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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Get it right, Grimm. It's "in bed, with a camel." :)
  2. With the 250 year time jump between GW1 -> GW2, anything Cantha-related will probably not resemble what people remember, so there would not be any nostalgia to be had. I would expect complaints because Cantha wouldn't be what it once was, which is what (seemingly) everybody who wants Cantha is looking for. I'd rather ANet not waste resources in that direction.
  3. Actually if anything I would say the opposite. You have to consider not everyone plays everything and some content that is changed are not value-add content as in its not new content. Examples; for a non-pvpers the new season in ranked doesn't add any value, the balance patch that just released doesn't add any new maps or the alliance system for wvwers, super adventure box has a following but for PvPers its not a new map, nor is it one for the raiders or the fractal players. So no I wouldn't say slow down releases since they have created these different game modes it means there are more to support so you need a higher cadence if anything so that they are covered. And I say this as a PvXer that does multiple modes already. Better to have more to do versus less. I agree. I don't do any competitive modes at all, so those are out. I hate SAB, so I don't bother with it. So, that leaves me with the other content releases that I can choose to do or not to do at my leisure. I'm glad for the options.
  4. Since they already charge for the current implementation, I don't see them going back to any "free" model.
  5. New sucks. Remake old stuff is better. Ask Hollywood and Nintendo That's highly subjective. I don't enjoy pretty much anything that comes out of Hollywood because of the amount of re-makes. It's like they don't have any imagination and I get tired of the same ol' things. With the track record around here, those who keep pining for Cantha -- be careful what you wish for. I'd wager that you will be quite disappointed should it actually happen.
  6. I agree but at least now people around here can no longer say that ANet doesn't read the forums with all of the LS1 posts that have been tossed around.
  7. I had this happen on occasion prior to the latest change/patch, but it was intermittent and probably less than 5% of the time. Is this happening to you with more frequency? (I haven't tested post fix)
  8. I understand the points. I just don't like them. I also disagree with this change fitting thematically. But, that's my opinion.
  9. This has already been reported in the Bugs forum: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/99350/forum-font-bug-super-tiny ANet is aware
  10. "the best"? It depends what you want to do with it. There's no one best pet that does everything. And, again, THAT'S THE POINT OF THIS CHANGE. As much as people want to harp about losing “versatility” and “playing with multiple different pets”, the reality is that people only used a small handful of pets in the first place. PvE dps builds had their dedicated pet (which you didn’t even want to merge out of), WvW almost always used smokescale and snow owl, Siamoth boonbeast build, etc. Even Druid, who still has their pet, only ever actually uses half a dozen of them. That's fine, then. Make the necessary changes in those modes but leave it alone in open world where such things hardly matter. Anet does not balance the game around open worldAgreed. If only they would split, though....
  11. "the best"? It depends what you want to do with it. There's no one best pet that does everything. And, again, THAT'S THE POINT OF THIS CHANGE. As much as people want to harp about losing “versatility” and “playing with multiple different pets”, the reality is that people only used a small handful of pets in the first place. PvE dps builds had their dedicated pet (which you didn’t even want to merge out of), WvW almost always used smokescale and snow owl, Siamoth boonbeast build, etc. Even Druid, who still has their pet, only ever actually uses half a dozen of them.That's fine, then. Make the necessary changes in those modes but leave it alone in open world where such things hardly matter.
  12. I played GW1 and still don't understand what you're asking for?
  13. Elementalists can swap between elements. Engineers can swap between kits.
  14. Personally, I don't like these suggestions either, especially being perma-merged. That doesn't fit my play-style.
  15. There are many threads on almost all quarries if u look long enough but I'd rather not look thru archived posts lol faster to post and get few quick answers which I did so thanks for the replys:) Actually, it would have been faster to type fewer words in the search bar than your post. But I get it. People are lazy.
  16. ^ This. Also, there are many threads on this request. Please use the forums search feature in the future. :)
  17. I know you probably had. Just posted it there for anyone else combing through the thread.
  18. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/99351/anet-blocking-ip
  19. Bug has already been reported https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/99350/forum-font-bug-super-tiny in the Bugs forum.
  20. Because shards are a MF currency. They’re not another passive reward. It also doesn’t take all that much effort to convert them unless you have a lot. The time it takes to convert them will still produce a G/hr rate much higher than any other farm in the game so it’s not like you’d be wasting your time. But I believe the point is that we shouldn't have to convert them to something just to get a reward. Shards should be their own reward, effort to convert notwithstanding. If it's a conversion thing, then when we are awarded shards we should just get a pop-up asking if we want a shard or the 1G.
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