They are an excellent Goldsink/Timesink, a "sense of focus, attainment, achievement", offer a little QoL being instantaneously stat selectable, and able to extract infusions, sigils, runes without the need for any special extractor, but other than that: Do I think they are really worth the monumental effort required and time/gold: Definitely not !
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