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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Increase revenue by making it free? How does that work? The more free quality of life features that get added, the more people are willing to spend their money on fashion. Good will begets good will.I disagree. People will continue to ask for free things once a company goes that route. GW2 is free and look now how many things players want for free.
  2. 600 or 2000 gems isn't so bad of an expense for a game with no subscription fees. I'm not saying spend 600-2000 gems each month (although I'm sure ANet would very much appreciate it!), but once a year maybe? How bad could that be?
  3. Well, reading some of the quite personal attacks on here (criticism should always be directed towards the product, not a person), I understand they want to stay away from this. ;) Whilst such attacks are not condonable this is not a problem exclusive to Anet. Most game teams get it sadly and is often vastly worse than anything we see here or on the cesspool that is Reddit. The community at large should never pay for the actions of an idiotic minority. At the end of the day, if they don't wish to talk to us, they don't wish to talk to us. It's not a great ethos to have, but it is what it is. Who says the game director isn't communicating with us? You may just not know their name. Id like to know their name please.Is ANet a publicly traded company? If so, then you can find it in their published information. If not, then they have no obligations to produce the name.
  4. This and the copper-fed are my only two regrets. At least I got them both on sale so there's that. :) Why do you regert the copper-fed I use it every day I play, nice to never run out of salvage kits.From what I recall, there is a point where it only become cost-beneficial. Many users will not hit that threshold.
  5. You can show or hide the head piece of outfits by toggling show/hide the equipped armor head piece.
  6. That's not the game director's job. It should be the community liaison or community manager or someone in PR. However, I do not mean to counter the point that more communication would be preferred.
  7. None of which are recent and would count as necro'ing. No, but the existing threads pretty much sum up the subject so a new thread with nothing more substantial to add to the discussion isn't really necessary.
  8. Working as intended. There are no issues to correct.Of course. After all, monetization was the only purpose of this system. Functionality was never important. Nor was player satisfaction.So, everything is indeed completely fine. After all, correcting any issues players might see would require the system to get reprioritized towards completely different purpose, and we simply can't have that.You managed to find my sarcasm. Actually, I think that you and I (based on your response) have it pretty well summed up insofar as ANet is concerned. This implementation is what was planned, approved, designed and put into place. It wasn't a snap decision. There was purpose behind it.
  9. Maybe we'll return to Cantha, only to find it completely submerged.
  10. They are two completely different things (outfits / armor pieces) and cannot be combined.
  11. I've seen more Rangers in strikes than anything else, really. You're welcome. ;)
  12. Increase revenue by making it free? How does that work?
  13. A game for which there is no subscription model, and where players complain about the price of items in the gem store, cannot financially support all game modes.
  14. Working as intended. There are no issues to correct. hey was looking to hear from Anet not you, but thanks for chirping in (you are pretty good at that). I would like to hear from an Anet employee in the future when I direct a question to them. Thanks for trying to be a help but it was not helpful. unless you speak for Anet? Good Day Kharmin Good luck with that bud it happens once every 10k posts Id say. oh I know that and not holding my breath its just certain figures on these forums think they are Anet I have never once indicated that I am in any way affiliated with Arenanet.sorry wasn't talking to you didn't realize you were quoted there. sorry you personalized itI appreciate that. Just didn't want anyone to think that I was impersonating Anet or anything. ;)
  15. Working as intended. There are no issues to correct. hey was looking to hear from Anet not you, but thanks for chirping in (you are pretty good at that). I would like to hear from an Anet employee in the future when I direct a question to them. Thanks for trying to be a help but it was not helpful. unless you speak for Anet? Good Day Kharmin Good luck with that bud it happens once every 10k posts Id say. oh I know that and not holding my breath its just certain figures on these forums think they are AnetI have never once indicated that I am in any way affiliated with Arenanet.
  16. Perhaps it is a limitation of the game's database?
  17. Why scroll? There is a search function. Just type in what you're looking for.
  18. GW2 is not a "raiding game". It is a game which, among other content, has raids.
  19. Maybe the April Fools' joke is no SAB this year.
  20. These are not required to play the game and in no way prevent any player from completing content. They weren't included in the original release either, and no one was unable to play or complete content in their absence. They are purely optional, and before someone slams me with ARC, that wasn't in the original release either and players still managed to play and complete content. If the price offered by Anet is too high, then don't buy them.
  21. I'm not that fast, but I can outrun a centaur.
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