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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. But probably no one at Anet to police the chat.
  2. If a shop does something one of the customers doesn't like, it's that customer's problem. If a shop does something a large part of its customers do not like, it's the shop's problem. That's the cost of doing business. In the long run, cutting them off will be cheaper than attorneys trying to differentiate from "truly predatory" and "but I don't like it". But do let's keep it in context with what happened in Belgium. The boxes that were originally posted about here give a random mount skin that you don't already own. So you're guaranteed a new skin, even if it's not the one you want. If one truly doesn't like that option, such as me, for example, who's never bought one, and never will, then they had the option to talk with their wallet, and simply not buy it. Now that option has been removed, Belgium stepped in and said "Our citizens cannot control their spending, so we're going to pass a law that forces them to do so". This is what the argument always hinges on; "but they may have a "gambling" problem" or "but little Jonny got mom's credit card and went nuts". The former is a problem that needs to be dealt with in the home, or with the family of the afflicted. The latter? None of the cases of this that have been provided in this discussion across the years ever explained how little Jonny gained access to that card, but it's a fairly safe bet that he got it because his mom gave it to him, but didn't think to limit what he could do with it. In either instance, the end result is the government stepping in to deal with a citizen's private life. Not something I want in my life, I have enough government interaction as it is. However, since it's so much easier to say "It's someone else's fault", this is what we get. There is no gaming company that should have to foot the bill for someone else's personal problems, whether that's "gambling", or an inability to monitor what their children are doing. So if their government wants to pass a law forbidding the sale within their borders, the business should stop selling it within their borders. Win/Win. The people complaining got what they wanted, loot boxes removed, and the government got what they wanted, their citizens can no longer legally purchase them. The only thing missing, in so far as I can tell, is that if their government catches them using a VPN to make these purchases anyway, they should arrest the player for violating their law. This. The law in questions is essentially a statement by the Belgian government that they think their citizens are all children incapable of making decisions for themselves.No, that's not it at all. What happened is, the Belgian Gaming Commission brought a case before court claiming that the systems used in loot boxes fall under the same already existing laws that govern online gambling. The court ruled in their favor, resulting in the legal position that gaming companies were running online gambling without the required license. This has nothing to do with government interference. It's simply about illegal business practices.Or, it's about getting the license fees and taxes.
  3. The third reason is the inability to monitor it in-game.
  4. We were all young once. GW2 is no exception. As things have matured it is natural to look back at what it once was.
  5. Also, as a consumer, one has to be wary of those "discounted" prices. Buying in bulk at these retailers isn't always the best or lowest price per unit. There is some perception on the part of the consumer that items in these stores must be lower in price, but that is not always the case.
  6. It's the End of Dragons so any Dragon pets will automatically die and wipe themselves after the expac is over As long as their extinction includes aurene i'm all for it.Wow. Something that we both agree. :)
  7. Started a new toon this weekend. Finished Queensdale, Hrathi Hinterlands and Wayfarer Foothills. Got two keys. Of course, got junk from the chests.
  8. No, thank you. Just like SAB and other festivals, I prefer that content to remain where it is.
  9. Because everyone burns through content within hours of release and then complains that there is nothing new to do.
  10. Not much of a fan of the sylvari, but no objection to the OP request.
  11. I am speaking for about all the people i raid with. So i went with "WE NEED". Good that you think the rewards are okay, but it does seem like you didnt read fully until the end. It might be that for people that log on 2 days per week, clear all the raids and dont play anymore until next Monday the rewards appear good. But i am talking about people that log on every evening and just raid, even though they have gotten their weekly. Those rewards are abysmal, and the main issue is, you CANNOT get trans charges, you CANNOT get living world currency playing raids only. Then why are you raiding?because it's very funFun is subjective. I don't find raiding fun at all.
  12. Listen man We can mean him and his girlfriend or as he said his raid friends. Someone saying We doesn't automatically include you or me just because We read it. So getting upset because someone said We and admonishing them to speak for themselves is your issue In the context of a forum thread title, it can appear to mean the entire community "needs" something. It very well can seem as if the OP is speaking for everyone. /shrug
  13. Sure, they were "at the keyboard" as it were. Of course they weren't actually playing the game, but it's pretty apparent that none of that matters. The rules are all just vague enough so they can do anything or nothing at their leisure, as it is in all MMOs. Just react to protect the companys intrests, the rest can rot. What the difference between minions killing mobs on one screen while watching Netflix on the other versus staring at only a single screen where the minions are killing the mobs? None. Both instances the player isn't actually playing if he does nothing but watch his minions kill mobs or watch netflix while his minions kill mobs. That's where everyone differs on here. Some think you shouldn't get loot that way while others think it's perfectly splendid to read a book or do homework as you get loot doing nothing but stand in one spot. Except that it's allowed by Anet. You may dislike it but it's their game and their rules. In other words, all of these threads are redundant as anet is indifferent to their own ToS. As i said, just vague enough rules so anet doesn't need to enforce anything until it fits anets needs so they can keep as many people "playing" as possible. It's just what i have come to expect from MMO developers. Want proof that anet doesn't care? Go to iron marches: bloodfin lake, and watch as they are still standing there with their army of engineers that have been there for years. I'm sure they are just AFKing... You can say what you want, but you will never convince me that someone is willing to farm anything for years without doing anything else in game. After all, when they stand there every single day, they obviously can't be doing anything else, unless it's allowed to just use two or more accounts at the same time (i wonder how they activate the skills conviniently at regular intervals? Hmmm...). If it is allowed, then as i said, all these threads are redundant as soon as anet stops pretending and just admits it. Can you prove that those have been the same accounts? Can you prove that those people are actually AFK? What about the rules are vague to you? Unattended and inattentive are two very different things. I agree. Good luck, though. Fight the good fight. I've had this argument before with Yggranya and it always circles around.
  14. Yup 50 times now. I'm slowly adjusting but do players actually use those show rarity options. I never could think of any reason I wouldn't want to show rarity Its one of the most important features while salvaging.Right, so why turn OFF rarity?
  15. I don't think that you'll gather the data you want. The forums represent such a small portion of the entire player base.
  16. Not my oldest character, but my oldest screen capture from January 2015.... And tonight ...
  17. Just because a balance patch doesn't touch on what one might think is important doesn't mean that a balance patch was not released.
  18. I agree gw2efficiency may not have clean numbers. If there are other resources that provide more accurate stats for player accounts then we should look at them as well. Can you provide any other resources that have this information?Sorry, no, because Anet hasn't released them to my knowledge. IMO that is the problem with the entire premise of this topic. We players simply cannot know if this cap is a problem for Anet or not. I still believe that if it were a problem, then Anet would have done something about it by now.
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