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Everything posted by Andy.5981

  1. Same happening with my characters. Any that havent done LW1 originally or with this resent rehash have the episode activated, the Living story is active in the Story journal and has the "Quit this episode" button. On my two oldest characters that did LS1 at the time of release and have subsequently redone it, neither of them have the episode autostarted.
  2. Are you waiting for the event at the Lutgadis Waypoint? If so, although a load of events do spawn around it, the "Thwart the Purist Agitators" event doesn't spawn there. It spawns around the Lutgardis Market Poi, which is a location within Lutgardis Plaza and slightly to the NW of the WP. I've just gone there again whilst posting this reply and its just spawned at the above location. I've amended the location on the Wiki.
  3. Why not go the whole hog and have a big red button for sale on the BLTC for 20k gems. When you press it, it completes every map, gives you every achievment, title, full legendary equipment, fires a rocket into the air to the tune of one of Sousa's marches and when it explodes it spells out the words "I iz Leet" Honestly, isn't the whole point of a MMORPG to explore and quest and kill stuff? If you're not going to do that kind of stuff why do you log in? Big no.
  4. Is this machine a Laptop or a Desktop? If so is it a branded machine and does it have a model number? Also some other things to try. 1) Make sure Windows Game Bar is turned off. You can reach this by clicking the Start menu button and then click the settings icon. On the Windows Settings list, you will see a Gaming category. Click on this and then make sure that the toggle right at the top is set to Off. 2) If you are using Nvidia Geforce Experience, make sure that the in game overlay is turned off. You can do this by starting up Nvidia Geforce Experience, then clicking on the cog top right hand of the window, the going down to In game overlay and turning it off. 3) What graphic settings and screen resolution is your friend playing in? Press F11 in game, then select the second icon down on the left hand side of the window that opens. All of the settings will be listed there. Let us know what they''re set to? One pretty good and almost instant FPS boost is to alter the "Shadows" setting. For some reason people stick it on high quality, which isn't needed. Set it to off. You really won't notice the change and it can give some reasonable boosts (and reduces the work the CPU has to do). 4) Check that the machine isn't downloading windows updates in the background or trying to install updates. 5) Turn off "Allow downloads from other PC" Lot of people don't realise that Windows 10 has a sort of BitTorrent facility that allows your machine to send parts of previously downloaded patches etc to other users computers, not only on your local network but also via the Internet. You can enable/disable this by going into Settings/Update and Security, then going down to Deilvery optimisation on the left hand side of the panel. Finally turn off "Allow Downloads from other PCs" 6) What Anti-virus/Firewall software is being used. I cannot remember it exactly, but I seem to recall that there were a few Threads about a particular Antivirus/Firewall causing some issues with GW2 a few months back. 7) Has the machine been scanned for Malware?
  5. HoT - Ah so that's where the mastery point is! PoF - Anyone seen the skritt? EoD - Sushi
  6. Erm no. He has verbal diarrhea and could sum up most of what he says in about a tenth of the time. He has a manner of speaking for which us British people have invented many descriptive words, most of which would either not get through the bad word filter or would get me banned. I would rather suck a nettle whilst simultaneously urinating on an electric fence than listen to what he says.
  7. Last time this came up I suggested Coconuts. This time I've found the clip. Also living in the Welsh Marches not far from Mercia (as mentioned in the clip), I can confirm that I've never seen a Coconut migrating through the area. https://youtu.be/zqtS9xyl0f4
  8. To the OP, never leave Dragonfall when the low map population do you wish to change maps thing pops up, particularly when camps are clearly upgraded. It is a well know fact that Kralkatorik is in charge of that popup. The moment you click on it you are probably going to end up on a new map with nothing done and thereby give Kralk some breathing space. In all seriousness, the low population/change map popup is a pain in the backside on this map. It's been like that since release, even when some of the maps were busy. Stay where you are. Unless it really is the wee small hours of the night the map should progress.
  9. Just remember you may well be projecting your own bias and overestimating the degree in which others may agree with you. BTW I played Everquest from release. TAB targetting suits me quite fine. It falls quite nicely when using ASWD keys to move
  10. Quite an impressive list of TV shows, Film and Games that she has worked on. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kimberly_Brooks
  11. To the OP, what are your thoughts on your own questions?
  12. Not sure if they are bugged as such? I got the Abaddon statuette from the Chest in the water in New Kaineng, near the bridge at Lutgardis Waypoint. The description states that it is unnaturally wet. The last one I needed was the Grenth statuette, which says on the description in the achievment that it is unnaturally cold. There are only two areas that are cold in EoD. One is the area in the North West of Seitung. The other is the point of interest in Dragons End called Icebrood's Desolation. Working on the idea that it was likely to come from a Chest near Icebrood's Desolation, I looted one chest last night, no luck. Looted another this evening near to the Poi and got the Grenth statuette and completed it. So that was two statuettes that I go that tallied with their descriptions. Sadly I cannot say where I obtained the others since I managed to obtain them by playing throught the maps and I wasn't paying much attention. Hope the above helps a few players to locate the Abaddon and Grenth statuettes.
  13. I've seens some total bollocks posted on this forum, but this is really taking total bollocks and gold plating it.
  14. Used to be very common in Everquest back in the late 90's early 2000's. You would regularly see Developer/GM lead events, quizzes, escort/protection events across massive zones like the Karanas. We once had a problem with an idiot training us with creatures in Velious. Sent a report and within 10 minutes we had a well known employee talking to us. When we asked where they were, they tolds us they were invisible and stood next to us and to keep playing normally so they could see the disruptive behaviour themselves. Sure enough the idiot did what they had been doing and ran off. He got summoned back to the spot by the Dev and perma-rooted to the ground. I suspect he got a good telling off and he then disappeared. We were told he had got a short ban from the game for his behaviour. On another occassion I was having problems staying online due to some issues. The Community Manager read my post on the Official forums and when I logged into the game took the time to interact with me directly suggesting various solutions through four or five disconnects until the problem was resolved. Cannot beat old fashioned customer service.
  15. Erm is this post in response to something posted somewhere?
  16. The problem with Cleanup duty is the graphic used for the graffiti doesn't appear in a few spots. As Silent.6137 has said above it can be achieved, even though the graphic is missing,. You should still be able to get the interact dialogue pop up [F] when you get near them. The wiki does have pictures as to where they all should appear. Ocean Fresh Sashimi - it can bug out on some maps. There are two locations Some people have reported that after doing the South event the North event pops but it only has a few seconds in which to be activated. When I managed it I did the South event first then headed to the North event location. The North event popped 10 minutes after completing South.
  17. A very useful search, thank you for finding it. The last post in that thread from Linsey Murdock was in June 2017. More significiantly in 2021 she left Anet and now works for Riot Games. So is anyone even taking a look at these issues now?
  18. Just over a week ago I made a post suggesting that Mesmer and Revenants were at a disadvantage when obtaining their EOD Specialised weapons since one part of their collection requires you to do the DE Meta. This is the thread. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/112311-end-of-dragons-specialised-collections-is-this-an-error/?tab=comments#comment-1619672 Basically Anet should alter it to the following Warrior, Engineer and Necromancer - have to do Kaineng and EchovaldThief, Guardian and Elementalist - have to do Seitung and KainengRanger, Mesmer and Revenant - have to do Seitung and Echovald
  19. Check to see if your speaker set up within your Soundcard software or Windows matches what you have. I have two speakers either side of my monitor. On occassion after soundcard driver updates I sometimes get the speaker set-up set to 5.1 surround, which obviously sounds odd on two speakers. Checking yor speaker setup matches what your soundcard is outputting to would be my first step. Secondly what have you set your Sound quality to in GW2? You can check this by pressing F11 in game, then selecting Sound Options on the left hand side of this control panel. The GW2 default for sound quality is mid way between Fastest and Highest quality. If you have moved it all the way over to Highest Quality this could be a cause of the problem. There actually isn't any need to set it that high and on machines that might struggle a bit, it can end up with stutters and sound issues. The other thing you can try within these settting is just click on the button at the bottom that says "Restore defaults" - this will reset all sound settings within GW2. Try those and see how you get on.
  20. An awful lot of these puzzles where you need to pick up a box and place it into a position are bugged in that the box you need to pick up is invisble. Often wandering around in the close proximity you will get the interact [F] pop up on the screen. Number 10 was bugged for a while. It is one where the box you need to interact with is invisible. If you look at the boxes that are positioned on the floor, just to the south are a slightly larger and a smaller box which are different colours to the puzzle. Walk close to these and you should get the [F] interact dialogue. Number 13 just been there. The box you need to pick up was clearly displayed for me. It also has the interact dialogue. Picked it up and placed it at the top of the other boxes to make an arrow shape. If its not showing you should be able to get an interact dialogue near the larger of the boxes on the platform. Number 24 The place you need to interact with the box is incorrect, it isnt on the roof, its on the ground below it. The overall achievment can be done, its just that Anet really do need to get someone from their Quality Control or Playtesters to go through each of these things and sort out missing graphics etc.,
  21. What on earth is going on with this sequence of events/achievements? There are four events in the chain, the first one beginning with Gather fungal residue to stabilize Verasha, the Speaker defector https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gather_fungal_residue_to_stabilize_Verasha,_the_Speaker_defector So far over three days I have never seen this event take place. Is it bugged? It's blocking this achievement and also getting a part for the Unchained Specialised weapon, Crushing weight. Anet is there any chance you can get some of your QC/Playtesters/Developers to take a look at this, and by taking a look I don't mean spawning the event chain with a developer command on your in house machines, but doing it on a live play server?
  22. Went back to this HP today. Still showing as repeatable on main map, mini map and on main screen. Tried interacting with it, still getting message telling me to come back tomorrow since I've gained all I can from this point... This is despite me not having touched the HP on any character for over a week.
  23. Definately not. It should be optional as to whether or not you participate in an open world event, even the Dragon's End meta. What would be a better solution to this Meta, would be for Anet to add some of the mechanics for the Soo Won fight, into the pre-events down the left, right and middle lanes. That way players who may not have encountered these types of mechanics previously will get an insight into how they work before they get to the main fight. Hopefully during the main fight they will think "Ah-ha I've seen this before and this is what you need to do..." Edit - as an example we fight two Saltspray Dragons down the Left and Right side - add in the tidal wave mechanic to their fights. I'm sure other Soo Won mechanics could be implemented into the other fights?
  24. Guess I should stop hitting the side of my monitor just in case the Ranger notes had got stuck behind something else! Hmm dont know if I should laugh cry or just be thankful that nothing was altered.
  25. Lol. I've done Dragons end' successfully twice and tried to help out on at least 15-20 occassions now. Please don't make assumptions.
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