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Everything posted by Andy.5981

  1. Popping this link here for you. It's probably one of the best resources on the Wiki for anyone wanting to obtain gear. A lot of it is via quests/collections etc., so not only will you get some nice rewards you will also get to experience some great content. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/User:Tanetris/So_You_Want_To_Gear_a_Character
  2. Try deleting everything inside the Guild Wars 2 Cache Folder, don't worry the game will recreate what it needs inside the folder when you restart it. Guildmate whom I usually team up with has been working their way through the game content. They have had exactly the same issues the OP described. Approximatly 8 weeks ago it was getting rediculous the amount of disconnects they were getting in Story scenes. I told them to delete the contents of the above folder and lo and behold since then they have had no disconnects whatsoever.
  3. If you get the chance, come to my home Country, Wales. On average, we are shorter than most British people, however you will find that the Archways to our Castles are absolutely ginormous. It is an expression of power. If you have ever seen "This is Spinal Tap" you will also realise how laughable monuments (like Stonehenge) would be if they were three feet high.
  4. I finally managed to get the Dragon Bombadier achievment in Dragons Stand. My next goal is to try to get the Flights of Fancy achievment in Hearts and Minds.
  5. Its a case of once seen cannot be unseen. Though it will amuse me every time I meet one in game 🤣
  6. It's one letter away from being quite funny in a schoolboy sort of way 🤣
  7. Quite impressed with the look of the new Mesmer and Necromancer Specs. One thing does concern me though. It appears so far that both specs have over the top spell effects. If this trend is replicated on the other specs, I wonder what effect it will have in large scale fights/events. Its bad enough now!
  8. Good retail practice. Discount stuff that isn't selling well now and keep the price high when it is in demand.
  9. Thank you for your considered reply. I think you hit the nail on the head with it. The build is built for one thing and one thing only and cannot withstand any concerted attack on it, hence the "run away" approach whenever it get under any kind of pressure. The mount issue is something that Anet really do need to look at. The problem is how do you balance the fact that one player has just unloaded a ton of skills into a mount that has acted as a health shield and now has skills on cooldown V the player who has been dismounted and is now full health with full skills on no cooldown? I know there should be a risk to dismounting a player, which normally is their skill level v yours but I just cannot see how Anet could balance the encounter.
  10. So and correct me if I am wrong with what I'm taking away from all of this. You dont have a problem that he was able to take you off your mount, his build or his damage output. You now realise that this is a mount/player dismounting issue, which theoretically could be carried out by any class if it had sufficent damage/burst. You've also from your encounters with him learned and adapted your play?
  11. In your opinion, thanks for that, but I think you're wrong. It will encourage some players to actively take part in the pre. In any event the suggestion was meant across all WB not just this one. Also what on earth are you on about "a limited amount of bombs available"? The event is scripted so that if you pick up a bomb from the pile closer to the gate, you are locked out from picking up another one for a period of time. You can however get one from the pile further away. I suspect it was done this way to prevent players just stacking at the close pile. I've never been unable to pick up a bomb and run them to the gate by alternating between the two piles.
  12. I've been saying it for years. Add a buff to the pre-events that gives a boost to the possibility of better drops from the World Boss. If you choose to not help with the pre-events you dont get as good as loot. The boost gets stripped on leaving the map
  13. Erm all the SMS codes that I've ever been sent are 5 digits long and work perfectly whenever I put them into box when I try to log into the game via the login client or into my account on the website. You have tried to put the five figure code in?
  14. Well WvW gets 9 more specializations thrown into the mix. That should create endless drama over the next year or so as some players whine and complain that they're too powerful, are un-unkillable, have infinite invisibility, have pets that do too much damage etc., etc., etc. It should be fun. Bring a bucket for all the tears and some popcorn 😂
  15. Preordered the ultimate edition. Didn't get the additional shared inventory slot. I currently only have two on the account. Is it supposed to show up automatically straight away. I don't recall receiving anything that could be clicked. I've logged out, changed characters and nope still not got it. Sent a report ticket in and also copied this thread into the request to inform them that others seem to have the same problem.
  16. Hey its a Dagger spec... welcome to the world of Spellbreaker and Soulbeast. Excuse me Mr. Monster whilst I stand directly in front of you and go stabbity stab stab... 🙂 I can see where you are coming from though. Its going to be interesting to see if those are the final character movements when using the skills. Fingerwiggling hand waves hmmmm.
  17. Is it too early to ask for it to be nerfed? Just kidding. Looks cool. I suspect it will be a lot of fun.
  18. Just to be absolutely sure, you are doing the following event, which is found at the Tower top right of the map? https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Defeat_the_massive_earth_elemental_and_stop_the_Harathi_High_Sage rather than the Seigemaster Immelhoof event, which is found between Nolans Homestead and the Centaur Camp? https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Defeat_Siegemaster_Immelhoof both involve Hirathi bosses. If you are doing the first event, if you have done it five times with no credit then something is up. I hit the sage twice during the fight (slow kills are good to allow people to get there) and I got credit first time. Edit - Just looked in the Bug Section of the Forum. There is a thread there about the Hirathi sage bugging out - normally the bug is due to the fact the event stalls. However tucked away in one of the comments is mention that someone did kill the Sage but didn't get credit. So it looks like it has happened to someone else. This is the thread https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/98324-lake-doric-sage-bugged/ Its quite sad, the map is a nice map with a lot of events, but ever since it was added to the game it has experienced numerous bugs, the Sage event stalling, Saidra's haven stalling. SS Pinkeen event stalling amongst others.
  19. Perhaps all of us who play Necromancer should bug report it in game. That would be a lot of reports, I mean, multiple Marionette Squads of 50 Scourges at a time + All the static groups in Sandswept Isles and Southsun cove, that's like lots..... Joking aside, it clearly needs looking at, my bet is they missed the % off whatever code they used and just put a flat 2. Come on Anet how hard is it to fix this bug?
  20. Just come from a bugged map (might be one of the ones mentioned above). EU Servers. Map IP address was The Elemental appears to have spawned but was permanently stalled. This is an old bug, its been here since the map was originally released, along with others such as the SS Pinkeen event stalling, the Quaggan Escort event stalling, The Saidra's Haven event stalling amongst others. Some QC is required.
  21. Thank you for the update and thank you for listening to player feedback and acting upon it. I think the most important lesson we all can take away from this is that sensible considered dialogue between the two sides is good. Hopefully it can continue in the future.
  22. Each of the four Legendary Mordrem can spawn at any point during the Meta event - however, they will stand a higher chance of spawning when forts are at T3 or above. I helped a guildmate who was in a similar situation to you a fgew weeks ago, needing the final few central Tyrian masteries. Killing each of theose Legendary Mordrem gives one mastery each and if you have killed all four, you also get one further mastery for doing so. What worked for us was staying at one specific fort until we got the kill we needed, unless a spawn was shouted in map chat at another one. Over the course of a week we moved to each fort and helped upgrade until we got the next spawn. It can be a problem when its an empty map so you have to pick a time when there are people willing to assist. You will find that sometime after hitting T3 you will get a Legendary to spawn. Three of them are relatively easy to kill. The forth, the Legendary Tormenter spawns near to the Blue Fort - this is the tough one and you will likely need four or five players to take it out, since it is significantly harder than the others. Not sure if you are aware of this list as well on the Wiki, it details all of the Masteries in the game, you might find one or two more on there that you weren't aware of and may help you get the last few you need. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mastery_point_unlocks#Central_Tyria_mastery_points Good luck.
  23. Quite agree, this is a game that people play to enjoy. Most don't want stuff handed to them on a plate, they want a sense of achievement when they get something. On the flipside they don't want stuff that is boring with a feeling that this is going to end badly. I think Marionette has struck a good balance. What is noticeable in the Public Squads is that players are listening to the commanders. They are asking questions when unsure and by and large they are succeeding. There was a massive thread a while back about encouraging people into raiding. If you want to start encouraging people into large scale events that take coordination then one thing you really need to do is make them fun. This event succeeds in this. Well done Anet for giving us this event and please lets keep the Squads - Private and Public as they are. We have all had a pretty kitten year, some more than most, let us enjoy ourselves.
  24. There are Scourges in PvP? I though they were all in the 50 person Marionette Squads? 🤔
  25. This is why it should be placed into the World Boss Rotation. Perhaps added to the "Hard" world bosses on the event timer. Even allow it to be a Daily now and then. There are always World boss trains.
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